Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 372: Propaganda in the U.S. (Part 2) for subscription

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen Ze!"

In a studio in New York, Chen Ze smiled and said to the camera.

The talk show he participated in is called "Speak Your World", and it has a very high ratings in the entire United States. Those who can be on this show are all very popular actors, athletes, politicians and so on in the United States.

Although Chen Ze’s popularity in the United States has risen sharply recently, he is still not eligible for this show. However, because of the operation of the Lando Group and Smith, plus the attention of the "Speak Your World" program group to the craze caused by Chen Ze on the Internet.

They think that if Chen Ze is put on his own show, there will be a good point to watch. Under the influence of these factors, they finally extended an invitation to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze came to the U.S. to increase his popularity in the U.S. and to pave a solid path for his comics to open up the U.S. and Western markets. Therefore, facing this kind of invitation, Chen Ze naturally agreed with one bite.

That's why now, Chen Ze sat in this studio in New York and smiled at the camera.

After speaking it in Chinese, Chen Ze said it again in English. Although his English is not very good, but the simplest sentence "Hello everyone, I am Chen Ze" he said it is no problem.

"Well, welcome Chen Ze to our "Speak Your World" program group to participate in the recording of our program. Before the program starts, I have a question, is this your first time in New York? What do you think of us in New York? "

Sitting next to Chen Ze was a woman in her thirties. Blond, blue-eyed, big waves, and a very orthodox American woman, she is the host of this show, Linna.

Before Chen Ze came, he heard that Linna was the first few beauties in New York, and she was the perfect " " in the hearts of men in New York City. Before I saw Linna. Chen Ze thought what a beautiful woman she would be.

As a result, when we met, it might be due to the difference in aesthetics between the East and the West. Chen Ze really didn't see that Linna was as pretty as she said. In Chen Ze's eyes, it was far from Lin Lan or Zhang Jingning.

The hostess after Chen Ze finished greeting. The same smiled and said. As soon as she finished speaking, the translator sitting next to Chen Ze translated her words to Chen Ze.

This translator was specially arranged for Chen Ze by the program group after learning that Chen Ze was not good at English.

"Yes, this is my first time in New York. When it comes to my views on New York, it can only be compared with the ultra-modern city. I think New York is too prosperous. Whether it is public facilities or transportation. , Or hotels, etc., in the whole world, they are all superb.” Chen Ze said, and the translator translated his words.

"Yeah." After hearing Chen Ze's words, the hostess Linna nodded. "I know that you are a cartoonist in China. This time you came to the United States to promote your own comics, but we Americans don’t really like your Eastern comics. Then do you think your promotion of comics this time Can the brigade succeed?"

"I believe it will succeed." After listening to the question of the hostess who translated, Chen Ze said affirmatively: "Although our Eastern and Western cultures are very different, regardless of our values, our living environment is also good. No matter the influence of history and history, the differences are very big. But I also always believe that truly beautiful things can be accepted all over the world, and comics have this kind of charm."

When Chen Ze dared to say these words, it was naturally not without a target.

If he had doubts about whether his cartoons could open the market in the US before coming to the United States, but after a few days of things, his doubts were completely dispelled.

A previous-life "Superman" comic can cause such a sensation in the United States. If you paint all the classic American comics from the previous life, then how can you worry about not opening up the American and Western markets.

"Furthermore. This time I am cooperating with you Lando Group, the best publishing house in the United States. With their vigorous promotion, I believe that the promotion of comics will surely get twice the result with half the effort." Chen Ze smiled.

"Speaking of the Lando Group, I learned a piece of news. The "Superman" comic that caused a sensation on the Internet this time is what you drew on the wall of the bookstore under their group. For this "Superman" comic, now netizens But everyone is very curious. Everyone likes your cartoon. Can you tell us about your original intention of creating this cartoon?"

The hostess Linna said that the reason why their program group invited Chen Ze this time is that the "Superman" comics that Chen Ze painted on the wall are quite popular among netizens.

Long before the recording of this episode began, the entire program team had set the tone, and the content of the interview should be centered on the "Superman" comics. So soon, the hostess led the topic here.

"Superman" is an idea I had a long time ago." Chen Ze thought for a while and said, he had already guessed that there would be such a problem before going on this show. After all, it was himself who caused this discussion on the Internet. Draw this "Superman" cartoon.

Therefore, Chen Ze had already thought about how to answer this question. It is naturally impossible for him to say that he copied the classic comics from your country's previous life, and used it to gain popularity for himself and open up your U.S. market.

Chen Ze conceived for a long time, and finally thought of an answer. ,

"The image of Superman is to guard justice and use his own power to maintain peace and social order. I think everyone has this image when they were young, and I hope they will become such people when they grow up. I also had this image when I was young. The dream is just that when I grow up I find that it is too far away, so I can only use the paintbrush in my hand to realize my childhood dream in my own comics."

Chen Ze said: "The reason why I set the character image as you American is because I am a guest in America this time, so this "Superman" comic is a gift from my guest to your host. "

"A gift for us? Chen Ze, you are so polite." The hostess Linna laughed. "It turns out that this is why you created "Superman". No wonder you are so popular among netizens. Every boy When I was young, I had a dream of a hero, hoping to become a superman who fights against evil. Your "Superman" just meets everyone's expectations in this respect."

"By the way, Chen Ze, do you want to see us Americans, what do you think about the "Superman" you painted?" Linna said.

"Yes." Chen Ze nodded. After he drew "Superman", because of language barriers, except for the New York local website, he never read the evaluation of his "Superman" by Americans. Up.

Therefore, although he knew that these comments must be the netizens' liking for his "Superman", he still couldn't help but be curious.

"Okay, let us all take a look at the big screen. Inside, there are interviews by our reporters and everyone's views on Superman."

The hostess Linna smiled and raised her hand and pointed to the big screen behind. Chen Ze followed her hand and looked back, and then a street scene appeared on the screen.

This picture is very familiar to Chen Ze. The pure black wall is painted with white chalk on the story of a superhero. In front of this wall, countless people crowded here, with cameras in their hands, as if they wanted to take pictures of the stories on the wall.

Here is the bookstore where Chen Ze created the "Superman" comics a few days ago.

"Hello everyone, audience friends, this is the place where the "Superman" comics were created in the recent Internet fire. We can still see that there are at least a thousand people around this wall, all of them are here to give this " "Superman" comics were taken as a souvenir, this place seems to have become a scenic spot."

"Not only that, but the police are also maintaining order here. They seem to be worried that there are too many people coming here, and it may turn into an accident. From this we can also see that the "Superman" comic is actually in New York and caused What a sensation.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

PS: Sixth, there are four more

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