In order to let Pansy Ho relax her guard against him, Xu Jinyang even introduced Leong On Kei to her.

He said to Pansy Ho,"She is my girlfriend Leong On Kei.

Because of the marriage between our two families, I cannot give her a public identity, but I will always keep her by my side.

I will not interfere with your interactions with other people, and I will not restrict you (purely fooling Pansy Ho to let her relax her guard).

Our cooperation is mutually beneficial, you don't have to worry about anything."

Xu Jinyang said this, just digging a trap for Pansy Ho.

Pansy Ho breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the young, beautiful and charming Leong On Kei.

It seems that Xu Jinyang really has no intentions towards her, and he is purely cooperating with her.

She immediately relaxed her guard against Xu Jinyang and no longer had any resistance

""Okay! If you can really make 500% on this investment, I will agree to marry you instead of Xu Jinyang."

However, He Chaoqiong was still somewhat disappointed.

She had always thought highly of herself and thought Xu Jinyang liked her.

Now she found out that he was not her girlfriend and she was a little self-indulgent.

He Chaoqiong didn't know that her relaxation of vigilance and loss were the effects Xu Jinyang wanted.

Xu Jinyang wanted He Chaoqiong to have no vigilance against him and fall in love with him unconsciously during the cooperation with him.

When He Chaoqiong fell in love with him, he would confront her.

How could he give her the freedom to indulge!

In terms of career development, he would make her keep pace with him, and even sacrifice the interests of her natal family, the gambling king, for him!

He would abolish Chen Baiqiang and make Chen Baiqiang and her just sisters and besties, and there would be no possibility of any private affairs.

The next day, after discussion between He Chaoqiong and the gambling king,

200 million Hong Kong dollars were transferred to Xu Jinyang's account, and Xu Jinyang was not asked to pledge his equity.

The gambling king just wanted to use the 200 million to test whether his future son-in-law could do it.

If Xu Jinyang could really use the 200 million to get a 500% return, the gambling king would marry his daughter to Xu Jinyang, not Xu Jinheng! If the gambling king knew that Xu Jinyang first took the initiative to intercept his fourth wife Liang Anqi, and wanted to get his hands on his baby daughter He Chaoqiong.

He would be so angry that he would die, but fortunately he knew nothing about it, and only Xu Jinyang was secretly happy.

Xu Jinyang asked the gambling king and He Chaoqiong to keep it a secret for him. He didn't want to let his cheap father Xu Shixun and cheap eldest brother Xu Jinheng know for the time being.

Especially he didn't want Xu Jin Heng's mother knew what she had done.

In the original time and space, in order to facilitate the marriage of her son Xu Jin Heng and He Chaoqiong, the old woman actually forced Liu Jialing to have an abortion. Her means were extremely cruel!

If she knew that Xu Jinyang was so capable, I don't know what she would do!

Now Xu Jinyang has 400 million Hong Kong dollars in his account, and he is ready to operate that stock.

But he found that under the top investment model, the rate of return of that stock suddenly became negative 80%!

Xu Jinyang was shocked at the time. How could there be such a big change? Wasn't it 500% originally?

The system prompts:"When the investment funds exceed a certain amount, it will alarm the banker, which will backfire!"

Xu Jinyang suddenly realized that this stock with a 500% return rate was a small-cap stock.

It was not like the large-cap stocks with a market value of trillions like Moutai in the A-share market, nor was it like the large-cap stocks like PetroChina in the Hong Kong stock market.

This stock was just a small- and medium-cap stock with a market value of tens of billions, and it could not accommodate much funds.

If 400 million yuan was invested, it might be shorted by the market makers, resulting in losses.

Xu Jinyang tried it, what would happen if he invested 300 million yuan?

"Investment project: a Hong Kong stock!

Investment amount: HK$300 million!

Investment period: 3 months!

Return on investment: -40%�"

Finally, it was discovered that only investments of less than or equal to HK$200 million would yield a 500% return!

But the problem was that he had HK$200 million and borrowed another HK$200 million from He Chaoqiong at a monthly interest rate of 5%.

Xu Jinyang wanted to explore new investment opportunities, but was told by the system

"Under the top investment mode, the probability of the owner actively exploring investment opportunities in the next three months is 0!"

System rules cannot limit Xu Jinyang's ambition to make money.

He can't let the money lie there and lose interest in vain!

Xu Jinyang immediately thought of a way. If the active one doesn't work, the passive one can!

If someone takes the initiative to bring the project to the door, and you passively accept it, the system rules can be bypassed!

(In the next chapter, our sexy goddess Qiu Shuzhen will appear. Please wait and see. Please vote for evaluation. There are too few votes for evaluation!) Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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