"Ai Jinxi, hello."

AI Jinxi was talking. A nice voice came from behind. She slowly turned her head and looked.

Immediately her eyes widened a little.

It's really beautiful. Her facial features are exquisite and her hair is flying. It's a kind of elegant beauty. Even if she is a woman, she can't help feeling a little excited.

"Hello, are you Zhai Rushuang?"

"Yes, I heard that you have a good relationship with ah Zhan and take good care of ah Zhan during this time. Thank you."

AI Jinxi: "



"Who said I had a good relationship with him? We worked in a small fight in three days and a big fight in six days. We didn't have a good relationship at all. He took care of me and bought me snacks and breakfast. Also, he took the initiative to give me those gifts from his fans, but I didn't want to come."

Zhai Rushuang chuckled and immediately let a group of boys breathe air.


"You are so humorous. No one knows ah Zhan better than me." Zhai Rushuang looked at the classroom, smiled and said, "let's talk again when we are free. Ah Zhan is waiting for me. I'll go first."

AI Jinxi smiled, nodded and watched her enter the classroom.

Then she turned around, her face turned ugly and walked to the bathroom.

Took out his mobile phone and looked. Zhai Rushuang's return to school was noisy on the College Forum.

Many fans secretly photographed Zhai Rushuang's side face and were put on a boutique post. The title was "fairy sister difficult to meet in 5000 years".

AI Jinxi shivered his shoulders, turned off his cell phone and went back to the classroom.

In the classroom, Zhai Rushuang sat in the empty seat next to ye zhanhan and asked cautiously, "ah Zhan, why didn't you pick me up on my flight yesterday afternoon?"

Ye Zhan's cold face was expressionless, holding the pen and doing questions, ignoring Zhai Rushuang's meaning.

He has always been so. He has never been willing to be stingy about things he is not interested in.

Zhai Rushuang bit her lip and said helplessly, "well, you are very busy every day. I forgive you."

Ye zhanhan didn't even lift his head.

Zhai Rushan was frustrated, but she didn't know what to think of. She took out an exercise book from her schoolbag and put it in front of Ye zhanhan.

"Ah Zhan, you do this. It was written by Professor Zhang yuanhuo. There are only ten copies. I took one for you. The college entrance examination questions will appear in it every year. If you can do it all, it will be no problem to enter the top 500 in the province."

Ye zhanhan frowned slightly.

Zhai Rushan took out another book from the book in front of him. "I borrowed it. I came suddenly and haven't received the book yet."

"Put it down!" ye zhanhan said in a cold voice.

Zhai Rushuang was stunned and then said, "ah Zhan, what's the matter? We haven't seen each other for a year. Don't you miss me?"

Ye zhanhan raised his eyes and looked at her. With a cold warning, he took his book back.

At this time, AI Jinxi just entered the classroom and saw them looking at each other

She can't wait to rush over and tell Zhai Rushan that where she sits is her position!

But she held back.

Since Zhai Rushuang came, the atmosphere of class has been particularly good.

I don't know if it's AI Jinxi's illusion or something. Everyone is listening very carefully.

Of course, except for her

"Students, another monthly exam will usher in the first big exam in your life. Are you ready?"

In the last self-study class, the head teacher asked angrily.

The classroom burst out a lot of complaints.

"There's another monthly exam!"

"It's almost the college entrance examination. Why is there a monthly examination?"

"Yes, can the teacher cancel this monthly exam?"

The head teacher said with a straight face, "of course not. I'll go back to have a good rest and preparation this holiday. I'll have the last monthly exam next week. Good luck."

As soon as school was over, AI Jinxi ran out with her schoolbag.

Ye Weiwei is used to it these two days. After finishing her book bag, she goes to ye zhanhan and asks, "brother ye, do you want to go home at the weekend?"

"No return."

Ye zhanhan responded coldly and walked out with his schoolbag.

Zhai Rushuang sat in his seat with a pale face.

"Sister Rushuang, brother ye still ignores you?"

Zhai Rushuang frowned lightly and his face was slightly sad. "Ah Zhan has been like this since childhood. I'm used to it. As long as I can see him every day and accompany him, I'll be satisfied."

"You are infatuated." Ye Weiwei pursed her lips and said, "brother Ye is lonely, doesn't like to communicate with people, and has a bad temper. It's great that you can endure so many years. It turns out that love is like this."

"One day I will warm his cold heart." Zhai Rushuang is very firm.

Ye Weiwei scratched her hair and didn't know what she was thinking.

"What do you want to say?" Zhai Rushuang asked gently.

"I think that during this time, brother Ye has changed back to his former cold appearance. When brother ye and AI Jinxi sat in the past, they always whispered in class, and the teacher warned them several times."

"Ah Zhan will whisper with AI Jinxi?" Zhai Rushan doesn't believe it.

She is the one who knows ye zhanhan best in the world. How can she whisper to an ugly man like AI Jinxi?

"Yes, I remember once, AI Jinxi was angry with brother ye, and brother Ye coaxed AI Jinxi with gifts from fans! That was the first time I saw brother ye so gentle to a girl, but later I saw that none of them paid attention to anyone, so I didn't care about it."

Zhai Rushuang's face was a little ugly. She smiled and said, "don't worry. Ah Zhan won't like girls other than me. Besides, he's as ugly as AI Jinxi. He can't be interested in her. Maybe he thinks it's fun."

"Well, I think so too. AI Jinxi is really fun, hee hee."

Zhai Rushuang's mouth twitched slightly and didn't say anything more.

AI Jinxi was picked up home by a private car after leaving school.

Since she took her mother back to AI's house, the treatment is very different from before.

When I came home from school, a driver carried a schoolbag, a driver opened the door and a driver picked me up.

Even when they got home, the servants were very respectful to her before they changed their attitude.

AI Jinxi went home. Seeing nothing wrong, he slipped out in Xijingzi's clothes.

Came to the hotel.

"Wow, brother Xijingzi, you finally came to see me. You see, I'm getting fat without exercise in the hotel these days."

AI Jinxi rubbed her head with a smile: "fat, look better, too thin and no meat."

"Hum! I don't want to be fat. I won't get married. I don't care. I'm going out for a run today. Brother Xijingzi, go with me."

"Stay with you. Give me your cell phone. I bought you a new cell phone."

"Wow, brother Xijingzi, I knew you were the best to me." Ye Xiaoye took the mobile phone, remembered another thing and said with a smile: "brother Xijingzi, your brother called you again. I said you were taking a bath."

"Smart." Ai Jinxi called back.

Over there, ye zhanhan's low voice came: "come to the club."

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