End point Chinese online.

Overnight, countless authors’ comments have appeared in the following posts:

[Comment] still need to work hard

Book.. No. Wrong, can. Look. How. What. Cheng.ji this.me miser. Light. What? Plus. Oil. Oh. Waiting. Jia my friend. Oh


独.. ...畦..径..的..设置..置..,加[群]集..思..广..益..一..起..进..step.

[Comment] book is good

Turkey【***. ***. **], support friends, come to each other. 勉. Ditch. Tong. Oh.

These obvious pull posts, the average old author is naturally not fooled, but there will always be a lot of newcomers being cheated, after adding the turkey number, they are promised various benefits, and then a little less experienced is easy to be Pulling over—especially this time, the five lights really took a lot of money into it, and it’s really easy to be tempted to look at it.


The eighth floor of Chenhui Building, the end Chinese network.

Zhang Wenyang, the head of the Chinese-language network, who was wearing the incomparable slogan, knocked on the desk and said slowly: "In the past two days, many authors’ book review areas have seen a lot of nets in the night. Is it a Chinese man?"

The secretary carefully replied: "Back to the head, our people secretly found a few authors to investigate, it is indeed their people."

During this time, Zhang Wenyang pulled the performance of the entire Chinese website to a higher and higher level. At this time, the secretary had a very respectful dialogue with him.

After all, people who have the ability are respected everywhere.

Zhang Wenyang nodded. Asked: "This Fengyun Chinese network, rises overnight. Joint five-size website, before actually there is no wind, it is a bit of strength. Find out who their backstage is? Ordinary people, can't do this big Handwriting?"

The secretary said: "There has not been detected yet. The other party's back-end confidentiality is quite good. Currently, only their backstage is said to have invested 200 million US dollars. However, I have heard some recent voices. Their background should be recent if there is no accident. With the young master of the day, the young master of the Fengtian chaebol is now five. Now there is a large-scale digging of the author to invite local readers to the past. Fortunately, our website's big league, in addition to the lesser classmates, the other are our few The loyalty of the great **** is not likely to go."

"Five light? Leave him alone!" Zhang Wenyang thought for a moment and said slowly: "Remember, every reader is precious and try to put an end to this phenomenon. Right, now how many people are going to leave? ?"

The secretary’s expression was a bit depressed. Said: "There has been a part of it, the author of Fengyun Chinese website is better than our website, so many people have passed."

Zhang Wenyang smiled and said: "This is a wall of grass. But it is no wonder that they are always eating. Well, yes. Since Fengyun Chinese network digs our corners, we can't be too used to them. Are the five great gods still there?"

The secretary nodded: "The dragons are in the air, the war is changed, the poison is drunk, the celestial celestial poles, and the murder of the five people are determined to be the lesser party. I have already contacted them, and they will definitely not go."

"Well. Not bad." Zhang Wenyang said: "These people must keep it. You come back and call the technical group to open a separate advertisement on the website, called the God-making plan. The reputation of the five people will be raised to the highest. The position of God, and then find out the potential authors from the bottom of the writing, and train them into a new god. The buyout price of the five people of Youlong Yaokun is increased by half."

"Okay." The secretary promised: "I know. Right, General Manager Zhang, the current attitude of the Lord."

"The current attitude of the Lord is unknown. He has been busy late in the laboratory on the fourth floor every day. I don't know what to do..." Zhang Wenyang turned two laps in the office and then said: "There are fewer masters." We don't have to worry about it, we want to get rid of this Fengyun Chinese network. It is a matter of minutes. He is very busy recently, and I don't want to bother him. Right, give me more investment and improve the discount. Well, it’s just engaging in activities. After you subscribe, you can increase the value of the fans. For the ~www.readwn.com~ coin, you will get a 10% discount."

A sly under the secretary, almost did not stand firm, slamming cold sweats: "The general manager ~www.readwn.com~ coin to play a 10% discount, we can make a big loss, to the current website of the flow of funds, this one nine At least a few million have been lost..."

"Rely! Do you understand that you can't bear children without wolves?" Zhang Wenyang said with no anger: "The Fengyun Chinese network is so arrogant, if we don't want to do a big job with them, when we get it, we will be They have the upper hand, which has a great impact on popularity."

Secretary: "Okay... well..." He paused and asked: "Yes, the general manager, there is still something. The mysterious plan that the Lord is doing, do you want to publicize it? I feel like Great for morale!"

