Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 980: Report yourself

"Less Lord, are you really planning to do this?" Levi's surprised: "I report myself, so the top cadre of the noble aristocracy is likely to come over immediately, then... and then..." He said several then, then I found that this seems to have nothing to do with the prior plan. The only difference is that Hong has more than one billion dim coins...

Eh? It seems that this approach seems to be very good!

"I feel that this should be OK," and sure enough, the blood demon calculated: "Everyone thinks that if the Lord reports himself, then one result is that the highest cadre of the other party will come over immediately. At this time, the strength of the lesser, plus us. From the side of the assistance, it should be possible to directly kill the three top cadres, which is consistent with our previous plan. {3w. The second result is that the three top cadres do not shoot, but continue to offer rewards, first send cannon fodder to test our Strength, this is more troublesome."

"Well, but it's very simple," Hong said with a strong smile. As always, he didn't have a heart, but the meaning of the words, even the killer-born people, also felt cold: "How much, how much we will kill!" As long as they dare to come, I will dare to kill! And in this way, Nian Weijie and Ling Xiaoyi will be much safer. After all, people will directly focus on us, they will not attract attention."

How much to kill!

When I heard this, Levi's and other people's hair was almost upright.

Who is Hong Dali? That is a good old man, you are jealous of him, he is even too lazy to care about you.

But this time, it is obvious that he is really being rushed! The rabbit is anxious and still biting. What's more, is the defeated son Hong vigorous? He is not a rabbit, not just a rabbit, he is still very strong, even strong and not like it!

And Hong Li did not say it, so that everyone's eyes will be concentrated on them, and other people in the team will be safe. After all, the murderer has appeared, and no one will put his sight on others.

"Since the Lord has decided, that's it." Several people looked at each other. Then Levi's asked: "Who is the younger man planning to send to report?"

"This," Hong vigorously looked at a few people, and finally fixed his eyes on Kristina's body, laughing: "Of course, it is best for Chris's sister to go."

"I?" Kristina pointed her nose: "How is it best for me?"

"There are several reasons for doing this. You think." Hong vigorously started the wrench and said: "First. Chris sister, you have not yet merged with the soul stone. After you go out, you can delay the time very well and report it." Go to the Soulstone. Wait for the soul stone, come back to me."

"The second point, you are a woman. Generally speaking, women are easy to let people relax and be vigilant."

"The third point, after you have gone, you can tell the truth and falsehood, so that you can throw away all other people's affairs and let them believe that Malone is killed by several of us, and it has nothing to do with other people."

"And last but not least, Miss Chris is more convenient for you to escape..."

In fact, Hong Dali said such a mess, Kristina finally understood, Hong Dali, this is afraid that he is in danger with him, so she will be supported.

After all, according to the blood demon, the result of the report was that the three top cadres came, and the first was to reward the Hong Kong, and the black-level peripheral aristocrats were used as cannon fodder. Either way, Kristina, who didn't fuse the soul stone, was quite dangerous, and Hong couldn't take care of it.

"Well, then I will go." Kristina is not an indecisive person, immediately nodded: "How do we contact?"

"Sister Ye, do you have a communicator?" Hong asked.

"Well, yes." Ye Huayun nodded, and then handed it to Kristina, a small communicator: "With this, you can contact us at any time, it is very convenient to use."

"Okay, then I will leave."

Kristina was ready to go, but Hong Dali suddenly frowned and said: "First wait, now there is a big problem, I almost forgot!"

"Well? What's the problem?" Everyone is weird.

"It's the reason for the start, this biggest problem." Hong vigorously said: "You think, Malone is a noble aristocrat, even if I don't give him face, but how much will not kill directly, want to kill him, only one reason It is because of his lasciviousness. However, there are no such suitable people in the rest of us. This is easy to become a flaw."

Hong Dali said yes, why did he kill Malone? It is because of Li Nianwei. However, it is clear that Li Nianwei is not here, just a Ye Huayun, and it is not a reason to do it.

If this is not good...

"This is indeed a big problem." Levi's nodded: "It is not easy to be the highest cadre, they will definitely explore it. But I think these are not the problems we should worry about now."

