"Tie, fortunately, I called the counselor wisely, otherwise they had to tear down the dormitory. We didn't sleep well that night, and Xu Nan went out to live."

"You even call counselors. Can't the old witch give them a demerit?"

"I was so scared that I couldn't take into account so much! I called you and you didn't answer. As soon as I was worried, I only thought of the counselor and called her."

AI Jinxi: "...." well, at that time, it was estimated that she was... Cough!

"Let's go and see the new place first. What club do you want to apply for?" Ai Jinxi said again.

"I had already reported to two societies, a dance club and a computer club." Mina remembered something, and her face was raw. "I must make complaints about what I am doing here." she did not give me any face. She was still a dormitory, and it made me angry.

"What's the matter?"

"She danced at the full level. In the performance of community activities, my house dance and her street dance threw me far away..."

AI Jinxi was a little surprised.

Zhai Rushuang's dance has reached the full level... Very powerful.

However, she turned to look at Mina, "people dance with strength. What are you holding back? Some house dances are better than hip-hop dances. You didn't dance yourself, right?"

"Hum! No!" Mina looked at Ai Jinxi angrily. "Don't you have a bad relationship with Zhai Rushuang? Why did you help her speak?"

AI Jinxi picked her eyebrows. "Are you angry? Just go back and practice hard. Compare her."

"People are full of grades, how can I compare her." Mina drooped her shoulders discouraged. "Forget it, since it's a dormitory, I don't care. Let's go, I'll report to the club with you."

AI Jinxi first reported to the computer society. The person in charge of filling in the form was he Linchen.

He Linchen blushed, handed over the form and said, "you can ask me if you don't understand."

AI Jinxi took it, lay down at the table and filled it out.

Mina glanced at he Linchen and AI Jinxi, squinting and smiling.

"Give me a form."

AI Jinxi was filling in carefully, and a very familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

She turned her head in surprise and almost shouted out.

Fortunately, her reason restrained her in time, turned around and continued to fill in the form.

He Linchen pushed the high degree glasses, handed over the form and said, "ye zhanhan, you haven't come to class for three weeks. If you don't come to class next week, the school will record a major demerit for you."

Ye zhanhan glanced at Ai Jinxi's puckered ass because he fell down to fill in the form. The danger flashed through the fundus of his eyes and said casually, "I know."

Then he just walked over to squeeze AI Jinxi away and occupied the place where she filled out the form.

"Hey! Why are you squeezing me in such a wide place!" Ai Jinxi stared at ye zhanhan. What wrong medicine did this guy take?

Ye zhanhan looked at her faintly. When he saw her playful braids, he looked a little trance.

AI Jinxi, who used to tie up bangs, is so beautiful and dazzling

"There are chairs over there. Sit there and write." ye zhanhan said coldly.

He Linchen was afraid of a conflict between the two. He helped AI Jinxi bring a chair and put it on the other side of the table, "Ai Jinxi, sit here and write."

"Hum!" Ai Jinxi cattle roared to ye zhanhan, sat in a chair and continued to fill in.

Ye zhanhan also brought a chair, put it down and sat down to fill in the form.

Every move is elegant and charming.

Mina stayed for a long time before she came back to AI Jinxi. Although her eyes were fixed on the form in front of AI Jinxi, her attention was all on ye zhanhan.

"Fill it out." Ai Jinxi handed the form to he Linchen.

After reading it, he Linchen said, "you need to fill in here and write what you are good at clearly."

"I'm good at everything. How do I write?"

"Er..." he Linchen was stunned and said after a while, "then don't fill it in."

"Hey, classmate, why are you blushing?"

He Linchen lowered his head and hurriedly arranged the table, "no, nothing."

In fact, the tables are neat. There's nothing to tidy up at all.

Ye zhanhan raised his eyes and squinted dangerously. He got up and handed the form to he Linchen. His voice was cold: "I've filled it out, too. Please have a good look."

He Linchen took a look, "you didn't fill in here either."

"I'm good at everything, too."

He Linchen: "

AI Jinxi smiled. Knowing that ye zhanhan was jealous, he didn't expose it. He took Mina's arm and wanted to go to other societies.

Mina stayed where she was, and AI Jinxi pulled her before she moved.

"What are you looking at? You're so absorbed."

Mina gathered her obsessed eyes and said with a smile, "I think ye zhanhan was so cool just now. What do you think?"

"I don't feel it. I just squeezed me. I look like a shameless smelly man."

"How can you scold him!" Mina suddenly became angry. "He is young master Ye."

"Young master Ye is superior? You can't be scolded?" Ai Jinxi frowned and wondered, "why do you protect him so much?"

"Anyway, you are not allowed to scold him. He is my male god!"

AI Jinxi: "

"I know you broke up with him and feel resentful, but you can't slander others behind their backs. I hate people who speak ill of others behind their backs."

AI Jinxi: "

Because Mina left angrily, AI Jinxi had to go to the Mountaineering Club alone to fill in the form.

The Mountaineering Club didn't expect AI Jinxi to fill in the form. They were all warmly welcomed.

As soon as she finished filling out the form and left, ye zhanhan also filled out the form of the Mountaineering Club.

After the two filled in, more and more people came to the Mountaineering Club, breaking the record of the highest number of previous mountaineering clubs. Even in the back, the president had to come forward and limit the quota.

AI Jinxi turned around again and heard that the dance club was busy. It seemed that she was PK dancing. If she won, she would win a prize.

As soon as she approached, Gong Han, vice president of the dance club, found her.

"Beauty, beauty, come in."

Gong Han dragged AI Jinxi in.

As soon as AI Jinxi went in, she saw Zhai Rushuang. She was wearing a semi tight sportswear. She seemed to have a chest and an ass. her figure was called sexy.

On the contrary, AI Jinxi, jeans and bread clothes, is bloated, but very cute.

Zhai Rushan saw AI Jinxi, and a trace of ridicule flashed across his eyes.

Gong Han asked AI Jinxi, "have you considered it? Do you want to fill in the form? I'll get the form for you..."

AI Jinxi grabbed him, pointed to the two people who were PK and asked, "what game is this? What is the prize? Can you eat?"

"There are not many places in the dance club, so we can only PK choose more suitable students, so we can compete in pairs. The winning students can win one place. Of course, the students who can win will also be rewarded. Our club has prepared a box of real fruits for them, which can be taken back to drink."

AI Jinxi's eyes lit up, and then looked at Zhai Rushuang. I don't know what he thought. The bottom of his eyes flashed cunning. He asked Gong Han, "if you win, but don't want to enter the dance club, can you take a box of real fruit?"

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