Zhang Min came out from under the table, wiped his mouth, and looked at Lan Jieying curiously.

"How do you know it's me?"

Lan Jieying smiled and said,"Amin, don't you have any feeling? After being with the boss, our sense of smell has been greatly improved.

I can smell your scent in this room!"

After Zhang Min and Lan Jieying were with Xu Jinyang, their power attributes were increased by 1. In fact, compared with ordinary women, they were doubled.

This full attribute includes the sense of smell.

Zhang Min was not wearing heavy makeup, there was no perfume on his body, and there was no particularly strong body position, so Qiu Shuzhen didn't smell the scent of the second person just now, but Lan Jieying smelled it all at once.

And Lan Jieying could also guess what bad things they were doing just now.

Zhang Min reacted immediately at this time and looked at Lan Jieying in surprise.

"You and your husband are together too? When did you get together?"

In Zhang Min's impression, Anita Mui has always been a rather cold woman.

On that day, Anita Mui and Xu Jinyang kissed each other, and Zhang Min was not there.

Zhang Min always thought that there would be nothing between Anita Mui and Xu Jinyang, but he did not expect that these two people who seemed to have nothing in common would actually be together.

Anita Mui looked at Zhang Min with a smile and said,"The night before yesterday, I took two days of rest before I recovered. We will be sisters from now on."

In fact, Zhang Min also felt very stressed.

She felt that she actually needed a week to recover, but Xu Jinyang hoped that she could accompany him every day.

This gave Zhang Min an idea.

It would be great if Xu Jinyang had a girlfriend, then her own pressure would not be so great.

Now Xu Jinyang's new girlfriend has appeared, and it turned out to be Lan Jieying, whom he likes very much.

Lan Jieying's personality is not particularly good, but her appearance is beautiful to a certain extent, and even girls like her.

Zhang Min looked at Lan Jieying with a smile on his face:"Sister Lan"863", I really didn't expect that my husband's new girlfriend would be you.

When did you fall in love with our husband?"

When they were with Xu Jinyang, they changed their words. They would call him boss outside, and call him husband in private.

Lan Jieying was no longer shy at this time, and said very frankly:"Actually, when I saw our husband for the first time, I had a strong feeling at the time.

After experiencing many things later, this feeling became stronger and stronger……"

She shared with Zhang Min the process of her relationship with Xu Jinyang.

Zhang Min was also going to share with Lan Jieying the process of his relationship with Xu Jinyang.

When Xu Jinyang saw Lan Jieying, he suddenly remembered that he was going to meet a very important person today.

He asked Lan Jieying:"Is your old colleague Zhou Xingchi here?"

Lan Jieying remembered:"Oh, I almost forgot about him. He is already here and has been waiting for you in the reception room for a long time!"

Xu Jinyang hurriedly said:"Hurry up and invite him over!"

He turned to Zhang Min and said:"Pour two cups of coffee!"

Although Zhang Min is his woman, in this workplace, she is now an assistant.

Zhang Min brought two cups of coffee very obediently and was about to go out.

Xu Jinyang said:"Amin, you and Jieying, both of you stay. You may work with Zhou Xingchi in the future.

You may see why I am willing to sign Zhou Xingchi in a while."

Zhou Xingchi sat in front of Xu Jinyang a little stiffly.

Before coming, Zhou Xingchi had inquired about Xu Jinyang's identity.

Knowing that Xu Jinyang is the son of a wealthy chaebol, is the boss of this film company, and has already made two films, I immediately became yearning for him.


In fact, Zhou Xingchi has always attached great importance to money because he grew up in poverty. He also wanted to be a very rich man.

So at that time, when he became famous for making movies, he tried his best to become the boss of a listed company. Later, he got his wish.

He became the chairman of the board of directors of the Bigo Group.

Of course, at that time, he could only be regarded as an ordinary rich man, and was far from being a real tycoon.


Xu Jinyang looked at Zhou Xingchi in front of him with a smile, and did not get straight to the point immediately, but chatted with him about family matters.

"Ah Xing, do you have a sister?"

Zhou Xingchi looked at Xu Jinyang in surprise:"How do you know?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"You are the talent I have my eyes on. I must understand your situation clearly before I plan to recruit you."

Zhou Xingchi felt a little uneasy and couldn't help asking directly:"Boss Xu, I'm very curious, what do you see in me? I'm just a host of a children's program at TVB, and I usually play some minor roles."

He himself didn't think he was a talent, why did Xu Jinyang think so highly of him?

Xu Jinyang smiled faintly:"What do you think if I say you are the next Hui Guanwen?"


Hui Koon-wen was the king of comedy before Stephen Chow, and was nicknamed the Cold-Faced Laughing General.

His works are the pioneers of Cantonese pop culture, satirizing current problems, making people laugh with tears, and containing philosophy, capturing the formation of Hong Kong's local culture in the 1970s and 1980s.

Hui Koon-wen's comedies often depict the working class, and he is good at playing mean bosses, with helplessness in his laughter, which resonates with ordinary citizens.

