Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 1171: too terrifying!

To put it bluntly, Joyce's ability is still very strong. The person who distort the soul stone awakens can twist all objects within a radius of 500 meters. Imagine that when people were standing, they were straight, but once the spine was distorted, could they fight?

Although it is not a natural selection, but Joyce is confident, with his strength, it is always possible to fight.

I just didn't expect that he had not waited for his talents to be discovered. Moreover, looking at Hong Kong’s vigorous position, it is obviously a rhythm that has to be done.

"Hung, don't let me meet you!" Joyce hated his face green: "Otherwise it will be your death..."

It is a pity that Hong vigorously would not give him the opportunity to escape. Soon, a beautiful girl voice came: "Ice Age!"


The entire ground began to freeze in an instant, and countless ice crystals landed from the sky. In the twinkling of an eye, the heavens and the earth turned white. A layer of white frost began to spread rapidly on the ground, but between several breaths, Joyce Those teammates were completely frozen on the ground.

And just as Joyce wanted to direct everyone to find a way out of trouble, the latter attack followed.

"Spike the world!" Another voice of a man, from a spaceship in the sky, numerous spikes straight stabbed, but only a moment, will cover the entire team of Joyce.

"Oh..." A slight voice sounded, except that Joyce used the twisting ability to twist the spikes, and all the other players were almost pierced by spikes!

The bad luck was stabbed in the head and the heart died on the spot, and the luck was better, and it was directly injured.

And this is not the most tragic. The most tragic thing is that Hong Dali’s offensive has become an endless stream from the very beginning. Various kinds of abilities have been attacked from the sky without money. The effect, the light and shadow, the color, is just as good as the evening fireworks.

Of course, good-looking and good-looking, the actual effect is not covered. Hong Dali's Shenglong team was so violently bombed and bombed for five minutes, which was a satisfactory satisfaction.

At this time, the ground inside the iron cage has been riddled with holes, just like a meteor shower just experienced here. As for the team members of Joyce, even the body can not be found...

In the stands, watching the scenes in the battlefield, everyone looked at the stunned.

The round of bombing that just happened was really spectacular. No one can think of it. Hong vigorously did not shoot, but a shot, actually such a shock!

First grab a group of spaceships to make themselves invincible, and then use the ability of the awakened to perfectly match, from the sky began to bombardment, the opponents even did not even have the power to fight back!

After this round of attacks, Hong’s team scores are all the way!

"Tianna. Hong's team score has now exceeded 200, and this wave has just rushed to the top five!"

"Awful. It's terrible! His team's strength is far beyond my imagination, and this tactical match is simply!"

"Yeah, this Hong vigorously, certainly will not be an ordinary person in the future. It is too strong. Is this going to rush into the top ten rhythm based on the team without the winner?"

People are all talking about it. After all, Hong Ding always gave everyone the impression that he was happily playing with love. Who can think of his shot, would it be so shocking? !

And just after people were amazed. Someone called out: "Look, there are people in the spaceships of Hong Hong who are down!"

"Where?" Everyone looked at them. Soon, they saw a master who jumped out of the spacecraft directly. The height of tens of meters was hard to beat him and landed steadily.

"This person, I have never seen him before, I don't know how good the strength is." Everyone's heart was once again raised.

Levi's, shot!

Silently walking in the blood with dry, many places and the ground cracked by the meteorites, Levi's looked at the dust in the sky, whispered: "Don't hide, I know you have not died."

"Yes, I haven't died yet." Joyce slowly came out of the dust, and the angry scorpion finally calmed down: "You come alone, do you want to single-handedly with me?"

"Yes." Levi's nodded. "As the last remaining one in your team, it deserves the respect of the strong. So I am here. This time is the duel between you and me. There will be no one. Come and intervene."

"Oh, the final duel?" Joyce looked at the spaceship in the sky and smiled and shook his head: "If you lose, you die. If you win, you die. Why?"

"The Lord said," Levi Strauss said slowly: "If you lose, you will naturally die. But if you win, the Lord will not shoot you again. If you don't, you will never count."

