Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 357: Uchiha Sasuke and Itachi (1)

"Why, why on earth. Sasuke, you give me enough." Naruto was very puzzled about Sasuke's attitude in the comics. He grabbed Sasuke's collar and shouted loudly.

At this time, Sasuke also fought back. He took advantage of the power of the curse imprint given to him by Osake Maru, and easily knocked Naruto to the ground.

"This power, is this the power of the curse seal? And this power is still adapting to my body." Sasuke muttered to himself, feeling the power continuously emerging in his body.

From here on, he strengthened his idea of ​​going to Da She Maru.

"Naruto, now I am sober. With my companions, the peaceful future with you, I am really an idiot who has been dreaming of this kind of dreams. So I left the village, so I want to pursue my strength. I My dream cannot be realized in the future. My dream only exists in the past, only there."

In the manga, Sasuke stood high in the sky after shooting Naruto into the river. Although the fans cannot know Sasuke's tone at this time, they have a feeling that Sasuke at this time seems very sad.

"His dream, what is that?" The fans thought to themselves.

At this moment, the picture in the manga turned around, returning to Sasuke's childhood. Sasuke hid quietly in the forest, looking at the open space in front of him. In the clearing, a man very similar to Sasuke's was practicing the use of shuriken.

This man, it was the older brother, Uchiha Itachi, whom Sasuke had been trying to kill in the previous episodes of the comics!

Seeing this, the spirit of all the fans was lifted up. They have always been interested in what happened to Sasuke when he was young, including the Uchiha family and what happened to his brother.

It now appears that the "Naruto" manga is going to put this story. Tell everyone.

"Sorry, Sasuke, forgive me. Because I still have a task to wait, I can't practice the new shuriken with you today."

Beyond the expectations of all fans. In the manga, Uchiha Itachi very gently apologized to Sasuke, and Sasuke, who would sprain his foot in the back, was taken back home.

Looking at it now, Uchiha Itachi is obviously like the public, an older brother who loves Sasuke very much. How come things will develop to that point later.

Thinking of this, the fans are on the next plot. More and more interested.

Then the lens of the manga turned around again, pulling back to the duel between Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke tied Naruto to a big rock and used the fire escape. Fire dragon technique on him, which immediately plunged Naruto into a sea of ​​fire.

The trend of reading manga now should be to intersperse memories in the duel between Sasuke and Naruto to let Sasuke’s childhood happen. Completely presented in front of the fans.

In the comics, Naruto was not to be outdone. He rushed out of the fire and punched Sasuke in the face with a few punches. But beyond his expectation, Sasuke seemed to have nothing.

"Have you not discovered one thing? I haven't used Shao Lunyan yet, Naruto, whether it is thought or strength, if you have been partners with you people. Then my current strength will not be available." Sasuke is very Easily knocked Naruto to the ground.

"Yes, it is very important to me now, whether it is power or hatred. Otherwise, I won't be able to catch up with that guy."

Following Sasuke's words in the manga, the scene again turned to his childhood, what happened to him and his brother.

"As expected of my son, he has only been promoted to Zhongren for half a year, and he has already had this level. Very good. Tomorrow's special mission, I want to participate with you."

In a house, a man who resembled Mr. Sasuke Itachi said that he was their father, the current patriarch of the Uchiha family.

His words. Sasuke was moved all at once.

"Tomorrow's task is not only for you, but also for the entire Uchiha family. It is a very important task. As long as it is successfully completed, then Itachi, the matter of you joining Anbe should be determined by default." Sasuke's Father didn't seem to notice Sasuke's abnormality, and continued to speak.

"Tomorrow's task, I still won't go." Sasuke's brother said at this time, regardless of his father's firm opposition, "Tomorrow I will attend the opening ceremony of Sasuke's Ninja School."

Sasuke’s older brother took part in the opening ceremony of Sasuke’s school more importantly than the mission that concerns the entire Uchiha family this time.

Therefore, seeing this, the fans are even more confused. From what we see now, Sasuke’s brother is a standard good brother in that respect, so why will it develop into this in the future? This situation is really incomprehensible.

