Night sleep.

In the study.

Sean looked at the top-secret information given by the Mao Xiong military in his hand and looked at it seriously.

The content of the material is nothing else.

It is the equipment information of all kinds of navy, land and air force currently in service by Mao Xiong.

The reason for looking at these materials.

It is to prepare for later negotiations with Saudi Arabia.

Precisely because the last time the prince of the Saudi country, Harren Lawward, did not buy the missiles of the hairy bear.


When this time the bear invited him again for a secret visit.

Think from Harlan Laward’s point of view.

He will definitely seize this rare opportunity and negotiate deals with Mao Xiong more carefully.

Of course.

About the procurement of missiles.

Harlan Lavold will definitely bring it up.

But in attitude.

Definitely not as tough as the first time, nothing but missiles.

Now the two neighbors of “110” around Saudi Arabia are fighting hotly.

If you are Harlan Laward.

I must be worried in my heart.

For example.

Will two neighbors hit their territory with a fight?

If one day this happens.

How will Saudi Arabia respond?


Now the best thing to do is to do it.

If Mao Bear is willing to sell missiles to Saudi Arabia.

That’s naturally the best.

But if the furry bear doesn’t want to.

Then buy weapons such as rocket artillery to increase your own safety factor.

Anyway, the two neighbors next door also used rockets to attack each other.

In their eyes.

The deterrent power of rocket artillery is already great.

As a famous dog owner in that area.

Saudi Arabia wants to protect its own security.

Don’t say anything else.

Does the number of rocket launchers have to be enough?

Others reserve tens of thousands of rounds.

Why would he have to stock up on tens or millions of shells?

Think of this.

Sean drew a circle in the rocket artillery area in the profile.

These include the BM-13 Katyusha rocket launcher, the B-21 hail rocket launcher, the Hurricane rocket launcher, and the Tornado rocket launcher, which has been developed and produced and is undergoing secret testing.

Each of these four rocket launchers has its own advantages and prices are different.

But there is something in common.

That is, they are all suitable for small and medium-sized countries to possess as strategic deterrent weapons.

From the price point of view.

The price of the BM-13 Katyusha rocket launcher is the cheapest, and a full set of BM-13 Katyusha rocket launchers costs about 23,000 US dollars.

It consisted of sixteen rockets and a wheeled towed launcher.

After completing a volley.

Only sixteen rockets need to be replenished, and the launch can continue in another place.

Other words.

If the Saudi Arabia needs to buy Katyusha.

They only need to buy a couple of thousand sets of BM-13 Katyusha rocket launchers.

What really needs to be purchased in large quantities is reserved.

Shells, actually.

And a shell for a BM-13 Katyusha rocket launcher costs only eight hundred dollars.

That’s a little money.

In the face of Saudi Arabia’s abundant financial resources.

Simply negligible.

As for the rest of the rocket launchers.

In fact, in addition to the caliber of the shells, the strike distance and range are different, other aspects are basically the same.

The difference in price is basically negligible for large dog owners like Saudi Arabia.

Of course.

In addition to selling the rocket artillery currently in service with Mao Xiong to Saudi Arabia.

Sean really wants Saudi Arabia to pay.

And the weapons and equipment produced by their Arman military industry, and… The real big killer of Saudi Arabia – missiles.

The weapons and equipment produced by the Saudi Arabia’s own military industry are well understood.

I struggled to do my job.

As a result, all worked for the Mao Bear military?

This kind of thing Sean definitely can’t do.

How about it.

Score a piece of the pie yourself, don’t you?

Such as suicide drone swarms, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned attack aircraft ….

These can be sold to big dog owners.

And I have the confidence that they will voluntarily empty their pockets to purchase these equipment.

After all, the performance of these drones is in front of you. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

In addition to its own Arman Military Complex.

There is no second one globally.

As for why Sean wants to sell missiles to Saudi Arabia that the Mao Bear military refused to sell before.

Actually, let’s be honest.

Sean was thinking about the bear.

Think about it.

What is the situation of the hairy bear now?

The domestic economy is sluggish, the people’s life is tight, prices will rise in three or five days, and it is not enough when the military budget is reduced again and again.


Western countries, led by Millikian, are not only sanctioning woolly bears economically, restricting their import and export trade, but also intensifying the escalating arms race between the two countries0

This also led to the hairy bear living a tight life, while sprinkling money on the arms race with a wave of his hand.

If it goes on in the long run.

It is only a matter of time before the hairy bear is dragged to death.

But if at this time.

An ally emerged that could help the bear financially and share the external pressure on the bear.

That’s for hairy bears.

Isn’t it advantageous?

At the very least, hairy bears can take advantage of this gap to develop obscenely.

And if you want the Saudi country to take the initiative to assume this responsibility.

First to solve.

Is it a security problem in Saudi Arabia?

If the Saudi country itself is terrified all day.

And where did the mind come from to help you with the hairy bear?


Sell missiles to Saudi Arabia.

Can be done once and for all.

It not only allows Saudi Arabia to solve its worries.

It will also send a message to the outside world.

That is, Saudi Arabia has reached a strategic partnership with my hairy bear.

At last.

The most crucial point of this move is that Saudi Arabia was originally a partner of Millikian.

But now.

It is precisely because Milliken does not pay attention to the security of his allies and blindly asks for it.

The dog big Sha Guo switched to the Mao Bear camp.

Just imagine.

What would Milliken think when they heard the news?

I’m afraid that I have the heart to kill the hairy bear.

But sorry.

They can only think about this idea in their hearts and dare not take action.

Otherwise 5.1 episode.

Forced the hairy bear to rush.

The step of breaking the fish dead net.

The big mushrooms of the hairy bear are really going to be planted in Milliken.

Think of this.

Sean immediately shouted towards the door:


“Young Master, is there anything you have to order?” After the butler Ryan pushed the door in, he came to Sean.

“Talk to KGB Director Willys and let them be ready, once the Saudi country reaches a deal with us, and all kinds of weapons arrive in the Saudi country, we will secretly spread the matter of the Maoxiong Yusha country reaching a strategic partnership.”

“Young Master, are you trying to divert attention from the outside world?”

“Well, the hairy bear needs a period of development next, and since we have already sent the killer tool to the hands of the Saudi Kingdom, shouldn’t it be appropriate to let them carry it for us for a while?”

“Yes, I understand, I’ll do it immediately.”

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