Xu Jinyang didn't want to talk too much about money, as he always felt that it was like buying love with money.

He asked Zhou Huimin directly:"If I didn't have so much money, if I wasn't your boss, if I wasn't the son of a chaebol, would you still like me?"

Zhou Huimin said without hesitation:"What I am very sure of is that I like you as a person.

My feelings for you have nothing to do with your money. You are very good to me, and that's enough.

Money is just the icing on the cake. Even if you don't have money, I still love you 100%. When you have 2 billion, I might love you 120%."

Xu Jinyang was very satisfied with Zhou Huimin's answer. He could see that this was Zhou Huimin's heartfelt words, and it was worth it for him to love her so much!

Sometimes men also need these sweet words to maintain their yearning for love.

If you ask Qiu Shuzhen, you will get a completely different answer. Qiu Shuzhen was asked that by Wang Jing in the original time and space.

Qiu Shuzhen meant that if you have no money, I will definitely not love you, so for me, you must also work hard to make money so that I can live a good life.

Although Qiu Shuzhen's answer is relatively smart, it seems to motivate men to keep moving forward, but in fact it is PUA men!

Xu Jinyang reviewed the spouse choices of Zhou Huimin and Qiu Shuzhen in the original time and space. It can be seen that Qiu Shuzhen is still more materialistic, and finally chose a rich man who made a fortune in the clothing business.

Of course, after Qiu Shuzhen married the rich man, she washed away her lead and never made a comeback. She gave birth to three daughters in one breath, which is considered a good wife and a good mother.

This is also the reason why Xu Jinyang is willing to give Qiu Shuzhen a chance.

It turns out that time and space proved that she can be a good wife and a good mother, which is much better than Li Lizhen and others.

These days, Xu Jinyang seems to have neglected Qiu Shuzhen a little. For example, at this cocktail party, Qiu Shuzhen was simply not allowed to come.

Because Xu Jinyang found that Qiu Shuzhen still did not reflect clearly and still showed jealousy.

Even when she was having dinner with Pansy Ho that time, Qiu Shuzhen was shocked by Pansy Ho's momentum and behaved very well at that time, but she still showed dissatisfaction later.

Because Qiu Shuzhen found that the other women who went to Xu Jinyang's house for dinner that day seemed to have a close relationship with Xu Jinyang, which made Qiu Shuzhen very jealous.

Xu Jinyang decided to ignore her for a while and let her reflect on herself. If the neglect did not have the desired effect, Xu Jinyang would use other methods to discipline Qiu Shuzhen.

Although jealousy is a woman's nature, Xu Jinyang still hopes that through training and ideological work, that is, brainwashing, he can make women gradually accept their current situation and avoid the bad situation like in"The Legend of Zhen Huan".

Now that he has returned to Zhou Huimin, during the date, Xu Jinyang couldn't help but say,"Huimin, do you know that I have actually changed your fate?"

Zhou Huimin asked in surprise,"Do you know what my original fate was?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"I can read your face. I used to think your fate was still a bit miserable.

For example, you might meet a philandering husband who often cheats outside, fools around with all kinds of questionable women, and openly cuckolds you."

Zhou Huimin couldn't help but blurt out,"Dear, my fate hasn't changed. I follow you, and when you are with other women, isn't that also cuckolding me?"

This made Jinyang a little embarrassed.

Indeed, what Xu Jinyang did was no better than that of Ni Zhen in the original time and space. It was simply the pot calling the kettle black. Xu Jinyang even did more than Ni Zhen.

Xu Jinyang had to make up for himself:"The situation is not quite the same. You have met all of my confidantes. Everyone is familiar with them. They are all public. You should have some recognition of them. They are not women of questionable character. Like in a palace, everyone is a concubine."

Zhou Huimin quite recognized this point, nodded and said:"The reason why I can accept your relationship with other women is because I think these women are very outstanding, especially Sister Pansy Ho, who is really outstanding. When I face her, I really admire her from the bottom of my heart. If you say this is a palace, then she must be the queen. I recognize this queen."

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"Phoenix Ho also recognizes you. She likes you very much and even feels that you have a feeling of pity."

Xu Jinyang conveyed positive energy among these confidantes, which would make these confidantes think that they all admired and liked each other.

Zhou Huimin did not expect that Pansy Ho, as the future wife, actually liked him very much. He was a little flattered at the time.

She giggled and said,"That's great. I thought she didn't like me because I was too introverted and didn't talk much."

Xu Jinyang smiled dotingly and said,"How could that be? In fact, everyone likes you. You are all sisters and have people you love in common, so you should get along well.

The other one is very different. In your life, you may not have children when you are in your fifties or sixties. Your situation may be worse than your mother's. Your mother at least has you to take care of her in her old age when she is sixty, but your original life, when you are in your 50s, you have passed menopause and are completely sterilized, and you still don't have children!"

