Chen Dezhang was stunned and shocked. He didn't believe what he saw was the truth.

They were clearly a boss and a contracted artist, not real boyfriend and girlfriend, but why could they kiss each other?

Chen Dezhang felt that his worldview was about to collapse!

"Why! Why! You two are obviously just the boss and the contracted artist, not boyfriend and girlfriend at all, why did you kiss?"

Xu Jinyang smiled playfully:"Look at what you said, why can't the boss and his artists fall in love?"

Chen Dezhang gritted his teeth and said:"I just heard you two say that you pretended to be his boyfriend just to force me to give up!"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said:"What you just heard is true, we did pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but it doesn't mean that we don't have feelings. Zhou Huimin and I have been in love with each other for a long time, just taking this opportunity to make the fake play real and finalize the relationship!

Speaking of which, I have to thank you for providing a catalyst.

If it weren't for the arrival of you as a catalyst, the window paper between Zhou Huimin and me would not be broken!"

This is really murderous!

Chen Dezhang was so angry that he vomited blood!

He didn't expect that after running around and getting entangled in all kinds of ways, in the end, he was actually making wedding dresses for others and acting as a catalyst for other people's feelings!

Chen Dezhang no longer cares whether the other party is real or fake!

He can only turn around and leave with his only remaining little self-esteem!

It has to be said that dogs should be so pitiful.

After Chen Dezhang left, Zhou Huimin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked at Xu Jinyang shyly:"Is what you said just now true or false? Are you and I really in love?"

Xu Jinyang looked at the pure and sexy Zhou Huimin in front of him, grabbed her slender hand, and said very seriously

"Amin, what I said just now is true. I like you as much as you like me. We are in perfect harmony with each other and are heading in both directions!

The arrival of that guy just now made me realize my feelings for you. It turns out that I fell in love with you at first sight. It turns out that I have liked you for so long."

When Xu Jinyang confirmed that Zhou Huimin had been secretly in love with him for a long time and had a nostalgic attachment and love for him, he didn't need to prepare any romantic scenes at all.

When the atmosphere was set there, he only needed to play some romantic light music in the restaurant and he could confess.

Zhou Huimin nodded shyly and excitedly:"I like you too, and I have liked you for a long, long time!"

When Xu Jinyang got closer and closer to him, Zhou Huimin closed her eyes shyly.

The two of them had a formal kiss and decided to spend their lives together.

Why was it so easy for Xu Jinyang to capture Zhou Huimin?

Because Xu Jinyang's capture of Zhou Huimin was not just launched today.

When he decided to sign Zhou Huimin, he had already launched a love capture of Zhou Huimin.

He knew that Zhou Huimin's father died when she was born, and she had never received fatherly love since she was a child.

Therefore, if he wanted to make Zhou Huimin fall in love, he might have to treat her like a father treats his daughter.

Although Although it sounds a bit strange, it is indeed true.

There are many beautiful women who like older men than themselves. A big psychological mechanism is that they lack fatherly love since childhood.

Just like the famous little queen Zhang Jingying, she was deceived by the old man who was more than 10 years older than her. It was also because she was not treated well by her father since childhood.

It turned out that the reason why the time and space scumbag Ni Zhen made Zhou Huimin never leave was because Ni Zhen, in addition to cheating outside, took care of Zhou Huimin in every possible way in daily life, even more meticulously than many fathers to their daughters.


As long as it is something Zhou Huimin likes to eat, Ni Zhen will get it even if he has to work very hard to please Zhou Huimin. When Zhou Huimin was busy with her concert, Ni Zhen was worried that she would be hungry, so he prepared breakfast and supper for her and cooked for her in different ways.

The food was different every day. Sometimes he cooked dumplings, and Ni Zhen had to cook some special food to arouse Zhou Huimin's appetite.

Zhou Huimin likes to eat cakes, so Ni Zhen would run around the nearby cake shops and buy many different cakes. Zhou Huimin would taste it before eating it, and if he thought it was delicious, he would go to that store to buy it in the future. Zhou Huimin used to have a kitten. The kitten often lost its whiskers, so Ni Zhen picked up the whiskers and put them in his pocket. Ten years later, the kitten died, and Zhou Huimin was heartbroken. Ni Zhen took a bag of cats for her to remember her by.

In the past, when Zhou Huimin held a concert, Ni Zhen would unexpectedly appear at the venue dressed as a big bear to surprise her.

Zhou Huimin didn't like the annoying and trivial things at home, so Ni Zhen took care of them all and often made soup for Zhou Huimin.

Zhou Huimin wanted to eat a kind of foreign cheese in Canada, and he would drive for several hours to buy it for her...

Except for not being able to be loyal to Zhou Huimin, Ni Zhen tried his best to be good to Zhou Huimin, and he was even willing to give up children for her.


