Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

: If you think the protagonist's approach is a bit useless, you can take a look (continued)

personal opinion:

1. People are group creatures. No matter how strong one person is, he can't do everything. Li Chaoren had to have the help of his wife's family when he started, and Xu Cun just asked his father-in-law for a small favor. Take a step back and say, in a person's life, who can not ask for a few times?

2. A person with a bottom line can never fight against a group of people with no bottom line. Zhang Ziqiang and those similar people can have no scruples. Can Xu Cun, who has a lot of wives and children?

3. The author himself always believes that the result is more important than the process. Li Chaoren is still the richest man who no one knows about today, and his son Xiaochaoren is also a good son who inherited the family business, while Zhang Ziqiang died in Xuzhou as early as 1998. In the Ma Shi incident, can Xu Cun destroy Xiang Jia with his current strength? impossible! ! He has no chance at all, relying on the media, the police, the British Hong Kong government? If they were reliable, the sows would climb the trees. If it can't be destroyed, it can only be negotiated. It has been the case throughout the ages. There is no shame in fighting for peace. In the whole incident, Xu Cun only lost a small amount of money, but what he gained was the reputation of a strong man who would never dare to touch his family easily. Personally, he thought it was very worthwhile. neither die nor perish

In fact, the people who were aggrieved should be the Xiang brothers. They didn't do any bad things, they were coerced, intimidated, and forced to hand over their younger brother in public. Five younger brothers, don't you think that they are even more aggrieved as the leader of a big gang? Even in the final peace talks, they were forced to negotiate. How frustrating! !

Fourth, Xu Cun is just a flesh and blood person, not a god... Without the protection of force, how could he not be cowardly? Put yourself in his shoes and think about it, what if you were in a different place with him? How would you behave? Under the muzzle of a gun, flesh and blood are always vulnerable...

5. Eat one cut and gain one wisdom. Without such a thing, how could Xu Cun make up his mind to build an armed force? With a loyal armed force, Xu Cun can really stand up and down, and can really not be threatened by anyone! ! Medicine fights the world



I was very tired of writing these chapters. I racked my brains to design, and I just wanted to be reasonable. In fact, I really didn’t want to write this paragraph, but Hong Kong at that time was such a situation, and there was no way to avoid it.

I was screened twice, I was more troubled than anyone else, I spent twice, and I made a lot of money less. The readers were not happy, and there was no benefit.

Seriously, I'm getting a little tired of code these two days.

Why! Why is it so difficult for people to do something? (.)

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