Zhou Huimin's point made Xu Jinyang, a man who was once her fan, feel unfair.

He always felt that in that life, the damn Ni Zhen did not do what he should do, and he didn't pass on Zhou Huimin's good genes.

Because Ni Zhen didn't want his girlfriend to stay in the entertainment industry, Zhou Huimin simply withdrew from the circle, but in 2008, Ni Zhen was exposed to kissing a woman in a nightclub.

After the incident was exposed, it was a hot topic. Zhou Huimin, who was heartbroken, chose to break up directly. What people didn't expect was that Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen announced their marriage directly a week later. It was very dramatic, but it really happened. Although Zhou Huimin rarely filmed after marriage, she was also very busy, raising cats, painting, and writing.

However, the two have been married for 12 years and have no children. There are rumors that Zhou Huimin did not have children in order to maintain her figure and appearance, and there are also rumors that Zhou Huimin especially likes cats and does not have children. On the other hand, the

"mistress" who had an affair with Ni Zhen at that time has now become a big Internet celebrity and married a wealthy foreigner. She has a happy life with children and daughters. She has completely counterattacked and become a big winner in life.

It's just that Zhou Huimin's beauty has no one to inherit, which is a pity.

So in this time and space, Xu Jinyang has to work hard to help Zhou Huimin be a mother, and not just one child, the more the better, and if you can have five, you definitely won't have three.

Anyway, in Hong Kong in 1986, there has never been a plan like in the mainland. As long as you can afford it, you can have children without worry.

So in order to make up for Zhou Huimin's regrets in that time and space, Xu Jinyang decided to do his best to help Zhou Huimin have more children and grandchildren.

But Zhou Huimin was very confused at this time, and said with a blushing face:"We are not really together yet, and I am not pregnant yet. How can you say that my destiny has changed?

What if I never get pregnant and never have children?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"I checked your body, and there is nothing wrong with your body.

As long as you don't reject children, as long as you are willing to marry me in the future, there is hope that the child will be born in this world, and there is still hope that your destiny can be changed."

These days, not only Xu Jinyang has been doing ideological work for Zhou Huimin, but even her mother has been talking to her, asking her to change her infertility ideas.

At this moment, Zhou Huimin said in a tender voice:"Dear, change my destiny."

Xu Jinyang looked at Zhou Huimin in front of him, and was pleasing to the eye from the bottom of his heart. Zhou Huimin looks so comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Huimin has a beautiful melon-seed face. Although it is not as soft as an oval face, it has smooth lines and is also in line with the public's aesthetics. It is also a face shape with a very high acceptance rate later.

The width of the cheekbones is the most prominent, and the Guangdong-Guangxi style does not seem to have any traces on her face.

The full forehead and apple muscles make her whole person pretty and full. She does not look old, but looks The three-point sweetness, combined with the mature face shape, has a mature tenderness and sweetness.

This has led to a goddess feeling that is highly recognized by the public. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Zhou Huimin's facial features are very standard, with three parts and five eyes. Her eyes are famous for their watery beauty. The shape of her eyes is large and bright, and the lines of the eye head and eye tail are clear and smooth. The eye tail seems to be flying and straight. It also mixes innocence and charm together, forming a look that seems to have thousands of emotions to express. A sense of story.

Zhou Huimin's nose is also quite delicate, with a high bridge of the nose that is visible to the naked eye, and a neat and three-dimensional line of the nasal bridge, which is perfectly connected with the three-dimensional brow bone. The line of the brow bone is slender and clean, and the curvature of the nose is also smooth. Because of these features, her atrium is also very long, but it is well distributed without too much white space.

Because Zhou Huimin's face is relatively long, it would not be able to support it without a three-dimensional nose. Fortunately, this pair of noses is really competitive enough to lay a high score foundation for her appearance.

Because her forehead is not high, she is more suitable to have bangs. The bangs are matched with rich black hair, red lips and red skirt. The charm of the Hong Kong-style beauty is fully displayed by her hair.

And Zhou Huimin's teeth are the type with a little rabbit teeth, which enhances her cuteness. The small rabbit teeth may make her look more tender when she is older.

And she also retained a cute atmosphere when she was young, which is a personal feature that makes it easy to remember her.

Zhou Huimin's appearance contrast is very���So even if she wears plain clothes, she has her own unique sense of gorgeousness.

Therefore, her appearance style is rarely seen in similar styles. She is a contradictory type that can be very decent and gorgeous, and can be plain and cute.

In addition, Zhou Huimin's figure is also very slim, with long lines visible to the naked eye, and the excellent proportion of long lines can also add points to her appearance.

Long lines are also more likely to make people feel younger, and make Zhou Huimin's overall style more extensive.

