Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 109: A matchup of eyesight!

   is definitely a fake.

  Xia Shao said, Wang Ying, Bi Fang, and Yingzhao all raised their heads to look at her. But before the three of them could speak, Xia Shao looked at Yingzhao and asked with interest: "I want to know, why Miss Yingzhao decided that the mural is authentic? As far as I know, even if you study the Dunhuang murals. Decades of veteran experts also have to look hard in front of such a wall picture."

  "What is the basis for Miss Xia's judgment as a counterfeit?" Yingzhao asked back, but immediately suppressed her emotions. Although she made a mistake just now, she is still very confident in her own judgment. She is not afraid to talk about the reasons for the identification, and see who has the right eyesight!

"I can't say whether this mural was from Wu Daozi, but it is at least a painting from the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. Paintings in our country were not smudged in the early days. It was only in the Warring States and Han Dynasty that they began to smudge the faces of the figures. Later, influenced by Buddhism in the Western Regions, it was improved and the smudge technique reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty! This mural is picky in smudge technique, and the lines are the orchid leaf drawing popular in the Tang Dynasty. Plump, sweaty, soft on the outside and strong on the inside." Wang Yu and Bi Fang looked at each other and sighed.

  They all understand the "sex" of Yingzhao. She has always been able to do her tasks. She always focuses on the key points in her speech, and she rarely speaks such details. Obviously, she was very unconvinced, and wanted to have an eyesight match with Xia Shao. Xia Shao started in the antiques industry. If he loses to a heroic move in this regard, I am afraid he will not have the face. [

  However, the two of them really believe in tactics a little bit more. This is definitely not because they are teammates, but...

"Of course, what I said does not rule out that there are experts who can copy it, but my judgment is mainly based on the paint! The reason why the Dunhuang murals do not fade for thousands of years is that the ancient ancestors have the world's leading paint production technology and chemical technology. The pigments in the Dunhuang murals include natural gems, minerals, and man-made compounds! These can be measured with instruments, and I have the most advanced testing instruments in my hand!" Yingzhao smiled slightly and stretched out his hand. Wearing a watch on her wrist, it looks ordinary, but when the upper dial is opened, there is an instrument with a very responsible pointer.

Yingzhao’s neck is high, and this is her killer. "Although I have been in contact with the mural for a short time, the color on it can be reflected on my instrument for rapid analysis! Of course, it is separated by obstacles. There will be certain errors in the accuracy of the ”, but the advantage is that it is convenient for quick and preliminary judgment. This is the most advanced instrument in the world, and I believe its accuracy is higher than the eyesight of any expert!”

  As for how Yingzhao uses this device, she didn't say clearly. First, this is confidential; second, she felt that Xia Shao might not understand the methods, spectra, color spectra, and chemical names of those "operations".

  Xia Shao sat on the sofa with a smile, glanced at Ying Zhao's advanced equipment with interest, and finally showed a clear look. It turns out that this is the case. Even the experienced experts will always have deviations and inaccuracies in their eyesight. What's more, Yingzhao is at the age of twenty-five and sixty years old? Even if she has received specialized training, the field of antique appraisal is not hard knowledge, but is about accumulation, accumulation and vision. When encountering a mission involving antiques, no matter how smooth the mission process is, the counterfeit will be returned in the end, and the mission will fail. The return of Dunhuang frescoes is such a significant event that the country cannot bear the consequences of taking back the counterfeit, which is different from being laughed at by countries all over the world. Therefore, the country does not fully believe in human judgment and insight, but is equipped with the most advanced detection equipment for acting agents.

  No wonder, Xia Shao started in the antique industry, and the appraisal expert's insight is well-known. This time he went abroad to participate in the mission, the father did not ask her to help verify the authenticity of the mural. It turns out that the agent has a killer!

  This instrument is really advanced. It can perform a preliminary analysis of its color without touching the mural, so that the agents can make preliminary judgments and further deployment. Xia Shao believes that if it succeeds in the later stage, Yingzhao will definitely conduct a contact "sex" test on the murals to ensure that they are genuine.

  But... can this instrument really be relied on?

  Xia Shao smiled profoundly, no matter how advanced the equipment was, she couldn't match her heavenly eyes. If that mural is really a genuine product from thousands of years ago, the years will have a lot of vitality on it, especially for a cultivator like her, seeing that painting will feel very comfortable instinctively. But unfortunately-no!

  That mural is indeed a fake!

