Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 102: Emotional limit, overwhelming power!

At 9:15, the collective bidding in the two cities began.

Affected by the correction in the external market on Friday, as well as the central bank remaining immobile over the weekend, and the continued tightness of funds in the banking industry, the major sectors and major funds in the two cities have opened lower, with varying degrees of opening. Investment sentiment As sluggish as ever.

As the core concept leading stock in the two cities, Shanghai Steel Union has achieved eight consecutive boards.

The moment its stock price arrived at 9:15, it instantly changed from Friday's closing price of 18.51 yuan to 20.36 yuan, an increase of 10%, with a total market value of 3.054 billion, a circulating market value of 1.018 billion, 172 daily limit sell orders, and daily limit orders closed. 8900 lots.


Seeing such an initial call auction, Su Yu was surprised and said to himself: "False orders!"

Shanghai Steel Union has gone through eight daily limits up to now, and has reached the extreme market speculation position where the short-term following the trend will not increase.

That is to say...

At this time, this stock is already in the risk relay category.

Su Yu did not believe that at this position and at this stage, there would still be short-term main funds in the market, with more than 10 million yuan in capital, regardless of risks, to grab orders on the daily limit board.

Sure enough, following his guess...

At 9:16, the more than 8,900 orders on the Shanghai Steel Union daily limit board suddenly dropped sharply, turning into more than 900 loose orders.

Then, immediately after, the daily limit of Shanghai Steel Union was opened.

Selling orders increased and collective bidding orders soared, suppressing the stock price's downward step by step.

At 9:17, the call auction order exceeded 1,200 lots, the stock price dropped to an 8-point increase, and the selling orders were greater than the buying orders.

At 9:18, the number of collective bidding orders increased to about 2,700 lots, and the stock price fell to about 6 points under the pressure of the continued increase in selling orders.

And when the time entered 9:19.

Both buying and selling orders began to increase further.

3200 lots, 3800 lots, 4300 lots, 5000 lots...

In just half a minute, the collective bidding order soared from about 2,700 to more than 5,000 lots.

Then, when the time was getting closer and closer to 9:20, some of the buying orders were cancelled, and the call auction orders did not change much. However, the stock price suddenly fell to around 2 points, and within ten seconds, it fell. Close to 4 points.

Immediately afterwards, 9:20 arrived, and the two cities fell into a real call auction where orders could not be cancelled.

At this time, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union had fallen to around 1.8%, and the collective bidding orders had accumulated to about 5,500 lots.

“The volume-capacity ratio has further expanded compared to Friday’s collective bidding stage.”

Su Yu stared at the market of Shanghai Steel Union and secretly sighed: "This proves that the funds gathered in this stock are becoming more and more divergent, and the risk awareness is getting stronger and stronger, but... fortunately, the market as a whole is The collective bidding environment is still not good. Whether it is heavyweight stocks or concept stocks, it is still a weak situation with accelerated decline. The logic of short-term capital relay hedging has not been broken. Even if there are major differences, the market sentiment will not change instantly. The strong has turned weak.”


"It is better to start with an increase of 1.8% and attract more funds to enter the market than to forcefully maintain it at 7 or 8 points, and then be suddenly smashed when 9:24 comes."

And while he was deep in thought...

At 9:21, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union began to gradually move up with both volume and price rising under the increasingly divergent call auction price situation in the two cities.

At 9:22, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union returned to the 3-point increase range.

Moreover, buying orders once again dominated the market, with collective bidding orders increasing to 7,600 lots.

At 9:23, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union continued to rise to a 4-point range, and the collective bidding orders increased to 8,900 lots.

When the time entered 9:24, the number of call auction matching orders on the disk began to increase rapidly. Within ten seconds, from around 8,900 lots, it exceeded 10,000, 12,000, 14,000...

Finally, when 9:25 comes.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was fixed at 19.45 yuan, an increase of 5.09%. A total of 15,300 lots were traded, with a turnover of more than 29.7 million, maintaining a strong state.