If Wen Bixia's style is the charm of curly hair like surging waves, then Zhou Huimin's style is the tenderness of straight hair like warm wind, both of which are unique style characteristics.

Zhou Huimin's beauty is not aggressive, soft and mature. Although it can be gorgeous, it does not make people feel tacky at all. It is more of a sense of grandeur and stretch.

Xu Jinyang looked at Zhou Huimin in front of him and remembered that before he traveled through time, she had done something very bad. He met a female netizen once and hurt the heart of that female netizen.

The girl photoshopped her photo very well, so Xu Jinyang was full of passion when chatting with her. He talked to the girl very well, and the two of them made an appointment to get a room.

But after meeting, he found that the girl looked very different from the photo. She was a dinosaur.

Of course, the girl was overjoyed to see Xu Jinyang. She didn't expect that the boy was even more handsome than in the photo.

Xu Jinyang wanted to leave at that time, but the girl cried. Xu Jinyang really had no choice. It really proved the saying"I made the appointment myself... I have to go with tears in my eyes."……"

But this girl really made Xu Jinyang unable to accept it, so he could only quietly open his mobile phone, click on Zhou Huimin's photo, and hypnotize himself that he was dating Zhou Huimin at that time.

He originally thought that his fate with Zhou Huimin could only be staring at her photos and videos, and it would never be possible to be together in real life.

Now that they have traveled through time, the two finally have fate. Xu Jinyang was overjoyed and full of fighting spirit.

Finally, he can date the goddess. He must cherish it and do his best.

According to Xu Jinyang's idea, he really wanted to date Zhou Huimin all night.

But Zhou Huimin fell asleep completely in less than two hours and entered a sweet deep sleep.

Xu Jinyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only sigh and change the sheets and bedding to clean ones. He quietly cut off a piece of the sheets and kept it.

Just when Xu Jinyang and Zhou Huimin were having a very pleasant date, in the mansion of the famous writer Ni Kuang, his baby son Ni Zhen tossed and turned in bed.

He had a nightmare, dreaming that the top beauty he met at the cocktail party tonight was now dating that damn Xu Jinyang.

This made Ni Zhen hate it to the core, but he had no way to deal with it.

Just now at the cocktail party, Ni Zhen wanted to pursue Zhou Huimin relentlessly and pester her. He had to ask Zhou Huimin's phone number and home address no matter what, so that he could write love letters and make phone calls.

However, his uncle Huang Zhan stopped him in time and warned him:"Didn't you see that Zhou Huimin is a contracted artist of Xu Jinyang's company, and is actually his woman.

Didn't you see that when you were pursuing that girl, Xu Jinyang's eyes were very unkind. You know that in addition to being the boss of a film company, Xu Jinyang is also the youngest son of the chaebol Xu family. Their Xu family is engaged in ocean-going trade and has a mercenary group in their hands. It is said that the combat effectiveness is very strong, and even the Somali pirates are not their opponents.

For your life, uncle advises you not to snatch a woman from such a chaebol son. Even if you snatch it, I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it." When

Ni Zhen heard Huang Zhan say that, he was so scared that he didn't dare to pursue Zhou Huimin anymore and hurried back home.

But he was unwilling in his heart and couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and ran to the bar outside to pick up a girl to go back.

Because Ni Zhen was also a handsome man and could talk, he soon picked up a beautiful woman to go back, but he found that he was completely incompetent.

The girl went to the bar to find a normal man, but she didn't expect that the son of the great writer Ni Kuang was actually a loser.

The woman couldn't help but ridicule Ni Zhen. Ni Zhen was already angry, and he was so angry that he couldn't control his temper, so he punched and kicked the woman, and her head was broken and bleeding.

As a result, he provoked a hornet's nest. The girl turned out to be the daughter of a big lawyer. The lawyer's father saw his daughter's broken and bleeding head and vowed to send Ni Zhen to jail.

Big lawyers have a high status in Hong Kong and have connections in the Department of Justice. Even if he is the son of the great writer Ni Kuang and has uncles like Jin Yong and Huang Zhan, it didn't help. He still stayed in the cell for many days.

At the same time, the system prompted Xu Jinyang,"Congratulations to the master for successfully intercepting Zhou Huimin before Ni Zhen, and reward the master with the film and television copyright of Ni Kuang and Yi Shu's works worth 200 million!"

Ni Kuang is Ni Zhen's father, and Yi Shu is Ni Zhen's aunt.

Both of their books are popular, and many of their works have been adapted into film and television dramas.

Although there is no way to compare with Jin Yongqiongyao, they are much better than ordinary writers, and their film and television copyrights are still valuable.

The most classic version of Yi Shu's work"Golden Years" that Xu Jinyang wants to adapt is not the 2020 TV series starring Ni Ni and Liu Shishi, but the 1988 movie"Begging" starring Zhong Chuhong and Zhang Manyu.

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