Now Xu Jinyang looked at Guan Zhilin and laughed loudly,"Miss Guan, I have heard that you are a great beauty. Today, I see that you are indeed as beautiful as a peony."

Guan Zhilin smiled and said,"Boss Xu, I have only heard of your fame and heard that you are a handsome guy. I didn't believe it at first because there were not many handsome movie company bosses I met before. Now that I have met you, I find that you are really handsome, really handsome. The rumors are really true.……"

The two of them praised each other, and there was a good feeling in each other's eyes.

Why did Xu Jinyang describe Guan Zhilin as a peony? Because peony is a rich flower, and Guan Zhilin gave Xu Jinyang the feeling of a rich flower in the world.

In Xu Jinyang's understanding, Guan Zhilin is just like Da Tiantian later, both of whom are very consistent with the setting of a rich flower in the world.

Everyone calls Da Tiantian a rich flower in the world. Obviously, there are so many beauties in the entertainment industry. How can only Da Tiantian hold up this expensive and beautiful title?

Where does the most outstanding beauty of Da Tiantian come from? It must be the nobleness on her face and the outstanding good temperament. So, what is expensive about her face?

The greatest compliment for an ordinary girl is not that you are beautiful, but that you look really comfortable. And this kind of comfort not only includes the beauty of your face, but also the cultivation of your temperament and the non-aggression of your face. This kind of comfort itself is more rare than beauty.

Da Tiantian really looks very comfortable, and at the same time, she is very beautiful. Compared with the aggressive type of Li Jiaxin or the gorgeous type of Guan Zhilin, Da Tiantian looks handsome and comfortable. On her face, you can see different temperaments such as gentleness, grandeur, elegance, and beauty.

And this kind of beauty who looks very comfortable is very rare in the entertainment industry, because there are too many beautiful and aggressive beauties in that circle.

The facial features of a beauty must be large and delicate, which not only makes her look better on camera, but also makes her beauty stand out in the crowd. Da Tiantian is a beauty with a particularly delicate face. Although her chin is relatively short, her face shape is very smooth 28, without too prominent cheekbones, cheekbones, etc., so she looks very small, and at the same time, her facial features are large.

Da Tiantian is a typical girl with large facial features. Her facial features are all very good, whether it is the nose, eyes, or mouth, there is almost no fault to pick. And because the facial features are relatively large and well-proportioned, there is no petty and sharp feeling brought by the asymmetrical facial features.

Many girls have long facial features, such as long eyes and long and flat mouths, which makes them look a bit bitter.

However, although Da Tiantian has long facial features, she still looks very noble. Why is that? It's very simple, that is, her face is relatively short, so it can neutralize the length of her facial features, making her facial features look long and round under the background of her face. This kind of round and elongated facial features looks very grand in itself. It will look more delicate and beautiful than the traditional pure long facial features or pure round facial features.

Take Chen Jiayuqi for analysis. She looks quirky because her facial features are round and more spiritual. However, she will not give people a particularly beautiful feeling, because the facial features of a beauty must be long and round.

Guan Zhilin, on the other hand, is one of the ones whose long and round facial features are very well neutralized, so she looks very grand and is the kind of temperamental beauty.

In fact, many beauties have their defects due to bad lip shape. Too thin looks mean, too thick looks dull.

Da Tiantian's mouth is moderate, a little plump, but the lip shape is particularly good, and the corners of the lips are always unnaturally upturned, giving people a feeling of smiling.

Including, we can see from some of her non-smiling stills that her lip shape is very good, generous and beautiful, plus the upturned corners of the lips, it looks very festive. This is also one of the factors that make her surpass others in appearance. The smile brought by the lip shape will make her more popular.

To see whether a person is beautiful, just look at how good she looks in photos with others.

Da Tiantian's beauty is not inferior to Liu Yifei's group photos.

In addition to her outstanding appearance, she herself is also a tall and fair-skinned female star.

As for how white Da Tiantian is, it can be said to be milky skin.

Just put an ordinary passerby picture, you can see that Da Tiantian is really white.

And her title of rich flower can be decomposed into richness, nobility, and beauty like a flower.

The richness comes from her own superior appearance, and the nobleness is because the corners of her lips are upturned, she is smiling, and she looks comfortable, and she is as beautiful as a flower.

It's just a pity that Da Tiantian will not come to this world until next year, that is, 1988!

Compared with Da Tiantian, Guan Zhilin is more like a rich and beautiful woman, because her parents were originally actors, and her family is very good. Her family background is better than that of Da Tiantian, who needs a rich boyfriend to debut.

If it weren't for her parents' divorce, and her father's failed investment and huge debts, she should have lived a good life!

At that time, she was known as the most beautiful woman in Hong Kong, with top-notch appearance and gorgeous appearance, and later made a lot of money. Guan Zhilin's full skull, smooth lines, and delicate facial features combine to form a very three-dimensional face. Her eyes are big and bright, her nose is straight, her nose tip is slightly upturned, and her mouth corners are smiling, which increases the playfulness of the whole face.

