Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 360: Fly to U.S.

"Kaleidoscope Zhuanyan is an upgraded version of Zhuanyan. He will have the strongest physical and illusion attacks. As for what these attacks look like, friends who like Naruto, please wait and see."

Chen Ze also noticed what Kaleidoscope wrote round eyes had caused heated discussion on the Internet. In his previous life, he actually liked the setting of kaleidoscope writing round eyes very much. Therefore, in this world, Chen Ze couldn't help but explode some of its functions in advance.

Of course, his meager shot immediately caught everyone's attention.

"The strongest physical and illusion attack? I'll go, is it so powerful?"

"As soon as I heard the name, I knew it must be very powerful, but I never thought it would be so powerful. That kaleidoscope writing round eyes is going to become one of the strongest pupil skills behind "Naruto"."

"What kind of attack is it? Teacher Chen Ze, can you stop selling it? It's okay if you don't say it. I'm getting more and more curious when I say it. It's over. I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight."

Many netizens left messages in this meager post by Chen Ze, and everyone was very curious about Kaleidoscope writing.

Chen Ze also replies with some good questions while flipping through those replies. Chen Ze usually has little time to respond to meager, but today is different. Today he had some time to interact with fans in meager.

At the beginning, the fans didn't realize that Chen Ze was actually replying to their comments, because they were still posting some meager content related to Chen Ze.

But when he discovered that Chen Ze was picking up some meager things and began to reply, one by one became excited. In order for Chen Ze to reply to his own content, the comments they sent became more and more irrelevant to Chen Ze's meagerness.

"Let me go, Mr. Chen Ze, you are actually giving me a meager reply today. I'm so surprised, is it the person? Just reply to me if it is the person!"

"Please reply, Chen Ze, I am a fan of your old comics. I have liked your comics since "Slam Dunk". Can you reply to me so that I can also reach the pinnacle of life and marry Bai Fumei ."

"Chen Ze, why are you so free today, and there is still time to reply to our meagerness, can you tell us your plan below?"

Chen Ze kept flipping back through the comments of netizens, and the netizens started to talk more and more about Chen Zefa's meagerness, but to the pointless.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to reply to every one, but he responded to the questions that he thought was more fun and had questions about the surname.

In this way, netizens saw that Chen Ze actually replied so many today, and they became more motivated, and kept commenting under Chen Ze.

"Chen Ze, the time is up, it's time for us to board the plane!"

When Chen Ze replied to the netizen's comment, Lin Lan's voice passed through. Chen Ze looked up and saw that the flight he was waiting for had already started boarding.


Chen Ze nodded, packed up his luggage, and Lin Lan walked towards the boarding gate.

Five days after the last issue of "Naruto" came out, Chen Ze and Lin Lan embarked on a flight to the United States. This trip to the U.S. is very important because it is related to the internationalization of Chen Ze's own comics.

In order to avoid flight delays, Chen Ze and Lin Lan arrived at the airport two hours early. It's boring while waiting for the flight, so the above thing is here.

Chen Ze posted a meager and interacted with fans.

Of course, now that his flight is about to take off, Chen Ze naturally has no time to interact with netizens. After speaking about his situation, he put the phone back on his body and walked towards the boarding gate with Lin Lan.

The boarding gate is divided into the general customer boarding channel and the customer boarding channel. The general customer boarding channels are used by people who buy economy class and need to line up.

The passenger boarding lanes are used by business class and first class customers, so there is no need to line up.

This time Chen Ze and Lin Lan were invited by the United States, and all travel expenses were borne by them. They knew that although Chen Ze was not well-known in the United States, he was well-known in China and even East Asia. Naturally, they could not neglect and prepared first-class for Chen Ze.

Therefore, Chen Ze and Lin Lan didn't spend much time and quickly walked into the first-class cabin from the passage.

China and the United States in this world are the two largest economies in the world. Flights between these two countries are naturally very luxurious and comfortable.

Especially the first-class cabin, it can be described as quite comfortable. Chen Ze has also been to an island country. To be honest, the plane was not as comfortable as this time.


With the help of the stewardess, Chen Ze sat in his seat and stretched out after putting his luggage away. This time the plane is quite big. In the first class, Chen Ze's seat can even be put into a bed and lie down to sleep.

Lin Lan is not as excited as Chen Ze. She has been studying in the United States for many years, and she has already flew this kind of airplane many times.

After getting on the plane, she sat in the position proficiently, straightened her legs, and assumed the most comfortable posture.

"Chen Ze, let's get some sleep first. There is a time difference between the U.S. side and ours. Our flight will take 18 hours to get to New York in the U.S. It will be night on our side, but it's still daytime over there. So. Now when we are on the plane, we must try to skip the jet lag to avoid the lack of energy in the United States."

After sitting down by herself, Lin Lan turned to Chen Ze and said. She used to travel between China and the United States, so she is naturally very knowledgeable about how to solve the problem of jet lag.

Especially this time they came to the U.S. with a very heavy task, so naturally they couldn't even be able to fight their spirits by that time. That way, going to the United States this time would be wasted.

"Okay." Chen Ze also knew that Lin Lan had experience, so he nodded, listening to Lin Lan's words, began to close his eyes and prepare to go to bed. Lin Lan naturally closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Lin Lan has experience. Soon after the plane took off, she fell asleep. But Chen Zeke is not that simple. It's only ten o'clock in the morning. This is the time when he is most energetic to work. How can he sleep now?

More than half an hour passed before Chen Ze became drowsy and drowsy. But at this moment, a quiet discussion pulled Chen Ze back from sleep.

"That's Chen Ze, I think it must be Chen Ze from the looks of it, there is no doubt about it."

"It should be, there is no reason for two people who look like this in the world. I was so excited that Chen Ze was actually on our plane. I like his comics the most. I don't know if I can ask him for an autograph."

"Me too. I like his "Naruto" the most. I didn't expect to see him on our plane. If I could ask him for an autograph, it would be the best."

Although their voices were low, they still awakened Chen Ze. Chen Ze looked up and saw that it was a flight attendant on this plane. They were gathering together and whispered.

If it is an ordinary person, now that Chen Ze is woken up, Chen Ze may be a little angry. But in the face of a class of beautiful flight attendants, he couldn't be angry with this.

He couldn't sleep anyway, so he stood up and walked towards the flight attendants.

It is said that the most beautiful flight attendants are on flights to western developed countries, especially those who serve first class and business class.

Chen Ze didn't really believe these words, but now that he approached the flight attendants, he felt that these words were really right. The flight attendants in front of him are really more beautiful than the other. Although they are not as good as Lin Lan, they are far above the average level.

"Hello." Chen Ze greeted them with a smile.

They were talking in a low voice but they didn't expect Chen Ze to hear them. Now facing Chen Ze, everyone is a little flustered.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to lose something?" a stewardess calmed down and asked.

"I don't want anything, I just can't sleep, I feel bored, I want to chat with you." Chen Ze smiled.

"Then can I ask a question?" a stewardess quickly said.

"You ask?" Chen Ze said.

"Are you Chen Ze? That's the cartoonist!" After these words, all the flight attendants looked forward to Kan Ze Chen Ze.

"It's me!" Chen Ze nodded.

His words immediately excited the flight attendants.

"Wow, it's Chen Ze, really Chen Ze, I was so excited to see a real person today."

"Chen Ze, I like your comics the most. Can you sign me?" (To be continued.)

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