Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 134 100 million loan

"Oh, by the way..." Yang Hao said so much before he remembered the business, "Su Yu, I'm looking for you because I want you to help me analyze. If you stand in my dad's perspective, for Kumho Group For future development, if you want to do a backdoor listing in China, what kind of shell company will you choose?”

Hearing Yang Hao's words, Su Yu asked: "Has Lip Lighting's logic been falsified?"

"Well, my aunt made an appointment with Mr. Tong. Although the other party didn't disclose anything, it was basically falsified." Yang Hao said, "On the 1st of next month, the group's shareholders meeting will be held. Everything will be revealed."

"What kind of shell company to choose..." Su Yu was silent for a moment and said, "At least it is the choice that best suits the interests of the group, such as listing costs, resources of the shell company, difficulty of business integration, equity clarity..."

When Yang Hao heard Su Yu's words, he frowned slightly, and became even more aimless. He paused, sighed softly, and said, "Forget it, I guess I can't get involved in this matter. My dad is immovable." His appearance, but always able to show his thunderous skills at critical moments, build the plank road openly, and covertly cover up the warehouse, what a good trick, he deceived my aunt and I. However, this car accident caused Liu Yaqiang to jump out, and my father should have done nothing. Guess, without Liu Yaqiang’s arm, my dad might not be able to win at the shareholders’ meeting.”

"Ivana here..."

"Su Yu, I have to trouble you to look after her more. I'm afraid Chen Qingnian will target her."

"Probably not." Su Yu said, "Killing people openly in the hospital is too rampant. This is the stupidest way. I guess they will at most cut out all the key clues that Ivana found before her car accident. , so even if Ivana wakes up, it will be of no use.”

"Yes!" Yang Hao pondered for a while and nodded, "I don't know what she found that made these people jump over the wall in such a hurry."

"We'll know when she wakes up." Su Yu responded.

"Did the doctor say how long it would take for her to wake up?" Yang Hao continued to ask.

Su Yu shook his head and replied: "That's not to say, but it means that her body functions have recovered very well, and there is a high probability that she will wake up."

"That's good!" Yang Hao said with a smile.

He had a gut feeling that Ivanna must have known something about Chen Qingnian's important illegal activities, or found some clues about the 'missing sister', otherwise she would not have suffered this misfortune.

"Liu Yaqiang has been your father's right-hand man for so many years, so he must know a lot of things." Su Yu was silent for a while and reminded, "Now Liu Zilin is used as a scapegoat by some people and has become his weakness. You might as well start from this point Set out to induce benefits, learn more information from Liu Yaqiang to support your inference, maybe... there will be unexpected gains."

Yang Hao nodded and said: "My aunt is already doing this. With the witness who fled to Norway in hand, it will be enough to clear Liu Zilin's suspicion, and lead the clues to Thor Security, and... let Liu Yaqiang know The Chen family he is looking forward to is the one who framed his son, so he must be desperate inside, right?"

"Where's your dad?" Su Yu asked, "You made such a big fuss, it's impossible for him to remain indifferent!"

"I don't know. In the past month, apart from social activities on the project, he has been traveling to and from the United States." Yang Hao said, "I don't know what he is busy with, but I have no expectations for him. , whether he is happy or unhappy, I will definitely do this counterattack at the shareholders’ meeting.”

While the two were talking, Yang Hao's cell phone suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. When he saw that it was Su Yuying's call, he couldn't help but answer the call.

Then, after the two of them said less than two words, Yang Hao's face suddenly fell. He hurriedly said goodbye to Su Yu and left the hospital in a hurry.

Su Yu looked at his back as he hurried away, and his expression that suddenly changed at that moment.

I knew something must have happened.

However, no matter what happened, it could not touch his core interests at this moment, so Su Yu thought about it for a while and didn't think about it anymore.

It was approaching 5 p.m.

Su Yu originally wanted to have dinner with Shi Yuling before going back.

But suddenly he received a call from Mr. Qian inviting him to have dinner together, so he simply told Shi Yuling and the arriving Lin Qingya a few words, left the hospital, and went to socialize.

When he came to the eating place agreed with Mr. Qian.

I saw only Mr. Qian in the entire private room.

"Brother Su..." Mr. Qian asked Su Yu to sit down, and then went straight to the point, "Can you reveal a little bit about the investment project you mentioned during the day? If there is potential, I can lend you 100 million in funds. And...not only that, I can also add an additional 50 million."

"Mr. Qian is very generous." Su Yu chuckled, "If that's the case, then I won't hide it."

With that said, Su Yu proposed to buy the land of Ancai Paper, a large paper-making company that was punished by the Environmental Protection Bureau and even ordered to be demolished within a time limit, and planned to build the land into a garment production base in the eastern suburbs. He always gave the money. , of course... everything he said is a reasonable lie in his real investment strategy.

"Eastern suburbs clothing production base?" Mr. Qian frowned, "Although our Yuhang is known as the 'e-commerce capital', the clothing market has long been a fully competitive market. It can be described as a red sea. Even if we rely on what you said, I’m afraid it’s difficult to make money through e-commerce channels, so you might as well make more money by investing in stocks on the secondary market.”

"This is mainly to lay the foundation for my sister's clothing company." Su Yu said, "And the old Ancai Paper Factory occupies such a large piece of land, maybe it can be used in the future?"

"That area is seriously polluted by the paper mill, and it is not close to the city. It is industrial land and has no value." Mr. Qian did not agree with Su Yu's words. "Brother Su still knows too little about our Yuhang. According to As far as I know, both Pengyuan Real Estate and Kumho Group are competing for the development center in the west. Isn’t this the case with the Xianglan Land parcel, which is the most fiercely contested area between the two?"

