After everyone had a few more drinks together, Pansy Ho declined Danny Chan, Yang Qilong, Yu Zheng and others' offer to take her home, and asked Xu Jinyang to take her home.

When Pansy Ho sat in the passenger seat of the Ferrari sports car, she stared blankly at Xu Jinyang.

Xu Jinyang reminded him,"Fasten your seat belt!"

Pansy Ho's pretty face was flushed, and she was charming and drunk. She said coquettishly,"Fasten it for me!"

Xu Jinyang thought Pansy Ho had drunk too much and couldn't bend down to fasten her seat belt.

So Xu Jinyang leaned over and fastened Pansy Ho's seat belt.

When he leaned over to fasten Pansy Ho's seat belt, the distance between him and Pansy Ho was only a few centimeters.

Pansy Ho could clearly feel his strong masculine aura, and she could no longer control herself.

When Xu Jinyang fastened his seat belt and was about to get up and start the car, he was hugged tightly by Pansy Ho's round arms.

Xu Jinyang really didn't expect that this top-notch white, rich and beautiful woman who is well-known in Hong Kong and Macau, and the daughter of the gambling king, Pansy Ho, who is known for her dignity and elegance, would forcefully kiss him!

It is said that being forcefully kissed by such a beauty is a wonderful thing, and one should not complain.

But the problem is that this beauty just drank a lot of wine and ate some snacks, and the taste in her mouth is a bit complicated.

And Xu Jinyang's full attributes are several times that of ordinary people, and his sense of smell is several times that of ordinary people.

So when Pansy Ho forcefully kissed him, Xu Jinyang didn't have much wonderful feeling, but pushed Pansy Ho away.

Pansy Ho sobered up when Xu Jinyang pushed her away!

Her beautiful eyes looked straight at Xu Jinyang, and her eyes were a little red.

"You don't like me? Why did you push me away?"

She thought Xu Jinyang didn't like her, and she thought she was wishful thinking.

Xu Jinyang smiled bitterly and said,"Chaoqiong! It's not that I don't like you, I just don't like the taste of your mouth now!

After brushing your teeth later, let's kiss again!"

He Chaoqiong"320" burst into laughter:"You guy! I remember that your sense of smell seems to be really more sensitive than ordinary people. Then I'll go to your house to brush my teeth later!"

But He Chaoqiong immediately saw two familiar vehicles in the rearview mirror of the car, and her face changed at that time:"I'm afraid I can't go to your house with you!" Xu

Jinyang reacted, smiled faintly and said:"Aren't they the bodyguards arranged by your father for you? I'll make a phone call so that they can't follow you!"

He slowed down, took out his mobile phone, made a call, and issued an order:"Knock out the people in the two cars that are following my car!"

The two groups of bodyguards sent by the gambling king to protect He Chaoqiong were following Xu Jinyang's car closely, but were suddenly stopped by two sudden vehicles!

The bodyguards were about to take out their weapons, but it was too late.

The glass of their vehicle had been shot, and the people inside had been given anesthesia and fainted instantly.

The gambling king is now out of town and not in Hong Kong at all. He has no idea that the two groups of bodyguards he arranged are of no use and can't protect their eldest lady at all.

He Chaoqiong soon discovered that the cars of the two groups of bodyguards had disappeared.

He asked curiously,"How did you do it?"

Xu Jinyang smiled faintly:"These are some people raised by our Xu family, and now they only obey me."

He has been trying to create an illusion that the mercenaries he raised were the mercenaries raised by the Xu family.

When the enemies knew that these powerful armed forces were the mercenaries of the chaebol Xu family, they were afraid to act rashly.

Because they didn't know how many cards this powerful chaebol had.

They even speculated that if the Xu family gave such a powerful armed force to Xu Jinyang, it would be the family's recognition of Xu Jinyang, not Xu Jinheng.

But if Xu Jinyang revealed that this mercenary group was just a mercenary group raised by himself, the enemies would most likely think that he was There is no trump card, this is his biggest trump card, they have nothing to fear.

At this stage, Xu Jinyang still needs to use the chaebol scholar warrior's fox pretending to be a tiger's power, and pull the tiger skin as a banner.

I believe that within two years, Xu Jinyang will not need it. The short selling of the stock market crash in Wall Street, America, can make Xu Jinyang's assets instantly surpass the Xu family.

He Chaoqiong was also fooled by Xu Jinyang at the time, thinking that Xu Jinyang controlled the mysterious and powerful power of the Xu family.

He immediately said excitedly:"I'm going to call my father right away. He made a mistake. It turns out that the person the Xu family focuses on training is you instead of your brother Xu Jin!"

Xu Jinyang shook his head and said:"Don't fight, this is a deliberate disguise made by our Xu family. We don't want anyone else to know.

If your father knows about this, it may not be long before the whole Hong Kong knows about it, and our Xu family's enemies also know about it, so please help me keep my mouth shut!"