Of course, the basis for Xia Shao to judge it to be a fake is not entirely from the help of the eyes of the sky. She put down the tea cup, folded her hands, looked at the heroic move leisurely, and smiled in response to her confident, proud and even provocative gaze. Miss Yingzhao, your most advanced instrument in the world can detect "color", so dare you to ask, can it detect soil layers?"

  The various expressions on Yingzhao’s face became stiff!

  Wang Yu and Bi Fang, who were already eyeing each other and trying to save face for Xia Shao, the anxious expressions on their faces also froze!

  Soil layer? !

"Miss Yingzhao knows the knowledge of antiques so much. You should know that one of the interesting aspects of Dunhuang murals is that they don’t fade, but they change. The reason why they don’t fade, Miss Yingzhao has just said, because of ancient times. The paint contains many gems, minerals and chemical substances. However, there are many reasons for the "color" of the paint. One is that Zhu Dan and the harmonious "color" containing Zhu Dan will completely change the original "color" after thousands of years of oxidation. Color; color; second, if the pigment contains plant ingredients, it will fade "color" after oxidation, which will be overturned by the lower "color" color; third, it is soil quality! Dunhuang soil contains a lot of alkaline elements , Become a catalyst for the chemical reaction of the pigment. What I want to say is the soil quality!"

Xia Shao's eyes narrowed and her tone suddenly increased, "The soil in Dunhuang is a seabed soaked in sea water! If this is a mural painted in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Miss Yingzhao feels that the soil under the mural will be what we see today. Is it yellowing, stiff, or wind-eroded?"

  The sea, the seabed? Wind erosion marks? !

The "color" of Yingzhao's face has changed a few times. Her previous confidence, pride and provocation all collapsed with Xia Shao's stern tone!

  Wang Ying and Bi Fang have already opened their mouths wide. Although they are agents who have experienced various tasks and have always been good at covering up emotions, they are unavoidable at this moment to show their shock! [

  Soil? Who has thought about soil quality?

At the moment of seeing the Dunhuang murals, I believe that anyone in the world will first be attracted by the magnificent scenes painted by the murals, attracted by the brilliant colors that will not fade away for thousands of years, and be attracted by the fullness and beauty. Attracted by the characters, who would look at the humble and ugly soil below?

  "You know that there are masters in the world who can copy and restore a mural. Did you know that modern research on ancient pigments can help the reproduction of ancient pigments?" Xia Shao had no smile on his face at this time. Since ancient times, the folks are surprising people, let alone others, the Huaxia Group has a long time such a master who can use fake "chaos" on the famille rose porcelain of the Kangxi and Qianlong period! There must be such strange people in the world! Some mineral pigments in Chinese paintings are still very traditional. Some villages far away from cities in China still retain the technique of extracting plants as fabric dyes. There must be masters in the reproduction of ancient pigments! The counterfeit industry has existed since ancient times, and the technology of counterfeiting has been passed down. For a long time, it belongs to the family history.

"Miss Yingzhao, I don't want to point fingers at your ability. I don't want to talk about the tasks you successfully completed before. I will only say this time. This time, if you trust the instrument too much, all you get will only be a lesson! The smartest in the world The most reliable one is always the human brain. If you give up thinking and give the power of judgment to the cold instrument on your wrist, then you have already lost." Xia Shao said coldly.

   Yingzhao’s face "color" has been so stiff that there is no expression. More than just losing? Not only lost face, but also lost the level of being an agent.

   always thought that she had a killer in her body, and she dismissed Xia Shao’s eyesight and judgment. She is younger than her, only twenty years old! Although there are rumors that she has extraordinary eyesight, Yingzhao does not believe that she, who has been specially trained, will be inferior to Xia Shao in the antique appraisal. And she also carries the most advanced equipment in the world, which is unmatched by human eyes. But in the end, she shattered her confidence and conceited pride!

  The lines, styles and even paints of painting are just like the glitzy surface of a thing. She cares too much about these surfaces, instead of forgetting the most essential soil layer of painting. It can be said that she hadn't forgotten, but before Xia Shao said this, she hadn't thought of it at all! This is enough to prove that Xia Shao's eyesight is better than her and her instruments in the eyesight of antique appraisal!

This is almost like a slap in Yingzhao’s face. She is the one who is not convinced, and she is the one who shows off the knowledge of antique appraisal to compete with others. With the most advanced equipment in the world, she wants to embarrass Xia Shao in front of Xu Tianyin. She was the one, but she was also the one who was hit back fiercely in the end.

   regards people as a periphery, and now she has to rely on the periphery to remind her that she almost made a serious mistake that caused the mission to fail and the country to lose face!

