Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 400: Dragon Ball Outbreak (3)

""Dragon Ball" broke out, and the sales popularity was the same at the same time, and it may have surpassed "Doomsday Hunter""

"The story of "Dragon Ball" is soaring, which has attracted much discussion across the Internet."

"Netizens ridiculed the "hot eyes and golden eyes" of "Animation Circle Wind and Cloud", "Dragon Ball" is considered to be a textbook-like fighting comic"


Early the next morning, all the media reporters reported all the incidents caused by "Dragon Ball" in the past. In these reports, media reporters not only gave "Dragon Ball" a high evaluation, calling it a "textbook-like fighting comic", but also reported on the grave digging behavior of netizens.

Originally, "Dragon Ball" was already quite popular, so these media reports did not give "Dragon Ball" much fame. However, the grave-digging behavior of those netizens on "Animation Circle Wind and Cloud" has attracted the attention of more netizens after it was reported.

They have joined in this grave digging behavior, making the report of "Animation Circle Wind and Cloud" unabated in major forums and websites, and it has always been the most popular post.

Generally, if an article published by a magazine can be so popular, then I am afraid that for people in the magazine, they can wake up with a smile even when they sleep.

But not for "Anime Circle Wind and Cloud". Combining the current popularity of "Dragon Ball", the god-like storyboard in the comic itself, and the extremely graphic and impactful fighting scenes, this post of "Anime Circle Wind and Cloud" is just Just slap them in the face.

And the higher the popularity on the Internet, the more swollen their faces will only be beaten.

Of course, in addition to these grave posts, what attracted the attention of fans is the sales of Chen Zexin's first issue of "Dragon Ball" reported by major magazine websites.

The first day sales of the new issue of Manke Weekly. Reached an astonishing 2.41 million. This number has surpassed the sales volume of "Youth" where Wu Jiahao's "Doomsday Hunter" is located.

"Will Chen Ze use this wave of comic " " to completely defeat or even get rid of Wu Jiahao?"

After seeing Chen Ze's magazine sales, this question immediately came to everyone's minds. This time, Chen Ze and Wu Jiahao’s comic book showdown has not been decided for several months.

Although before the chapter of "Dragon Ball" Piccolo. Whether it is popularity or magazine sales, Wu Jiahao's "Youth" is above Chen Ze's "Dragon Ball." But the gap between the two is not big, and over time, the gap is still gradually narrowing.

Now, Chen Ze's "Dragon Ball" relies on the big " " of this chapter of the Big Devil. In terms of popularity and magazine sales, both surpassed Wu Jiahao's "Doomsday Hunter", so it is natural that this time Chen Ze will defeat Wu Jiahao like this, and even the sales of comics, far open "Apocalypse Hunter". It has become the most concerned topic of all comics.

Especially recently, some bugs appeared in the plot of Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End", which affected his popularity and sales. Although this is only a small problem, it is nothing at all when it is changed to other times.

But now it is different. Now is when the plot of Chen Ze's "Dragon Ball" is soaring. In contrast to this situation, those small bugs have naturally evolved into a fatal issue for Wu Jiahao's victory.

"I think Chen Ze should have won this time. I watched both "Dragon Ball" and "Hunter of the End" together. There have been some errors in the plot of "Hunter of the End" in recent episodes. Although this is not a big problem, I personally feel that "Dragon Ball" is no longer as good as it looks,"

"I think so too. There is no doubt that "Hunter of the End" is very good-looking. Even in the entire series of "Hunter of the End", this final chapter can occupy the top three or even the first position. But "Dragon Ball" is really optimistic. Now, even if you don’t look at the recent issues, you can see from the previous sales. The sales of "Dragon Ball" have been increasing. But "Hunter of the End" has almost stagnated."

"Yes, the trend of "Dragon Ball" has been achieved. Although I like Teacher Wu Jiahao very much. But it is undeniable that he may have lost this time. If I don't expect, the next issue of magazine sales. A negative period."

"Teacher Wu Jiahao has made the best comic he can do. "Hunter of the Last Days" is very good-looking. It is already the best one in the comics of Teacher Wu Jiahao for more than 20 years. It's just that Chen Ze is really too good. After being perverted, I thought at first that he was not good at drawing fighting comics. I didn’t expect that he could draw such wonderful comics. It’s really perverted.”

"I support Teacher Wu Jiahao. Although I know that he will definitely lose this time, I still support him. For nothing else, just for the comics he drew, which accompanied me throughout my childhood."

Fan fans have discussed the sales of the latest issue of Chen Ze and Wu Jiahao. Except for some of Wu Jiahao's diehard fans, most people know that Chen Ze is set to win this time. And the decision date for the victory or defeat is probably the sales of the next issue of Manke Weekly.

Countless people have set their sights on the sales of the next issue of Manke Weekly. Everyone wants to witness this moment, the second person of a young cartoonist like Chen Ze defeating the golden generation.

In this way, another week passed under everyone's attention. The new issue of "Manke Weekly" was released. The next day, its first-day sales volume came out, 2.5 million yuan, such an astonishing number.

At the same time, the first day sales of "Youth" in which Wu Jiahao is located also came out, with 2.36 million, almost no increase from the previous issue.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that when the first day of comics sales reaches a certain number, it is very difficult to increase a little more.

Like the previous series of "Ninja City" by Asakura Kagami, the first day sales of "Shounen" quickly reached 1.34 million, but it has remained at this number for a long time. increase.

This was the case when it was more than one million, not to mention that now because of Wu Jiahao's "Doomsday Hunter", the first day sales have increased to more than two million, and it is very difficult to increase it a little bit more.

Therefore, "Hunter of the End" can have this performance, which is already very good or even brilliant.

But who made it to compare with it is Chen Ze's "Dragon Ball" such a super abnormal comic. After reaching 2.4 million, in just one week, it increased to an astonishing rate of 2.5 million.

Compared with this abnormality, Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" seems to be eclipsed a lot. It cannot be said that Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" is not outstanding, it can only be said that he really picked the wrong opponent.

Many fans of netizens have read comics for more than ten years or even decades, and of course they know this. After getting the sales of the two magazines on the first day, they all know that Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" has done the best it can.

It's just that the opponent this time is too abnormal. On the first day of sales 2.5 million, that means that a week's sales can be more than 12 million.

In today's China, no one has reached this level since Li Ming sealed his pen like this. Now, Chen Ze has done this. He became the first cartoonist to reach this number after he became Li Mingyang.

Even from the perspective of the entire Chinese comics industry, apart from Li Mingyang, only Chen Ze can reach this number.

"Perverted, it's so perverted. Although I have known from a very early time that Chen Ze is very good, and his comic talent is very outstanding. But at this level of excellence, it is really Yes, according to reason. It is said that Teacher Wu Jiahao has done the best he can. Under this situation, he still failed to Chen Ze. It can only be said that Chen Ze is a bit too abnormal."

"On the first day of 2.5 million, no one else has done it except Li Mingyang. Now that Chen Ze has done this, it probably means that, except for Li Mingyang, the entire Chinese comics industry has never done it anymore. Can suppress Chen Ze's cartoonist."

"Although I am a fan of Wu Jiahao and "Hunter of the End", I also have to admit that we are really convinced to lose this time, and Chen Ze is really amazing."

After getting the first day's sales of the second period, all fans of comics understand one thing, the victory or defeat has really been divided.

Moreover, the gap between the two comics is so great that even Wu Jiahao's most die-hard comic fan has to admit that this time it was Chen Ze who won. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: In the last few days, old Joe has something, so the last few days will be two changes

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