In addition to Shanghai Steel Union, other stocks in the two cities.

98% of the stock prices opened lower. Among them, the core stocks of the popular concept sectors in the early stage of the GEM continued to make up for their losses, and the opening decline was generally greater than the GEM index. On the main board, the real estate and infrastructure sectors, which had maintained strong strength in the previous two days, also began to make up for their losses today. Overall, The decline was greater than that of the Shanghai Composite Index.

As for the 'big financial' sector, it continues to be sluggish and does not see any improvement.

Seeing the opening conditions of the two markets, Su Yu knew that the market's downturn was still accelerating and was continuing to spread towards the abyss of panic.

Of course, at this moment.

The GEM index has once again fallen within 1,020 points, and is about to return to the support range of 1,000 points to 1,010 points.

If it continues to take advantage of market sentiment, the range will be extremely limited.

"Hey, look at this situation, the index is going to fall for the fifth consecutive time, and the opening situation is too bad. If I had known that it would have been cut off on Friday, it would be really annoying!"

Faced with such opening conditions in the two cities, some people in the retail investor group of Su Yu's classmates complained.

"There hasn't been any bad news recently. The market is a really bad way."

“I feel like I’ve fallen back into an infinite decline in the early stage, with new lows every day.”

“Is the backlash really over?”

"It should be completely over. After all, the Shanghai Index has fallen below the 20-day line, and the ChiNext Index is still above the 20-day line. But as long as the Shanghai Stock Index continues to decline, it will be sooner or later for the ChiNext Index to fall below the 20-day line. "

"Hey, I really can't hold out any hope in this market."

"Yes, the losses in the past few days are much greater than the profits in the previous week. I thought the market had reversed, so I added a lot of positions. This time I am really tired."

"However, let's just say the market is weak, but it's strange that Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. can still rise."

"Yeah, it's been eight consecutive days, but today, despite the collective weakness of the two cities, it can still open higher. It's simply ridiculously strong, which is very incomprehensible."

"In our group, Wang Can should have made a lot of money, right?"

Gu Qi

"Hey, stocks that I dare not buy always end up rising more and more. If I had known it, I would have followed it two days ago. Not only could I avoid the market's decline, but I could also make a lot of money."

"It's not too late now..."

"Isn't it a bit high now? I don't dare to chase."

"I remember you said last Thursday that the risk was too high and you didn't dare to buy it. As a result, this check hit two more daily limits. Do you believe it can still rise in the future?"

"Hey, the more I look at it, the more it rises. I'm both irritated and envious at the same time."

"Indeed, I originally thought that when the check reached the height of 5 boards, it would reach its limit. Unexpectedly, six boards, seven boards, eight boards... I refreshed my understanding again and again. Now you say that it can rise a few boards more. I’m afraid no one dares to refute it with any certainty. I even suspect that as long as the market continues to fall like this and the China Securities Regulatory Commission doesn’t stop it, this ticket can double. After all, the market value of this check is not that big now.”

"Not to mention, the current circulating supply is only 1 billion, which is completely possible."

During the short suspension period from 9:25 to 9:30, Su Yu roughly reviewed everyone's discussions without speaking. He just used this to observe the changes in market sentiment.

And judging from the point of view discussed in the classmate group just now...

Su Yu already knew that the Shanghai Steel Federation had reached this point, which had subverted everyone's understanding.

At this moment, in the entire market, among the huge group of retail investors paying attention to this stock, even though everyone knows that this stock has huge potential correction risks, they still can't help but be attracted by its money-making effect, and continue to carry out high-level relays in an attempt to Hide from market declines.

And under this kind of retail investor emotion and psychology...

Su Yu speculated that Shanghai Steel Union was near the mid-point increase of 5 points. After the market opened, it should still be able to tentatively move upward despite the violent change of hands.

Of course, the GEM index has fallen to the support position where the largest number of chips have gathered after the previous breakthrough.

Coupled with the five consecutive negative indexes.

