Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 106: Engagement postponement, national treasure mission

  B Chapter Name: Chapter 106 Engagement Postponement, National Treasure Mission b

  Xia Shao was taken aback, raising her eyes to look at Xu Tianyin. -"Xu Tianyin held the invitation letter and looked down at it. From Xia Shao's perspective, he could not see his eyes, only his fingertips holding the invitation letter turned pale due to force. Feeling that his breath was held, Xia Shao was suffocated.

  At this time, Xu Tianyin handed over the invitation letter in his hand, "Postpone."

  His voice came out deep in his chest, and Xia Shao didn’t reach out to pick it up, "Brother?"

   "It's okay." Xu Tianyin shook his head and raised his eyes, seeming to feel the worry in Xia Shao's voice. His eyes were as usual, but his breathing was a little short, so short that it hurts, but he still stretched out his hand to hug her in his arms, patted her on the back with a big palm, and soothed. [

  At this scene, both Sun Changde and Fang Li were stunned. Then the two looked at each other and laughed a lot. Fang Li followed Xia Shao for a short time, and this scene meant that he didn't see a loss, so he couldn't wait to be filmed and preserved, and he would use it to tease Xia Shao in the future. Sun Changde smiled and said, "General Xu, Chairman, what is the extension? Are you talking about the engagement?"

Without waiting for Xia Shao’s answer, Sun Changde smiled again: “What’s the point of postponing this? No matter how you say it, you can’t delay your major events! However, the opportunity for this auction summit is not to be missed. I mean, or two early. God? Isn’t this one month left? Looking for another good day, the red envelopes for Brother Chen and I have already been prepared and are waiting to be delivered!"

   Xia Shao turned around after hearing this, and shook her head, "There is no suitable good day, this postponement, it will be the end of the year."

  Although Sun Changde has returned from the United States, he has followed Xia Shao over the years and knows many things. He was right. It is not difficult for most of us to choose a suitable date for marriage. Today is not suitable, and there will be a good day in two days. However, Xu Tianyin's horoscopes are extremely rare, and his fate is surprisingly lonely. There are so few good days for him in a year. This year is a good luck for him. Tang Zongbo calculated three good days from his horoscopes. If he missed it in August, he would have to wait for the big day before the end of the New Year’s Eve.

  Xia Shao didn’t know Xu Tianyin’s eight characters. She once asked Master, but Master didn’t elaborate. This time, letting Master count the days, she also had a small calculation in her heart, thinking of performing Xu Tianyin's Bazi through these days. But the old fox was so very kind that he only gave her two days and only said that there was one more day that had passed before the summer vacation.

  There are only three big days in a year, and Xia Shao can already see that Xu Tianyin’s fate is extraordinary. Through these two days, she can only act out that his fate may be gusha. But how serious it is, or whether there is any other fate, just the amount of information in these two days is still too little to show too much. But there is nothing wrong with Tang Zongbo's performance. Since he said that there is no suitable day, it must be none.

  If this were not the case, Xia Shao would not be so embarrassed when he received the invitation letter.

  Sun Changde and Fang Li were taken aback, neither of them knew what was going on.

   "It's okay, it's the same at the end of the year." Xu Tianyin opened his mouth again at this time, holding Xia Shao's hand, tightening his eyes, "I have a task, I must go. You must go, too."

Xia Shao was startled slightly, but Sun Changde and Fang Li were shocked. The two looked at each other, and when they looked at Xu Tianyin, their eyes were already in admiration. That's right, Xu Tianyin, as a soldier, has military orders like a mountain. Even if he is getting married, he has to leave as soon as he has a task. As the chairman of Huaxia Group, Xia Shao must perform his duties when encountering a key opportunity for the development of the group, otherwise the senior management and employees will have some criticisms.

  In this world, in addition to living in emotion, people must also live in responsibility. Even children know how to say "The responsibility is heavier than Taishan", but how many people can really do it? At least Sun Changde and Fang Li admire Xu Tianyin somewhat. Xia Shao is kind to Sun Changde. If the company encounters a major opportunity, he will definitely choose responsibility. But to be honest, if the wife is in an emergency and needs to postpone the engagement ceremony, some men may not understand it. Xu Tianyin's remarks, although simple, are sufficiently moving.