He Chaoqiong noticed Xu Jinyang's address to her, and rolled her eyes at Xu Jinyang coquettishly:"What did you call me?"

Xu Jinyang looked at He Chaoqiong lovingly:"You will be my wife soon anyway. I call you my wife now. Is there a problem?"

He Chaoqiong pouted depressedly and said:"There is a problem. You should be able to find that my father has changed his mind.

He mistakenly thought that the heir that the Xu family focused on cultivating was Xu Jinheng. He still wanted me to marry Xu Jinheng, not you!

Although I have repeatedly said that your investment genius is more useful to our family than ocean shipping.

But my father is stubborn. He said that his future son-in-law can only be the heir of the Xu family. He thinks that what you have done has no hope of becoming the heir of the Xu family!"

Xu Jinyang was not surprised at all, and said very calmly:"I knew that their older generation is so stubborn!"

He Chaoqiong found that she wanted to marry Xu Jinyang more than ever before.

She felt that her good feelings for Xu Jinyang were much stronger than before!

But He Chaoqiong herself could figure out how to break the deadlock, so she asked Xu Jinyang

"Dear, what do you think we should do now? Should we just watch my father marry me to your elder brother?"

Xu Jinyang will let Liu Jialing marry Xu Jinheng to set up that situation, but he doesn't want He Chaoqiong to set up that situation as well.

He wants He Chaoqiong to marry him openly, but the gambling king is against it, so it becomes a luxury to marry him openly.

There is only one way now:"Since your father strongly opposes it, let's make it a done deal and get married with a baby. Will he not even recognize his own grandson by then?"

He Chaoqiong felt shy, and thought it was very interesting, but also absurd. She couldn't help but chuckled:"What a bad idea you came up with. If that happens, my father will definitely be very angry. I'm worried that he will sever the father-daughter relationship with me!"

Xu Jinyang shook his head and said,"Don't worry, although you have many brothers and sisters, most of them are good-for-nothings, and none of them can match your ability.

Especially with my assistance, you are like a tiger with wings, and your father will definitely have higher hopes for you.

Your father still expects you to manage the entire Xinde Group for him, and he will never sever the father-daughter relationship with you!"


Although the gambling king has four concubines and more than a dozen children, only Pansy Ho can really stand on her own.

Faced with the fork in the road of continuing to study or finding a job, Pansy Ho resolutely chose to start working and accumulate experience.

Although she has a strong family background, Pansy Ho still has to start from the grassroots level of society. She did not enter the family business, nor did she use her connections to work in any well-known companies. Pansy Ho entered the bank, and over the years, Pansy Ho gained a lot of connections and resources with her own charm. It was not until she was 27 years old that Pansy Ho founded her own company, a company that does public relations and promotion for major luxury brands.

Pansy Ho has excellent skills and outstanding abilities, which soon made her company the first public relations company in Hong Kong.

Later, the gambling king let her join the family business Shun Tak Group.

The company's shipping business continued to lose money, Pansy Ho carefully discovered the drawbacks and carried out high-intensity operations. Before long, the company's shipping business developed.

Pansy Ho's operation also increased the market value of the business to 10 billion, which not only made the company's employees and executives look at her with admiration, but even Pansy Ho's father praised his daughter. Pansy Ho's talent is far more than that. After a period of time, Pansy Ho made another amazing decision. She made a large investment in MGM Hotel.

Three years later, MGM Grand Grand Super Co., Ltd. was established. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Six years later, MGM was successfully listed in Hong Kong, and Pansy Ho's net worth has reached more than 3 billion US dollars.

At this time, Pansy Ho has the potential to surpass her father, but Pansy Ho has never stopped on the road of business.

In seven years, Pansy Ho has continuously created new projects and developed the gaming industry. In addition, she already owns more than 300 top art treasures.

With such a strong daughter, would the gambling king be willing to sever the father-daughter relationship with her!


"My father really thinks highly of me and will not sever the father-daughter relationship." Pansy Ho frowned:"Is there any other way? Is this the only way?"

However, Pansy Ho is only 25 years old now. She has never been in a relationship before because of the gambling king's strict and high requirements.

Now she is suddenly in a relationship and wants to get married with a child. It is really a bit unacceptable.

Xu Jinyang asked back:"Besides this method, can we have any other way to break the deadlock?"

Pansy Ho knows the character of her father, the gambling king, very well.

The gambling king is in his sixties or seventies this year. He looks very energetic, but he is an old man after all, and he has the stubbornness that old people usually have.

In addition, the gambling king has been very successful over the years and has developed a self-willed character.

Other methods have not worked, maybe this is the only way.

Pansy Ho could only nod shyly:"Then it can only be like this, I will go to your house with you."

She was dizzy at this time and couldn't think clearly.

She felt like she had overlooked something, but she couldn't remember what she had overlooked.

Xu Jinyang knew that if He Chaoqiong was awake, she would definitely question his relationship with those female stars.

