Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 3 Chapter 9: Triad (one more)

  【Look at the full text of the first novel without error, 69, your best choice! 】

  When Lin Guan was pushed out by Li Qingyu, he accidentally slapped his foot, and then Xia Shao swept his foot again, and one leg was completely broken. At this time, the nose was bleeding and it looked terrible. He was dragged up by Xia Shao, knocked his head with a gun and refused to give up. His eyes were fierce, and he stared at Li Qingyu, "Li Qingyu! You **** want to die! Do you dare to move me! Believe it or not I find a bunch of people," Fuck you and your little bodyguard!"

  He finished scolding Li Qingyu, and went to scold Xia Shao, "Do you know who Lao Tzu is! In Hong Kong, dare to point a gun at Lao Tzu's head, you **** want to die!"

  Xia Shao ignored him, as if he hadn’t heard him yelling, looked at the two women hugging each other in fright, and ordered, “Go, drive the car, don’t get in the way.”

  "No! Call Lao Tzu to get someone! Lao Tzu wants to **** tonight...Ah!"

  Before he finished speaking, Lin Guan felt a sharp pain in his temple, and when he rolled his eyes, he wanted to faint.

The two women screamed and looked in horror at the bloodshot from the Tianyang acupoint in Lin Guan, and then looked at the woman with the **** of the rifle and a smile on her face. The two women looked at her eyes. It looks like a pervert.

  Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "Go, don't play tricks. There are six bullets in the gun that are useless."

  Although her tone is very casual, but the two women who have seen her fighting style do not dare to think that this is a joke at all. The two women shivered and got into the Ferrari ahead, shook their hands and started the car, and drove the car aside.

   "The key." Xia Shao slowly snarled at the key on the car.

  The two women looked at each other and bit their lips. What does she want the key for? Without the key, the car cannot be driven. The wounded here...

  But Xia Shao raised her eyebrows, and the two women hurriedly gave her the key. But unexpectedly, she got a key, so she looked at the other two cars and got the keys of all three cars in her hand.

  As soon as the key arrived, Xia Shao turned the gun in his hand and played a flower beautifully. With a sweep of his hand, it was in the middle of the forest canopy and the back of the neck, and the man fell down! Then she took the gun and key and told Li Qingyu to get into the car.

  The car started slowly, and the two slowly drove down the mountain. When they reached the bottom of the mountain, Xia Shao threw the keys of three Ferraris out of the car window and threw them away at will.

  Li Qingyu glanced at Xia Shao in the rearview mirror, but did not speak. When Xu Shi saw her do something tonight, he seemed to have a new understanding of her, and he was silent for a while.

  Xia Shao has something to ask: "Who is that surnamed Lin?"

  In Hong Kong, those who don’t sell the face of the Li family must have some good backgrounds. Moreover, the two tattooed people have guns on their bodies, and the group of people surnamed Lin looks like a good friend, unlike the friends circle of the rich brothers.

"Little man, it's not worth mentioning. But his father is very famous in Hong Kong." Li Qingyu drove the car and looked at Xia Shao in the rearview mirror. "His father Lin Biehan is the seat of the triad society. My mother's surname is Li, and I am a little distant relative with Li's family."

  Xia Shao, a triad?

The history of the Triad Society and the Anqin Association is very old. The Anqin Association was formerly known as the Qinggang, which is divided into six sections, while the Triad is divided into eight churches and eight churches. Although the names are different, they are actually in charge. In affairs.

  In the triad, the sitting hall should belong to the inner eight halls, in charge of helping China affairs, equivalent to the general manager, and the position is not low.

Lin Guan is the illegitimate son of Lin Biehan. It is also a coincidence that his mother is a distant relative of the Li family and is also a business family in Hong Kong, but it is a pity that his family is in trouble. When Lin Guan’s mother fell into the family, in order to find a helping hand, the design was pregnant with Lin Biehan’s child. That was more than 20 years ago. At that time, Lin Biehan was highly regarded by the Qi family, the leader of the triad society, and was very prestigious in the gang. Lin Biehan is very loyal in Daoer. He has a childhood sweetheart fiancée, but it's a pity that he is weak and hasn't made a difference after getting married. Few people know how Li’s design of Lin Biehan succeeded. Daoer only heard that Lin Biehan was furious after the incident. Instead of helping Li’s family, he let out a word and no one was allowed to help. As a result Leading to the decline of Li's family assets.