Along with this doubt, the fans continued to see that the opening ceremony of Sasuke School was finally held. In order to let his brother participate in the mission, Sasuke's father came to the Ninja School instead.

In this school, everyone is talking about Sasuke. Because of Itachi, everyone regards Sasuke as another super genius in the future.

"As expected of my son, he finally entered Anbe smoothly. I am proud of you." After Sasuke returned home from school, he heard his father praise his brother in his father's room.

"As expected of my son!"

This sentence his father often said to his brother, but never said it to Sasuke. From that day on, being able to get his father's praise has become Sasuke's highest goal.

For this goal, Sasuke secretly increased his practice volume, hoping to catch up with his brother's footsteps. For this reason, he hurt himself again and again, causing his mother to complain, and he couldn't help complaining to him.

Seeing this, Manmi felt that he really saw a different Sasuke. In the old Sasuke, the manga showed a cold-looking person who seemed to have no mood swings. Of course, they know that Sasuke's heart is not like this.

But now, Sasuke behaves like a child, he will be jealous of his brother, and in order to get his father's praise, he will secretly contact him.

This kind of performance is completely different from that of Sasuke later.

"It must be something later that completely changed Sasuke's character." The fans thought in their hearts. Suddenly, they looked at his mother who gently bandaged Sasuke's wound in the comics and thought of another thing.

"Weird, Sasuke's parents didn't seem to be mentioned in the previous comics."

After contacting some of the previous foreshadowings, the fans instantly thought of the worst situation.

In the comics, Sasuke is still working tirelessly to get his father’s compliment, "Worthy of my son", but unfortunately, even if his final exam results are the first in the class, he did not get his father. Such a compliment.

"Do you think I'm getting in the way? Do you think your life would be better without my brother?" When Sasuke was a little disappointed, his brother sat next to him and said.

"But you are my only brother. As a threshold you must cross, I will always be with you. Even if you hate it, maybe this is the so-called brother."

Seeing Sasuke's brother's remarks, comic fans seemed to have some deep meaning. His brother's expression is still so gentle and kind, which makes people feel unpleasant.

But in connection with what happened later, comic fans always feel that his brother seems to be suggesting something at this time.

But unlike the gentle expression in front of Sasuke, Itachi was very tough when faced with the questioning of his tribe, not only knocked all the people to the ground in twos, but also spoke.

"I also said just now, don't doubt a person on the surface. I don't care, you just make your own arbitrary judgments and doubts. The family, you who always talk about this, don't even know your own strength. Size, so I will lie here now."

In the manga, Itachi did not attend the meeting of their family last night. His good friend and the person who was sent to monitor him was also killed at the same time.

The members of his family suspected his brother Sasuke, and when he came to ask him, he was ruthlessly knocked down to the ground.

Sasuke was a little shocked when he saw this scene. Because he had never seen a brother like this, nor had he seen his brother's eyes.

This kind of eye, although it is Shao Lun Yan, is also different from Shao Lun Yan.

"Being attached to the organization, attached to the family, attached to something, these are things that restrict one's ability. And now the fear and hatred of the unknown is really ridiculous."

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Uchiha Itachi continued to speak. Even in the face of his father, he did not give in: "Why is it weird? The reason why I didn't come last night was to get close to the peak. I was already impatient with this stupid family ."

The Uchiha Itachi at this time in the manga has a similar feeling to the Itachi who appeared later to catch Naruto. Fans all feel that it seems that something big has happened to Itachi.

"It's just that you are too attached to the Uchiha family that restrict yourself and cannot approach the peak." In the manga, Uchiha Itachi continued.

Just when he seemed to be going crazy, the words of Sasuke, who was hiding next to him, seemed to calm him down.

"Brother, stop now!"

After hearing Sasuke's words, Itachi calmed down: "It was not me who killed Shisui, but I apologize for what I said just now. I'm so sorry."

Itachi knelt down and said, his words also eased the atmosphere on the scene.

His father didn't seem to want to target his son in this way, so he gave him a step and let him step down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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