Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 349: Monster duel card VS hero kill (2)

"Chen Ze, have you heard that the hero card of the hero will be released today."

On Saturday, at Chen Ze's home, Lin Lan sat next to Chen Ze and spoke to Chen Ze.

"I heard about it." Chen Ze nodded. Recently, because of the heroic killings, there has been a lot of noise on the Internet because of the card of the gods. He even suppressed his monster duel card. How could Chen Ze have not heard of it.

This is the first time that my popularity on the Internet has been suppressed. However, Chen Ze can also understand that, after all, it has been two years since the heroic killer has been the leader of the Chinese board game market. The popularity it has accumulated is not comparable to the monster duel card he has just launched.

And this time it is the launch of the Gods Card, which players are very concerned about. Naturally, the popularity on the Internet has skyrocketed. Chen Ze believes that as long as he is given enough time, his monster duel card will never lose to any kind of board game card.

"Then what do you think will be the sales of the hero card that the hero kills the company this time?" Lin Lan asked.

"It should be very good." Chen Ze thought for a while, and said, "After all, the popularity of hero kills is here. This time, the introduction of the card is the gods card that players are interested in. I believe this batch of sales should have A big increase."

"Then you are so calm and relaxed now?" Lin Lan said, "The hero kills and launches the God General Card. This is obviously for your monster duel card. If he succeeds, how about your monster duel card? It's not too disadvantageous."

Lin Lan has also read some online analysis. Although the hero kills she does not admit it, whether it is the newspaper media or the analysis of some netizens, they think that the hero kills at this time launching the card of the gods, it is basically aimed at the recent hot monsters. The duel card came.

After all, the hero kills as the boss of the Huaxia board game card. Naturally, he can't tolerate his position being challenged by Chen Ze's monster duel card.

Lin Lan thinks these analyses are very reasonable. She has analyzed it herself, and the conclusion is that no matter what aspect it is, even if the Heroic Killing Company launches the God General Card not for Chen Ze, it will definitely produce Chen Ze’s Monster Duel Card. Impacted.

Lin Lan knows how much Chen Ze cares about his monster duel card this time. I was secretly anxious for Chen Ze. Who knew that Chen Ze didn't panic after he heard the news. It seems that this has nothing to do with him.

"Why should I be in a hurry?"

Chen Ze looked at Lin Lan, stretched out her hand to stroke the hair in her ear, and smiled, "I know that the Heroic Killing Company this time launched the God General Card for my monster duel card. But there is no need to worry. ."

"Why don't you need it, you just said it yourself, they will definitely have a big explosion in the sales of the God General Card this time. If you don't want to find a way at this time, you will be killed by the hero and take the advantage. Isn’t the card's first-day sales results all the dwindling?"

Lin Lan was a little worried. Chen Ze's monster duel card achieved an unprecedented sales volume of more than 900,000 on the first day. Although sales fell a little in the following days, it quickly broke the 2 million data.

At this time, instead of taking advantage of the victory and pursuing it, using various means to expand one's own advantages, when the counterattack of the heroic killer arrives, wouldn't this great situation be wasted in vain.

"Don't worry, my monster duel card won't be so simple that it will be crushed by heroes."

Chen Ze has absolute self-confidence. His own monster duel card has made such brilliant achievements in the previous life, and is even known as a money printing machine. There is no card game that can be compared in the whole world.

Such a terrifying weapon can be compared to a heroic killer. And to be honest, from the beginning, he didn't regard Heroic Killing as his opponent.

Now it's just the beginning of my own comics, and I achieved such a high sales record on the first day. With the deepening of the plot of the comics, Chen Ze believes that monster duel cards will become more and more popular in this world.

Until then, what heroes kill. Only the portion crushed by oneself. Now the heroes are killing themselves for a while, but they have adopted some special methods.

This method cannot last for a long time, otherwise, the balance of the heroes' card market will be broken. Therefore, Chen Ze believes. After a period of time, or even not too long, heroic killing will no longer be a threat to him.

Therefore, even though the Heroic Killer had launched the God General Card to deal with himself, he didn't bother to care about him at all. All conspiracies and conspiracies, in the face of absolute strength, are of no use at all.

Lin Lan looked at Chen Ze with a confident look. Although she didn't know where Chen Ze's confidence came from, her opponent was the overlord who had dominated the board game industry for two years, and now she has adopted this special method.

When it was replaced by someone else, Lin Lan believed that he would have taken a counterattack a long time ago. But looking at Chen Ze calmly and calmly, Lin Lan believed him.

Lin Lan had seen this expression many times. Every time when he thought Chen Ze was about to lose, he always wore such a confident smile and won the victory. This time, there will be no surprises.

While Lin Lan and Chen Ze were chatting, on the other side, the heroic hero card was also put on sale. Like the popularity on the Internet, the sale this time is quite popular, and its extent even surpasses the peak of heroic killing.

Finally, the first day's sales were counted, and the total was 1.2 million, which was more than 200,000 more than the sales of the heroes in the first day. Not only did it surpass the sales record of Chen Ze's monster duel card, but it also reached the sales volume of his company in the first half of the previous quarter.

Although because of the last quarter, Heroic Killer did not launch a new card at all, but was just eating the old money, but now it is launching a master card that is very interesting to all players. But it is really surprising that one day sales can reach this level.

Therefore, when the media reporters learned about the situation, they immediately reported the news.

"Heroic kills and creates glory again, I am still the boss of the board game industry"

"One day with 1.2 million sales, the hero kills and announces the return of the king"

"The heroic killer card is 1.2 million on the first day, and the sword refers to the Chen Ze monster duel card"

Not only the media reporters, but also netizens boiled up after receiving the news. What they didn't expect was that after Chen Ze's monster duel card created a sales volume of 900,000 on the first day, someone unexpectedly broke this number so soon.

And more importantly, this number was achieved by the heroes. After he launched the Master Card, he rushed to this data all at once. This makes netizens who like heroic killings suddenly feel up.

"Congratulations, congratulations to Heroic Killers for creating such a good sales record."

"It's really unexpected. Although I have already expected the sales of the card after the launch of the gods, I did not expect that it will be so high. It seems that the hero killing is indeed the number one domestic board game."

After many netizens set such a high sales record on the first day of Chen Ze's monster duel card, they began to feel that the number one position of Huaxia's board game card seemed to be more attractive.

However, Heroic Killer responded so quickly, and the sales volume did not lose to the monster duel All at once made everyone feel that his position is still very stable.

It's not just that the sales volume on the first day was so high. In the following few days, although the sales volume of the heroic killer card deck dropped somewhat compared to the first day, it was still quite high.

It broke 3 million very quickly. According to this situation, it is estimated that it is very likely that this quarter will create an unimaginable data.

Netizens and media reporters all know that the action taken by the heroes this time was for Chen Ze's monster duel card. Now that he has achieved such brilliant achievements, everyone wants to see what kind of counterattack behavior Chen Ze will have.

Through the previous comic duels, the public has a deep understanding of Chen Zeke. The more unfavorable the situation, the more likely Chen Ze will turn the whole situation around through some magical tricks.

Now his monster duel card has fallen into this situation again. Everyone held their breath for how Chen Ze would fight back. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: third more

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