   "Grandpa, I'll say it. It's okay." Seeing Xia Shao's eyes flushed, Xu Tianyin embraced her again and patted her. He could only use this method to appease her, but it made her almost wet his clothes with tears.

  On the way back to Xu's house, Xia Shao was silent all the way. In the past ten years of her rebirth, everything she has done is not regretful for this life. In this life, I don't want to be wasted, I don't want to leave regrets. But after all, there is still guilt to the man who is driving seriously beside him.

  Naturally, Xia Shao couldn't let Xu Tianyin go and tell the old man about this matter, she should speak if she wants to speak. Therefore, she planned to speak first when she entered the door of Xu's house. If the old man is strange, just blame her.

  Unexpectedly, before entering the living room of Xu's house, from a distance, he heard the sound of a teacup falling to the ground, followed by the sound of Xu Kangguo's anger.

   "Asshole! Too much bullying!"

  Xia Shao was taken aback, and then the two of Xu Tianyin and Xu Tianyin walked in quickly.

  There was no one other than the guard in the living room. The tea cup was broken to the ground. The guard urged the old man to pay attention to his body. When he looked up, Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin were back, and the guard gave Xia Shao a complicated look. Xia Shao looked suspiciously at the guard's complicated gaze. At this time, Xu Tianyin asked, "Grandpa, what happened?"

  Xu Kangguo turned and sat down with a serious face, Xia Shao saw that there were broken glass **** in front of the old man's feet, and then turned back to find something to clean up. The guard saw him and hurriedly picked it up. Xu Kangguo said at this time: "Girl, sit down!"[

  Xia Shao had to hand over the things to the guards, and sat down with Xu Tianyin.

   "Master, I just heard you bullying too much, who can bully you?" Xia Shao asked despite the strange look of the guard. Today, there are really few people who can make Xu Kangguo say this.

   "Who else? Those foreign devils!" Xu Kangguo slapped the table and said angrily, "Robber cheeks! Too much bullying!"

  Xia Shao raised her eyebrows when she heard that, it seemed that it was a matter of state. In matters of state affairs, the old man doesn't talk about everything. Whatever he said, it must be said. Xia Shao knows that the old man intends to train her to take care of some things in the Xu family in the future, so she usually visits the old man, and the old man often talks to her about politics. Usually, she listens quietly, and when the old man finishes talking about the matter and asks her to express her opinion, she will express her opinion again.

But Xia Shao didn't expect that Xu Kangguo looked at her after scolding the foreign devils and asked: "You Huaxia Group started in the antique industry, do you know the British Lattice Auction House? They will host the World Auction Summit next month, and your group received it. Invited?"

  Xia Shao was slightly startled, the old man suddenly asked about this, is there any connection?

  "I just received the invitation letter in the afternoon. It was from the company just now. There is something I have to tell you about the engagement..."

"Needless to say, you have to go to this summit! The country needs your help." Xu Kangguo waved his hand and looked at Xia Shao solemnly, but when he saw his grandson, the old man's eyes darkened and he sighed, but finally stood up. , Said to Xu Tianyin and Xia Shao who were stunned, "You two, come to the study with me."

  The study has always been the place where Xu's family held meetings. Coming here shows that things are serious business. Xia Shao had also heard that things were unusual, so when she went to the study, she asked, "Master, what is going on?"

  Xia Shao condensed the smiling face that usually joked with Xu Kangguo, and became serious. After all, listening to Xu Kangguo's meaning, the country actually needs the help of China Group for something? As the chairman of the board, Xia Shao naturally wants to understand what is going on.

"Now that you have received the invitation letter, you should already know that at this World Auction Summit, the British auction house is planning to hold a three-day Western antique auction event, but according to the news we have received, the auction will not only There are western antiques and a mural of a national treasure that China was once looted from."

  "Dunhuang Murals?" When Xia Shao mentioned the murals, Xia Shao first thought of the Dunhuang and Loulan cultural relics that had been severely looted a hundred years ago. It's just that Xia Shao didn't expect that Laidis Auction House would even auction these cultural relics publicly. This kind of national treasure level cultural relics, especially plundered from other countries, the logical thinking of ordinary people, is too late to be hidden, and it is really the best thinking to put it out for auction. However, Xia Shao is not surprised. In his previous life, a well-known French auction house, even the beast capital looted from the Old Summer Palace was approved for public auction. The shame of his actions was outrageous. Come to think of it, the Dunhuang frescoes, British Ladis dare to shoot.

