Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 851: The birth of the king

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the support rate of Herois was 86 million and 580,000. At this time, Li Nianwei’s support rate was 84.2 million.

"Win, hahaha! Win! Finally it is won! Two hundred and two hundred thousand that, an hour, I see how you do this time, hahaha!" Herois's excited face is red, She can't wait to announce to the people of the whole **** Luo City now, she won!

Inside the apartment in Corestell.

Four guests stared at the computer screen and shook their heads helplessly.

" Lost." Collester's expression was quite depressed: "Hey, Li Nianwei, this child, why not listen to it? If it is a little activity, hehe..."

The result was in the stall of Cleister's pity for Li Nianwei. Suddenly Franklin shouted: "No, this is not right! The data is different, there are surprises!"

“What a surprise?” Corester, Lake, and Braian rushed forward and asked, “What happened?”

"Look, you see," Franklin pointed at the computer screen: "There were more than 85 million in the way of Heroes and Li Nianwei. But the other ones are all lit up, this time the data. How could it be so high?! The support rate of riding Shengjie is more than 60 million?!"

"God," Lake grabbed a cold breath: "This support rate is too strange this time?!"

Something happened, the galaxy sound of this world is a big thing!


Wells Manor, a huge conference room covering an area of ​​80,000 square meters.

This is the first meeting room of the Wells Manor. It is also the biggest one. Today, it was taken as the scene of the press conference - the singer who has the highest support rate in the history of the Galaxy, and such a big event, of course, needs such a large conference room.

At this time, countless reporters have gathered here, and they have quietly discussed -

"This time, the sound of the Galaxy, the competition is the most intense one in history. The support rate of more than 85 million is too horrible."

"No, until the end of midnight, the conservative estimate is close to 87 million. Horror. The highest before, the support rate of 65 million. This time it was directly higher than 20 million. !"

"Yeah, today, let's not wait."

As a result, these reporters whispered on this side of the whisper, and suddenly one shouted: "God. How is the data this time so high?!"

"No? Whose data is high?! How high is it?"

All reporters turned on the miniature projection computer that they carried with them. For a time, the blue light flashed in the entire conference room. Everyone saw the picture displayed on the screen, all stunned -

Herois support rate: 86923654, Li Nianwei support rate: 85062153!

of course. This is not important. What is important is the other few people -

Riding Shengjie support rate: 65213648.

Brittany support rate: 64621154.

Phyllis support rate: 62132584...

Horror, it’s terrible!

“Is everyone in this session so supportive?” The reporters looked at each other and were stunned: “This...this...”

At this time, the reporter who had a good brain made the first reaction: "What else is this? This time, I am surprised. Please contact the company quickly and see what is said!"


the other side.

Herois has already changed the beautiful evening dress, just waiting for the moment of celebration. She even thought about what to say after the reporter, what actions to do, and how to express a "goodwill" ridicule to Li Nianwei.

The result was not waiting for her to start. Suddenly the bodyguard ran in sweaty sweat. When he entered the door, he shouted: "Miss, it's not good! It's a big deal!"

"It’s all the time, what big things can be done," said Helois, smirking: "So a big fuss, what kind of system! Li Nianwei and I can be more than two million support rate, can she still surpass? ”

"It's really a big deal!" The bodyguard said anxiously: "Li Nianwei's support rate is not overtaken. The key is other people! Now there are more than 60 million people in this singer. Now those reporters listen. When I got to the news, I contacted the headquarters and went away!"

"What are you talking about?!" Helois was shocked when he heard the news. After the stunned, it was the scream of the scream: "How is it possible! How is this possible! The previous champion was only 65 million. In this session, there are actually seventy-five million?! How? may!"

"But Miss, really..." The bodyguard explained quickly.

Herois desperately ran to the front of the computer. As soon as she saw the numbers above, the whole person was instantly bloodless and sat down on the ground.

Herois support rate: 87125463.

Li Nianwei's support rate: 85321564.

Riding Shengjie support rate: 65213648.

Brittany support rate: 64621154.

Phyllis support rate: 62132584......

"It's over... It's over!" Herois sat down on the floor, this time, it was really over.

To say that the data of her and Li Nianwei are high, then there is nothing, but if everyone says that the data is all high...