Daoer reported that Li was not killed by Lin Biehan because he was pregnant with Lin Biehan's child, but he never recognized the child, and Lin Guan had a life of an illegitimate child when he was a child. Until ten years ago, Lin Biehan's wife passed away and before he died, he was asked to let Lin Guan recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. Lin Biehan recognized Lin Guan's identity, but he has not taken him back to the Lin family to live.

  When Lin Guan and his mother were in the hardest time, they depended on the assistance of the Li family. Lin Guan also lived in Li's mansion for a year when he was a child. He was about the same age as Li Qingyu. Li Qingyu's mother, Yi Shanshan, was also an unwed child, which made Li Qingyu also bear the reputation of being an illegitimate child. Therefore, Lin Guan regarded Li Qingyu as a playmate, just like finding someone who had the same illness. Unexpectedly, Li Qingyu was sensible early, with a calm personality, and did not like to quarrel with him, which caused Lin Guan to try his best to provoke him. The two children had a fight in the Li family mansion. Since then, Li took Lin Guan and left. Li Family Mansion.

  The Li family treated Lin Guan’s mother and her son with the utmost benevolence. They bought a house for their mother and son outside to live in. But this is hitting the canopy's sensitive self-esteem. As he got older, Li Qingyu was taught by Li Boyuan in the Li family mansion, and his mother Yi Shanshan also officially married into the Li family. Lin Guan lived outside with his mother and was not recognized by Lin Biehan.

   is also an illegitimate child, and the jet lag situation is very different, which makes the forest canopy very unbalanced. When he was a teenager, he didn't learn or know how to do it. Although Lin Biehan does not recognize his identity, he is the only son of a triad society after all. Because Lin Biehan is very loyal and has a good reputation in Taoer, there are still many people who know this about Lin Guan. Take care of it.

This further contributed to Lin Guan’s arrogance. Ten years ago, his father recognized his identity. Although he did not allow him to move back to Lin’s house, he also sent him to study abroad. Unfortunately, he did not learn well. After he came back, he was still the same. Relying on his dad's prestige and prestige. Because all the crimes were trivial matters of fighting, Lin Biehan opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and he did not care about him as his son.

  Some time ago, Li Qingyu was announced as the heir of the Li family and became the president of Jiahui International Group, setting off a wave of fanatical pursuit in Hong Kong. The overwhelming propaganda in magazines and newspapers all say that he is young, promising, handsome and golden. In the eyes of the forest canopy, it is undoubtedly a grain of sand rubbing in his eyes.

  This led to the encounter on the mountain road tonight, and he had to find Li Qingyu in trouble.

  "Don't care about him, Uncle Lin and grandpa are also some friendships, he dare not tell his father about this." When Li Qingyu finished this sentence, the car had already driven into the Li family mansion.

  Xia Shao did not expect to beat the only son of a triad official tonight. Although Li Qingyu said that he would not care about the little person Lin Guan, how did he know Xia Shao’s inner feelings?

  The things in the world are indeed a coincidence. Xia Shao came to Hong Kong, in order to avenge her master and get back the mastership of Xuanmen. The triad has a close relationship with Yu Jiuzhi and publicly supports Yu Jiuzhi. In other words, the triad can be regarded as the enemy. But I didn't expect that Xia Shao would first meet someone related to the triad society before asking Yu Jiuzhi to trouble him.

The Xuanmen has always had a good relationship with the triad and the Anqin Association. Tang Zongbo once said that because the Fengshui masters of the Xuanmen are more active in Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia, the United States, Singapore and other places, they usually have a relationship with the triads that occupy the south. Closer relationship. It's just that the old master of the Anqin Association was very loyal and had a good relationship with Tang Zongbo. At that time, at the time when the Ancestral Society and the Triad Society were fighting the most, the elders in the Xuanmen were divided into two factions. Some supported the Ancestral Society and the Triad Society.

When Tang Zongbo was conspired, it was when he went to the mainland to choose a site for the Anqin Association’s Tangkou in Xinshi. At that time, Xinshi was just in the area where two gangs were fighting, and the triad association also commissioned Yu Jiuzhi to go there for the purchase. The two gangs struggled to find the location of the industry. For a peaceful settlement, at that time Yu Jiuzhi proposed a fight with Tang Zongbo. Whoever wins, which gang settles down here, withdraws if they lose, without complaining.

  Tang Zongbo agreed, but Yu Jiuzhi, who was already prepared, was conspired.

  It is unknown whether the triad society participated in the events of the year. If not, it would be much easier to do. If so, the task of this trip to Hong Kong will be much more arduous.