   "If Shao, no one has any more opinions, right?" At this moment, Xu Tianyin opened his mouth, still in that cold tone without ups and downs, but it made Yingzhao's face flushed! She felt like a jumping clown, and the thoughts she had just competed just now seemed to be like an axe!

   "No comments! I really appreciate Miss Xia." Wang Ying said, his tone was solemn, his eyes had changed. Before, he also regarded Xia Shao as an assistant for this mission. Although he had never looked down upon it, he did not take it too seriously. At most, because she is the captain's fiancée, she treats her with more respect. But at this moment he looked at Xia Shao with undisguised admiration and admiration! Even the most advanced testing equipment in the world is inferior to her eyesight, the girl in front of her really has real materials! No wonder, at a young age, such achievements in the market seem to be not good luck.

   But Bi Fang shrugged with a wry smile, and joked to Xia Shao: "Miss Xia, are you considering changing your career? I think you have the potential to do our job."

   "No!" Without Xia Shao's answer, Xu Tianyin refused in one gulp, looking at Bi Fang coldly, and spit out two words concisely and coldly, "Danger."

  The bitter smile on Bi Fang's face was broken by his stare. He was just joking, let's just talk about it, why is the captain so serious?

Xia Shao chuckled lightly at this time, "I think I still prefer to make money."


  Xia Shao had no objection to the identification of the Dunhuang murals in the British Museum as fakes. The next few people all sat on the sofa and discussed what to do afterwards.

"The people in the Ladis Group are careful, but it's a pity that the counterfeit is surrounded by tempered glass, and we can't install a tracker on it. But it just happened, and now the "Sao" and "Chaos" have just passed, the counterfeit is still in Great Britain. In the museum. The "Sao" and "Chaos" that happened in the morning are likely to be horrified. Letis may keep this fake in the museum to attract the attention of all parties, and may also put the fake away. If they plan to collect the fake Get up, the goal of transporting this thing during the day is too big, and I will definitely move it at night. I can go back to the museum and watch the movement there to see where they are transported! However, if they don’t move the fake, then we will do it. It's a little harder." Bi Fang said as he quickly tapped his finger on the computer in front of him, what it showed was the current state of the British Museum.

Yingzhao sat aside and said nothing, Wang said: "This huge Dunhuang fresco is definitely a national treasure. Such a treasure cannot be placed in other places by the Ladis family. It will definitely be hidden in their family. There are two families in this family. It has a history of more than a hundred years, and there must be a secret storage room! It’s just that it’s not easy to find, but it’s not impossible to try. We just have to wait until the auction summit opens, find a way to move the tiger away from the mountain, and sneak in! However, This mural is too difficult to move, and the four of us have problems with the handling. So I hope the captain will contact it these days and ask someone to take it!"

  Xu Tianyin nodded to Wang Yu, agreeing to his proposal, but looked at Bi Fang and said, “You don’t have to go to the museum anymore. The counterfeit is moving, I will know.”

  Wang Ying, Bi Fang, and Yingzhao are all taken aback. The boss is kidding, right?

   But anyone who knows Xu Tianyin's "sexuality" knows that he never makes a joke. He said so, that he must have a way! The boss did the same in the previous missions. For some missions of top difficulty that seemed to be completed by the method, he could always have incomprehensible ways. They have been with him for so many years, and still feel that some of his skills are a mystery. But it is undeniable that the tasks that they can't complete are no problem in his hands! [

  Xia Shao smiled when she heard this, she knew it if others couldn’t understand it. When the brother left just now, he drew a trace of his own vitality on the fake, and the comparable tracking locator worked. As long as the fake does not come out of Britain, he will be able to sense it!

  Moreover, with her in this mission, the difficulty will be reduced. Whether the authentic product was hidden in the Ladis family, and where it was hidden, she knew at a glance. This can also save Wang Ying and others from infiltrating the Ledis family to search for danger. Once they find the target, they just need to find a way to get it away. Although the mural is too big to be transported away without being found out, it is naturally straight when the boat reaches the bridge. If they can’t help it, she doesn’t mind sneaking into the important land of the Ladis family first and setting up a nine-squares gossip array. , Help them leave!

  Of course, Xia Shao would not tell the three of Wang Ying about these things, as long as she and the senior brother knew them.