"As soon as we got the news, the state made a solemn representation to the UK, demanding that the auction stop and claim it back. But the other side's attitude was not only tough, but also very shameful! It was simply the logic of robbers!" Xu Kangguo couldn't help but get angry again. He shot the table and laughed in anger, "The other party claimed that the Dunhuang murals are a World Heritage Site and were lost by the great British archaeologist Stein during the excavation. We are willing to help us return the lost murals through the auction platform!"

  Xia Shao's face sank when she heard it, and she also smiled.

  A good mural that has been lost through the auction platform is back! The meaning of this is to let people buy it back with money!

  What a great British archaeologist Stein! Indeed, Stein has an extremely lofty position in the Western academic circles, and he has indeed made contributions to the study of Central Asian culture. But the source of his contribution is really improper!

According to historical records, he went to China at the beginning of the last century, and took away ancient manuscripts, clay sculptures, murals, wood carvings, wood carvings, architecture, coins, bamboo slips, pottery, etc. Many pieces! Returning for the second time, excavated the ancient Loulan site, and defrauded a large number of cultural relics in Dunhuang. And this time he came here with a very important purpose to rob the Dunhuang murals, but in the end, because there were too many Buddhists, he didn't dare to start. He said that he did not dare to start, but in the end he lost a lot of things, especially the third time he came back, revisited Niya, Loulan Site, Dunhuang, and once again swept away a large number of cultural relics. It was really shameful. And every time this person looted cultural relics and left, he would write so-called survey books and use the stolen cultural relics to achieve his research results. This made him famous in Europe and eventually became "a scholar, explorer, archaeologist, and geographer." The greatest man in the world as a scientist"!

   is extremely ridiculous!

  According to statistics, Stein has plundered more than 10,000 cultural relics in Dunhuang twice! Among them, some of the murals were eventually lost, and some of these murals were eventually damaged and partly lost on the way back.

  In fact, it is not just Stein. During the entire World War II, the eight-nation coalition forces have looted a staggering number of cultural relics. Among them, the British Museum is the most!

  The British Museum is considered to be the museum with the most and best Chinese cultural relics. In that year, part of the cultural relics stolen from the Old Summer Palace by the British army was dedicated to Queen Victoria at the time, and the other part was auctioned off. The Old Summer Palace cultural relics dedicated to the Queen are now stored in the British Museum. The Chinese cultural relics in the museum include bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy, jade, sculptures, etc. There are more than 30,000 pieces, many of which are treasures and orphans. Price treasure! For example, in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Gu Kaizhi's "Picture of Female History Admonishment", Su Shi's "Mo Zhutu" and so on. The British Library also has more than 60,000 precious Chinese ancient books and documents, including forty-five volumes of "Yongle Dadian".

  Not only the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Japan and other countries, the museum also displays the cultural relics looted in the first place, and the number is tens of thousands. This is a period of national shame, and it is also one of the reasons why Xia Shao hopes to open Huaxia Auction Company and Furuixiang to overseas countries. She has always wanted to take back some of the national treasures that have been lost to China. [

  And after hearing Xu Kangguo talk about it today, Xia Shao was also angrily smiled, “I robbed someone of something and let someone buy it back. It’s a robber’s logic!”

  "This group of foreign devils! The inferior nature of plundering during the colonial period has not changed!" Xu Kangguo said angrily.

  Xia Shao stood up and said, "Master, I know. Leave this to me. Don't worry, I will bring the murals back!"

"You? No, no." Unexpectedly, Xu Kangguo waved his hand, "Do you think that the country wants you Huaxia Auction Company to come forward and buy the murals back? Who would dare to come up with such a bad idea? My old man disagreed first. These cultural relics were originally ours, but they should be returned! Buying? Buying is to admit that these things belong to them, and don’t give money to those foreign devils!"

Xia Shao smiled, "When did I say I was going to spend money? My money was bought from a robber, and I still feel distressed! I can figure out a way to bring it back. But..." Xia Shao slightly He groaned, and said, "However, even if I can bring it back successfully, it will only be silent, and it won't make much difference at that time. Next time, this kind of thing will happen again."