This is like a college entrance examination. There is no problem in a test center with two perfect scores. But all the students in a classroom have full marks, so what will the consequences be?

Very simple, retake! And the key auditorium!


At the same time, the bell at midnight was ringing.


This time, play big.

The galaxy sounds high-level Thunder anger!

The main city of Shenluo, the Galaxy Good Voice office building, the largest conference room.

"The shady! This is the shady black fruit!" The president of the Galaxy Good Voice stationed in the main city office of God, patted the table desperately and shouted: "This is the bottom line that challenges us! This is the declaration of red fruit to us." This can't be tolerated! This can't be tolerated! There are seven singers with a support rate of more than 60 million. Does he deceive?!"

Everyone below is ashamed.

It is no wonder that this time the president was so angry.

Seven singers with more than 60 million support rates, this Nima is forcing to challenge their limits.

You know, Galaxy's good voice in the main city-level rematch, can have a support rate of more than 60 million, it must be considered a big genius, to say that this time there are two support rate broken 85 million is enough False, the result actually did five out of 60 million!


What is the highest support rate for other main cities? That is, there are so many dozens of over 60 million! There are dozens of more than 3,000 main cities. The main city of Shenluo has come out seven times over 60 million, and there are two over eighty-five million. What about playing?

"Check! Give me a thorough investigation!" The president snarled at the table and said: "Don't wreck their water completely. Do you want me to go home and eat dry food!"

In fact, it is no wonder that he was so angry this time. The key is. The good sound of the Milky Way is the game of the entire Galaxy, not just the main city of the gods.

With such a high support rate, even if Shenluo can pretend that he has not seen it, the other sounds of other main cities are divided. Can you do it?


So this year's Galaxy sounds good. Unprecedented union with the Galaxy nobility. Thoroughly check the data of all the singers, especially the seven singers with more than 60 million support rates.

Then when the data of the final wringing moisture is placed on the network, it is placed in front of everyone. The whole world is quiet.

Li Nianwei's support rate: 85321564.

Herois support rate: 57125463.

Riding Shengjie support rate: 35213648.

Brittany support rate: 34621154.

Phyllis support rate: 32132584......


The gates of the San Gabao Grand Hotel were quickly smashed by reporters.

The sound of the Galaxy is the best in the main city level rematch! The support rate is even more than 85 million! And the most important thing is that her support rate is actually no water!

With the eloquent interpretation of "Time to Cook the Rain", the strongest tear gas that can definitely evoke the softest memories of everyone's heart, the name Li Nianwei, will be in the entire Shenluo main city and even the entire Galaxy League music. In history, draw a heavy stroke!

All the reporters are crazy.

Although the second place of Herois also has a support rate of 57 million, but at this time, who will care about the second place of the nearly 30 million support rate of life and death - of course, one It’s impossible for reporters to be. The main city of Shenluo is so big. Some small companies will still drop...

However, even though all the reporters at this time were enthusiastic, no matter how hard they tried, they only got one answer - the young master just returned home, so Li Nianwei did not accept any interviews, and everything waited for the end of the celebration. .

This reporter is even more strange...

"Less Lord? Is the person that Miss Li Nianwei said she has been waiting for? God, she is the champion of our Shenluo main city, supporting a superstar of 85 million! What kind of person is worth her? ”

"I don't know, this time I really don't know. Little master, I don't know what the name is. It seems like a very horrible person. Actually, Miss Li Nianwei is so infatuated!"

"Oh, yeah, don't know how many people will be heartbroken? But to say, Miss Li Nianwei is an absolute goddess. I haven't found a shortcoming from her face. This is really not normal. Yeah!"

"That is, I don't know how many years to get such a character, it's not easy. But the problem is, we can't interview, what should I do?"

"Wait! I can't wait!"

So in this way, although Hong Dali has not yet entered the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are full of his legends.

Countless people are full of infinite curiosity about the goddess Li Nianwei who has been waiting for the Lord. People don’t know what kind of character is actually able to get the infatuation of Li Nianwei. That must be a super perfect talent. I don't know where he is now...

Of course, if people know that this mysterious little master is actually the biggest loser in history, I don’t know what it will be...

If they know that the young master is lying on the thigh of the absolute goddess Li Nianwei, eat strong beans...


Brothers, from the end of the annual work ranking, only one night left, and ask for the final annual work ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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