Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 383: "Dragon Ball" released

In the following days, Chen Ze started a publicity campaign according to his original plan. In addition to posting a meager interview with reporters. Chen Ze appeared on some TV shows, magazine interviews and so on.

In these activities, Chen Ze also revealed the content of the new comics a little bit. In this way, it attracted a lot of attention from fans. Although Chen Ze's new comic has not yet been released, its popularity is already considerable.

During Chen Ze's promotional activities, the second chapter of the final chapter of Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" was also released. The sales volume of this sentence is much higher than that of the previous one, and it has even exceeded 2 million copies on the first day.

The first day exceeded two million, which is a number that has not appeared in the entire China comics industry for many years. Therefore, naturally, when the news came out, it caused a sensation among netizens.

In this sensation, many comic fans increasingly want to know what kind of new comic Chen Ze will draw to compete with Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End".

In this way, time passed bit by bit in the eager anticipation of countless comics. Finally, today it is the turn of "Dragon Ball" to be released.

The release of "Dragon Ball" was also in "Manke Weekly". Because this "Manke Weekly" has been serializing "Naruto", its sales have always been very good.

Even before "Doomsday Hunter" appeared on Lotte Club's "Shounen", it was able to hold down its sales steadily.

Only when "Hunter of the End" turned out did it far surpass "Manke Weekly" in sales.

Therefore, this time, as "Dragon Ball", which is going to fight "Doomsday Hunter", who wins and who loses can be clearly seen by comparing the sales of the two magazines.

All fans and media reporters naturally understand this matter very well. So on the first day of Chen Zexin's comics. They are all staring at the comic sales of "Manke Weekly", and want to know for the first time who will be the winner this time.

Zeng Ming is such a comic fan. As a die-hard fan of Chen Ze, he is facing this comic showdown between Chen Ze and Wu Jiahao. Naturally, it is very caring.

Especially when he watched Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End", he was even more worried about Chen Ze this time. Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the Last Days" is so good-looking. With the popularity cultivated in the past, Zeng Ming also knows that it is almost impossible for Chen Ze to defeat Wu Jiahao this time.

But even so. As a fan fan who followed Chen Ze's first "Slam Dunk", Zeng Ming still intends to support Chen Ze this time.

He is also just a poor student and can't do much. But buying two or three magazines at a time to make a little more contribution to the sales of Chen Ze's comics, he can still do this.

So Zeng Ming got up early this morning, planning to be the same as usual. Go downstairs to the bookstore downstairs to buy a copy of Manke Weekly. The reason why it is so early is because "Manke Weekly" was actually very popular before then. If I get down later, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy more copies.

In order to avoid this, Zeng Ming chose to go downstairs so early and wanted to buy a few copies at a time.

"I'm so early, I think it should be possible to buy it." Zeng Ming thought while going downstairs.

But beyond his expectation. After he went downstairs, he realized that the bookstore had already lined up so early.

"That's right, it's half past seven in the morning, how come there are so many people so early?"

Zeng Ming couldn't believe his eyes. He thought he had misunderstood the time. He quickly checked his watch and found that there was nothing wrong with it. It was 7:30 in the morning.

There was already a long queue at 7:30 in the morning, in Zeng Ming's impression. In the past, "Manke Weekly" has never happened.

The only time this happened in other magazines was "The Boy" where the recent hit "Hunter of the End" is located. It was indeed such a magnificent sight when "The Boy" first released "Hunter of the End" a week ago.

"Is "Manke Weekly" going to re-enact the miracle of "Youth" a few days ago?"

Thinking of this, Zeng Ming's heart was shocked, and he hurried to this team. I want to see if there are such long queues, is it true that everyone is directed at "Manke Weekly", or to be precise, at the comics of Chen Zexin?

"There are so many people today. I thought I started early, but I didn't expect so many people to come."

"Yeah, today is the day when Chen Ze’s new comics are released. I originally got up so early to support his new comics. After all, I’m also a fan of his comics. This time he is fighting Wu Jiahao again. I didn’t expect that. Early, there were so many people."

"It shows that there are still many people who look forward to Chen Zexin's comics. Just like me, I was attracted by Chen Ze's publicity a few days ago. I really want to see how he adapted "Journey to the West" to combine him with fighting comics. of."

As Zeng Ming walked towards the back of the long dragon line, he heard the people in the line talk to each other. After listening for a while, Zeng Ming felt that his initial question was meaningless.

Obviously, everyone here is here for Chen Ze's new cartoon.

"There are so many people, then you won't necessarily lose this time." At the end of the line, looking at the front row of excitedly discussing Chen Zexin's comic faces. Somehow, this thought came to Zeng Ming's mind.

That's right, if you think that Chen Ze is defeated this time before today. Looking at this unprecedented grand occasion, Zeng Ming had a faint feeling, this time there is no final conclusion about who is really the winner.

The popularity of "Hunter of the End" is popular, but Chen Ze's new comics seem to not lose to it.

After standing in line for nearly half an hour, Zeng Ming finally walked to the counter of the bookstore.

"Boss, I want a copy..." Before Zeng Ming could speak, the boss standing on the other side of the bookstore handed over a magazine. This magazine is "Manke Weekly." .

"Needless to say, everyone who came today came to buy Manke Weekly." The boss smiled.

Looking at the long queues outside, it has been seven or eight years since he opened his own store, and he has rarely encountered such a grand occasion. I've been here a few days ago, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, but I did it again.

This is really beyond his expectations, but fortunately he has learned from the last time, this time he bought a lot of inventory. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be sold out at this time.

"Boss, are you all the people who came to buy Manke Weekly today?" Although Zeng Ming had this idea in his mind, he couldn't help but confirm it after seeing the bookstore owner.

"Yes, so many people are here today for Manke Weekly." The boss nodded, "Or it was for Chen Ze's new comic. I just read his new comic. , I think it’s very good-looking, it's really from Chen Ze's pen."

The owner of this bookstore is also a maniac. After he got the "Manke Weekly", he read the magazine for the first time.

"Really, then I have to go home and have a look."

Zeng Ming was already curious about Chen Ze's new comics, but now he heard the boss's words again, and he couldn't help it for a long time. After paying the bill, he ran home immediately.

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look at what kind of comic Chen Zexin's cartoon is like, I'm really curious."

After returning home, Zeng Ming immediately opened the magazine and turned to the page of Chen Zexin's comics, ready to read it. He is actually a fan of Naruto. He bought this magazine in the past because he wanted to read more of Naruto's comics.

But today, he skipped "Naruto" and wanted to see Chen Ze's new manga directly. After all, Hokage won't run away there, it's the same after seeing it first!

""Dragon Ball""

Zeng Ming opened the first page of Chen Zexin's cartoon and read the name above.

"It turns out that the name of this comic is called "Dragon Ball"!"

When Chen Ze was doing publicity, he still didn't say the name of his new comic, which made all fans become more and more curious about his new comic.

The same is true for Zeng Ming. Only now did he know the name of the new comic, which was originally called Dragon Ball.

After reading the name, the first page is a big picture. A child is drawn on this big picture. With a stick on his back, he looks very simple. What surprised Zeng Ming most was that there was a tail on the child's ass.

Thinking of what Chen Ze once said was adapted from "Journey to the West", Zeng Ming suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"This kid, he, shouldn't he be Monkey King!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone Users please go to read.)

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