Of course, Li Tianxing’s madness is almost mad, but Hong Dali’s side is sleeping quite well.

Anyway, with his heartless character, what kind of popularity, what topic amount, it does not need to care. What Hong Hong really wants now is to go back to the arena and take a good look at the gem dragon under the sea. What is it?

So soon, time is up to ten o'clock the next morning, the game, start again!

In the virtual world, all the contestants who entered the top thousand have already waited in their respective rest rooms and waited for the system to transmit.

"The game is going on, please prepare the players." The sound of the system sounded: "Distance transmission, there is still a minute. The countdown starts: 60...59......58...10...9...8...3 ... 2...1...0! Transfer starts!"


All the contestants had a flower in front of them, and when the surrounding scenery appeared again in the eyes, everyone was already sitting in their respective mechs. And the position of the mech, but nothing changed.

The system sound continues: "The contestants are finished. Please be prepared, and the battle will be officially started. There is still one minute. The contestants have a total of one thousand and two hundred teams. The battlefield is compressed and the planet is the land of the island. Within a radius of 5,000 kilometers. In this competition, only one hundred contestants, that is, twenty teams, can enter the next game."

"The game is about to begin, and all the entries in the competition will be zero. The countdown starts: 10,9,8,7...3,2,1,0!"

One thousand into one hundred matches, it started!

On the field.

"He, Hong Hong!" Whenever I think of my own limelight, I was forced to completely suppress the past, and Li Tianxing was extremely entangled. He can't wait to find out the floods and then hit them off. But there is no way. It’s so powerful that Hong’s great possession has been fighting for so long. Actually, I didn’t find where Hong was strong!

But anyway. One thousand into one hundred, this game is not a joke, the rest are already super-powerful talent players, can not care. Li Tianxing is confident. But can't be too hard. otherwise. Will lose.

Carefully looking for enemies around, soon, Li Tianxing found the target.

"Just in a bad mood. Just take the first knife!" Li Tianxing drove the Emperor's mech and rushed directly to the enemy's position. Soon, Li Tianxing found his opponent.

It was also a dark armor that looked very powerful. The armor still had a death slash in his hand, and he even wore a black cloak. The most important thing is that, just beside this mech, there are still five mech bodies, or wrecks.

"Well, it looks like a very powerful person." Li Tianxing slowly walked over: "Unfortunately, no matter how powerful, it is not my opponent, hahahahaha!"

Li Tianxing!

As soon as I saw the black Emperor's mech, the mech driver who was holding the Death Scythe was suddenly chilling. His strength is indeed not weak, but in the face of the strongest territory of this competition, this driver has no confidence to win.

He turned sharply and looked at Li Tianxing: "Li Tianxing, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Oh, it's me." Li Tianxing looked at the other side. He thought about it and suddenly said: "What is the matter?"

What is the good discussion at this time?

The driver smiled. "I admit that you are very good. I can't beat you, but if you want to humiliate me, I advise you not to have such a thought."

Such an opponent, the mech driver does have no way. On the surface, he admits that he is not an opponent of Li Tianxing, but his heart is trying to escape: "This is already a thousand-to-one game. Although my armor is not as good as him, it should be able to support it for a while. At this level, even if you insist on it for a while, you can move forward. If you can escape,..."

In an instant, his heart passed through many thoughts, and then he stepped back a small half step and said: "Why, don't you still do it?"

"Do you want it? No, no, no, no," Li Tianxing suddenly laughed. "I was really ready to do it before, but I have changed my mind just now. So I am ready to discuss things with you. Well, yes, what is your name?" first name?"

"Dino." Seeing that Li Tianxing did not start, the boy named Dino slightly narrowed his eyes and said: "Well, you can talk about it first. As for not doing it, I have to listen to it." Li Tianxing's mech performance It is really good, so even if the teenager wants to escape, he really has no confidence.

"It's very simple, the top ranked team, do you know?" Li Tianxing's mouth showed a cruel smile, saying: "Learn him. As long as you can find him, I will allow your team to follow me. Behind the team, in this case, you can at least enter the top 100, how?"

Nowadays, in order to find Hong Hong, Li Tianxing is also a slap in the face.