  Opening the sky to find the murals needs to be done at night when no one is there. Now Hu Jiayi is still there, Xia Shao needs to send her back. Xu Tianyin also needed to watch the whereabouts of the fake Dunhuang frescoes. Therefore, after discussion, everyone decided that Xu Tianyin, Wang Yu, and Yingzhao would stay in the hotel to monitor, and Bi Fang would accompany Xia Shao to send Hu Jiayi home. In fact, Xia Shao didn’t need Bi Fang to accompany him. However, the current identity of the group of them is her bodyguard. They will inevitably be suspicious when they go out without being checked. Therefore, Xia Shao brought the most clever Bi Fang to follow. She went out together.

  It was in the evening when I returned to Cambridge town. This morning when I went to the museum, there was a "Sao" and "Chaos", which made Hu Jiayi feel that she had not fulfilled her responsibility to take Xia Shao out, so she invited her to dinner before going back. Xia Shao knew that the counterfeit had to be moved late at night. It was just late in the evening and there was plenty of time. So Xia Shao said nothing, and followed Hu Jiayi to a rustic restaurant in the town.

   "Rosa! Lily! Here we are!" As soon as he entered the restaurant, Hu Jiayi smiled and shouted to the back of the cash register.

  She shouted, and two people appeared behind the cash register. A British "woman" with a bloated body, and a woman in her early twenties, the woman has fair skin, some freckles on her face, and a gentle smile. The most important thing is that her eyes are black and she looks like a mixed race.

  The "women" came out of the cash register first and gave Hu Jiayi a face-to-face gift. He smiled kindly and said enthusiastically: "Oh! Hu, are you here? Is this beautiful girl your friend?"

"Yes, it's my friend! Rosa, you just call her Xia." Hu Jiayi smiled and turned to Xia Shao, "This is Rosa, the proprietress of this restaurant. That's her daughter Lily. We are also studying at Cambridge University. We are friends. Lily will come to the restaurant to help out during holidays and after class. Sometimes I also come to help, and I get acquainted with their family."

   "Hello, nice to meet you." Xia Shao smiled and said to the two in English.

   "Oh! Hu, your friend's English is very good!" Rosa praised.

   "Of course, I can't compare her to her!" Hu Jiayi wrinkled her nose.

   "Don't say that, you are also very good." Rosa patted Hu Jiayi on the shoulder, comforting her, "At least, I have never seen you who work so hard."

  At this time, the girl named Lili spoke up. She was speaking in stumbling Chinese, looking at Xia Shao with curiosity and yearning, "Excuse me, are you Chinese like Hu?"

   "Of course." Xia Shao smiled and nodded to Lily.

"Oh, that's great!" The person who answered the conversation was Lily's mother Rosa. Rosa smiled and gave Xia Shao a hug, and said excitedly, "We welcome Chinese people here! Lily's grandmother is China. People, she has a quarter of Chinese ancestry!"

  "Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away a long time ago. I learned Chinese from Jiayi. I don't speak well, please don't mind." Lily was a little embarrassed and honest.

  Simply said a few words, Rosa’s mother and daughter hurriedly greeted Xia Shao and Hu Jiayi to sit down, and enthusiastically gave Xia Shao a few authentic British meals, and then went down to prepare. It was not until the two left that Hu Jiayi said: "Lily loves China very much. She said that she was "fascinated" by her grandmother telling some Chinese stories when she was a child. When her grandmother passed away, she missed her hometown very much. Lily promised her when she was a child. Grandma wants to take her ashes back to her hometown for burial, but she is now studying and has just started to learn Chinese, so things have been delayed."

   Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and saw through her friend’s little abacus. "Oh, I said how someone brought me here to eat. It turned out to be this idea. Don’t tell my ancestral grave to ask me to help find Feng Shui."

Hu Jiayi smiled embarrassedly, "Are you a Feng Shui master, don't you please? I know you don't like British people now, but if you know the deeds of Lili's grandfather and grandmother, you will definitely help! They are really very good. honourable!"

  Xia Shao raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Tell me about it."

"Lily's grandfather was a great doctor, and I heard that he was also a very pious believer in God. Her grandmother was a nurse, and the two met in China because of the war. In fact, Lily's great-grandfather is very famous in England. A capitalist, one of his two sons inherited the family business and the other was a well-known doctor. It was originally a very glorious thing. But when the war broke out, Lily’s grandfather went to the Chinese battlefield alone, regardless of the family’s opposition. A medical volunteer. He saved a lot of people there, met and fell in love with Lily’s grandmother there, and finally married. It’s a pity...Later he died on the battlefield. I heard that he was rescued while rescuing the wounded. It was hit by the stream. At that time, Lily's father was only three years old." Hu Jiayi said, her eyes flushed. For girls, the beautiful beginning and the sad ending are always so disturbing.