“Less Lord?” Joyce frowned. “What are you talking about? How are you from him?”

"I?" Levi's smiled. He smiled very happy and was very proud. "I am the No. 3 dog leg of the Lord. My name is Levi's." When he said this, he did not have any self-prepared, but rather Proud.

After all, you can be a dog of the Lord, but not everyone has this blessing.

However, Joyce didn't think so. He was so angry that he said: "Hong Dali is a **** who actually sends a dog leg to humiliate me! If there is a chance, see if I don't kill him!"

"I am afraid you will not have this opportunity," Levi's took a deep breath: "Come on."

"Good!" Joyce immediately prepared: "I am going to swear, a dog leg under Hong's strong hands, how strong it can be!" Now the team is gone, only himself, the light pole commander, behind The game has basically missed him, so at this time, he has an insane madness in his eyes.

Levi's and Joyce were in opposition to each other on the ground that had been smashed by the previous bombing.

"Hey--" Joyce's right leg slammed on the ground, and the entire ground was twisted at his feet, and his entire body was almost instantly in front of Levi's, with a punch of horror and twisting power. , to Levi's lightning general squat!

This is the skill that Joyce realized after he awakened. He distorted the explosion and greatly increased his speed by twisting the objects around him. His attack, once hit, can completely distort the opponent's body. After that, things are naturally simple.

"Hey!" Levi's snorted, drifting backwards, and then a muscle on his right arm slammed up and punched Joyce, the target is Joyce's fist.

"Boom--" huge gas explosion flashed, both of them are star-level powerhouses, although the attribute is compressed by the attribute compression field, but the star-level powerhouse's positive hard work, the power is still extremely terrifying.

Twisted force field vs heavy pressure field!

"Hey--" two muffled sounds, and the two retreated at the same time.

At the end of the fight, Joyce’s eyes slammed and his heart was darkly shocked: “This Levi’s, the power is so horrible? My twisting force field hit him and he couldn’t have any effect on him. A dog's leg, actually has such strength?"

Levi's smiled: "It's good, it's a captain's character, and the strength is really strong."

The two men played this game, it is clear that Levi's seems to be more comfortable.

"Okay, then I have to see how strong you are!" Joyce clenched his teeth fiercely, his body centered, and the air around the 100 meters was distorted.

Hey -! ! !

All the buildings around it began to twist, smash, the ground under the feet was cracked, the air began to sink heavily, and the boundless twisting force field pressed straight against Levi's, making Levi's almost impossible.

"You are really strong," Joyce said. "Unfortunately, within my distorted space, if you are strong, you can't win me!"

Rumble... The heavy airflow surrounds Joyce's body, and Levi's feels the air is thicker and twisted. Within this range, he clearly felt that the body became heavy.

"Come back!" Joyce is ready to go, and Levi's rushes again. This time he is faster and more powerful!

Rush, punch, punch and punch to Levi's! Fast as lightning! Heavy like a mountain! Each punch also has a twisted force field! Any punch can be called Levi's internal organs twisted and broken!

"Booming and banging--" Levi's did not let it go, punching and hitting Joyce with a punch and a punch, and Levi's side was repulsed by Joyce.

"Haha, I was so vocal before. Do you have this means?" Joyce laughed as he attacked: "Hung's powerful doglegs? Is that just a bit of a skill?"

"Of!" Levi's punched Joyce, but then revealed a smile: "Not everyone, can be the dog's legs!"

"Oh..." Levi's body burst into a black gas, and a horrible airflow quickly enveloped his body, and the airflow even forced Joyce's twisting force back.

"Joyce, you are the first opponent to really see me... 50% strength." Levi's grinned.

After listening to Levi's words, Joyce's pupils slammed. What did Levi's just say? He said that I was the first person to see him, 50% strength? 50%? What is it now? !

"Speaking, I really want to participate in this game, but there is no way," Levi's gently took off his shirt: "The Lord likes to play, I don't want to sweep him. It's rare today, the Lord wants to kill, I naturally have to be good." Killed once."


On the last day of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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