After the three thunder snakes left, the outside aristocrats outside were all crazy! Some people who ran fast and didn't get hurt were talking about it -

"God, who are these three? Is this too strong? A move, a move to clear up?"

"Capacity, it is estimated to be a stone soul stone! This is simply too strong, even if it is capable, afraid that there are very few such strong? These three people, the head must be quite small!"

At this time, some well-informed aristocrats of the galaxy finally returned to the taste, and exclaimed fiercely: "The highest cadres! The three of them are the highest cadres of the noble aristocracy! How come they came here?"

When I heard that it was the highest cadre of the noble aristocracy, everyone was completely shocked!

"The highest cadre! How come they came here? Could it be that something big happened?"

"I have heard that the top cadres are generally only responsible for arresting and killing the murderers of the higher aristocracy. They appear here, is it..."

"Is there a noble aristocrat on this planet, was it killed?!"

Everyone was stunned at the thought of this possibility. The nobles, in the fairy star, were killed?

And just in the crowd, Jiang Qianxue looked at the thunder snake three people into the cave and sighed softly.

The coming, it is still coming.

Originally, she was prepared to flee with Hong, but because her father had to send her a soul stone, she could only find a safe place to wait.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is often the safest place.

Hong vigorously killed Malone. She was also present. She couldn't escape this relationship, but now she is hiding here, but it will be much safer. After all, who would have thought that the accomplices involved in killing the nobles would be crowded into the most places?

And there is a benefit to staying here, that is, she can pretend to be unknowing.

Anyway, the other person asked her what, she pretended not to know it. It’s also a galaxy aristocrat, how the other party is, and it’s not difficult for her to come up. So face. How much is still there.


In the cave.

The three thunder snakes went straight ahead and soon saw the young people who had been staying here.

"Hello, hello." In the face of the green, how can the Razer not dare to lose the number of gifts: "Things are urgent. Come in the next line. Also ask the honoror Haihan." He said to the green nod. It’s a ritual.

"Polite." Qinglan looked at the snake with a faint look. "I want to know something, ask. I can say it. I will naturally say. If I don't say it, don't ask again." One of the top bloodlines in the universe, the strength is very powerful, she does not want things, who dares to force?

How the fight between humans has nothing to do with her, but this time it is related to her children, it is not the same.

"Understood." Razer did not insist on anything in this matter. He just asked: "Who killed Malone, can you tell me?"

"No." Qing Yan shook his head.

"So, is the murderer still on the planet?" Razer asked again.

"It's still there." This time, I was very sure.

"Well, then the third question." Razer thought about it this time and asked: "How is the future of the murderer, can you disclose it?"

The future of the murderer, this one is crucial.

Dare to kill Malone, and all eight guards died, this strength is not normal. Generally speaking, people with great strength often have great wisdom. In the face of such an opponent, it is better to be like a thunder snake, and you should not take the other party seriously.

After all, turning over the ship in the gutter is definitely more than just a joke.

"I'm sorry," Qing Yu still shook his head this time: "This is still no comment."

"Oh? Why?" Razer said strangely: "A murderer, is it necessary to defend?"

"I don't want to say too much about this matter." Qing Yan continued to shake his head, then slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Well, if this is the case, then let's say goodbye." The Razer once again rushed for a ceremony, then turned and left.

After the three men left, the green scorpion slowly opened his eyes and then sighed.

"I didn't expect that it would develop into this," Qing Biao said helplessly. "I am going to fight this robbery. I am sorry that his future, I can't see through it. If it is rashly shot, it will be counterproductive. Oh no."


Out of the cave where the green scorpion is located, the Razer slightly narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that this time, it is not that simple."

"Yeah," the height of one meter nine, covered in blue scales and skin, the highest cadre of a pair of golden eyes, nodded: "The Sayādaw said, it seems that this murderer, it seems a bit strange. I feel that it should be that Hong is vigorous. What do you think?"

"It is estimated that it is the genius of the 30-story test tower." Steel Acer smiled: "Thirty floors of the test tower, the kind of children's stuff, I was too lazy to go a hundred years ago. In this place it is considered a baby."

"Haha, too." Liner laughed happily: "We are the top 13 cadres. Which one is not the same day, I tried to practice the tower 30th floor and I didn't die? It's just that I am very surprised. Why did the Qingzun people maintain this flood? Strong? Are they very familiar?"