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the situation in China was very bad for a while. With the help of some British friends I knew at the time, Lily's grandmother brought her son to live in the UK. Originally, she wanted to give him a good living environment, but she didn't expect Lily Lily’s great-grandfather didn’t recognize this Chinese daughter-in-law "wife" at all. Lily’s grandmother was a strong person, and finally worked in the UK to support herself and her son on a meager salary. Later, Lily’s father became an adult and was considered a business savvy person. Just here in Cambridge, I opened a restaurant, and business is booming. Now this restaurant has several chains in the UK, which is considered famous. Those who visit Cambridge can not fail to taste the special "color" dishes of this restaurant. Lily told me that her family can live well without the assets of a great-grandfather, but she promised her grandmother to take her ashes back to her hometown. This has always been her wish."

  Xia Shao looked down slightly after hearing what Hu Jiayi said. If this is the case, then she should really help.

   "Okay! If she goes to China in the future, you can bring her to see me." Xia Shao readily agreed.

"Really? Thank you, Xiao Shao! You are so kind!" Hu Jiayi almost jumped up with excitement, but then sat back with a embarrassed smile and said, "In fact, there are good people in Britain, but this morning's Things are really irritating! One size fits one size, you say, will the British side agree to return the national treasure murals to us?"

   Certainly will not agree!

  Xia Shao said in his heart. But this matter involved a task, so she didn't want to say much, so she said indifferently: "Who knows."

  Hu Jiayi frowned, “I don’t even return a mural to us. Isn’t it even more hopeless that there are so many looted cultural relics in the museum?”

When Xia Shao heard this, he raised his eyes too much and smiled, "The strong is respected. This is an immutable truth. Only when a country is prosperous and strong, will people pay attention to it when it asks. Since the founding of the country, the country's development has been rapid. I believe this matter will have a satisfactory result."

  Hu Jiayi nodded, but in fact felt that the possibility of a satisfactory result was not "sexual". I’ve never heard of a country asking for the return of cultural relics before, but the British side ignored it. This time... alas!

  Just as Hu Jiayi sighed, the door of the restaurant was suddenly opened vigorously!

   With a "bang" sound, Xia Shao raised her eyes and looked over. Hu Jiayi turned her head and her face immediately became dark and ugly.

  I saw a woman in her early twenties who came in, dressed in an expensive dress. From top to bottom, she was not an international brand, and she was followed by a few bodyguards. The woman was blond, blue-eyed, with a pretty waist and hot chest. She walked like a proud peacock. As soon as she came in, she found a leaning seat and sat down. Without looking around, she said directly: "Waitress, here is a cup of Ceylon tea."

   Rosa and Lily heard the noise of the store door, and quickly ran out of it. When they saw the woman, the faces of the mother and daughter were dark.

   "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here! We should have said it many times, right?" Lily, who was very gentle and said with a cold face.

Rosa reversed the enthusiasm for Xia Shao just now, and shielded her daughter behind her, and said angrily: "My dear, don't talk nonsense with her. If she doesn't leave, I will throw her out with everything I can see! "

The woman smiled disdainfully, sat still, and calmly repaired her nails, "I am a customer of this store, and I have the right to ask you to serve me. If you say bad things to me, or do things to me I have the right to sue you for the act of giving a gift. Moreover, I will go back and tell my grandfather and father that you don’t need to open this store."

  When Rosa heard it, her face suddenly "showed" an expression of anger and fear. Lily said: "Mom, forget it, I'll make tea for her." After that, she turned and walked back.

Seeing this scene, Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and asked Hu Jiayi in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

"Lily's cousin." Hu Jiayi turned her head, her face was ugly, "It's her great-grandfather. Their family is very famous in the upper class of Britain, especially in the clothing industry, which is considered to be one of the Big Three. Our family’s business was blocked a lot in the UK, and it has something to do with their family. Originally, my dad planned to have a good relationship with them, but it was a pity that they didn’t like it. I especially hate Chinese people! It may be related to the death of Lili’s grandfather in China. People in their family usually find faults. Recently, Lily’s cousin came here twice in three days. Don’t watch her make something to drink. But every time she wants Lily to serve her, to find faults! She often scolds Lily as a bastard. Anyway, this person is very annoying!"

Hu Jiayi and Xia Shao didn’t speak loudly, but they were still heard by the woman. She turned her head to look, her face was pulled down, and laughed mockingly: “I thought it was someone who didn’t dare to speak loudly. The yellow race."

  Xia Shao frowned when she heard it. And Hu Jiayi has stood up!

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