Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Chapter 994: Vicious swamp

"This is..." The Razer standing on the shoulder of Steel Macro, looking at the energy ball in the hands of Levi's, was stunned! He stared at the energy ball for ten seconds, and finally he was scared: "The energy of horror! Not good!"

The thunder snake was stunned, Xiao Shengzhe was stunned, and the other five black and white stunned. All the people were shocked.

So the energy of the explosion of the big bomb star can be compressed by him? This... how is this possible? !

This is beyond the common sense of all people, and the hearts of all people are mad.

The super-bomb star of more than 50 meters in diameter, the energy of the explosion is compressed to less than ten centimeters. If the energy ball of 10 centimeters in diameter is exploding, the picture is simply thinking about it, it makes people feel horrible...

"Rewind!" The six black-level double aristocrats are not fools after all, not only stupid, but also very smart! So at this time, when they saw this battle, the first time was to quickly retreat.

Just kidding, the power of the big bomb star is compressed to such a small size, if it is blown up...

But they want to withdraw, the problem is that it is already late.

"Want to run?" Levi's sneer, directly throwing the energy ball in his hand to the direction of the fastest Xiao Shengzhe in the escape: "If you call you so easy to run away, then I still have a fart." !"

Before he discovered that this Xiao Shengzhe, obviously there are treasures in hand. In the previous battle, Levi's thought that this Xiao Shengzhe had been keeping his hands, until the last moment, he actually summoned such a huge bomb star. There must be something that can make him an instant burst of power.

Otherwise, based on his black and white level of star rating, how could he summon such a huge bomb?

So Levi's hands-on, the first one to choose is Xiao Shengzhe who turned his head and fled.

The energy ball flies very fast and is lightning fast.

Xiao Shengzhe has just escaped less than three hundred meters, the energy ball has already flown to his front, and then landed on the ground.

“Heavy pressure shock!” Levi's smiled, slamming his fist and releasing his power!

"Boom-!!!" A loud, earth-shattering sound rang, and the whole ground shook. A horrible mushroom cloud simmered straight up. The huge shock wave instantly transforms all objects within one kilometer of the entire circle into fly ash.

The air does not exist anymore. The ground, a giant pit. The sky is obscured by huge mushroom clouds.

The whole person of Xiao Shengzhe. They have completely disappeared. It was completely exploded by this one. Boiled into fly ash. This is not only the other two black and white levels that are closer to him, but also all are shocked. The whole body evaporates in an instant.

The power of terror! The power of absolute horror!

Such an explosion is even equivalent to the explosive power of a small nuclear bomb! The only difference is that there is less nuclear radiation. Others are almost equal.

"Too... too strong! It’s too horrible! What is his ability? How is it so strong!" "This is a great force, it’s so powerful under the light, then he himself..." Looking at the place where Xiao Shengzhe died Levi's slowly walked away, and the black-level peripheral nobles who were far from watching were retreating: "How can such a strength be just a black level?!"

The Razer trio looked at Levi's below, and the scalp was numb.

Strong opponents, they are actually not afraid, what really makes people feel horrible is the opponent who grows too fast!

What is the strength of Levi's previous strength? Before entering the Ze'an Lake, it will also be the star-studded strength. If you deal with the ordinary black level, you can also deal with five or six or seven.

The result is now? Once in the Lake of Zean, after entering the water, it entered the star rating directly, facing the six black and white class sieges. In the end, the six black and white players will kill three!

Who is not afraid of this growth rate? ! If you have another time, if you know the other people, will you achieve this strength?

"It looks like this bracelet should be good." Under the explosion of heavy pressure shock, it was still intact. Levi's picked up the bracelet of Xiao Shengzhe and received it directly into the pocket: "Come back to the Lord to wear."

His action, in the eyes of the Razer, the Razer suddenly brightened his eyes: "The thing he just smashed is definitely a treasure! I didn't care about it before, but now it seems that under such explosive impact, That thing is not damaged..."

His thoughts, scales and steel macros were also naturally thought of, and the scales smiled and said: "Look like it, we found a good thing that is too much, now we have to go down and do it?"

"That's still used to say!" Razer nodded: "This person, the strength is about the stellar primary, crushing the star's opponent is no problem, but for us, he is still too tender, go!"

The Razer and the scales immediately jumped from the body of Ganghong. Steel Acer smiled and looked at the dragon in the sky: "Qinglong, it seems that we have to fight one thing today, my big brother has decided to shoot, you The strong brother, fierce and less, haha!"