It is impossible for someone as busy as Xu Jinyang to take care of Zhou Huimin as meticulously as Ni Zhen.

Xu Jinyang follows the 28th law, chooses to do 20% of the key things, and reaps 80% of the results!

After seeing Zhou Huimin every day, he will pay attention to her most important needs of the day and give her timely satisfaction and care.

It is enough to give her a little satisfaction every day, enough for her to remember it for a whole day or even longer.

On the surface, Xu Jinyang is not particularly good to Zhou Huimin. It feels that Xu Jinyang's goodness to Zhou Huimin is far less than that to Qiu Shuzhen.

But Zhou Huimin's love for Xu Jinyang is not weaker than Qiu Shuzhen's love for Xu Jinyang.

Zhou Huimin was a little wary of Xu Jinyang at first, but over time, Xu Jinyang's care and care for her were subtle and moved her completely.

When Zhou Huimin reacted, she had been secretly in love with Xu Jinyang for a long time.

Xu Jinyang also observed that Zhou Huimin had a crush on him, was attached to him, and took the opportunity to pretend to be real and snatch Zhou Huimin's first kiss!

After getting Zhou Huimin's first kiss, Xu Jinyang confessed to Zhou Huimin.

Such a confession is accurate!

There are many boys who see a girl they like, and they haven't had much interaction with that girl, and they don't know whether the girl likes them or not.

Just because they like that girl very much, they start to put on all kinds of romantic scenes in public.

Public confessions are often unsuccessful!

A successful confession must confirm that the girl has a good impression of you.

At that time, some romantic scenes will add points and be successful!

If you want to hold the beauty, the timing of confession is very important.

In professional terms, you have to seize the girl's window of favor, and this is also the best time to upgrade the relationship.

When the window of favor exists, the girl will not reject your kindness. You can be ambiguous with her or even confess directly.

But there are two characteristics of the window of affection. One is timeliness, that is, it will exist for a period of time, and it will be closed if you miss it.

The second is non-renewability. If a girl gives you a chance and you don't grasp it, it will be particularly difficult to restart the window.

Therefore, when chasing a girl, we must learn to identify the window of affection. Don't wait until you miss it and then lament that there was once a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it.

Chatting is definitely the most intuitive reflection of the intimacy of the relationship. If the girl is actively involved in every topic you chat about, it means that the girl is very willing to develop a relationship with you.

On the contrary, if the girl replies perfunctorily and always finds reasons to end the chat, it means that she has no intention of developing with you at this stage, or even wants to avoid it.

It is said that emotions are communicated. In addition to verbal communication, body signals are also very important.

If a girl likes you enough, she will not reject the shortening of the safe distance. If there is no good impression, when you approach, the girl will definitely dodge, such as blocking the bag between the two of you.

If you can maintain an intimate distance, you can use physical contact to get closer.

For example, when you are crossing the street or in a crowded place, tentatively hold her hand. If she blushes but does not shake you off, it means that she has a very high impression of you.

Confession is not a clarion call, but a ceremony to make up for the commitment. When you realize that the girl's impression of you is high enough, you can take the last step.


But their current love is very fragile, and cannot withstand any disturbance or any provocation.

Unless the two of them spend a night together, their feelings can be greatly deepened.

A woman will not easily leave her first man.

Xu Jinyang then drove a Ferrari sports car, ready to take Zhou Huimin to his villa and turn Zhou Huimin from a girl into a woman.

When Xu Jinyang and Zhou Huimin left the restaurant hand in hand, a waitress couldn't help shaking her head:"This is the nth time, changing a new one every day, what a playboy~


A male waiter nearby said,"It seems that he is the son of a chaebol. He is rich, so of course he has the qualifications!

The sad thing is, the man just now wanted to treat the woman to a meal, but she showed up with her boyfriend, and he had to buy food for both of them.

The key point is that the couple had not officially been together, and it was his appearance that accelerated their getting together. It's so sad!"

People all sympathized with Chen Dezhang. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Xu Jinyang drove a Ferrari sports car with Zhou Huimin to his villa area.

While driving, Zhou Huimin suddenly said in confusion:"Isn't this the way to my house!"

Xu Jinyang looked at Zhou Huimin's pure and beautiful face with a smile:"This is the way to my beach villa. There is a very large swimming pool in my villa. It is kept at a constant temperature. We can swim in it to our heart's content.……"

Zhou Huimin was eager to go to the villa to swim.

However, her mother, who gave birth to her at the age of 41, is 60 years old this year. Recently, she has been reminding and admonishing her not to stay overnight outside and that girls should be clean.

This is her mother's long-term teaching, and Zhou Huimin has formed a conditioned reflex.