It's okay to have such a beautiful face, but her figure is also top-notch. Guan Zhilin is 171 cm tall and has a pair of long legs that are breathtaking. Her hair is like dark clouds, her skin is white and her lips are red, she is extremely beautiful.

Previously, Rosamund Kwan was a guest on a TVB program, and the program crew filmed the interior of the beautiful lady's mansion. This luxurious mid-level villa is worth up to 150 million yuan. It is located in the most expensive area of Hong Kong. It overlooks the entire Victoria Harbour and has a very wide view.

It can be seen that Rosamund Kwan is not only a top"rich and noble flower in the world", but also a"rich man in the world".

Speaking of rich and noble flowers in the world, in addition to the current Rosamund Kwan and the future Da Tiantian, there is another woman, Zhang Xiaohui.

Those who can be associated with the word"rich and noble flower in the world" all have one or more of the following: a round and smooth figure, a bright and beautiful appearance, and a rich or noble family background. Looking at the entertainment industry full of beauties, there are not many people who can be called rich and noble flowers in the world.

But Zhang Xiaohui has all three of these features, with a dignified and elegant appearance, and a look of wealth and nobility. First of all, in terms of appearance, Zhang Xiaohui has a full forehead, and her face is round, smooth, and slightly fleshy.

You should know that a small pointed face like an internet celebrity can be beautiful, but a face that is too inward and sharp will never bring a majestic look, let alone a rich and noble flower.

In addition, Zhang Xiaohui's bone structure also has a square and round chin, and her facial bones are relatively wide.

If the bone structure is thin and narrow, it is very easy to give people a sense of shrewdness or even stinginess; secondly, her appearance is dignified but also has some sharp and delicate charm.

Although Zhang Xiaohui is very generous and broad in appearance and bone structure, her eyes are sharp, her eyes are slender, her nose is high and thin, and her lips are obvious, so she completely avoids the sense of simplicity that a dignified appearance will bring; in addition, Zhang Xiaohui's skin is transparent and white, and the background of black hair and red lips further highlights her delicate and noble appearance; her figure is round and smooth, and her wealth is fully revealed.

Although her collarbone is obvious, she is thin but not skinny, and the roundness and smoothness are just right.

One more point will make her look greasy, and one less inch will make her look a little far from the kind of affluent feeling of a rich and beautiful woman in the world.

Speaking of her family background, her grandfather was a high-ranking official, her father was the editor-in-chief of Wenhui Daily during the Republic of China period, her mother was a socialite, and the first Chinese TV station in Canada was founded by her family.

Such a family made Zhang Xiaohui a typical"rich girl"; she regarded luxury goods as ordinary things since she was a child, and she was used to the world, so naturally she would not be surprised by many things, nor would she feel like showing off.

This kind of confidence and experience that has been rich since childhood has nurtured a sense of pampering.

It can be said that Zhang Xiaohui is a real"rich flower in the world".

Yishu once said:"Zhang Xiaohui has a taste that is a level beyond fashion trends. What is popular nowadays has nothing to do with her, she has her own way."

Zhang Xiaohui has seen good things, and has her own aesthetic system. She herself has a plump and beautiful figure, which is very suitable for most people to learn from her dressing ideas.

For people with plump figures, don't use the clothes that cover up the truth. Loose and invisible clothes will not only not cover the flesh, but will make it more cumbersome. Only by setting off the complexion and waistline through clothing can you be more refreshing and age-reducing. Zhang Xiaohui's white-bottomed printed skirt, the waist outlines the high waistline, the V-neck shirt lengthens the neck line, the printed elements show the atmosphere, and the overall look is like a goddess.

Before marrying Zhong Zhentao, this woman was born in a wealthy family. She was a standard daughter of a rich family. After marrying Zhong Zhentao, she still couldn't change her extravagant lifestyle. In addition, they made a mistake in investing in real estate and unfortunately encountered a financial crisis, and they went bankrupt completely.

However, facing such a situation, Zhang Xiaohui did not succumb to fate. Later, she turned over in adversity. I will talk about her story in detail later.

Xu Jinyang has some interest in this woman. If he has the opportunity to meet her in the future, if something can happen, Xu Jinyang will not refuse. Now he is focusing on Guan Zhilin.

Now, in 1987, the real rich and noble woman in Hong Kong and Macau refers to Xu Jinyang's first wife, Pansy Ho.

Pansy Ho is the real rich and noble woman!

She will not deliberately show off her wealth, and she will never dress up in a fancy way. The gentle and noble feeling that emanates from the inside out is something that many celebrities cannot learn.

So, where does Pansy Ho's sense of nobility come from? In addition to her confidence in being born into a wealthy family, it actually depends more on her current dress.