"If my strong brother is injured, you all have to die!" Qinglong Wuwei was furious and took a shot!

Hong vigorously did not start here, Wu Wei and Gang Hong were the first to fight.

Their two figures are huge, and this hits, suddenly landslides, the power of horror is amazing!

Wuwei's current strength is not a star or a half compared to Steel Hongqiang, but Steel Hongzhong is in defense, and it is not easy to see if he wants to defeat Steel Hong for a moment.

At this time, both the black snake and the scales have already reached the ground. Both of them are star-rated, and the speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they have already stood in front of Hong Dao.

"Hong Hong vigorously, we finally met." Looking at Hong Dali, the expression of the Razer is very indifferent, as if looking at a prisoner who is about to face a ruling: "Are you arrogant, or are you going to resist?"

"How about the shackles? How about resisting the end?" Seeing that the top cadres of the two noble aristocrats came to the front, Hong vigorously did not bother to do it, just smiled and asked: "I will talk about it, let me see which one is better." ”

"I don't want to kill the noble aristocrats," said the thunder snake. "There is a slap in the hand, and the end is dead. But it will die. It will be dead. In the end, the end is still dead, but it is caught like that. It’s not that easy. Right, let me know, not only you die, all those who have a relationship with you, all die, one does not stay!”

"Is it?" After listening to the words of the Razer, Hong vigorously smiled and said: "That, if I don't choose two roads?"

"The two roads are not chosen?" The scales on the side suddenly laughed and said: "You definitely have no third way to choose. I advise you to be good at it, so you can still hurry." Once you close your eyes, you are finished."

Hong vigorously looked at the black-level peripheral nobles around him, and looked at the stone giant in the distance and the dragon in the sky. Finally, the eyes fixed on the body of the snake: "Ask, what is the highest?" Cadres, all three of you have come?"

"To deal with such a small person, three people are enough." Razer sneered: "Why, you still think less?"

"It's a little less." Hong vigorously wiped his nose, originally intended to solve it all at once, but a pity.

"Good arrogant tone!" Razer was furious, and his entire body instantly exuded purple mist! Poisonous soul stone, thick fog swamp! This dense fog swamp is extremely toxic. Anything that touches it slightly will corrode immediately.

It is because of this that the Razer is the absolute boss among the three.

Those who were far away from the war, the top cadres at this time finally got started, and all of them suddenly boiled up!

"Look, it’s the highest cadre who has been working hard with Hong. The color of the fog is purple, it must be a poisonous soul stone!"

"Poisonous stone, that is more powerful than the elemental soul stone. If you touch it, you can poison people, even the body can't touch. How do you fight?"

"If you don't say it is the highest cadre, can you be the highest cadre without this kind of strength?"

"The ability to fight against the sky, the powerful melee ability, is worthy of being a strong star. This kind of opponent, just think about it, it is called scalp numb!"

The following aristocrats talked a lot, and here the Razers started, and the scales also hurriedly retreated.

Those outside the aristocrats said yes, the poison of the Razer is definitely not a joke.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is absolutely no obvious weakness in the Razer that combines the poisonous soul stone.

His ability means that the enemy cannot fight with him. And remote, with the strength of the strong star of the Razer, can also be afraid of long-range attacks?

"Looks like a poisonous soul stone?" Hong Dali and others stepped back step by step. Hong vigorously did not fear at all, but was curious: "It seems that this poison should be very powerful, oh yeah, the grass under this foot is Being poisoned, great!"

He took the crowd back to the lake, and the purple dense fog swamp of the Razer gradually spread.

"It is useless to retreat into the water." Lei Snake looked at Hong Dali and said slowly: "If it is not for the environment that the Qing Dynasty can not be too polluted, I have long turned this lake into a poison pool. Or do you think that you can still live to the present? Of course, the situation has changed. Since we have teamed up with Qinglong, I don't have to think about anything else."

"Oh, actually, I really don't have a total collection of water," Hong Dali was still a smile, but his movements were rather unusual - he actually took off his clothes, got wet in the water, and then wrapped around his fists. Above!

"Actually, I went back to the water, just want to do this." Hong vigorously wrapped his fists, and then the whole person changed instantly!

"Boom!" Hong Qiang's squatting body, all burst into a dazzling golden light, like a man-made sun.

Star Knight, the first transformation!


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