Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Auction, public opinion attack?

  The three-day meeting of the World Auction Summit has finally ended, and the world-renowned auction event has opened!

  This grand auction event is hosted by the Ladis Group. The auction involves Western art, modern luxury goods, real estate, luxury cars and world celebrities, etc. There are many types of auctions. The auction event lasts for three days, from morning to night, countless auction items are auctioned in turn by category, endless!

  Lattice Group definitely put out a big deal this time. Not only did the conference in the first three days invite leading leaders in various countries in the world, but also sent invitations to celebrities in the top international circles at the auction event. In addition to the giant crocodiles in the international business circle, attending the auction event were also international underworld gangsters, first-line director stars in the show business, experts and scholars in the cultural world, and even royal family members from some countries. In short, there are people who are well-known and deceptive, and everyone who can be invited is invited. Although not everyone has time to come, there are really a lot of people who come to cheer for the sake of face!

  It was again early in the morning. Outside the red carpet and cordon outside the venue, media from all over the world once again held cameras in a crowded manner. The flashes were more enthusiastic than on the opening day of the auction summit!

This time, many of the luxury cars that drove on the red carpet at the venue were fleets, and the cars behind were bodyguards. The giants of the international business circles got out of the car in suits with arms around them. A tall and beautiful woman. The occasions of the auction event, especially the auction of luxury goods, are mostly women's favorites. Moreover, bringing female companions to attend such occasions has become a customary rule. Whether they are willing or not, men always have beautiful women next to them, whether it is to show off their money, status or enjoy the eyes of a woman. , This kind of occasion is rarely without a female companion. [

   Therefore, when someone comes out of a luxury car without a female companion next to him, the scene becomes a bit unusual and attracts the attention of the media from all over the world.

The media’s vision and power of observation are unique. After several times of this situation, some people’s faces have been "showing" some surprises and "confusion"-the men who did not have a female companion by their side turned out to be Oriental faces. hole!

  Moreover, the background is not small!

  Two of them turned out to be two Chinese gang leaders in the underworld in the world! There is also Li Qingyu, the young president of Hong Kong Jiahui International Group!

  Gong Muyun and Qi Chen carried not many gang members behind them. As the heads of the world-class underworld, these two people were even fewer than the bodyguards carried by some entrepreneurs and director stars. Compared to the empty "dang" and "dang" around the two, there was a man in Li Qingyu's car who got out of the car with him.

  The man, a mixed-race face, smiled when he was seen, and the media reporters at the scene recognized him at a glance!

  Suddenly someone was dumbfounded-isn’t this the second son of the American Mafia Genoese family, Jeno? How could the president of the Li Group and the underworld boyfriend know each other? Moreover, seeing the two get out of a car, the friendship is pretty good?

  Today, the eldest son of the Genose family also came. He had just entered the venue not long ago, and he should have come to join on behalf of the family. So why isn't the second son Jeno not in the family car, but came here in Li Qingyu's car instead? I heard that this son Jeno is an illegitimate child and his mother is a Chinese. Because of his impure blood, he has a bad relationship with his half-brother. It's just a matter of the underworld family. How can ordinary people dare to gossip?

Although I dare not write these things in gossip magazines, people's gossip psychology is always limited. The reporters suddenly took pictures of Jeno, and guessed by the way that these young talents in the world's top celebrity circles are all around them. Is it a coincidence or something else?

  Jenuo faced the media's fierce shots, neither irritated nor angry, but smiled and waved in greetings. It was not until Li Qingyu walked into the venue that he ran after him.

  The celebrities arrived one after another. The reporters spent almost two hours outside the venue before the people who came to see became a little sloppy.

  Xia Shao is definitely late, she didn't arrive until the end. And, just before getting off the car, she was still on the phone.

  "Okay, Mr. Abel, then I wish us success in cooperation tonight."

  Tonight is the highlight of the auction-the auction of national treasure murals! It was also the time for Xu Tianyin and his team to do their work, and it was also the time for a big drama between Xuanmen and the Obicris family.

   Putting down the phone, Xia Shao looked down. The news that she had just received last night, everything was as she thought, some people hiding in the dark finally showed up.

  This was something to be happy about, but Xia Shao’s smile was a little cold. After hanging up the call with Abel, she raised her eyes and looked at the passenger seat, "How did it go?"

In the co-pilot, Liu Banwang sat there, turning his head after hearing the words and said solemnly: "Not yet. The other party's technology is quite sophisticated. It will take some time for our personnel to find out the source of the attack. Chairman, we are at the venue, let's get off first. Car."

  Xia Shao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and although his eyes were cold, he snorted. When she got out of the car, her face returned to her normal expression, and she walked into the venue with a smile and the people behind her in the flash of the media.