So Zhou Huimin shook her head firmly and said,"My mother said that you can't stay overnight before getting married."

Xu Jinyang did not force Zhou Huimin, but changed his statement:"Amin, we are engaged today, which is worth celebrating. Why don't we go to my house for a drink, and we can rush back within the time limit set by your mother!"

He wanted to catch a loophole, have a short date with Zhou Huimin, and then send Zhou Huimin home within the specified time.

Zhou Huimin still shook her head and said:"If she can't come back on time, she will keep calling me. Just as you said, it's a fatal series of CA11!

If I don't go back at night, she may call the police!"

Think about it, Zhou Huimin's mother had Zhou Huimin at the age of 41. She is now 60 years old and depends on Zhou Huimin for her life. She regards this daughter as the apple of her eye.

Seeing that Zhou Huimin was unwilling to go against her mother's orders and follow him to the villa, Xu Jinyang did not force her.

With a young girl like Zhou Huimin, of course, it is more flavorful to take it slowly.

Along the way, Zhou Huimin told Xu Jinyang a lot of childhood stories.

In fact, it was because she was worried that Xu Jinyang would not like her stubborn mother, so she did some psychological preparation in advance.

Although the family was poor, her mother worked several jobs to raise her and make money. Zhou Huimin was taken care of by her grandmother since she was a child, and her relationship with her mother was not close.

But her mother loves her very much. Although her family environment is not good, she has done everything she can to earn money for Zhou Huimin to learn piano and painting, and finally cultivated her daughter into a talented girl.

Zhou Huimin recalled her childhood life and said:"I only said it once that I like to learn piano. I think my mother always remembers it, so she let me learn piano and bought me a piano. I was very happy and touched that day. It takes a lot of willingness to buy a piano for me."

In Zhou Huimin's view, although she often just said it casually, her mother took everything she said to heart, which made her feel the warmest.

Especially when she wanted to learn piano, the family's financial conditions were not good, but seeing her daughter wanted to learn piano, her mother still saved money to buy a piano for Zhou Huimin. When she saw her mother take the piano home, Zhou Huimin jumped up with joy.

Although Zhou Huimin lost her father before she was born and depended on her mother, Xu Jinyang still envied her because her mother gave her enough maternal love.

Unlike Xu Jinyang, who has lived two lives without motherly or fatherly love, he lives like an orphan, so he needs a lot of love from the opposite sex to fill his dry heart.

Zhou Huimin has another interesting thing. She is a typical ugly duckling turning into a swan.

Although she was an art student since she was a child, she was not very eye-catching when she was a child. Zhou Huimin did not have the image of a jade girl when she was a child. On the contrary, Zhou Huimin was very ugly at that time.

She was an"ugly fat girl" when she was a child. No one pursued her until she was in middle school. People who saw her later changes could not imagine it.

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"It seems that I am really lucky (Qianma Zhao) to meet you when you started to transform." Zhou

Huimin smiled and said,"That's because you have vision and good luck!"

Xu Jinyang drove a Ferrari sports car and took Zhou Huimin to her home.

He found that this place was becoming more and more remote and dilapidated, and many of the houses standing here were public housing.

Similar to the low-rent housing in the mainland, but even more dilapidated than the low-rent housing in the mainland.

Seeing Xu Jinyang frowning slightly, Zhou Huimin smiled and said,"Our living conditions are much better now than when we were young.

When we were young, we lived in a wooden house. When a typhoon came, it could blow our roof off. Now at least we don't have to be afraid of a typhoon."

Xu Jinyang remembered a photo of Zhou Huimin when he was a child.

At that time, Zhou Huimin's mother was holding Zhou Huimin in front of a wooden house.

The environment next to it was very bad, just like the slum Kowloon Walled City in Xing Chi's"Kung Fu" movie, where people living at the bottom of the society gathered. Because of the backward economic conditions here, this place was once particularly chaotic.

Xu Jinyang asked in surprise:"Didn't I give you 1 million as a signing fee?

This 1 million can buy a house in Central, why are you still living in this place?"

Zhou Huimin smiled bitterly:"I think so too. I hope my mother can move out of this environment as soon as possible, but my mother said that the income of actors is unstable, so I should keep this 1 million as a backup and buy a house when I earn another 1 million." Xu

Jinyang really couldn't bear to let his woman and mother-in-law live in such a place.

He said:"I still have a house to spare. You can move in first. It's close to the company and the transportation is convenient."

Zhou Huimin smiled and said:"Mr. Xu, do you want to hide your beauty in a golden house?"

Xu Jinyang laughed and said:"I do want to hide your beauty in a golden house. Are you willing to be treasured by me?"

Zhou Huimin hugged Xu Jinyang's neck and said in a tender voice:"Yes, I do!"

The two people got closer and closer...

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