When Xu Kangguo heard the words, he nodded and looked at Xia Shao with admiration, "Yes. That's what the country considers. If it can be successfully brought back this time, it will be of great significance. However, the country does not promote non-governmental organizations or Individuals buy cultural relics back. We want the other party to send it back! Give an international shock! Only when the other party sends it back, from an international point of view, it is important for them to recognize the history of aggression on their behalf."

  Xia Shao smiled and nodded, then she could do something.

  "Today, it has been decided that two days later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue a statement to the other side to hand over our cultural relics to the British Ministry of Culture. The two countries will resolve it through diplomatic channels. However, these foreign devils will certainly not follow suit." Xu Kang Guodao.

   "Then what do you mean by old?" Xia Shao raised her eyebrows.

Xu Kangguo then looked at Xu Tianyin. The old man's gaze suddenly turned into guilt from the anger just now when he looked at his grandson. He sighed and said: "The decision has been made above. This matter is for Tianyin and the dispatched special operations team to go. However, because it was a covert operation, their identities could not be exposed, so it was decided to let them mix in the team of China Auction Company as a cover and wait for an opportunity to act."

  Xia Shao was stunned when he heard this. After a long time of trouble, the mission of the China Group was a cover. It was the agents who actually performed the mission?

  Xia Shao looked at Xu Tianyin, her eyes a little strange, and her smile even more bitter. Nothing else, just because when the two of them were in the company just now, Xu Tianyin also said that he had to obey if he had a task. He didn't expect that he would have a task right after he came back!

  This is seems that the marriage of the two of them is really unfinished this time.

   "Okay, I'll go." Xu Tianyin nodded very simply, turned his head to look at Xia Shao, and drove back on the road and pulled his tight lips slightly, a short arc. And the man's eyes also rained and the sky cleared, showing that his mood was somewhat healed.

  Of course, he can be cured by going abroad with her, even if there is a mission, it is better than not seeing her in the military area. Moreover, this time you can work with her and the two of you.

  Apart from fighting, Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin have cooperated for the first time in this matter. To be honest, Xia Shao has a feeling of being overwhelmed by the Weng and losing the horse and knowing the wrong. Although it is not very appropriate, she feels exactly like this. She always wanted to know what his work abroad was like, and it was an opportunity to provide him with cover this time. Moreover, she should also be able to help.

   "Oh! It's the engagement of the two of you, it will be postponed..." Xu Kangguo sighed heavily. No one expects his grandson to have a family more than him. This incident really caught him off guard, or else he has been practicing in the political arena for so many years, and with his cultivation skills, these foreign devils would not have met once or twice. So sulking? Because of this, he made the strategy this time.

   "Huh! Tell these foreign devils to taste what the soldiers are not tired of deceiving! Tell them that they can't cry when they cry!" Xu Kangguo snorted.

  Xia Shao joked: “It’s better to postpone it. I just have time to write an engagement application report to you.”

  Xu Kangguo was taken aback, knowing that what he had said had been betrayed by his daughter, his face turned red in an instant, he coughed and changed the subject: “Tianyin, you stay in the study. I will give you the content of this mission.”

  The content of the mission is confidential. Although Xia Shao’s China Auction Company needs to cover Xu Tianyin and others, she is not from that department, and of course she can’t know the specific mission.

  Because he understood, because Xia Shao didn't say anything, he smiled when he heard the old man's words, and turned and left the study.

  Thank you for your blessings. I have been very busy these days, but I have seen everyone’s blessings. Thank you!

  When I got home at 8 o’clock in the evening on the wedding day, someone fell asleep after being drunk. I was busy taking care of and tidying up the room, and I didn’t go to bed until midnight. I got up early the next day to entertain my friends and went to climb the mountain. I didn’t go home until 6 o’clock in the afternoon. I had two dinners on the third day...

I read the comments on the 12th. There are more than 700 in total. There are more than a dozen pages in the backend. I gave half of the red envelopes. Because there are too many, the backstage does not have the function of sending red envelopes in batches. I can only send them one by one, so the speed is slower. , I hope everyone will understand, it will definitely be delivered.

  There are too many comments. I guess you will not find it hard to find. There is a simple way. After logging in, enter the control panel consumption record and my award record can be checked.

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