“Hey?” Hong vigorously said: “How to say?”

"You think, Chris just went to report, why did she report it? It was because she found clues, not all the ins and outs." The blood demon explained: "If she knows too much, it is easy to cause doubt."

"Yes, hey, I think more." Hong vigorously laughed: "That's it, Miss Chris, you set off, remember, everything must be based on your own safety!"

"I understand that less the Lord can rest assured."


Near the cave where the green dragonfly is located.

After exploring the bodies of Malone and others, the three thunder snakes returned to the town headquarters and waited for the clues of the peripheral nobles.

One billion dim coins are quite a lot, but they don't care.

Killing the higher aristocrats, waiting to catch the murderer, destroying the murderer's mother star, then the next time is called the aristocratic compensation of this galaxy, the start is one trillion dim. The area of ​​1 billion dim coins to buy intelligence, it is only an initial small investment, anyway, the wool is on the sheep.

"Speaking, after two days passed, there was no clue." Razer sat leisurely on the sofa of the spaceship and drank tea. He said: "This waste can't be found by anyone."

"It is estimated to be faster." The scales smiled and said: "In the face of such a high reward, that person is hidden and deep, and it is useless. As long as he is on the planet, he can dig him out!"

The two were talking, and suddenly someone reported outside: "Report! Someone said she found important clues!"

"Oh?!" Upon hearing the news, Razer was excited. He gently put down the cup and smiled. "Haha, it's really good, very fast, let her come in."

Soon, Christina, who didn't even have a good chance, came in.

"You said that you found a clue? Which galaxy are you? What is the name?" Razer looked at the woman in front of him and asked faintly.

"The Milky Way." Kristina said the truth directly: "The name is Kristina."

"Galaxy?" Thunder snake suddenly got a little surprised: "You are born with a star system of Hong Dali? What do you find clues and discover what?"

"What I found was a broken cockroach on the ground." Kristina took the cockroach of Ye Huayun, who had been vigorously cut off before, and put it on the table in front of the Razer: "This Deputy, I have seen it before, in the hands of Malone."

"Malone's?" Razer picked up the deputy and quickly nodded: "Well, it's really Malone's jealousy. Then you said, you found this embarrassment, what is the role?"

"Adult, you think," Kristina said: "Malone was the woman who took a spiral galaxy here, and then Malone was probably going to meet someone, then Malong. Being killed, this is being cut off, then there is a great possibility that this woman is now in the hands of the murderer."

After Christina’s words were finished, the Razers met with each other.

"Well, what you said is really reasonable." Lei snake touched his chin and thought about it. Then he said: "It’s really no accident to grab a woman with Malone’s character. After he grabs a woman, the next stop is supposed to be Going to find someone. At this time he was killed, that is to say, the murderer is probably the person he is looking for. Then who will he go to? The first goal is to be vigorous, so to speak..."

Razer suddenly sneered: "Kristina, very interesting, do you know that you don't know who you reported in your galaxy?"

"I only know that it is my pleasure to provide information to several adults." Kristina did not hesitate about this.

"Good!" Lei Snake slaps the table: "Come and bring the galaxy nobles!"

"Yes!" The guards went out. About twenty minutes later, the Yinhe nobles Jiang Qianxue was brought over by the guards. When she saw Kristina, she suddenly stopped: "How are you here?"

"Respected Miss Qian Xue," Kristina rushed to the river for a thousand miles, then respectfully said: "I came to provide clues."

"Providing clues? What clues did you find?" Jiang Qianxue was very angry at this time, and this Kristina actually dared to sell Hong vigorously! She can't wait for a sword to kill Kristina, but in that case, it will inevitably pull out more things, so in the end it can only hold back, there is no direct action, and there are not many words, so as not to be discovered. What is coming.

"Other things, you better not ask." Razer smiled and said: "You just need to tell me if she is a member of your galaxy, you can."

"Yes, that's right." Jiang Qianxue turned his mind into countless thoughts. She is smart, she knows that even if there are 10,000 questions, she can’t ask it here. Otherwise, she will pull all of them in, which is more troublesome. So what does Razer ask, she will answer nothing, definitely not much. Say one.


Seeking a monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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