Pansy Ho likes to wear skirts that go over the knees very much. 95% of her wardrobe is skirts. Moreover, no matter how exquisite and gorgeous the clothes she wears, Pansy Ho never wears heavy makeup. The most temperamental thing is the choice of hairstyle. After getting older, Pansy Ho changed her hair to short hair, and with the slightly curled arc, she looks like a wealthy family at first glance.

As for wealth, Pansy Ho became the richest woman in Hong Kong very early after years of operation and hard work, and she probably didn’t even bother to fight for the family property.

Coincidentally, the eldest princess of a trillion-level communications company not only looks like Pansy Ho, but also has a similar background and achievements. Both of them come from good families and have been able to develop and expand their own businesses. However

, many people like to call this kind of appearance"the most beautiful woman in the world". In fact, this underestimates Pansy Ho's pattern, because the term"a beautiful woman in the world" implies the meaning of sitting back and enjoying the fruits of others' labor. But even if Pansy Ho does not have such a background, she can still have a place in the world with her own abilities.

Their faces are also both spiritual and powerful. Like men, they have a heavy feeling and exude energy. The only difference is that they are maternal and do not look as aggressive as male tycoons. But who says gentleness is not another kind of power? In a broad sense, the most beautiful woman in the world should be someone like Da Tiantian, who is not the same type as Pansy Ho. Pansy Ho should belong to the category of"the most powerful woman in the world"."

……(To read the most exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Guan Zhilin was tired of men chasing after her, but seeing Xu Jinyang, a handsome man, the son of a chaebol, the boss of a film company, with two box office hits in his hands, and a big boss with vision, appreciating her so much, made her feel a little overjoyed and secretly happy.

However, Guan Zhilin's feelings for Xu Jinyang were not particularly good. Even if Guan Zhilin once admired Cheng Long, admired Cheng Long's spirit of risking his life for the movie and his spirit of righteousness and heroism, she did not agree to date Cheng Long in the end. There was no rumor about the two of them dating, and there was even less evidence.

Guan Zhilin's situation with Li Lianjie was the same. The rumors about the two of them were just because Li Zhi was angry. How could Li Lianjie love his wife? Since then, he has not cooperated with Guan Zhilin. It's just that Cheng Long and Li Lianjie didn't cause Guan Zhilin's emotional fluctuations very strongly, only about 20 to 30 percent, which is still a long way from being 100% moved.

So, after Guan Zhilin and Xu Jinyang exchanged a few pleasantries, Xu Jinyang went to chat with other people. There is no need to rush to pick up girls, you must find a good opportunity.

But at this time, a fat middle-aged man appeared in the cocktail party. His target was Guan Zhilin. He came up and talked to Guan Zhilin

"Zhilin, are you okay? I miss you so much. Can we be together?"

Xu Jinyang could tell at a glance that the fat man was Ma Qingwei, the boss of the famous Dasheng Bank and Dasheng Real Estate.

Guan Zhilin and Ma Qingwei broke up, but Ma Qingwei was greedy for her beauty and wanted to get back together.

Guan Zhilin was very disgusted with this man who abandoned his wife and affected his reputation, and she didn't treat him well at all.

But Ma Qingwei kept pestering her.

Xu Jinyang couldn't stand it anymore. He was chatting with a few celebrities, and he walked over and stopped Ma Qingwei.

"Mr. Ma, why are you here at our party? I remember I didn't invite you."

Ma Qingwei's family is not a chaebol, and it is far from being a chaebol, so when he saw Xu Jinyang, he was still a little afraid.

"Ah...Mr. Xu, we are old friends. Seeing that your movie has achieved such a good box office, I came to celebrate. Don't you welcome me?"

He said, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Xu Jinyang.

This guy was driving a sports car to the bar with a cigar in his mouth. When he saw Guan Zhilin, he followed Guan Zhilin's car into the cocktail party.

Xu Jinyang smiled faintly and shook hands with Ma Qingwei with a sincere smile on his face.

"Thank you for your support, drink more!"While speaking, he had quietly snatched Ma Qingwei's special energy.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the master for successfully snatching Ma Qingwei's special energy. Ma Xingwei's special condition has been reduced from 4.0 to 0, and he has lost his ability to women.

After purification, congratulations to the master's special energy increase by 2.0.

This is also equivalent to the master completely depriving Ma Qingwei and Guan Zhilin of their lifelong love. Guan Zhilin's feelings for Ma Qingwei in the original time and space have been transferred to the master!"

In that original time and space, because of Ma Qingwei's persistence and Guan Zhilin's lack of money, they seemed to be together for a while.

In this time and space, Chen Meiqi, who plays Xiaoqing, is an actress that Xu Jinyang admires very much, but she is treated like that by Ma Qingwei.

Ma Qingwei is a famous playboy from a wealthy family in Hong Kong. Like Liu Luanxiong, he is Xu Jinyang's destined rival in love. Xu Jinyang will definitely destroy him without saying a word.

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