Xu Jinyang simply didn't let He Chaoqiong think clearly, and Xu Jinyang stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

He Chaoqiong felt like two tigers were pushing her forward from behind, and the strong push from the Ferrari made her scream at the time..........

Then the scenery on both sides passed by at a high speed, and the Ferrari sports car seemed to be flying in the air, or riding on the clouds.

He Chaoqiong was usually educated by her father to be mature and prudent, and she has always been more obedient. She never dared to drive fast, and even dared not to drive fast.

Now getting rid of the protection of the bodyguards and racing here with Xu Jinyang is the beginning of her rebellion!

After being a good child for many years and carrying a lot of inexplicable pressure, she was finally released today, which made He Chaoqiong very excited!

""So fast! So cool! So cool!"

She kept screaming loudly, as if she was shouting out all the previous pressure!

She could feel something that had never appeared before surging in her body.

Later she realized that it was the adrenaline rush that only appears in extreme sports!

If it weren't for meeting Xu Jinyang, I'm afraid I would never have such an experience.

Looking at Xu Jinyang, who drove smoothly like a reincarnated car god, He Chaoqiong's admiration and love for him reached its peak.

However, because she drank a lot of wine at night, after Xu Jinyang stopped the car, He Chaoqiong squatted on the side of the road and vomited everything she drank and ate today, and she was much more sober. But there was still a ball of fire in her heart, which made He Chaoqiong completely forget the severity of her father, the gambling king!

Now He Chaoqiong wants to continue to go crazy with Xu Jinyang!

Don't say Xu Jinyang He is an investment genius, who can make plans and win battles from afar, making her worship him.

Even if he is an ordinary person, now Pansy Ho wants to be with him.

Because the gambling king's parents are educating, and all kinds of restrictions on Pansy Ho made Pansy Ho finally unbearable, and she just wanted to rebel once!

Pansy Ho sat in Xu Jinyang's Ferrari sports car again and followed him to the villa.

At this time, Pansy Ho gradually sobered up, thinking of some of Xu Jinyang's recent romantic news, she strongly suspected that Xu Jinyang had a mistress hidden in the golden house.

But she found that there were no other women in the villa except the security guards outside and the Filipino maids inside, and she was relieved.

Xu Jinyang doesn't like to live with beautiful women, because that would really be a mistress hidden in the golden house, and the chance of other women coming in would be very small.

Only let them stay in the crew hotel and company dormitory , or her own home, and come over when she wants to date, or simply in the office, or in the break room on the set, all are possible.

Xu Jinyang brought He Chaoqiong a new toothbrush and toothpaste, and He Chaoqiong brushed her teeth carefully to avoid being disliked by Xu Jinyang later.

They both felt it, and the pressure of reality brought them to this point.

After a few months of knowing each other, the two of them reached a consensus and were ready to make the matter a done deal.

Xu Jinyang looked at He Chaoqiong after she had taken a bath in front of him, and his eyes lit up.

He Chaoqiong was just out of the bath, with her face bare, but she was extremely beautiful.

She is very suitable for wearing white, and looks pure and clear.

When I met He Chaoqiong in the bar just now, He Chaoqiong had just come from the public relations company and was still wearing a professional suit.

At that time, He Pansy Ho is wearing a black and white plaid shirt, black suit pants, and a formal suit jacket.

This outfit, coupled with her fluffy 0.

9 short hair and small earrings, makes her look like a domineering female president.

The vertical buttons on the front of the shirt are surrounded by black and white plaids.

The style of the suit just allows this plaid to be revealed.

The black plaid is set off by the suit, and the shirt vaguely reveals a red pattern, which matches the red of the cuffs.

It looks very delicate and noble.

This outfit perfectly shows Pansy Ho's dignity and elegance, but most women find it difficult to be so dignified and elegant, and are not suitable for such dressing.

Pansy Ho's appearance is exquisite and durable, with elegance in her gentleness, a delicate and full face, and a fair and delicate complexion. She is completely the beautiful appearance of a rich girl.

The gambling king has multi-national ancestry, so his appearance is more three-dimensional and mixed. As his children, many of the gambling king's daughters still have three-dimensional and deep facial features, such as Chaofeng and Chaoyi, but Pansy Ho's facial features are a good balance of Eastern and Western beauty, which makes her face look more attractive and delicate.

At this time, the 25-year-old Pansy Ho is amazingly bright, with fair skin, glowing white, a pair of upturned big eyes full of electricity, bright red lips with a confident smile, and elegant and charming style. She is too rich!

Pansy Ho's figure is plump and well-proportioned. She is definitely not a skinny beauty. Instead, it adds nobility to her and looks like a rich lady.

Compared with the other sisters, the most attractive thing about Pansy Ho is that she always maintains an elegant and dignified smile. No matter what occasion she attends, she has this natural and generous smile on her face. She is very cultured at a glance and always gives people a sense of elegance. Pansy Ho really has the style of a queen, and is too suitable to be the queen in Xu Jinyang's palace.

Pansy Ho now had a hearty kiss with Xu Jinyang as she wished.

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