Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 392: Dragon Ball Outbreak (1)

In the beginning, after Chen Ze issued the meager explanation, many fan media and netizens did not believe in Chen Ze’s explanation. Some thought that from the current "Dragon Ball" comics, one should imagine Chen Ze’s meager explanation. Yes, it is a bit unrealistic to be an excellent fighting comic.

Even many media reporters think that this is nothing more than Chen Ze's strong words because he can't afford to lose.

In short, apart from Chen Ze’s fanfare, mainstream views are not optimistic about the Weibo that Chen Ze explained. Especially with the "Hunter of the Last Days", the final chapter of the jewel, everyone is even more unhappy about Chen Ze's "Dragon Ball".

But all of this has quietly changed after the "Dragon Ball" comics that came out in subsequent issues.

"Dragon Ball" has a lot of plots in the first part of Chen Ze's previous life. These plots are very relaxed and beautiful, and they are also relatively popular in Chen Ze's previous life. But as mentioned earlier, in order to avoid entering the **** fighting comics too slowly, Chen Ze cut off many of the plots in the first part and the second part of "Dragon Ball", speeding up the early rhythm of the entire "Dragon Ball" development of.

Therefore, in the serial series after Chen Ze's meager appearance, the embryonic form of a hot-blooded fighting comic has gradually formed.

"Sun Fist? Tianjin Fan is really amazing. It's worthy of being a character modeled on Erlang Shen, who really has the same strength as Little Goku."

"I'm still optimistic about Little Wukong, he will definitely beat Tianjin Fan!"

"It's a shame. It's a shame that you can win with a small advantage. How could you get hit by a car suddenly? It's a shame for Wukong."

"The Demon? Klin is really dead, with his skill. He can't pass the trick of that Demon. How strong is the Demon?"

"The Demon King Piccolo, I didn't expect that there is such a demon in the "Dragon Ball" world. I don't know who he is?"

"Defeat? Unexpectedly, even Wukong was defeated, and it was so complete. This Devil Piccolo is really terrifying. And his goal is to use "Dragon Ball" to restore his youth, if he really succeeds. Now, who else in this world can deal with him?"

"Mo Fengbo? Even Immortal Turtle is dead. Although he is pretty, I still like him quite a bit. I really didn't expect that even he was dead. In order to seal the Great Demon King Piccolo, I needed to sacrifice. A move for his own life. But this still failed."

"Wukong is drinking super divine water, Tianjin Fan is practicing Mo Fengbo. The peace of the "Dragon Ball" world is obviously in the hands of both of them. But the Bick Demon King Chen Ze portrays it too strong , I really can't think of how to defeat him."

The development of the plots of these comics, plus the development of the previous more than ten issues, finally the story of "Dragon Ball" from Monkey King participating in the world's No. 1 martial arts club for the second time. Confronting Tianjin Fan, I talked about the episode of Big Devil Bick.

While watching the plot of this comic, comic fans are increasingly attracted by "Dragon Ball." They were surprised to find that Chen Ze's fight scenes were getting better and better, and more and more visual.

From the beginning, I drew Little Wukong and played some monsters as if he was playing at home, and now he has confronted Tianjin Fan and some demons, and the fighting scenes have been drawn as if they were. Even when it comes to the sense of picture, impact, and the processing of the shots, it is about to catch up with "Hunter of the End".

The current "Dragon Ball", in terms of the fighting scene and the degree of blood, although it is not as good as "Hunter of the End". But there is no doubt that it is already an excellent hot-blooded combat comic.

At this time, people knew that the one that Chen Ze had originally sent was regarded as desperate for face. Sooner or later, he would be beaten in the face by himself, but he was about to do it.

Of course, what attracts the attention of all fans and netizens, except for the better and better depiction of fighting scenes in "Dragon Ball." There is also the development of the whole plot.

After the end of the second World No. 1 Budokai, the entire style of "Dragon Ball" comics changed. From the light-hearted comics at the beginning, a character like the Big Devil Bik who was about to destroy the world was suddenly introduced.

The appearance of this character directly wiped out the original sense of relaxation and comfort in the "Dragon Ball" comics. It is replaced by a feeling of tension and oppression.

Especially when netizens see the friends in Wukong’s comics, which are also the characters that fans like very much. After Klin, Tortoise Immortals, and Dumplings were killed one by one by the Big Devil, the feeling of tension and oppression became even greater .

The fans have a strong expectation that Wukong can come back and destroy such a demon who wants to destroy the world. At this time, the latest comic plot launched by Chen Ze tightly grasped the hearts of all fans.

In the latest plot, the Big Devil Piccolo has replaced the world king of "Dragon Ball" without any pressure. On the TV broadcast, he declared that he would destroy a piece of the world in one year.

Just as he was about to set off to go to the first place he was drawn to eliminate, Tianjin Fan, who had learned Demon Fengbo, rushed over, and he wanted to use the Demon Fengbo he had just learned to eliminate Demon King Piccolo.

At this time, on the other side, Little Wukong had already drunk the super divine water, and after his own potential was fully stimulated, he also took the somersault cloud and flew towards the place where the Big Demon King Piccolo was.

Fans who see here know that a big battle will be inevitable. When they were about to see how the plot would develop in the future, they suddenly discovered that this issue of "Dragon Ball" was so gone.

"Why not? At such an important time, I really can't help it."

All the fans thought this in their hearts. After watching the latest plot, they couldn't wait to go to Chen Ze's house and move Chen Ze's head away to see how the plot of "Dragon Ball" will continue to develop backwards.

The current plot is so fascinating, Wukong and Tianjin Fan finally completed their own practice and rushed to stop Piccolo. Whether it can succeed or not, this really makes the fans curious.

Therefore, although the new plot can only be seen until the next issue. But at this time, countless netizens were already on the Internet and began to discuss what might happen in the next plot.

"I think Big Demon King Piccolo must have failed this time. He is the one who wants to destroy the world. If he can't stop him this time, then the entire "Dragon Ball" world is about to collapse."

"Of course we all know that Big Demon Piccolo will be defeated, but the question now is how he will be defeated. From the front, even the old Piccolo has the ability to kill Goku in a flash. Now he is back to his youth. , Even Shenlong was killed by him. According to the current situation, no one can stop him at all."

"So Chen Ze now gives us two possibilities. One is the magic of Tianjin Fan, and the other is Wukong who has drunk super **** water. The way to defeat Piccolo must be one of these two."

"I think it's Mo Fengbo. The Demon King Piccolo is too powerful. Goku alone feels that he is not his It may be necessary for Wukong to attract Piccolo’s attention in front, and then Tianjin Fanyi Demon Sealed Wave to deal with Piccolo."

"I don't think so. Obviously, the magic of Tianjin Fan is going to fail. The last way to save the world lies in Wukong. How much progress has he made since he drank the super-shen water? I don't know yet. I tend to go to Goku to defeat the Big Demon King Piccolo by his own strength."

Netizens have published their speculations on the future development of "Dragon Ball" on the Internet. Everyone has different opinions, so there is even a quarrel on the Internet.

But there is no doubt that because of the recent development of the plot of "Dragon Ball" and the discussion among fans of netizens, the popularity of "Dragon Ball" on the Internet has faintly overshadowed the trend of "Doomsday Hunter".

Fan fans have all turned their attention to the latest issue of "Dragon Ball." Everyone wants to see how the next plot will develop and how Chen Ze will arrange it.

In this way, under everyone's attention, a week later, the new issue of "Dragon Ball" comics finally appeared in front of everyone. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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