  This morning, Huaxia Group was attacked by a cyber attack, the source of which is unknown. [

  These attacks caused some confusion on, but they were quickly resolved by technicians. But what followed was a sudden change in online public opinion!

  In these days, the domestic people have been very concerned about the auction of national treasure murals by the Ladis Group, and they are also very angry with the arrogant attitude of the British side. These things are in line with common sense. But just this morning, the public's emotions were suddenly directed at the Huaxia Group!

  Some people spread rumors and over-interpreted what Xia Shao said in the interview. In an interview, Xia Shao once said, "There are many things in the world, and no one can predict the result until the last moment. Perhaps, what is waiting for us will be surprises." This sounds like a stalemate, but in fact, there is something that cannot be said clearly. The reason for this is related to the national mission. Even if she is involved and is determined to return the national treasure in her heart, she can't say anything now.

  However, someone pointed the finger at Huaxia Group. To call Xia Shao is nothing but a shame. As a Chinese entrepreneur, Huaxia Group started in the antique industry. Now that the national treasure is in trouble, she even came to participate in the auction summit in the UK. Huaxia Group has never made a statement or statement on the return of the national treasure from the beginning to the end, which is obviously a little indifferent.

  As soon as this statement came out, some people who didn't know it began to doubt, and the extreme people believed that it was true, and began to insult and attack the Huaxia Group. Some people even claim that the Huaxia Group has lost its spirit to the Chinese people. It started as an antique in the past, and it is not known whether it has colluded with foreign devils and sold national cultural relics.

  These attacks started this morning, and in just two hours, they had a very negative impact on the reputation of Huaxia Group. Xia Shao arrived so late in the morning because he was dealing with this matter and deciding what to do in the evening with Abel.

  In the past few days, the voice of domestic public opinion has been valued by the media of various countries. Therefore, although it is only two hours, the changes in domestic public opinion have attracted the attention of the media. When Xia Shao got out of the car, the atmosphere changed obviously, and the flash hit her as if it was about to explode. Xia Shao ignored the various questions behind him, and walked into the venue with a smile on his face leisurely. With her unfettered appearance, many people in the media were murmured directly in their hearts. Why didn't she know that she was nervous after such a big thing happened? Installed?

  Xia Shao really didn't pretend. Although my heart is unhappy, I am really not nervous. Public opinion, she knows its influence too well. In the first battle against Century Land, didn't she use public opinion to create momentum? But if Huaxia Group is unable to withstand this pressure of public opinion, then there is no need to survive in the international business circle.

  Now, she just wants to know who is behind her playing the rest of this set.

   "Really don't need to help?" Xu Tianyin walked behind Xia Shao with a bodyguard posture, and asked in a voice that only two of them could hear.

  Xia Shao smiled when he heard the words, “No, if the high-paid masters of cannot even find out the source of the attack, then it’s useless to raise them.”

   Xu Tianyin wanted to check for her when she learned the situation this morning, but Xia Shao refused. First, she wanted to test the emergency response capabilities of the group of people hired by the company with high salaries, and secondly, she didn't want Xu Tianyin to be distracted. Today is his day of action to obtain the murals. The murals are auctioned at night, and their actions are also at night. Because only then will the murals be taken out of the warehouse, which is the easiest part of the whole process. During the day, they would follow her into the meeting place as bodyguards, first to "find out" the situation in the meeting place, so that they could move at night. After the bodyguards arrived at the venue, there would be a special activity area. At that time, the venue staff was complicated and it was easy for them to get out.

   "As long as you succeed, all the rumors will be self-defeating." Xia Shao turned her head slightly and smiled.

  The words made Xu Tianyin nod lightly.

At this time, Liu Banwang walked over quickly, his face solemnly said in Xia Shao’s ear: “Chairman, there is a new situation! There has just been a new trend of public opinion in the country, and now there is a view that you said during the interview. The surprise that I said may be that Huaxia Group will spend money to photograph the national treasure murals. This statement has won the support of many people, and many people have already responded."

  Xia Shao raised her brows when she heard this.

Sun Changde came over from the back, his face was rarely "serious", "This kind of momentum is not good. That is a national treasure. The Lattice Group estimated the auction value at 1 billion pounds! Our group is just at the time of expansion. There is not so much money to come, but the money is placed on it, which is too restrictive of liquidity."

  Chen Manguan frowned. Since he has been with Xia Shao, and has been with Antique in the past few years, his "sexuality" has become more generous, and he has rarely been angry about anything. But this incident made Chen Manguan's face very unsightly, "These people are really silly! They don't know what happened, and what are they yelling? They think they are talking for us, how can I know that they are "chaos"!"