The expected rebound in the market, under extreme emotional suppression, has reached the point where it is about to explode.

In this situation, at the height of the ninth board, Su Yu felt that it was impossible to attract huge short-term investment from the market and then seal the daily limit.


No matter how today's market changes.

When the GEM pointed downwards and entered the range of 1000 to 1010 points again, market panic broke out again, and it was time for him to resolutely exit the market.

A brief period of reflection, in the last two minutes of the official opening of trading.

Mr. Qian and Wang Can sent him private chat messages at the same time.

Facing the inquiries from these two people, Su Yu thought about the final stage. With the amount of funds of the two and the current market liquidity of Shanghai Steel Union, there was no need to be too clever in timing, so he replied: "Sell it, I will do it too." Ready to show up.”

And after he finished saying this...

At 9:30, trading in the two cities officially started.

When Su Yu saw the trading boards of the two cities begin to jump, he couldn't help but quickly closed the chat box, and once again focused his eyes on the Shanghai Steel Union's trading boards.

I saw...

The stock price of this stock began to move up rapidly after the market opened. At the same time, the trading volume exploded rapidly. In less than 5 minutes, it increased from nearly 30 million at the opening to about 90 million. The trading volume was extremely active.

At almost the same time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index fell simultaneously.

At 9:37, the GEM index touched 1010 points and fell into the range of 1010 to 1000 points without any hindrance.

At this time, Su Yu saw that the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union had exceeded 20 yuan, an increase of more than 8%.

I couldn't help but start placing orders quickly, selling 1,000 lots, 2,000 lots, 3,000 lots... without any hesitation or nostalgia.

However, as he sold.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union not only did not fall.

On the contrary, waves of buying orders poured in crazily, and the time-sharing trading volume exploded one after another. Within a few minutes, the transaction volume increased from more than 90 million to 180 million, and it was still expanding crazily.

At 9:42, the ChiNext Index fell to 1006 points, and the decline rapidly expanded to 1.62%. The decline of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was almost a flash crash, with a decline of more than 2%. Moreover, the two cities shared their time and energy and were also expanding rapidly. Panic suddenly intensified. In the 'big financial' sector, a small-capitalization rural commercial bank directly hit the limit, bringing down the entire market's investment sentiment and crushing the psychological bottom line of all investors.

And 9:43.

When this extreme plunge in the two cities reappears...

Under the endless influx of short-term chasing funds, the transaction volume of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded 260 million, the turnover rate exceeded 24%, approaching 25%, and the stock price quickly hit the daily limit, reaching a price of 20.36 yuan.

"about there!"

Su Yu watched the seesaw effect of the Shanghai Steel Union in the two cities, and took it to the extreme. He directly cleared the position with one click and dumped the last 7,000 hands of chips at the price limit.

However, when he crashed out.

There are more than 7,000 hands of chips and more than 14 million in funds.

The huge amount of chips that could usually create a sinkhole made only a small splash on the Shanghai Steel Union's market at the moment, and was instantly wiped out by the huge amount of buying.

At 9:44, after Su Yu cleared the warehouse.

The turnover of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded 300 million, the turnover rate was close to 30%, and the stock price briefly repeated at the daily limit, that is, it was completely blocked.


When the entire market opened, the vast retail investors who followed Shanghai Steel Union were excited and worshiped this market demon stock that had achieved nine consecutive boards. They regarded it as belief and started discussing wildly.

At 9:47, the GEM index bottomed out at 1004 points and rose rapidly. Major oversold and popular concept sectors also rebounded simultaneously.

And at almost the same moment, the Shanghai Steel Federation, which had unanimously sealed its daily limit, was forced to do so.

In an instant, huge disagreements emerged, orders were withdrawn wildly, and the huge amount of selling orders on the market seemed to be crazy, and they were desperate to get out of the market.

At this point, Shanghai Steel Union closed the board for less than 3 minutes.

Ushering in a massive blowout, the stock price plummeted from the daily limit of 20.36 yuan.

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