Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 68: Regret marriage

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"Strong brother, said beautiful!" Floral language loud. @

She was still relatively shy, and at this time she couldn’t help but cheer for Hong.

When Zhu Ningyu said something, he was returned by Hong Dali only a few words. There are not many people who can do such a thing.

How about losing a family? What about ordinary people? It’s just like playing a face like this! It is to fight the other side like this without any help! Dare to come to our home, you have to be prepared before you come!

"Yes! Beautiful!" The sons of the Hong family shouted in unison.

Everything that was done before the Beijia and Zhu family was completely suppressed. Reasons, talents, strength, they take things to say today, no one can compare with Hong vigorous.

Everyone was excited, and the heart violently beaten. Everything that happened today was so dramatic and so wonderful. Only Hong Hong vigorously, a big heart in his heart - his grandmother, forced Laozi to transform himself to use the third trick of the new learning of the sword, this time lost 60 health points plus 15 points strength Reaction, this account will stay back!

And this "monster fight sword", the power is strong, even the cover of Zhu Yunzhou can be broken, but the cost is still huge - this thing is not like the transformation has a duration, this is a move, once with a property point That is to say, just now, just over forty attributes went in...

"Okay, good!" At this time, Zhu Yunzhou's eyes flashed in the cold, staring at Hong Dali. Shen Sheng: "What you did today, we have written down the Zhu family! Really, Hong Dali, I really want to kill you now!" The teeth trembled, revealing the words of killing.

Zhu Yunzhou clenched his fists and burned a flame of incomparable anger in his eyes.

This person today. It is indeed a big loss! Originally, I came to the door to retreat. As a result, I was not forced to be x. This kind of thing can not be accepted by anyone, let alone his Zhu family!

"Why, want to start?" Hong Xingyu broke the face in front of Hong.

Hong’s strong strength against Zhu Ningyu’s complete sling, but before he went to the Super Theological College for further study, even if he could unexpectedly break the cover of Zhu Yunzhou. It is definitely not his opponent. Therefore, in order to prevent Zhu Yunzhou from injuring people, Hong Xingyu is also the spirit of playing 120,000 points.

"Call--" The fists clenched up, and Zhu Yunzhou exhaled deeply. After a while, the horrible horror on his face was already calm.

Looking at Zhu Yunzhou, who suddenly converges on all emotions, Hong Xingyu suddenly wrinkled his brows, and an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hong Xingyu." Zhu Yunzhou suddenly looked at Hong Xingyu's eyes, and then loudly said: "Hong said that it is true. This time, our Zhu family was remarried by your Hong family. My family's rain is not worthy of your efforts. So we don't climb too high. Before you and I got married, let's just give up!"

He actually admitted it! He actually admitted that Hong Jia retired his Zhu family's marriage!

How can such a thing happen? This Zhu Yunzhou, what do you think?

Everyone couldn't touch the mind, but Hong was the first to react. Then he looked at Zhu Yunzhou and sneered at the corner of his mouth. This Zhu Yunzhou. It’s really a powerful person, can afford it, let it go, and it’s a must-have person.

"Hong Xingyu, you must also know," Zhu Yunzhou’s mouth overflowed with a sneer: "In our Shenglong royal family, being punished by the public will make the other party ugly. Oh, I am the Zhujia family, and now I am so insulted, This kind of thing, of course, can't be counted like this. So..." He said that there was a strange smile on his face. This smile grew bigger and bigger, and finally even became a big laugh: "Ha ha ha ha, Hong Xingyu Ready to pick up our Zhu family's gauntlet! After March, the south of the city, the battlefield, regret the marriage!"

Repenting marriage!

When I heard the word, all the sons of Hong’s family who were present were shocked!

Repentance of marriage, this battle, which can be said to be one of the most serious battles of the Holy Dragon royal family!

Once a party is remarried in public, it can be proposed. After that, the two families will become completely deadly enemies. The family will need to live and die in the Sanluo royal duel. If one party dies, the other party can chase and block his entire family, and never stop!

Everyone couldn't think of it, Zhu Yunzhou actually dared to issue a repentance war!

You must know that Hong Xingyu is already high this year, and Zhu Yunzhou is very strong. Between this positive and negative, Hong Xingyu’s winning percentage is only 40%. Since Zhu Yunzhou dared to propose this remorse and marriage, there are naturally other cards.

This time the battle, the consequences are unpredictable!

"This Zhu Yunzhou is a good calculation," Hong vigorously narrowed his eyes. "This move is retreating. It is really good to play. With his current physical condition, he really has great for his grandfather." The odds of winning. So even if all the previous things have failed today, as long as this remorse is about to be raised, I am afraid that it will be able to reverse the situation immediately."

Sure enough, at this time, the three elders of Hong’s family were all anxious, and the great elder Hong Haoyuan said loudly: “The patriarch, can’t pick up! I can’t pick it up!” The two elders also nodded and said, “Yes, this is obviously theirs. A trap can't be picked up!"

Everyone looked at Hong Xingyu.

Once this repentance war is accepted, it cannot be changed. Only one death can be considered as the end. The consequences can be said to be extremely serious.

However, Hong Xingyu is the owner of the Hong family. What was the scenery of the year? When I was old, I was hit by the other side. After a beautiful face-lifting, the last battle was not dare to pick up. Isn’t it a joke for the entire royal family?

"Zhu Yunzhou, is it three months?" Hong Xingyu smiled and nodded: "Well, the old man took it."

The entire scene was quiet in an instant.

"The patriarch!" "Home!" All the sons of the Hong family were anxious. With his current physical condition, facing Zhu Yunzhou, who is at its peak, how difficult this will be!

"You just pick it up, hahaha, after three months, see the south of the city battlefield!" Zhu Yunzhou laughed wildly: "Old Bay, let's go! Hahahaha, ready to take over all the resources of Hongjia, ha Haha!"

"Old guy," things have come, now, Bei Mingxuan even politely can not care. He looked at Hong Xingyu's eyes as if he was watching a dead person: "The last three months, cherish it, haha!"

Bei Mingxuan and Zhu Yunzhou were very proud of their expressions, but the people at the Hong family were anxious.

"The patriarch," the elders said in a hurry: "When you are calm and calm, why bother with them?!"

"Hong vigorously, it's all you!" The two elders, Chonghong, glared with great enthusiasm: "If it weren't for you, why should the patriarch risk this life?! But it is a repentance of marriage, not endless!"

After listening to the words of the two elders, everyone else was also glaring at Hong.

Although he had a hearty face before, but this time the patriarch received a remorse for marriage, once failed...

"A bunch of useless waste!" Hong Xingyu slammed the crutches in his hand and angered: "How did our Hong family appear as a group of **** who didn't grow!"

"Hahaha, let's make a little noise first, let's go back first!" Seeing Hong's family will be guilty, Bei Mingxuan and Zhu Yunzhou laughed and turned away. The result did not want to, just walked to the door, a lazy voice sounded again: "Grandpa, oh, I want to buy something with you, you must sell it to me."


The next chapter continues to hit the face, and it is very fun to play, hehe~

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