"It's not very familiar, but now everything is still bad." Razer touched his chin, and then slowly said: "Exploring the investigation first. I always feel that this time, it is not simple. Especially the Qingzun Zun The language is unknown, and Malone is too lustful. Whoever kills it is still not sure. It really can't be careless."

He said nothing wrong.

Although the peripheral nobles are nothing in his eyes, it is most afraid of catching people.

It is not a problem to kill a peripheral aristocrat, even if it is a super genius, but if the real murderer is at large, it is a depressing thing.

"Take him, anyway, the goal has been reduced a lot now," Steel Hong said with a smile: "Let's just look for one by one, those high-powered ones will not know?"

"It's right." Razer nodded directly: "Since the murderer is still on the planet, everything is easy to do. Inform the mothership. From now on, the entire fairy star will only enter, not allowed. Let's go, Let's go and see Malone's body first."

"Yes," Lin said, pinching his fist. "The body can't talk, but it can tell us a lot."

The three men boarded the spaceship directly and went to the place where Malone’s body was located.

According to the radar above, there is a dense forest.

"You said. Will it be unfortunate for Malone? Have you met the super powerful beast of this planet?" On the spaceship, the scales suddenly asked: "If it is some of the strange animals on this planet, it is indeed the killing of Malone. The strength of the."

"Impossible. Even if they encounter the same level of alien animals, how can they even kill the information without being able to send out all the members?" Shen said: "Don't guess. Go to the place. It's easy to see the problem."

The speed of the spacecraft was very fast. It didn't take long before it reached the place where Malone's body was dropped.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

The three turned into three streams. Jumped directly from the spacecraft and landed next to the bodies of Malone and others.

At this time they have been dead for a long time, the people who were originally tempted, the bones are cold, the blood has solidified.

The three men carefully examined the body, and soon the Razer began to make the initial summary -

"From the perspective of the wound, Malone was hit by a punch, and the two galaxies were the same. The other eight guards, most of them died by a sword piercing the heart. But some of them are embarrassing, according to In terms of injuries, the eight guards were first stunned by a punch and then killed."

"Eight guards are all stunned by a punch?" The scales and steel macros are all stunned.

That is the fifth-order peak guard of the planet. What kind of people can stun them all with one punch, and there is no chance to send a letter? Constant star? What kind of joke, how can there be a star rating on this planet?

"Perhaps, it may be that the murderer deliberately forged the scene. After all, we can't judge whether these boxing injuries were caused by one person, or before the sword wound or after the sword wound." The reason that Razer said is very reasonable. After the murderer murders, it is necessary to arrange the scene, and there is another point, the transfer of the body, the situation is more complicated.

"And this is not the place where Malone died." The Razer added: "There is no blood around, no bones, etc."

"This can be a hassle." This time the scales really don't know what to say.

After all, this fairy star is so big that I want to find the scene of the death of several people, that is the real needle in a haystack. Even if the technology is developed again, I want to find a killing scene where I don't know where to go. How to find it?

"The big brother of Razer, then let's go..." Steel's mind is relatively simple. He has always been too lazy to think about this kind of thing. The task he gave himself was very simple. Razer said that he was the murderer, and he only managed to arrest people.

"Don't worry, wait until I see it again." This time, the Razer was very careful. He returned to the spacecraft and took an instrument. After a while, he said: "In these people, Malone died first, and the two galaxies died. The time between deaths between the two is about ten seconds. Eight guards The deaths are less than five seconds apart. That is to say, we can almost rule out that this is the possibility of a group of people committing crimes at the same time."

"After all, even with a perfect group of people, it is impossible to kill all the guards in a few seconds and tell them that the news can't be transmitted. So according to this speculation, it is simple. The first possibility, First, Malone angered a strong man. After that, the strongman killed Malone, and one of his sword masters and a boxing master killed eight guards. But there is also a great flaw in this speculation, that is, the strong is How to bypass the eight guards and kill Malone directly."

"Another possibility is that Malone angered a strong man. This strongman directly killed eight guards and then killed Malone and the two aristocrats. But this second possibility, I feel little hope. ”


Today, three more, ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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