Between 1974 and 1981, he wrote, directed, and starred in the comedy film"Ghosts and Twins"》、《Half a catty》、《Modern Bodyguard" and other films, won the Hong Kong annual box office champion five times, broke the Chinese film box office record three times, and is the director with the most Hong Kong annual box office champions. The

"Best Partner" series of films starring his younger brother Hu Guanjie also occupied the box office champion throne for three consecutive years from 1982 to 1984.

Looking back at the eleven years from 1974 to 1984, the box office champions in nine years were all won by the Hui brothers (group or individual), achieving huge commercial success.

It can be said that in the comedy industry, the 1990s belonged to Zhou Xingchi's era, while the 1970s and 1980s belonged to Hui Guanwen's era!

In fact, since the beginning of the 1990s, Hui Guanwen has slowly moved behind the scenes.

It is worth mentioning that in 1991, many popular Hong Kong movie stars filmed a comedy movie"The Banquet of the Rich" to help raise funds for the mainland flood disaster. There were as many as hundreds of guest stars.

The director of the film deliberately arranged Hui Guanwen, who was over 50 years old at the time, to compete with Zhou Xingchi, who was very popular at the time.

This should be the only time that the two of them appeared in the same movie.

What's interesting is that at the end of the movie, the two of them fought over a chicken head and a chicken butt.

This seems to foreshadow the handover between the old and new generations of the King of Comedy!


Hearing Xu Jinyang's high evaluation of him, Zhou Xingchi jumped up from his chair with an extremely exaggerated expression of surprise.

"No way! How can I be so worthy of this!"

You should know that Zhou Xingchi created his own nonsensical comedy by standing on the shoulders of Hu Guanwen, the first generation comedy king. It turned out that in that life, Zhou Xingchi once revealed that his nonsensical performance style, which was loved by the audience, was actually created through imitation and improvement.

When he first came into contact with comedy, he imitated the way of speaking of the master Mr. Xu Guanwen.

The second was to imitate the"Uncle Bo" Liang Xingbo, the"clown king" of the Cantonese opera world.

In addition to carefully studying and observing the essence of these two actors, Zhou Xingchi also revealed that he often imitated Huang Zhan and Li Xiaolong.

Some people say that perhaps Zhou Xingchi's highly representative nonsensical performance style is the result of the combination of these big guys, and indirectly achieved success.

Xu Jinyang feels that Zhou Xingchi got inspiration from these people, and then found his own style and another way of comedy performance. It is better to say that he is innovating rather than imitating.

Xu Jinyang laughed:"You already have a nonsensical style now, keep going!"

Three years as a children's program host was not without reward for Zhou Xingchi. Those exaggerated and funny body movements were developed during these three years, and combined with imitations of those masters, he formed his own style. Although there are many talented people in Zhou Xingchi's team who give him inspiration, in general, nonsensical comedy is still developed by Zhou Xingchi himself.

Now when Zhou Xingchi heard Xu Jinyang say the word"nonsensical", his eyes lit up.

A bosom friend! (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Zhou Xingchi started to think about nonsensical comedy in 1986 in this time and space, but no one was optimistic about it.

Even Zhou Xingchi didn't know how to name his own comedy style.

Now when he heard the word"nonsensical", he felt very This form of comedy is often suitable for him.

Wulitou is actually a word that only exists in Cantonese. It means that a person's actions and words are difficult to understand and have no center. Their language and behavior have no clear purpose and no reason.

In other words, it is inexplicable, and the more inexplicable it is, the funnier it is.

Strictly speaking, the characteristic of the language style he uses is the use of deviations in the language world, phonetic deviations, vocabulary deviations and grammatical deviations.

Zhou Xingchi seemed to have found a soulmate, so he confided everything he had studied in the past few years to Xu Jinyang.

Xu Jinyang listened to him patiently and gave him advice on key points.

In fact, it was telling the current Zhou Xingchi what Zhou Xingchi figured out later.

Zhou Xingchi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at Xu Jinyang with admiration.

"Boss Xu, I didn't expect you to know so much about comedy. One word from you is worth ten years of reading. Why didn't I meet you earlier?"

Xu Jinyang looked at Zhou Xingchi with a smile:"It's not too late for us to meet now. You are just wasting your time at TVB now. Come to our company to make movies.

I will give you a signing fee of 2 million and a guaranteed annual salary of 200,000. Even if you don't make any movies for a year, I will still give you 200,000.

Of course, you can't not make any movies. I want you to make a movie now."

As he said, he took out a script and handed it to Zhou Xingchi.

Zhou Xingchi opened it and took a look:"A Comic Book to Travel the World》"

This movie is probably the first nonsensical movie that Zhou Xingchi played in that time.

The general plot is that Xingzai, who loves fantasy and often indulges in the world of comics, is recruited by gangster boss Wei Jie by chance and becomes a close friend with Jie's adopted son Ajun.

