Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 379: "Hunter of the End" finale released

"I am very pleased to be able to release the final chapter of "Hunter Doomsday". Thanks to my friends who have supported me and "Hunter Doomsday" over the past two decades. Now the end of "Hunter Doomsday" will be released soon. I hope you can continue to support it."

The final chapter of "Hunter of the Last Days" has caused a sensation on the Internet these days. Wu Jiahao and Shi Jieren have also seen them. To be honest, they are quite satisfied. After all, it has already had such popularity before its launch, and it will definitely continue to rise after its launch.

Tomorrow is the day when "Hunter of the End" will be released, so this evening Wu Jiahao posted such a meager post, which is considered to be the last publicity before the release.

With the current popularity of "Hunter of the End", Wu Jiahao’s meager post was naturally immediately attracted by people. The number of replies and reposts both increased very fast, and it rushed in just a few hours. A meager hot topic.

As a result, there are more and more people discussing "Hunter Doomsday" online, and countless people are looking forward to the release of "Hunter Doomsday".

In this case, on Wednesday, the magazine that was serialized by "Hunter of the End", Lotte's "Shounen", finally went on sale.

"It's on sale, it's on sale, everyone pays attention, "Youth" is already on sale, everyone hurry up and buy a copy!"

"Really, it's finally on sale, then I'll have to buy one after class is over. It's a silly class, otherwise I would have bought a copy long ago."

"Haha, I have already bought it and just started to watch it. It's so good-looking. I think Mr. Wu Jiahao has been improving. This new issue feels better than the previous one."

"Hunter of the Doomsday" has just started to go on sale, and immediately a discussion post about the end of the first issue of "Hunter of the Doomsday" appeared online. Some called on everyone to hurry up and buy them, some were discussing plot issues, and some were using the ending chapter of "Hunter of the End" to start recalling the good memories left in their impressions.

In short, it has been less than an hour since the end of "Hunter of the End". The amount of discussion on the Internet exploded at an alarming rate, and the ending chapter of "Hunter of the End" quickly reached the top of netizens' search rankings. And it's not a ranking list of comics, but a ranking of total search volume.

Since the popularity of the Internet, the first issue of a new comic has such an amazing performance on the Internet, this is the first time.

Although the performance of the Internet is amazing, it is nothing compared to reality.

in reality. Since the new issue of "Youth" was released, in just over three hours, all major bookstores, newsstands, and other places selling magazines have all sold out. Not only that, but there is also a steady stream of fans who find bookstores and newsstands, hoping to buy a copy of "Youth."

Of course. All of their goals are the end of "Hunter of the End". The sales on the first day actually had such an amazing performance. In the impression of all Huaxia people, it seems that only a few people have ever done it.

After learning about this situation, Shi Jieren and Lotte Club naturally went all out to print them immediately to meet the needs of Fanfan. Although only a few hours have passed since this day, Shi Jie knew that this new issue of "Youth" might set a sales record in recent years.

"Sure enough. It's right to find Wu Jiahao to deal with Chen Ze." Shi Jie thought in his heart that although he hasn't even got the sales figures yet, Shi Jie has a certain degree of popularity just by looking at the degree of popularity. grasp.

After all, even if Chen Ze already has so many super-popular comics, there is no one. This phenomenon can happen when it is just released. This kind of phenomenon has been achieved by only one person in China today, and that is Li Mingxiang.

It's not just sales success. The quality of "Hunter of the End" has also been recognized by the majority of netizens. After all, if the quality is not good enough, then no matter how good the sales are at this time, it is just a passing flick, and it will not last long.

Only when the quality is recognized by everyone can this phenomenon be maintained.

"Old Zhang. Did you watch the end of the new issue of "Hunter of the End"?"

In a company, a man in his twenties walked up to another man who was slightly older than him and asked quietly.

"Of course I watched it. I got up early in the morning and spent a long time in line before buying it. To be honest, this time "Hunter of the End" is too popular. I heard that the bookstores downstairs have already I bought a few percent more than usual, but it was sold out within a few hours.” The older man said.

"Really, it's so popular? No wonder I said that I just went down to buy a copy, and I told me that it was out of stock. It turned out to be like this." The man said, "Is this new issue good-looking? To be honest, I I grew up watching "Hunter of the End" since I was young. Although I will buy a copy to support it regardless of whether the ending is good or not, but I am really afraid that the new issue will ruin my childhood."

"Don't worry about this. The quality of Mr. Wu Jiahao's comics is quite guaranteed. I just took a peek at it, and it feels much better than before. Especially the fighting scenes, it is really enjoyable. Now," said the older man.

"Really, let me have a look, I can't buy this magazine now." The young man said.

"This is not good, I haven't read it yet. And you don't know how popular this new issue is. This new magazine will definitely be very collectible. I plan to keep it in my collection and lend it to you in case it gets caught. What if you can't find it?"

The older man shook his head, as if what he was holding was not a comic magazine, but some treasure. No, for their fanaticism, this may be a gem.

"This time I heard that Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" is going to be compared with Chen Ze. Don't you also like Chen Ze's cartoons, do you think it is possible for them to win?" The young man saw I couldn't get the magazine, so I had to start chatting.

"This." The older man shook his head, "Chen Ze has created a lot of miracles. In the past, he won many times when we were not optimistic. So this time before the release of "Hunter of the End" , I think everything is possible. Wu Jiahao has a greater chance of winning, but Chen Ze is not without the chance to win."

"But after this new issue comes out, I think Chen Ze really has no chance at all this time. You didn't see the horrible scene in the bookstore just now. You are very lucky to have to wait a few hours to get a copy. It's something. This kind of scary situation just released, only one person in the entire China comics industry can do it, like Li Ming. So..."

The older man didn't finish his words, but it was obvious that he was totally disinterested in Chen Ze.

Magic City, Zhang Jiyi Comic Studio!

Zhang Ji also sat in his office, and what he held was "Hunter of the End" in his hand.

"The painting is really great. I don't think that Wu Jiahao is so old, and he can make progress in comics. It is really amazing. This time Chen Ze, I am afraid that he will be in big trouble."

Zhang Ji also sighed softly, but he has a deep understanding of Wu Jiahao. In terms of seniority, it is far above him. As far as the status and influence of the comics industry are concerned, he is not an opponent at all.

Therefore, Zhang Jiyi is also very concerned about this duel between Chen Ze and him. He wanted to see where Chen Ze, a genius he believed to be a once-in-a-hundred year, could do in a duel with such a giant in the comics industry.

Sometimes, although this time is very short. But at this time, Zhang Ji also considered whether Chen Ze would create another miracle, defeating Wu Jiahao, and officially qualified to challenge Li Mingxiang.

But after getting this new issue of the magazine, Zhang Jiyi's thoughts were immediately annihilated.

Wu Jiahao’s new "Hunter of the Last Days" is so good. Whether it is the lens, the whole story, or the details, it has almost surpassed his past, even reaching the point where it is close to Li Ming.

Zhang Jiyi once thought that Wu Jiahao was in his 50s after all, and his manga skills would be somewhat regressed. But seeing this new issue of comics, he has to admit that Wu Jiahao not only has not regressed, but has even improved a lot.

In this case, the past influence of "Hunter of the End" is added. Zhang Ji also felt that if he and Wu Jiahao challenged him, it would be a collapse.

Chen Ze may be a lot better, but I am afraid he will not be Wu Jiahao's opponent at all. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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