Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 506: Only fools are willing to invest in the Soviet Union (Part 2)

"Xu, my dear friend, are you talking about dollars?"

Xu Cun looked at the cautious Peter Shevardnadze and said with a smile, "It could be dollars or rubles."

Today, the dollar to ruble ratio is 1:0.6, and it has been at this rate for nearly three decades.

In other words, if Xu Cun invested 10 billion rubles in the Soviet Union, it would be 1.8 billion US dollars in US dollars.

Moreover, Xu Cun said at least 10 billion.

In other words, Xu Cun may even invest more than $20 billion in the Soviet Union.

Peter Shevardnadze first took a peek at the reactions of Bush Jr. and Bill Francis Adams, and found that their expressions were as usual-this shows that Bush Jr. and Bill Francis Adams did not doubt that Xu Cun could spend 20 billion Dollar.

With this judgment, Peter Shevardnadze immediately laughed and said: "Xu, my dearest friend, you have a saying in China, yes, it's too late to meet, I Peter Shevard Denaze really hates not getting to know you sooner!"

Xu Cun smiled and said meaningfully: "Peter, I am a businessman after all, so if the cooperation plan you brought out by the Soviet Union can't impress me, or your Soviet Union can't clear the way for me to invest, then I will only I can say sorry to my friend."

Peter Shevardnadze vowed: "Don't worry, my friend, if I can't do this little thing, then I don't have the face to attract investment!"

There is water, a lot of water in what Peter Shevardnadze said! Moreover, this water is not from within the Soviet Union, which can be easily regulated, but from its adversary, the United States.

After the Great Global Recession of the 1970s, North Sea littoral countries, led by the United Kingdom, turned to North Sea oil fields that had been dormant for many years. As a result, from 1980 onwards, the North Sea gradually became an important oil producing area in the Western world, reducing its dependence on Middle East oil to a certain extent. Of course, this is also the result of the Middle East countries themselves - after the defeat of the Middle East war, the Middle East countries first blocked the oil of the Western countries, and then raised the price of oil wantonly and arrogantly to force the Western countries to turn against Israel.

The oil market is so big, and the large-scale development of oil fields in the North Sea immediately caused the price of oil to plummet as a whole.

Back then, when oil prices were high, the shortage of materials caused by the imbalanced development of the Soviet Union's light and heavy industries could be overshadowed by a large number of imports. The Soviet Union mainly relied on the contribution of traditional blood transfusion sectors, including the oil and gas industry, to develop its economy.

But when the oil price plummeted, the Soviet Union was immediately dumbfounded - the rigid economic system made the Soviet Union suddenly fall into poverty.

In the fall of the previous year, that is, in the fall of 1985, under the instigation of the United States, Saudi Arabia announced its withdrawal from the OPEC price agreement. The price of world oil fell from $29 to $30 a barrel to $12 to $15, more than half. As a result, the hard currency revenue of the Soviet treasury fell sharply. This made the Soviet Union even more miserable!

In addition, the United States has been blocking the Soviet Union's oil exploration technology, and even blocked the Soviet Union's natural gas pipelines.

The most ruthless thing is that the United States also asked Saudi Arabia to increase oil production to seize the oil market with the Soviet Union.

In a word, the United States has been suppressing the Soviet Union to make money from oil.

In the last life, some people even said that the Soviet Union disintegrated because the United States defeated the Soviet Union with oil.

Therefore, although Xu Cun mentioned few conditions, it was extremely difficult for Peter Shevardnadze and the Soviet Union behind him to achieve.

Of course, this does not mean that Peter Shevardnadze and the Soviet Union behind him have no possibility of fulfilling the conditions proposed by Xu Cun - after all, it will not be long before ********** When visiting the United States, it is not impossible to reach a concession of tens of billions of dollars.

Does that mean that if the Soviet Union could not persuade the United States, Xu Cun would not invest in the Soviet Union?

how is this possible?

The disintegration of the Soviet Union may be the biggest gluttonous feast in this century, including the next!

How could Xu Cun not participate in this feast?

Therefore, no matter whether Peter Shevardnadze and the Soviet Union behind him can smooth the way for Xu Cun to invest in the Soviet Union, Xu Cun must get the VIP middle P seat to participate in this feast.

The only difference between the two is that one is a half-truth investment and the other is a full-fake investment.


After the four of them played the ball, Bush Jr. excused himself to visit Xu Cun's home in the United States and walked to Neverland with Xu Cun.

en route.

After enduring for a while, Bush said, "Are you really going to invest in oil in the Soviet Union?"

Xu Cun looked at Bush Jr. with a smile and asked, "Can't you?"

After hesitating for a while, Bush mentioned Xu Cun: "For a long time in the future, the price of oil should not exceed $20 per barrel. Investing in oil outside the United States is very likely to lose, and the Soviet Union is very likely to lose. The environment is so special..."

Bush is a typical American with a red neck, so he admires Xu Cun, a self-made man, so he can't help but mention Xu Cun, who he regards as a friend.

Of course, this also shows from the side that the current Bush is not that mature politician.

Xu Cun is definitely the kind of person who reciprocates – Bush Jr. mentioned He couldn't help but mention Bush Jr.: "Where there is great chaos, there is great opportunity."

Bush frowned and said, "But the Soviet Union did not have great chaos, but great rigidity. How can there be big opportunities in a rigid economic environment?"

Xu Cun didn't go to argue with Bush Jr. - he had already given the opportunity to Bush Jr., and it was considered that he had fulfilled his obligations as a friend. As for whether Bush Jr. could seize it, he would not care.

Xu Cun's tone changed and he said again: "Uncle will run for the presidential election next year?"

Seeing that Xu Cun did not accept his good intentions, Bush Jr. no longer insisted on persuading Xu Cun-like Xu Cun, Bush Jr. believed that he had fulfilled his obligations as a friend.

Shaking his head and throwing out the conversation he had just had with Xu Cun, Bush Jr. said, "I should participate."

Xu Cun smiled and said, "Then I must do my best for the younger generation. Well... How about I honor my uncle with a billion dollars first?"


Bush Jr. was surprised by Xu Cun's generosity, but also hesitant to accept this large amount of funding from Xu Cun?

Xu Cun pretended to be stern and said, "Why, George, can you, the Bush family, accept other people's political investment, but can't accept my friend's political investment?"

As Wang Xifeng said in "A Dream of Red Mansions", there are big difficulties - the Bush family is rich, but it is not easy to support such a large family.

Moreover, since Bush Sr. and George W. Bush have not yet become the presidents of the United States, the current Bush family is not one of the four major American families that dominated the American political and American business circles in the last life.

Therefore, Bush Jr. really can't refuse Xu Cun's funding on behalf of the Bush family, especially such a large amount and there is a steady stream of follow-up funding!


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