  But for Xia Shao, she is the only one in Hong Kong now, and things have to be done one by one. Although the schedule is tight, she can’t rush.

  After returning to Li's house, Xia Shao said that he wanted to rest, and went back to his room. Naturally, she didn't rest. She just locked the door behind her, then gently opened the window and turned out from the balcony.


Hong Kong is still shining neon in the middle of the night, but a woman in a black dress walks through the street. There is no luxurious playground or high-end commercial street in the place where she walks. It is just an old street with street lights on the road at night. With a dim light.

  She walked into an alley, looked around, and walked into a unit building in an alley. The building was old and stopped in front of a tenant on the top floor.

   tapped three times, and the door opened.

  The one who came to open the door was a twenty-five or six-year-old Asian woman with neat black hair in a ponytail, a fair face with melon seeds, dark eyes, and a pretty face, but her temperament was serious and unsmiling.

  She opened the door, nodded to Xia Shao, and let her into the house. On the sofa in the room, a tall Russian bald man was eating instant noodles, and started complaining when Xia Shao came in.

"It's too late! We've been in Hong Kong for half a month, and you just remembered looking for us. I really suspect that Xu hired us to travel, but traveling in such a ruined house is really depressing. It can be held back for half a month. I'm dead!" Maxim put the instant noodles into his mouth in two mouthfuls, grumbled and complained.

   Could it be that he glanced at him, his expression was cold, his voice was colder, "Waiting is the most basic quality of a mercenary, complaining, it means that you are not qualified."

This petite woman looked like a big difference from the tall Maxim, but when she saw it, the man seemed to be restrained. She only touched her bald head, drank the instant noodles and sat down. He stopped talking on the old sofa beside him.

Xia Shao took a look at the two intriguingly, and then opened the door to explain his intentions, "I am already a victim of my employer. Please help me pay attention to the movements of these three people. I need you to find a way to help me settle in the three people's home. Monitor the equipment, help me monitor it, and try to get some evidence."

   "Monitoring?" Maxim straightened up from the sofa, looking like Xia Shao was overkill, exaggerating and authentic, "It's really a peripheral job! Hey, Mo, she wants us to be an installer."

"Our employer is Miss Xia, and her need is for us to assist. If you have any complaints about the employer's requirements, I can tell Edie and ask him to stop your mission and change someone else." I didn't look at him, I just picked up the information in Xia Shao's hand while talking, took a look, then nodded, "I will make arrangements tonight."

"Let's take a look! Let me take a look!" When Maksim heard that he had sent him back to South Africa, he immediately sprang up from the sofa, grabbing the photos and other materials in the woman's hands like burning buttocks, quickly flipped through it, and pointed at it. One person, "I watch this kid! It's not pleasing at first sight!"

  Xia Shao gave him a funny look, and then nodded, “As soon as possible. Today, something happened in the Li Family Mansion. I guess they will be suspicious, maybe they will move.”

  Naturally, what she said was that Yu Jiuzhi opened his eyes in the name of praying for good luck. Didn’t expect to listen carefully, raised his eyes and said to her: “That’s your employer’s business, don’t tell us. You just need to tell us what to do, we don’t care what reason you have, as long as the employer orders it, it will Do it. This is the iron rule for mercenaries."

  Xia Shao was taken aback, but she didn't expect this woman to give such a stern look. She seems to be only 25 or 16 years old, but she is already very famous in the mercenary world. I heard that she has also worked with Xu Tianyin, and she doesn't know what kind of growth experience she had in the past.

  Xia Shao smiled, nodded and said: "Okay. Then I called you three days ago and asked you to help me investigate the matter. How did the investigation go?"

As soon as he heard this, he turned into the house, and when he came out, he took a copy of the information and handed it to Xia Shao, "This is the information you want. We have checked that there are about 40,000 people engaged in the Feng Shui industry in Hong Kong. Ninety percent of them are small feng shui masters, who are not very well-known. Those who are well-known are the disciples of the fourth elders of the Xuan Men. They opened in the business district. The address, business and customer information are all in the information. You The Feng Shui Pavilion of the person looking for has been closed five years ago and now lives in Sham Shui Po. The situation and address in recent years are also in the information."

  Xia Shao took the information and looked through it while listening. The person she was looking for was Elder Zhang from the four elders of Xuanmen. He is the only one who insists that Tang Zongbo is still alive and refuses to obey Yu Jiuzhi. But because of this, the disciples were suppressed to death. Now they are also suppressed jointly by two other elders who support Yu Jiuzhi. They have almost disappeared from the metaphysical circle in Hong Kong. Not only are they forced to close the museum, but even their residences are also moved to the rich. Not many Sham Shui Po.