He really couldn't stand the limelight that he had belonged to himself, and he was forced to take it away, so he came up with such a solution.

"Looking for a strong team?" The young boy’s eyes turned and then smiled. "Oh! If this is the case, then I will go to them. You are a galaxy nobleman. I think the credibility is guaranteed."

"Of course." Seeing the other side being said by himself, Li Tianxing was quite proud.

Are you hiding deep? A total of only 5,000 kilometers in the battlefield, I asked everyone to help me find me, I will not believe you can not find!

He smiled for a while, then began to arrange other people in the team.

"Everyone will kill a few people this time. When encountering an enemy, first ask him if he is willing to help find Hong Hong," Li Tianxing said. "In this game, I have to say what I want to find out!"

At this time, Li Tianxing and Hong Dali’s people in the team of grievances already knew it, and immediately agreed: “Okay, understand.”


In the underwater world.

Hong Dali and other six people and five mechs, looking at the huge gem dragon in front of them, do not know what to do.

"Well, such a big guy, what should we do?" Hong vigorously touched his chin and thought about it. "Would you like to kill him and wake him up?" Such a big gem dragon, still At the bottom of the sea, shouting is definitely not enough. So, we need to wake him up, only to beat him.

"Strong, wake up to him, will he eat all of us?" Tang Muxin is also a bit uncertain. After all, this guy is too big to wake him up, the consequences are unpredictable.

"I am afraid of this," Hong Dali can control the animals, but it is obvious that this guy is no longer a fleshy animal, that is to say, Hong vigorously can not control. But since I saw it, I should always be a little bit of action, or is it not white?

For a time, everyone on the scene had all the points to make up their minds.

"Strongly," Jiang Qianxue on the field suddenly whispered: "This is a jewel dragon, then it must be something he likes, you think, he can grow so big, you can't eat it." Something? Or are dragons not all like sparkling things?"

Jiang Qianxue’s words reminded Hong vigorously that Hong vigorously turned over the space bracelet, and then he was completely depressed.

Inside the space bracelet, it was empty, and the only thing left was the stone that I had inadvertently bought before. Then the other one is the little bird Aka who sent him the twenty-seventh layer of the ss.

"This is a defeated bird!" Hong Dali said that he was extremely depressed: "The things here are eaten up by it!"

"Strongly," Tang Muxin said strangely at the side: "What are you muttering?"

"There is nothing big," Hong vigorously pumped his nose. "The things in my bracelet have been eaten by Aka... Now there is nothing to send this gems dragon!"

It's no wonder that he is depressed. After all, it is a virtual world, which is separate from the real world props...

That is to say, there are countless good things in Hong Kong’s powerful space watch in the real world, but there is nothing in this virtual world, and now it is eaten by this Aka...

Saying that you are hungry, this is not the case? See what to eat?

As a result, Hong was vigorously depressed, and Aka suddenly flew out of the space watch himself!

"Hey!" Aka came out and fell directly on the head of Hong Dali, Barabara, then he sat down...

This **** defeated bird!

Hong Dali is called a gas, then he simply took away all the surrounding sea water, grabbed Aka and threw it out directly!

Bandits, call you to eat! Here are the gems on the bottom of the sea, this time you are asked to eat enough!

Support you, soul!

"Hey, hey--" Hong vigorously is quite a good atmosphere, but Aka is really very happy - it is really hungry, Hong vigorously walked out is not coming online in a month, Aka in Hong vigorous space The food in the watch is called a careful calculation.

This does not blame him, mainly because there are not many things here.

Now it’s good, Aka saw the surrounding gem mountain, and suddenly his eyes lit up. The whole person... Well, the whole bird rushed up. The little guy was aiming at the first sight. On the purple gem mountain, then rushing over is a bite!

"咔嚓咔嚓" all the way mammoth, everyone around watching the stunned.

"Strong, that, what is it?" Jiang Qianxue looked at the ugly Aka, surprised: "It can actually eat attribute gems?!"

Honestly, in this virtual world, what kind of magical creatures are there, but like Aka, even the attributes of the gems are eating, she really saw it for the first time!


At the end of the last three days, ask for a monthly pass! Respond to the normal outbreak rhythm next month, book the next monthly guarantee ticket in advance! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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