"The vision that Brother Su said is very good, but it cannot be implemented at all."

Su Yu listened to Mr. Qian's words and smiled secretly, but he had to admit that Mr. Qian was right.

Without the rearview mirror of his rebirth, he would have looked down on the poor place of Ancai Paper. But with the release of a document and the change of leadership in the city and province, the westward expansion policy completely became the eastward expansion policy. In the eastern suburbs of the city, the core land parcels along the Qianjiang River have also become the core of the future development of the new city. All industrial land has been converted into commercial development land. At this point... land prices have soared and are extremely valuable.

As for pollution…

After Ancai Paper was relocated and even annexed by Kumho Group, the original business did not meet environmental standards and had no cost advantage due to old production equipment. In addition, Kumho Group originally wanted to give up this business. The business will naturally close down, so how can there be any pollution?

"Mr. Qian's words make sense." Su Yu said with a smile, "But I still want to give it a try."

"Uh..." Mr. Qian found that he had been trying to persuade him for a long time, but it turned out to be a waste of words. He was speechless for a while. After a long pause, he said, "Your investment project has huge risks. I originally knew the risks of the project where the funds were invested. After that, I can’t lend you this fund no matter what.”

"But, for the sake of our friendship..."

"Coupled with the profitability of your 'Yuhang Investment', as long as the fund's net value exceeds 2 at the end of the year, you will have enough funds to repay the 100 million loan according to the fund's profit sharing. That is to say , for you, even if the investment fails, there is not much pressure to repay.”

"In this case, I won't borrow it, it's not appropriate."

"Let's do this, Brother Su..."

Mr. Qian pondered for a while and said: "I can borrow this fund, but the time period is only half a year, and the borrowing interest rate is 10%. After all, the project you invest in is a risky project, and I have to consider the risks and The rate of return, of course... As for the collateral, forget it."

"It's just, if..."

"I mean, if something unexpected happens here, Brother Su, and all the assets in your hands, including all the equity value of the 'Yuhang Investment' company, I will have to forcibly collect and liquidate them."

"No problem." Su Yu said with a smile, "If I am really overdue, the money will be paid according to the rules."

Although the 10% borrowing interest rate is far higher than the bank's normal operating loan interest rate, under the current situation, he can only accept it.

After all, he currently does not have that much assets to allow the bank to lend him 100 million yuan.

As for making money from the secondary market, he no longer has that much time.

Mr. Qian was silent for a moment and said, "Well, since Brother Su has decided to go his own way, naturally I can only follow the rules."

"Do you need to use Mr. Qian's bridge loan company?" Su Yu continued with a smile.

Mr. Qian coughed slightly and said, "That's not necessary. This money... is a personal loan from me to Brother Su. Of course, this is a large amount for me, so I hope Brother Su will not let him down." My trust.”

"I will naturally remember Mr. Qian's friendship." Su Yu nodded and continued, "Don't worry, after the net value of the current fund increases, if there is a plan to issue a second fund, I will notify Mr. Qian in advance. Yes, and if this 100 million capital loan is to be borrowed with interest, the money will be directly converted into shares of the new fund, and I have no objection."

"Haha... If it can be like this, it will be better!" Mr. Qian laughed.

Although he couldn't understand Su Yu's approach to this so-called project, he still admired the other party's investment ability in the secondary market. Therefore, from beginning to end, he didn't think Su Yu could afford this. Of course, he was not worried about Su Yu not paying back the 100 million loan.

"Then it's settled." Su Yu smiled and extended his hand to Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian shook Su Yu's hand, then nodded with a smile.

And after the two of them reached an agreement...

The next day, Su Yu went to Mr. Qian's private villa alone. When neither of them had objections, he signed a loan contract and received the 100 million in cash personally borrowed by Mr. Qian.

After the funds were credited, Su Yu called his sister Su Qingyu.

He said that he would inject 100 million yuan into Su Qingyu's registered clothing sales company, and then use Su Qingyu's clothing sales company to start negotiations with Ancai Paper Group to help Ancai Paper Company carry out environmentally friendly relocation. At the same time, the development and use rights of the land were acquired from Ancai Paper Company.

Of course, in the meantime.

In order to prevent Kumho Group from raising alarm and giving up its plan to backdoor Ancai Paper, he will not come forward.

Su Qingyu didn't know where her brother came from such a huge amount of funds, but after Su Yu's numerous warnings and instructions, she knew that this matter was unusual, so even though she was suspicious, she followed Su Yu's words and prepared to let herself Her boyfriend Zhang Jianbo and cousin Yan Chengming, as plenipotentiary representatives of the company, went to Yuhang to negotiate with the Ancai Paper Company that Su Yu mentioned.

And just when Su Yu and his sister Su Qingyu were planning how to acquire the land of Ancai Paper Industry.

On July 9, the internal disputes within Kumho Group intensified. Yang Hao openly broke up with his father and terminated the agreement between the two as concerted actors. As a result, Kumho Group Chairman Yang Jincheng lost absolute control of the group. , at the same time, the indirect mastermind witness of the car accident who fled to a small European country, that is, the employee of Tianlan Bar, suddenly returned to China and surrendered, leading out the underwater Thor Security Company, and clearing the name of the person who had been detained for a week Liu Zilin is suspected.

During this period, Liu Yaqiang rebelled and fully supported Su Yuying's interest group.

As for the stock market...

At this moment, Huachuang Information Testing also ushered in a reorganization and suspension of trading, Shanghai Steel Union closed out of the sky, and the GEM index fell 4%, shrinking back to 1100 points, ending a rare seven consecutive positive trend.

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