"Do not publicize!" Zhang Wenyang did not think: "Remember, the Lord did not explain the matter, do not arbitrarily! The mysterious plan has a great impact, this time, let us first look at how many authors are the wall grass." This Fengyun Chinese network is our opposite, the net text, unless the writer does not write the text, otherwise it is not our friend, is the enemy! There is absolutely no third position. This time the event is over, the author grades, now In the authors of our website, all grades have been upgraded to one level, becoming second-level authors, with a total of one hundred monthly subscriptions and a five percent increase in subscriptions."

"When you are gone, you want to come back and start mixing at the first level. Unless you change the vest, this time you will not be able to pay for it. Hey, the wall grass is going to pay the price, not our death loyalty. Half! I don't want to train a big **** to go back and run the competitors and turn around to grab the readers with us!"

"Good... ok, I know!"


End-point Chinese network readers -

Reader 1: "I am grass, how can I suddenly catch up with the eunuch, what is the situation?"

Reader 2: "The book I am chasing is also an eunuch. I don't know what is going on. Do you know? It is said that many books are eunuchs in these two days! The **** is very sudden. I have read several books in the past two days. All cut."

Reader 3: "I heard a bit of news. It is said that there is a sudden Chinese cloud in the country. Now I am pulling the author everywhere. Didn't you find that the book review area is all advertising?"

Reader 4: "I will go and see, it is true! What is the editor of the Chinese network at this end?

Reader 3: "What is the management? There are too many nets in Lai Lai, no need to ask, it is definitely a good thing they have done."

Reader 4: "Rely on, good end-to-face digging people! My book only saw half of it is wonderful, suddenly there is no more! This is not to be lived! The author of the mother's go is always blacklisted!"

Reader 2: "You have used him to blacklist the list. The book I am chasing is not an eunuch. I want to marry the rainy day. Let him go with him. We can't control it. You can't ask people not to make money. ?"

Reader 4: "That's why his mother can't just go away! At least give an ending, even if it's a bad ending! Good screaming, I know how the protagonist and the heroine are finally, and this place where he broke is the heroine. When I was taken away by the bad guys, I rely on it!"

Reader 3: "This is really no trick. Website competition, the final pit is not our readers? Authors are bound to eunuchs."

Reader 5: "Really, this is the gods fighting the readers. I heard that Fengyun Chinese website gives high pay, and there are high price buyouts. Now there are a lot of powerful writers at the end of the line have been dug up, according to The internal news is at least a thousand words and twenty, and the high ones are thousands of words and forty-five. The authors of these two days are at least one hundred and twenty people, which is still relatively strong."

Reader 1: "The paralyzed direct eunuchs leave the people permanently black, and they don't read their books forever! Don't read them!"

Reader 4: "This must be top! Decisive top!"


Dynasty Hotel, VIP room.

"Less master, the novel website Fengyun Chinese network is progressing gratifying." Wu Benguang's male bodyguards are full of joyful reports: "There have been about a hundred well-written writers from the Chinese website at the end. These writers The strength is very good and very promising."

"Yu 嘻 -" Five light smiled: "Yes, just do it, continue to dig people out of them. Right, the five gods you mentioned before, have you dug it?"

"The five people have not yet dug." When it comes to this, the bodyguards are somewhat disappointed: "These people are extremely loyal to Hong Dali, and we have not added a price to them."

"Oh, ridiculous loyalty." Five books thought about it, and then dismissed: "It is really impossible for us to make our own gods. Tell them, what good welfare is theirs in the future. You find me a professional planner, technology. People! The website has to be redone, and the ads are removed for me!"

The bodyguard nodded and promised, "Good, less master, know. Right, do we want to carry out other business expansion? For example, publishing film and television?"

Wu Benguang thought about it, and then said: "Those who are looking for a professional look at it. The Internet novel is not very popular in my big day. I am not very familiar with it. In short, it is better than a request from Hong." Must be better than his!"

"Hey!" The bodyguard stood upright: "I understand it."


Chenhui Building, fourth floor laboratory.

"Strongly, haven't you done it yet? Come on!" Tang Muxin's voice sounded: "Today is the day when we took "Daddy where to go", you can't be there anymore! Now those people are waiting. !"

"Come on!" The oily and vigorous clothes of Hong Kong did not change and ran out: "That's the way to go, the first stop is the water village in the suburb of Tianjing!"

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