  Xia Shao glanced at the situation of the old man in the data, and frowned deeply. Putting away the information, she thanked Murphy and Maxim, and said: "I will be very busy lately. I will go out to work in most situations at night. I will contact you at that time and please help me pay attention to the safety of my employer."

   "Hey! To help you look at your employer, you have to watch three people for you. We only have two. In your Chinese terms, do you think we have three heads and six arms?" Maxim stared.

  Xia Shao raised his eyes and smiled at him, knowing that he was not serious, but just looking for fault on purpose. The man probably remembered the day when she used him as a cushion and threw his saber to the trash. So she joked: "You can't do it when you are free, and you can't do it when you are busy. In our Chinese language, you are more mother-in-law than a woman."

Maxim's Chinese is okay, but he still speaks with a strong foreign accent. He obviously doesn't understand what "mother" means, but Xia Shao compares him to a woman, and he knows that it is not a good thing when he hears it. , Suddenly screamed, "Mo, is she scolding me? I really doubt, what did Xu think of this woman? She was not kind at all, and threw a big living person off the top of the building. As a backstop, I also threw the saber that Piccolo left me in the trash!"

  Xia Shao chuckled out, she knew it! The man is quite big, but small-minded.

   "That's because you are inferior to others, and you can't blame others." Could it be that you have a straight face, ruthlessly.

  Xia Shao was going to meet Elder Zhang in the Xuanmen four elders tonight. Could it be that he and Maxim were going out and sneaked into Li's big and second rooms overnight to install surveillance, and the three went downstairs together.

  I don’t know where the two got a big car. It looks like a small truck on the outside, but Xia Shao is the one in front of him inside. The various instruments inside are complete, obviously modified.

  Maxim drove the car and planned to send Xia Shao to the residence of Elder Zhang in Sham Shui Po first. Xia Shao sat in the car and looked at the night scene along the road.

  Even at night, many stalls are not closed. Newsstands are open 24 hours a day. When the car is driving on the road, you can see all kinds of magazines in the newsstands along the road.

  I heard that Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong like publishing books. Every year, various fortune books are contracted and published with publishers. There are 50 or 60 kinds of fortune books published by Feng Shui masters each year, and hundreds of thousands of books are sold. Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong regard publishing books as a status symbol, and it is said that this is also a way to solicit business.

  Those newsstands 13-look-net. Because the car drove fast, Xia Shao didn't see too clearly. On the contrary, on some large billboards along the road, he saw advertisements of Feng Shui masters.

  Metro stations, newsstands, outdoor billboards in downtown business districts, newspapers, magazines, driving all the way, unexpectedly saw all kinds of publicity posters! And some huge commercials in busy commercial districts, one is estimated to cost more than 100,000, these people actually come to advertise. Xia Shao couldn't help thinking of her previous life when she came to Hong Kong on a business trip. At the end of the year, major radio and television stations would invite well-known Feng Shui masters as guest programs to explain the fleeting fortunes to the public. The exposure rate of Feng Shui masters is so high that it is almost a difference from the mainland. Farewell.

  Xia Shao saw Yu Jiuzhi, Yu Wei and the elders in Xuanmen's materials in the advertisements along the road. These people were dressed in beautiful scenery and were named masters. The advertisements were very impressive. In these advertisements, only Elder Zhang was not seen. Thinking of the only old man who supported Master, Xia Shao lowered his eyes. The more advertisements of Feng Shui masters along the road, the colder the expression in her eyes.

  I didn’t know how long the car had been driving, and gradually entered Sham Shui Po.

  It is said that this is a poor area in Hong Kong, but it is not very bad from the outside. Commercial streets, subway stations, all facilities are complete, but the residential buildings are a bit old.

To Xia Shao’s surprise, the car was getting more and more remote. The place where Elder Zhang lived was on the edge, far away from residential areas. It was a small independent building with a bend of stagnant lake next to it, and a single mountain on the opposite side with long grass. Very unconscious, a few solitary graves at the foot of the mountain looked strange in the suburbs at night.

  Xia Shao frowned when he saw this place, and before Maksim could drive the car to the place, he said, "Stop!"

  ------Off topic------

  This chapter is to make up for yesterday.

   There are two updates at eight or nine in the evening, which is today’s update.

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