Li Huang ignored her and turned his head proudly.

Ji Ke'er immediately blackened his face, raised his hand and smashed the pillow on Li Huang's head, "spoiled you, didn't you? You didn't listen to me?"

He reached out and grabbed it in his ear and asked fiercely, "what did I just say?"

Li Huang showed his teeth in pain and had to pay, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, you said that selling women to young master ye only makes no loss..."

"Hum! If you don't listen to me next time! See how I deal with you!" Ji Ke'er withdrew his hand, sat on the sofa, waved and took the Beagle dog playing wildly in his arms, gently following its hair.

Li Huang rubbed his ears and stared at Beagle jealously.

It's not easy to make a girlfriend. I didn't expect to lose more and more status in front of her. Even a dog is not as good as

When Ji Ke'er saw him sitting here still, he looked up and stared at him, "what are you looking at? Don't hurry to help me pack my things. I won't accompany you to Longcheng ten minutes later. Go alone!"

"No, no, no, I'm going to help you pack up now. It'll be ready soon!"

Li Huang immediately ran to Ji Ke'er's bedroom, found the suitcase and helped her pack her clothes.

But the more he thought about it, the more he was oppressed. He had never packed for himself. It was the servants who were helping him. Now he had to pack for a little girl.

But it's strange that he doesn't dislike it at all. He is inexplicably willing and inexplicably likes to help her pack up.

Because he can easily touch a bar, he can smell it on his nose, and then put it in the suitcase.

Finally, he put his underwear and Ji Ke'er's underwear in a storage bag. He thought it would be indirect sleep

After packing up, Li Huang pulled out the suitcase and saw Ji Ke'er squatting on the ground, gently feeding a group of pet cats and dogs.

He looked at it from a distance and said in his heart: looking at such a quiet and beautiful girl, why is his nature so cruel and unreasonable?

"Huang, please help me bring the flower. It's going to have a baby. I'll take it to the pet hospital later."

Li Huang reluctantly walked over and reached out to hold the little flower in Ji Ke'er's mouth. It was a pure sphinx cat.

Before her hand came near, Xiaohua gave a cry, which was sad.

Hearing this, Ji Ke'er turned and ran over and pushed Li Huang away. "It's not light or heavy to start. The flowers are going to be born. Can you be light?"

Li Huang was almost wronged. "I haven't touched it yet!"

In Ji Ke'er's heart, his boyfriend has no status. There are 7 dogs and 9 cats in this villa. Now he ranks 18th.

How sad it is.

Ji Ke'er didn't see it, but when Li Huang was sophistry, she gently picked up the floret, and the floret didn't cry, snuggled up comfortably in her arms.

Li Huang was so angry. This little flower is also an ungrateful guy. He forgot who fed him milk these days!

AI Jinxi put on his clothes and came out. He saw Ji Ke'er cleaning up the cat cage for Xiaohua. The handsome man stood in front of her and stretched out his hand several times. He seemed to want to help her. Ji Ke'er slapped them all.

As soon as she came out, all the dogs ran to her, sniffed at her legs, and jumped around excitedly.

Ji Ke'er looked up and looked a little strange, "little stupid, little egg, little star... Go back and lie down and be polite to the guests."

AI Jinxi squatted down and rubbed the heads of several dogs without fear.

One of them, an Alaskan dog that even Li Huang looked at with some fear, even lay down in front of AI Jinxi and shook his tail at her.

AI Jinxi reached out and rubbed its head, smiled and said to Ji Ke'er, "they are really cute."

Ji Ke'er was stunned. It shouldn't be this reaction! Isn't she afraid of these big dogs?

Li Huang's eyes kicked and pointed to AI Jinxi, "you, you..."

In the early morning, the servant found AI Jinxi who fainted and carried him in. Li Huang was still sleeping. He only knew that a woman was carried in, frozen and put in the hot spring. He didn't see a real person.

At the moment, he was surprised to see a real person.

This is ye zhanhan's woman AI Jinxi!

He saw her picture!

She is a standard beauty!

Ji Ke'er turned his head and stared at him, "what are you? You can't even speak when you see a beautiful woman?"

Li Huang's face was positive and said, "she is young master Ye's girlfriend. The woman I said young master Ye is looking for is her!"

Ji Ke'er just knew, not much surprise, "yes, I know. What's the matter?"

"You know? You know why you didn't tell me earlier!"

Ji Ke'er's face turned black for a moment. "You still have the ability to yell at me? What if I know? If you have the ability, yell at me again!"

Li Huang immediately counseled: "..."

AI Jinxi looked surprised. The man looked extraordinary. Why didn't she know him before?

And the man was so big, standing in front of Ji Ke'er like a big brother, but he was scolded by Ji Ke'er like a good baby and didn't dare to say anything.

What a drop.

"Cough..." Ai Jinxi suddenly coughed twice. He seemed to have a cold and still hurt all over. He went to the sofa and sat down and asked, "when shall we go?"

"Aren't you hungry? Have something to eat before we go." Ji Ke'er turned his head, gave orders to the servant, and served a rich lunch at a table.

AI Jinxi was so hungry that he wolfed down.

Li Huang was watching AI Jinxi, and suddenly he was a little proud.

First, his women have longer hair than ye zhanhan's women. Well, he has an advantage.

Second, his women eat more gracefully than ye zhanhan's women. Well, it's another advantage.



After picking several advantages, his ears fell into Ji Ke'er's hands.

"Li Huang, you want to die!"

Li Huang immediately took back his sight and looked at Ji Ke'er weakly, "I don't want to die, I'm wrong."

"Did you shovel Xiaohua's shit? You're still looking at your mouth?"

Li Huang quickly ran to help Xiaohua shovel excrement.

Remember again, this is the work of servants!

I turned to ask if I could let the servant do it.

Ji Ke'er turned to the servant and said, "I don't live in the villa these days. You're all on holiday except the gardener. Go back early and spend more time with the children."

The servants answered gratefully and went back to the bedroom to pack up.

Li Huang lowered his head sadly and became an official shoveling excrement.

AI Jinxi almost burst into laughter while eating and watching.

This man is also unlucky. He must be good with Ji Ke'er.

Ji Ke'er is the most troubling person. At the beginning, she almost broke up with Ji Ke'er.

After AI Jinxi finished his meal, Ji Ke'er said again, "Huang, you wash these bowls and we'll start."

Li Huang was stunned, "I can't wash."

"I can't wash it either. The servants are on holiday. Will you let me wash it if you don't wash it?"

Li Huang slowly moved his eyes to AI Jinxi.

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