  "Speaking for us? Not necessarily." Xia Shao glanced at Chen Manguan when he heard the words, and hummed inexplicably.

  Now there are two kinds of speech, two kinds of momentum, and there is a strong stance to fight. One is to criticize Huaxia Group, and the other is to speak for Huaxia Group. But in fact, it is very unfavorable for China Group.

  The former damages the reputation of the Huaxia Group, the latter...If the Huaxia Group catches the ducks on the shelves, it will not be able to reach the public opinion, and eventually this mural will be photographed. At the critical time of the development of the group, the liquidity will be greatly restricted. And if there is no auction, then these people who have the last hope, or eager hope for Huaxia Group, will be more angry than those who criticize Huaxia Group now. In the end, the reputation of the group will be more severely damaged, and may even be boycotted.

  The new situation emerging now is actually more difficult to deal with than blindly attacking speech in the morning. [

  Chen Manguan and others are not fools. Although they can stand at this height in the market, although they are inseparable from Xia Shao's vision, they are also inseparable from their own abilities. There were some things they didn't expect for a while, but Xia Shao only needed to mention a little bit, and Chen Manguan, Sun Changde, and Liu Banwang all changed their faces!

  If this is the case, then the other party’s methods are a bit too dark.

   "Look up, check on the company that attended the auction summit this time." Xia Shao gave instructions directly.

  "What does the chairman mean?"

  "Will there be anyone else?" Xia Shao sneered. Whether it is damaging the reputation of Huaxia Group or constraining the liquidity of Huaxia Group, it is all related to business competition. The auction summit has just started, and the domestic market is being watched. At this critical time, the domestic public opinion has undergone such a big turn, and it is obvious that someone is "operating" behind it. And this is probably the motivation!

  The Huaxia Group collapsed, and it is easier for outside companies to steal the market!

   "I'll go and ask them to check! Just now they said that they have captured some information from the other party, and there should be results soon." After Liu Banwang finished speaking, he turned around and called.

  At this time, one of the few Huaxia Group executives who followed said: “Chairman, now the public opinion is fierce, should we make a statement first to express our patriotic stand?”

The employees behind    all nodded, after all, if this kind of thing happens, crisis public relations must be done. In fact, when the company discovered this incident in the morning, it should urgently refute the rumors, but the chairman has never responded. This has made the matter worse and worse. Regardless of whether it can find out who is behind the scenes, it shouldn’t be so silent now, right?

  Xia Shao glanced at the executive and smiled deeply, "Why respond? All we have to do is not respond, let the other party sing a one-man show from start to finish, and end up with the consequences."


  The executive opened his mouth and stared at Xia Shao.

  This, is this possible?

  Xia Shao turned her head with a smile, and looked at the lively scene in the venue, “A soldier who defeats others without a fight has always been the highest state of warfare. I have never tried it. This time, I want to try it.”

  What does this mean? It is even more difficult to understand. But Sun Changde and Chen Manguan looked at Xia Shao’s profile. Five years ago, the childish face of the girl hadn’t changed much now, but there was always a more precipitating vibe in her body, which they couldn’t understand. , But seeing her smile, there is always an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

  The crisis is now, but the heart is calm.

"Don't worry! Haven't you never seen the previous legends of the group? The previous ones are over, and now you look at them, maybe you can witness the future." Sun Changde smiled and slapped the senior executive on the shoulder, and a word made everyone accompanying him. I couldn't help but the heart was surging, and even at this moment, I forgot the crisis I was in.

  Witness the future? At the auction summit this time, will there really be an exciting legend happening?

  The employees looked at Xia Shao’s back, but she had turned around and walked into the venue.

  The hero who followed at the end frowned and looked at Xia Shao's back with a strange expression. Will this crisis be a crisis for her? She is the executor of this mission. The Huaxia Group is currently suffering a loss of reputation due to the national treasure murals. As long as Xia Shao makes a call, any public opinion country can immediately settle for her! Why do you want to play a game like a soldier without a fight?

   Ying Zhao frowned, and didn't realize that she was actually using words like play and games, but she had seen some of Xia Shao's skills, and she didn't know why, she had an intuition that this woman was just playing! Play with her opponent.


Xia Shao walked into the venue with various eyes. Today's auction started in the afternoon because it was the first day. The morning was a time for people in the international celebrity circle to exchange and chat. The men and women in the venue were holding wine glasses, just like a pair. The scene of the reception. In this scene, what Xia Shao saw today was not only greetings, but also some unpleasant scenes.

  This scene is not far away. A pair of middle-aged British "women" with an aristocratic daughter, staring at Hu Guangjin and Hu Jiayi's father and daughter with unkind eyes.

  ------Off topic------

It’s almost three hundred words

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