After the lessons learned in the past few days, Xu Jinyang has come to realize a truth.

It is very rare for a pearl to be cast into the dark and then covered in dust.

Many people cannot become popular in the original time and space, and there are reasons why they cannot become popular.

Even if he is given another chance, he cannot become popular.

Therefore, in order to save time, Xu Jinyang will no longer interview individually in the future, but interview dozens of people in a room at a time to see if there are any familiar faces.

Or look at the list to see if there are any familiar names.

Of course, in order to avoid the problems of Liu Dehua and Liu Furong, he will ask the applicants to write down their former names and stage names.

Unfortunately, no decent future stars were discovered that day.

However, the general framework of Shuguang Film Company has been built, and the backbones of each department have been recruited.

There is another good thing. Wu Yusen came to Xu Jinyang with his revised script of"A Better Tomorrow".

Xu Jinyang carefully read Wu Yusen's newly revised script and nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Yusen really has a special liking for this story.

When Xu Jinyang told him the perfect version of the plot in the original time and space, he wrote a movie script that was almost accurate.

Those wonderful lines are even very similar, especially Xiao Ma Ge's lines

"I have waited for three years just for an opportunity. I want to fight for it, not to prove that I am great, but to tell everyone that I must get back what I have lost!"

Xu Jinyang admired Wu Yusen's talent even more. No wonder this guy is one of the few directors who can still win in Hollywood.

It's a pity that Wu Yusen is now a contracted director of Cinema City, and it may be a bit difficult to poach him.

Xu Jinyang did not extend the invitation immediately, but asked seriously:"Director Wu, are you happy working in Cinema City?"

Wu Yusen sighed deeply and showed an expression that he wanted to die.

Xinyicheng's boss Ma Jia came from a comedy background and had a very successful"Best Partner" series, so their company mainly promotes comedy and is not interested in other themes. They have been forcing Wu Yusen to make comedies.

Wu Yusen had mentioned the idea of "A Better Tomorrow" before, but was repeatedly rejected by Ma Jia.

It turned out that in that time and space, even if Wu Yusen made"A Better Tomorrow", Ma Jia wanted to burn all the movie films after seeing the sample film.

Because the bald man judged that this movie was doomed to flop.

It was under such a boss that Wu Yusen's ambitions could not be fulfilled. How could he be happy?

Xu Jinyang heard Wu Yusen's meaningful sigh and immediately understood.

He said straight to the point:"Director Wu, since you are not happy working at Xinyicheng, why not switch to our Shuguang Film!"

Wu Yusen was surprised at the time. He didn't expect that Xu Jinyang not only wanted to cooperate with him on a movie, but also wanted to sign him

"I have recently filmed several movies for Cinema City, but the box office was not good, and I was almost called a box office poison.

Aren't you worried that I will lose money for you?"

Xu Jinyang said sincerely:"Director Wu, your recent failures were all forced by the boss of Cinema City to shoot movies that you don't like or are not good at.

When you come to my company, I won't put any pressure on you. You can shoot whatever you want. As long as you are creative, the company will invest in you!"

Wu Yusen was overjoyed at the time.

Before Cinema City, he had worked in Shaw Brothers. Both bosses were very demanding and squeezed his creativity as a director to the limit, making him miserable.

Now that he has met a boss who does not put pressure on himself and does not interfere with his shooting subject matter, Wu Yusen feels like he is in heaven.

He hesitated for a moment:"Is it really that good?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"It's really that good. We can write these terms in the contract.

In addition to not interfering with your shooting selection, I will give you a signing fee of 3 million and a guaranteed annual salary of 500,000!"

Wu Yusen was so happy that he almost jumped up.

This condition was really tempting, many times better than what he had at Shaw Brothers and Cinema City!

At first glance, an annual salary of 500,000 is not too much, but when you think back to the time when he was at Shaw Brothers, his guaranteed monthly salary was only 5,000, and now it has skyrocketed 10 times!

There is also a signing fee of 3 million, which is a huge temptation that no film company can offer.

Moreover, the boss also promised not to put any pressure or interference, and let him play completely freely, which is great!

However, Wu Yusen was a little skeptical because he was treated so well by Cinema City boss Ma Jia. Why did

Xu Jinyang give Wu Yusen such good contract conditions?

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