《"A Comic Book to Travel the World" was an important turning point in the formation of Zhou Xingchi's style..........This is a"post-gangster film" with the main plot being a boy obsessed with comics who accidentally enters the underworld, and quits the underworld after experiencing a life-and-death crisis.

Several characteristics and even plots of Zhou Xingchi's performance in the film have appeared familiar in Zhou Xingchi's later works.

This film is Zhou Xingchi's representative work in his early"boy image", and it is also his first film in which he plays the absolute leading role. Although his nonsensical performance is not yet mature, it already has a personal style.

In the play, Zhou Xingchi often comes up with some brain-teasers to test Cheng Kuian. At Cheng Kuian's home, he is able to get along well with Cheng Kuian's 8 children. These details should be tailor-made by the director and screenwriter for Zhou Xingchi, who has hosted children's programs.


When Zhou Xingchi in this time and space saw those brain-teasing details in the script, his eyes turned red

"Who wrote this script?"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"I wrote it!"

Zhou Xingchi said without hesitation,"I will sign it right away!"

Zhou Xingchi could tell from the movie script that the company boss Xu Jinyang valued him very much. As the saying goes, a confidant is worth death. He was willing to follow such a boss, rather than a stingy profiteer boss like Shao Yifu.

Not to mention, the signing conditions offered by Xu Jinyang were more than 10 times those of TVB. Faced with such generous conditions, what was there to hesitate about?

However, Xu Jinyang proposed,"I want to sign a 30-year contract with you!"

In this time and space, there is no limit on the number of years for economic contracts, and signing for 30 years is also possible.

Zhou Xingchi hesitated at the time, because 30 years was too long after all.

Seeing Zhou Xingchi's concerns, Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"The guaranteed annual salary will increase by 10% every year, which will be 3.4 million Hong Kong dollars per year in 30 years!

I believe that within 5 years, you will become a first-line star, and then you will be able to get 70% of the film remuneration!

Sign a contract with me, you can enjoy full freedom and get great creative inspiration, which you can't get in any other film company!"

Now Zhou Xingchi was moved!

Indeed, he would never meet a comedy expert like Xu Jinyang if he went to other film companies!

A man will die for his friend, let alone a 30-year contract!

At that time, Zhou Xingchi no longer hesitated and signed his name on the contract.

Why was Xu Jinyang willing to sign a 30-year contract with Zhou Xingchi?

Because Xu Jinyang wanted to cooperate with Zhou Xingchi on"The Mermaid", which had a box office of more than 3 billion!

And the judgment of Zhou Xingchi's return on investment was also for 30 years.

"Investment project: Zhou Xingchi

Investment period: 30 years

Investment amount: 2 million

Return on investment: 1000 times!"

Now give Zhou Xingchi a signing fee of 2 million, and you can make 2 billion from him in the next 30 years!

Of course, this is not only his share of the film salary, but also the investment share of the film he directed himself, and some income from the surrounding development.

After Zhou Xingchi signed the contract, the system prompted

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the master for intercepting the comedy king Zhou Xingchi before Xiang Huasheng and Xiang Huaqiang's Yongsheng Company, and rewarding the master with 100 million Hong Kong dollars!

This 100 million Hong Kong dollars came from 1.2 bank accounts of their Xiang family, all of which were ill-gotten gains.

After a series of complex and traceless operations, it legally entered the master's bank account, and the master can use it with confidence!"

Zhang Min saw that Zhou Xingchi's signing fee was 2 million, and recalled that his own signing fee was only 1 million. He was a little confused, so he whispered in Xu Jinyang's ear

"Boss! Why is his signing fee 2 million, twice as much as mine?"

Xu Jinyang said seriously:"The reason why Zhou Xingchi's signing fee is 2 million, which is higher than your average newcomer, is not only because he has worked in TVB, but also because he has his own unique style.

I believe that the nonsensical comedy he created will not be worse than Cheng Long's kung fu comedy in the future!"

Zhang Min and Lan Jieying both looked at Xu Jinyang in shock, and then looked at Zhou Xingchi who looked confused. They really couldn't believe it!

You have to know that at this time, Cheng Long's Kung Fu comedy was in full swing and had recently won the box office championship for several years.

They couldn't believe that Zhou Xingchi, a children's program host who had been playing supporting roles in the past few years, would be comparable to Cheng Long in the future! Zhou

Xingchi was deeply moved at this time. No one had ever respected and looked up to him so much!

He secretly swore in his heart that he must be loyal to Xu Jinyang until he was old!

Now, Xu Jinyang asked someone to find Wang Jing and prepare to shoot"A Comic Book to the End of the World" for Zhou Xingchi.

The other roles are easy to find. Lin Junxian and Dasha are no problem. The key is the heroine.

Do you want to continue with the original Bai Anni?

Or let one of Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, and Zhou Huimin play?

As the investor of this movie, Xu Jinyang is responsible for selecting the heroine and supporting actress. He wants to take this opportunity to see if he can rule a beautiful star?

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