The other side.

Ministry of Defense of Saudi Arabia.

“Report, just now we received news from the Maoxiong Defense Department office, saying that we were invited to send a delegation to visit secretly.”

“What do you say? The hairy bear sent us an invitation? ”

Hearing this news, Saudi Defense Minister Abdus immediately stood up from his chair and looked at his subordinates with an incredulous expression.

“Is the news true?”

“It’s true, it’s confirmed to be true, but the Mao Xiong side made a request to the members of our delegation, naming Prince Harlanlavod to go, and if we send others, they will not receive it.”

“Harlan Laward? Okay, I know, I’ll report the situation right away. ”

Abdus nodded and immediately picked up the phone on the table.

Half an hour later.

“King, this is the latest news from the hairy bear.”


Inside the office.

King Aleman of the Saudi Kingdom took the declassified documents and looked at them seriously.

A few minutes later.

Aleman put down the paperwork, lost in thought, and then looked at Defense Minister Abdus.

“This time Mao Xiong invited us to secretly send a delegation, mainly to discuss cooperation issues with 267, and they intend to reach a strategic cooperative relationship with us, what do you think?”

“This…. It’s hard to say, we don’t know how Mao Xiong’s calculation is at present, but what is certain is that they hope to use the funds we have to get through the current difficulties. Abdus thought for a moment.

“Well, I thought so too, but the relationship between Mao Xiong and Milliken is there, and if we send a delegation to be known by the Millikan side, it may have adverse consequences.” King Aleman said with a worried face.

“King, I think that no matter what, our Saudi country still has to send a delegation to explore the mouth of the hairy bear, after all, the Millikan side does not regard us as an ally at all, only knows that we are used as cash machines that can be used, otherwise, why can’t even our requirements for missiles be met?”

“yes…. They only used us as cash machines. ”

Abdul’s words.

It directly and deeply stung King Aleman’s heart.

As one of the countries and regions that have gradually emerged in recent years.

Saudi Arabia mainly relies on its own abundant oil resource advantages to gradually make its people rich.

But this…

It has also attracted the attention of the outside world.


This also includes Millikian.

And Saudi Arabia was also forced to become a Millikan ally at that time.


If you can.

Aleman would rather not work with Milliken.

The reason is simple.

It is after the two parties have reached a cooperative relationship.

Millikan never helped them in the sand.

That’s it.

They also tried their best to get them to take money and buy some broken copper and iron.

Such as the decommissioned fighters of Millikian, the tanks with flawed design, and so on.

They are all thrown at them like garbage, and at the same time, they also have to collect a large amount of money.

What’s more.

Since Milliken intervened in the area.

The security situation in the surrounding area seems to be beginning to become extremely unstable.

Especially the two neighbors next to him.

The day is either fighting, or planning how to fight.

Today I’ll throw a couple of rockets at you.

Tomorrow I will shell you a few shots.

There was basically no tranquility.

In such cases.

For the security of Saudi Arabia to be guaranteed.

Saudi Arabia decided to order a batch of missiles from Milliken to prevent possible accidents.

And the result.

Millikian’s reply was also simple and clear.

Even your Saudi kingdom is already an ally of my Millikian.

You no longer need those offensive missiles to deter others, as long as I am there, no one will dare to hit you.


If you don’t give me Milliken’s face, then I’ll definitely him.

But that’s what it said.

But actually.

Aren’t your two neighbors also allies of your Millikian? [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

But under the mediation of (AJEC) Millikian.

Not only has the relationship not gotten any better.

On the contrary, it became more and more stiff, and the battle was fought bigger and bigger every time.

“King, how are we going to reply to the hairy bear?”

This way.

Seeing that King Aleman did not reply for a long time, Defense Minister Abdus reminded in a low voice.

“Oh, reply to the hairy bear, just say that we are willing to send a delegation to visit the hairy bear secretly, and the time is set for the day after tomorrow.”

“King, wouldn’t this time be too hasty?”

“What’s so hasty, the process is already known, besides, Harlan Laward has already been to the hairy bear once before, and this time the original team will go together.”

“Yes, I see, then this time, we will still be the same as before, and Mao Xiong will re-mention the purchase of missiles?” Abdus asked cautiously.

“This…. It can be mentioned a little, if the hairy bear agrees, then it would be better, but if they do not agree, then we can change the strategy, for example…. Large-scale procurement of Mao Bear’s rocket launchers, even Katyusha, since the power is not enough, then the quantity will be made up. ”

“Yes, I see, then this time the budget …”

“There is no budget, if Mao Xiong is sincere, the Sand country will cooperate with them, as for Millikian, fuck it.” After speaking, Aleman couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

“Yes, I know, I will tell Prince Harlan Lavold about the situation.”

“Well, let’s get busy first, remember, until everything is finalized, you must keep it secret, just like last time, the whereabouts must not be known to the outside world, otherwise, you should also be clear about Millikian’s style.”

“Yes, rest assured king, I will arrange everything.”

Hearing the king’s instructions, Abdus immediately nodded.

Of course he knew the face of Millikian’s gang.

Think you’re useful.

will draw you a pie.

Think you’re useless.

will not hesitate to abandon you, even…. Will do everything possible to destroy you.

An earlier armed rebel group is the best example.

It is clear that they are doing things for Millikian.

It’s just that the latter matter was revealed, and the hairy bear simply chose not to do one or the other, and directly united with other countries to do them.


The hearts of all countries are very clear.

It’s just that this is Millikian’s own business.

They don’t want to mix.

But this can be seen from this.

Milliken is not a qualified partner at all.

Everything is aligned with their interests.

If you can’t provide them with enough benefits, or simply can’t provide benefits.

Then meet your end.

There is only one way to die.

Now Saudi Arabia wants to take advantage of the value that it still has to use Millikan and try to find a good way out for itself as much as possible.

Wait until the moment when the two sides fall out.

Saudi Arabia must rely on its own hole cards to make Millikan dare not act rashly.

And powerful armament.

Obviously their first option.

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