Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 351: Monster duel card VS hero kill (4)

With 1.3 million a day and total sales exceeding 15 million, this data is too hard to believe. Netizens thought that Chen Ze’s monster duel card might be overwhelmed this time. Who knows, unexpectedly, it has reached this point without knowing it.

"Let me go, what is the situation, how do you feel that Chen Ze has not done anything yet, its sales have exceeded the record created by heroes, and it has reached such a terrifying point."

"Indeed, it's really amazing, what exactly did Chen Ze do. I am afraid that there will be a big whirlwind in the board game world after China."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable." Yugioh" and monster duel cards, how can I have a hunch that in the future, this set of monster duel cards by Chen Ze will reach unimaginable levels in the entire world."

"I have paid attention to the phenomenon around me. In the past, when everyone had time, they used hero kills to play. But now, they have become monster duel cards. At that time, I guessed Chen Ze's. The sales of this game card must be good, but I didn't expect it to reach this point."

Netizens have published their own sighs on the Internet. They were so surprised that they did not expect that the monster duel card had reached this point.

Not only netizens, countless media reporters, big players in the board game card industry, including Yang Li, did not expect that Chen Ze’s monster duel card would actually set this record in sales.

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that Chen Ze actually achieved this point." Yang Li sighed in the heroic killing company of the magic city.

He sits in his office, and the computer contains the sales data of Chen Ze Monster Duel Card.

Originally for Chen Ze's behavior. Yang Li felt very strange that Chen Ze's company and surrounding stores were quite prosperous, which shows that he is definitely not a person who gives up easily.

But after his heroic killer made a strong counterattack, he didn't make any response. This is really weird. Others may think that this is the opportunity for Chen Ze to give up head-on confrontation with the heroes. But Yang Li didn't think so.

He thought hard, perhaps Chen Ze's inaction was the greatest deed. He was very worried that Chen Ze would be silent, so he gave him a big one.

As expected, as he was worried, Chen Ze's monster duel card had actually reached this point.

"Sure enough, a cartoonist. There is a natural advantage in this!"

Yang Li thought in his heart that after this result came out, he immediately figured out what was going on.

Although Chen Ze didn't do much, the plot of his comic "Game King" has been soaring all the way. With the rise of the plot, the sales of monster duel cards have also increased.

The use of comics to drive the increase in card sales is Chen Ze’s greatest advantage. This is also the reason why the sales of monster duel cards have reached this point in silence this time.

To be honest, this trick is a little bit incomprehensible. No matter how much he promotes, it will definitely be inferior to Chen Ze's cartoon. Although not every cartoonist can play this mode, with Chen Ze's ability in cartoons, there is no problem.

What should I do?

Yang Li also thought about hiring a cartoonist with the theme of heroic killing. Let's create a comic about hero kills, and counterattack Chen Ze's "Yogioh".

But thinking about it carefully, Yang Li denied this idea. He knows what position Chen Ze is in the comics industry now. With his current popularity, if he wants to invite a cartoonist to defeat Chen Ze's "Game King", I am afraid that he can only ask Li Mingyang or Wu Jiahao.

But Yang Li knew that this was simply impossible. Moreover, rushing into the comics field that he is not familiar with is simply using his own shortcomings and attacking the enemy's strengths.

Thinking like this, Yang Li gritted his teeth. He picked up the office phone and dialed the number of his marketing manager.

"Hey, this is Yang Li. Starting tomorrow, we will continue to sell the God General Card."

Yang Li said. The only way he could think of was to continue to sell God General Cards, and use God General Cards to drive the sales of heroes to fight against Chen Ze's monster duel cards.

Although this method is dangerous, it is the best method Yang Li can think of.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll do it right away." On the other end of the phone, the head of the marketing department immediately agreed.

Soon, the news that the Heroic Killer will sell the God General Card again spread throughout the network. Everyone knows that this act of heroic killing of the company was directed at Chen Ze's monster duel card.

But this time, netizens are not as sure as they were last time.

On the first day of the re-release, Heroic Killer sold hundreds of thousands of copies, a very good result, if there is no monster duel card of Chen Ze. Because on the same day, Chen Ze’s comic plot reached a breaking point, which drove the sales of monster duel cards. On that day, it sold more than one million cards.

On the second day, Heroes sold hundreds of thousands of copies again, which was still a good result, but compared to the first day, the decline was quite obvious.

On this day, nearly one million monster duel cards were sold. Although it has fallen a bit compared to the day before, it is still more than twice the number of heroes.

On the third day...

The fourth day...

The fifth day...

With the passage of time, the decline of the heroes has become more and more obvious. Although they have sold the card, although their sales have surpassed a lot compared to the previous quarter, although they are still China's domestic monster duel card except Chen Ze The sales leader.

But in the end, their sales eventually fell to a point where they couldn't compare with Chen Ze's Monster Duel Card.

The monster duel card has also declined, and the day's sales have finally stabilized at more than 800,000 copies. But it has surpassed all the board game cards in China, and even the sales of the last nine players in one day add up to only this number.

And this is just the beginning of Chen Ze's "YoJing" comic. Everyone believes that as the plot of the comic goes up, Chen Ze's monster duel card will definitely have a big outbreak.

At this time, everyone, including Yang Li, had to admit that Chen Ze's monster duel card had undoubtedly become the overlord of the Chinese board game card world.

Many years later, when the monster duel cards of Yu-Gi-Oh took the world by storm, and sales created an astronomical figure that shocked everyone, Yang Li was also proud to announce that his heroic killings had also been sniped back then. Over the Yu-Gi-Oh card.

Although it was unsuccessful, it was enough to serve as a foil for Yu-Gi-Oh and it was recorded in the anime history.


"Hey, is it Teacher Chen Zechen?"

After Yu-Gi-Oh and the monster duel card finally confirmed their status in China, Chen Ze resumed his daily work. On this day, he was in the office and received an unfamiliar call.

"It's me, are you?" Chen Ze was stunned, and a man's voice came over the phone. Those who know Chen Ze's phone number are people who Chen Ze knows.

But now the person on the other end of the phone knows Chen Ze's call, but Chen Ze hasn't heard who he is. But as far as the voice is concerned, he feels a touch of familiarity.

" Teacher Chen, you forgot. I'm Liu Pu from Dolly Group. I came to you and bought the production rights for the AE86 from you." The person on the other end of the phone explained.

After hearing what he said, Chen Ze immediately remembered: "Ao, it's Mr. Liu. Hello, Mr. Liu."

"Teacher Chen, I can tell you the good news. Dolly Group has finally made your AE86 model, and it will be launched to the entire China market just this Sunday." The other side of the phone said.

"Really, that's great." Chen Ze smiled.

In this world, Chen Ze was indeed quite happy to see a car he liked very much in his previous life. Even when he heard the news, he had plans to buy one.

"Not only that, our Dolly Group also sincerely invites you, hoping that you will come to this AE86 auto show meeting on Sunday." The person on the phone said.

"Invite me?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile users.)

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