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  The auction venue is located in the hotel exhibition hall in the city center of Dongshi. The municipal government attaches great importance to this auction, and all the people invited are distinguished figures from various industries in Dongshi and the province. These people are not all antique collectors. Many people come here with the intention of making connections, and some want to take the opportunity to show off their financial resources and show off.

   But no matter what, when Xia Shao arrived at the venue, there were scenes of shaking hands and complimenting each other in the exhibition hall.

   "Miss Xia, do you need to take you to see the chairman now?"

   Next to Xia Shao was a man in a suit and leather shoes with a clean and handsome face. He looked like a twenty-eight-year-old man named Yang Qi, who was assistant to the chairman of Li Boyuan. As the chairman of Hong Kong Jiahui Industrial Group, Li Boyuan was naturally accompanied by government officials throughout the process. Therefore, Yang Qi and the driver were sent to pick up Xia Shao in the morning.

  In Yang Qi's eyes, Xia Shao was wearing a white dress with long hair draped over her shoulders, her face was as white as jade, and her lips had a shallow smile. Her soft and indifferent breath looked like a girl next door. He has yet to see why such a girl is valued by the chairman on the way.

  However, Yang Qi has been with Li Boyuan for a few years, so he naturally knows how to score. The chairman's decision naturally has his reason.

  "No hurry, let me take a look at these exhibits first. Assistant Yang, if there is something to do, then go to work first. I'll go by myself in a while." Xia Shao said with a smile.

   "My job today is to accompany Miss Xia. Since you want to see the exhibits first, please feel free to do so. Before the auction starts, I will take you there."

  Yang Qi smiled professionally, but got Xia Shao’s favor. The senior executives of a large Hong Kong group have good professional qualities. After all, Dongshi’s economy has just begun to develop, and it is still an inconspicuous third-tier small city. When an unidentified person is sent to accompany her, ordinary people will murmur in their hearts. Besides, Yang Qi is also an assistant to the chairman and belongs to high-level management. The personnel, the deputy general level, was sent to accompany her. She had thought she would see his disapproving gaze. Unexpectedly, he is extremely professional.

  The glass showcase in the exhibition hall contains the objects to be auctioned today, ranging from calligraphy and painting porcelain to jade furniture. These objects have been exhibited here for three days and will be auctioned today.

  In 1997, the art auction market had just become hot. There was no auction company with strong strength in the country, or in other words, antique auctions hadn't risen much. There is no auction company in East City. Old collectors still like to find trusted antique shops and trade privately, and they have doubts about the authenticity of the objects at auction. Because of the importance of this auction, the East City Government specially invited an auction company from abroad to host it, and invited experts from the capital to appraise the collection to ensure that the auction was authentic.

  Xia Shao stood in front of the showcase, looking like the lot in it. In fact, he had already figured out whether to set up an auction company in the future.

   "Miss Xia?"

  At this moment, a man’s surprise voice came from behind him.

  Xia Shao turned around and saw that it was Chen Manguan.

   "Uncle Chen is here?"

   "Haha, yes. I would also like to thank Mr. Li, if it weren't for Mr. Li, I wouldn't be able to get the invitation letter." Chen Manguan smiled, his expression was not uncomfortable.

  Xia Shao felt that since Chen Manguan cried and confessed on the mountain that day, the whole person's mentality has changed a lot. Now when I look at him, the gloomy color on his face has faded a lot. It seems that in the previous life, he could not get past this catastrophe, probably because there was no change in his mood. Unexpectedly, I told him harshly, which made him look away a lot.

"It's great to see Miss Xia here. I really admire Miss Xia's eyesight! When I was at Miss Xia's age, I had just entered the antique business. At that time, I was an apprentice, and my eyesight was incomparable to Miss Xia. Yes, haha." Chen Manguan laughed, it didn't sound like a compliment.

Xia Shao smiled and shook her head, "Uncle Chen has been in antiques for decades, and there is still a lot to learn about eyesight." Xia Shao is not false, although she has the power of the sky, but she doesn't want to To be too dependent, it is of course good to have the opportunity to learn something to enrich oneself.

   "Uncle Chen is here, so why don't we take a look at these exhibits?"

  Chen Manguan accepted it naturally. The two people looked along the glass showcase, Yang Qi followed very professionally, smiling, just listening.

  The three of them admired as they walked, but when they walked to a showcase, Xia Shao stopped and frowned slightly.

  In that showcase, there is a Jun kiln narcissus basin, with a red color on the bottom of the basin, which looks like auspicious clouds, which is very beautiful. The date on the label below reads: Northern Song Dynasty.

Chen Manguan tweeted, "This is the Jun kiln porcelain basin! This is the highlight of this auction! The Jun kiln is hung in red, which is invaluable! Lao Li has always loved collecting porcelain, although his favorite is blue and white, but only It is a famous kiln, and he has been involved in it. I am afraid that this Jun porcelain this time belongs to him."

  Xia Shao hasn’t stretched her brows since seeing the porcelain basin. After a while, she said, “I think it’s better to be taken away by the museum. This was unearthed from the tomb.”

Chen Manguan was taken aback, and then smiled and said, "Miss Xia is right. The things under the ground should be owned by the state. However, some have been circulating in the Tibetan market for many years, and it is hard to tell. Some people say it was handed down by the ancestors. The country has no evidence and it is not easy to claim rights. However, I don’t think this Jun porcelain is necessarily in the tomb. Many tombs in the Song Dynasty have been found, but they have never been unearthed. Jun porcelain, on the contrary, was unearthed from the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty. The date on this label reads the Northern Song Dynasty. The city has asked the old experts in Beijing to appraise it, and it is impossible to go wrong."

  Chen Manguan hasn't forgotten what Xia Shao taught him about smuggling that day, thinking that she didn't like the country's things to be privately owned.

  Xia Shao smiled, and shook his head. Chen Manguan didn't understand what she meant. The reason she dared to make such a determination was because the porcelain basin was wrapped in a layer of evil spirits in her eyes at this time. If it was not formed in a tomb with bad feng shui, it is very likely that someone dug a robbery hole the day after tomorrow, damaged the feng shui in the tomb, and contaminated it over time.

  In traditional Chinese medicine, yin and yang are emphasized. It is believed that yin deficiency leads to insufficient blood, and yang deficiency leads to insufficient qi. The balance of yin and yang is necessary for people to be healthy. In the metaphysical Yi Li, there are the sayings of Yin Sha and Yang Sha.

  The so-called shame refers to external factors that disrupt the balance of yin and yang and adversely affect people. It can be called shame. Yin Sha refers to the evil formed by excessive Yin Qi. The opposite is true for Yang Shao.

  In normal times, people who suffer from yin and yang imbalance make it easy to get sick, let alone encounter evil spirits.

  This porcelain basin gathers yin and evil spirits. If it is placed in a museum, it will be nothing. If it is kept at home and watched at close range and long-term contact, it will inevitably be contaminated into the body and cause yin and yang imbalance, which is very bad for the body. If your health is not good, your career and fortune will naturally be affected.

  Chen Manguan looked at Xia Shao’s smile as if there was a deep meaning, and could not help being curious. Just about to ask to understand, he heard someone from behind greeted him.

   "Oh, isn't this Boss Chen? Where did you get rich recently?"

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