"Are you... Pregnant?"

"I'm not pregnant! Tell ye zhanhan!"

Ye Xiaoye calls ye zhanhan, and ye zhanhan gets through.

But there was no talking. As soon as ye Xiaoye was nervous, he said, "Ai Jinxi asked me to tell you that the child she was pregnant with is not yours!"

It hung up with a bang.

Ye zhanhan: "

He left his cell phone aside, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Zhuxin company with a gloomy face.

AI Jinxi waited for a long time. Without waiting for ye zhanhan's call, he went back to the villa and looked at his family in the living room speechless.

"Xiao Xi, you and young master Ye......" Bai Mei wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to ask.

"I repeat, I'm not pregnant!" Ai Jinxi was a little angry. When she looked at Aunt Wu, she was helpless.

She knew that Aunt Wu was too concerned about her to misunderstand.

But when we don't know the situation, can we confirm the party first?

Aunt Wu also realized that she had made a mistake. She looked embarrassed and regretful, "Miss, I'm sorry, I thought..."

"It's all right. I'll explain it to ye zhanhan." Ai Jinxi didn't want to blame others too much.

"But I made a mistake. Let me make it clear to young master ye?"

"No, it's just a misunderstanding. He's very smart and can understand."

AI Xiaotian suddenly asked, "Xiao Xi, have you slept with young master ye...?"

AI Jinxi: "

Seeing AI Jinxi's speechless expression, Bai Mei was a little nervous, and AI Junhua's face was a little ugly.

AI Xiao snorted coldly, put his hands on the crutch and looked dignified, "I knew! Why don't you know how to be clean!"

AI Jinxi: "..." hehe, can she say she was forced?

"When have you been together?" Ai Xiaotian asked again.

"... graduation party." Ai Jinxi reluctantly replied.

"What? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him? Didn't you listen?" Ai Xiao blew his beard and glared in the weather.

"... didn't listen."

AI Xiaotian: "

Bai Mei was so frightened that she hurried to AI Jinxi. "Talk to your grandpa. Didn't you say you broke up with young master Ye last time? How could you be together again? She almost got pregnant."

"What do you mean we almost got a big belly? We didn't get a big belly! Ah, bah, that's not what I mean. I mean, we did, but we won't get a big belly! Bah, bah, bah, that's not what we mean, we didn't!"

AI Jinxi always felt that the more he painted, the darker he became.

Seeing the increasingly Black faces of Grandpa and Dad, he had to say, "ye zhanhan and I are innocent. We haven't happened!"

"Hum! You think you can bluff me! Just said you were pregnant. Young master Ye was more excited than us. If nothing had happened to you, he would believe you were pregnant?"

AI Jinxi: "..." Grandpa, you can be a detective!

"You are just not obedient, you girl! Young master Ye is the heir of the aristocracy. I know he likes you and confesses on the Internet. Now everyone in Longcheng knows that you are with young master Ye. However, do you think the world knows that you are together? Are you happy? You have a lot of face under the pressure of climbing the dragon and attaching the Phoenix and being greedy for vanity?"

AI Jinxi thought for a while, smiled and gathered around AI Xiaotian and said, "it's really happy and face saving. I don't think it's good to fall in love with him when grandpa doesn't say it."

AI Xiaotian almost thought he had heard wrong. "What did you say?"

"Grandpa ~" Ai Jinxi shook his arm, "It's my business who I fall in love with. Don't you all advocate free love now? Besides, ye zhanhan is the heir of the Ye family. What a powerful identity. Others can't curry favor with him. You see, I've become his girlfriend for your granddaughter. How many people envy you for having such a granddaughter? And don't you find that the sales of my father's company have been rising? It's all helped by Ye zhanhan privately Dad, the channel for the company to dredge! Since someone attacked our company last time and lost a sum of money, ye zhanhan has been handing over resources to us. I know, Grandpa, you can't not know! "

AI Xiaotian's face changed. Naturally he knew this.

Young master Ye has great power in Longcheng and has helped them dredge many sales channels. Now the company's stock is also rising.

Compared with the momentum in previous years, today is particularly fierce.

But he loves his granddaughter!

When people are old, they hope that the younger generation can live a happy and stable life.

"Hum! Anyway, I'm not happy if you take yourself in!"

"Grandpa ~ ~" Ai Jinxi shook his arm again. "Where did I put myself in, and he put him in! You see, he has no place to live in school and has to live in my small villa. He lives downstairs. The room is so small. He can stand it even as a noble childe. Why can't I stand those rumors?"

AI Xiaotian looked up. Just now he remembered that Xiao Xi went to the bedroom upstairs.

So the two bedrooms are still separate?

He was quite satisfied with this.

But he was a little puzzled, "since you speak so well for young master ye, why didn't you want to get the certificate with him just now?"


"Hmm? Why?"

"I think I have a lot of certificates in my life. I don't need that one."

"You girl!" Ai Xiaotian wanted to knock her on the head with a crutch. "Are those certificates the same level as the marriage certificate?"

"Isn't it? It's all licenses. I have to take the driver's license next!" Ai Jinxi looked innocent.

AI Xiaotian took two deep breaths and almost laughed angrily by AI Jinxi.

AI Junhua and Bai Mei looked at each other and felt that their daughter was a little silly.

"Xiao Xi, if you like young master ye, you have to hurry up and get the certificate earlier." Ai Junhua said.

AI Jinxi blinked innocently and nodded.

Thinking in my heart: I won't take it!

Bai Mei also said: "yes, young master Ye is now a celebrity in Longcheng. Many famous ladies want to be his women. To tell the truth, it's your blessing that young master ye can look up to you. Otherwise, young master ye will be robbed by others."

AI Jinxi: "..." hehe, if he dares to cheat, he will beat his legs!

After chatting for a while, ye zhanhan's phone came.

AI Jinxi's eyes brightened, hissed to several people and connected.

"Hello ~"

"Come to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

"What are you doing?"

"Take pictures!"


"Du -" a busy tone came from the other party.

AI Jinxi looked confused and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to take photos?

"Young master Ye's phone? What did you say?" Bai Mei asked.

"He asked me to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to take photos. Where can I not take photos? I have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

A few people looked at each other. AI Xiaotian picked up his crutch and kicked AI Jinxi out: "you silly girl, get out of the Civil Affairs Bureau! Junhua, drive her to young master Ye quickly!"

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