Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 137 Illegitimate Son

"Mr. Su didn't expect it either!" Lin Antu said with emotion, "When I got this photo, I didn't expect it. I couldn't even believe it."

On the photo Lin Antu gave him.

What was shown was a middle-aged man getting out of a Rolls-Royce in front of a single-family villa. A pair of seven or eight-year-old children happily greeted the middle-aged man. Behind the two children, a dignified and beautiful The woman also smiled.

Su Yu didn't recognize the two children or the woman in the photo.

But that middle-aged man...

He knew that it was Yang Jincheng, the current chairman of Kumho Group and Yang Hao's biological father.

"This photo..." Su Yu said in shock, "Where did you get it? Also, what is the identity of the woman in this photo? Have you investigated it?"

"I got it from a person who secretly took pictures on the Internet." Lin Antu said, "It can be considered an accident!"

"As for the woman in the photo..."

Lin Antu paused for a while and said, "I haven't found out my identity yet, but that's not the point. The core issue is that Chairman Yang has a son and a daughter besides Yang Hao. This is breaking news."

"Find out the identity of the woman in this photo."

Su Yu gave instructions, then stared at the photo carefully, and then said: "Look at these two children, they must be at least seven or eight years old. Su Yuhu, the former chairman of Kumho Group, died in a car accident. But five years ago, these two children were at least seven or eight years old." It’s hard to tell what’s inside!”

"Isn't that true?" Lin Antu knew what Su Yu was guessing and said in shock, "They are an entrepreneurial couple after all. They have been friends for many years, so they can't be like this."

"I hope... it's not as bad as I thought!" Su Yu smiled helplessly and continued to ask, "Was this photo taken in the United States?"

Lin Antu pointed to an English word in the photo and replied: "Obviously."

Su Yu nodded slightly, then thought for a moment, and then said, "What is the identity of the person who secretly photographed you on the Internet...?"

"I didn't ask. Do you have any questions?" Lin Antu said.

"I can't tell." Su Yu replied, "It's just the angle of this photo... it's too tricky. If it were taken secretly, how could it be so clear? And... this is a private villa area!"

"Then...I'll try to contact that person again."

Lin Antu patted his head and realized that he had indeed overlooked this detail.

"Okay, it's best to find out the identity of the person who took the secret photo." Su Yu said, "Chairman Yang's secret has been well guarded for such a long time. There is no reason for it to be leaked suddenly. There is a high probability that... someone On purpose!”

"Then...this photo..."

Hearing what Su Yu said, Lin Antu suddenly felt as if he was being used as a tool for others to kill people with a borrowed knife.

This feeling was very bad, and it reminded him of some of the mistakes he made when he was at 'Jinshi Finance'.

"It doesn't matter." Su Yu thought for a moment and said, "If this person did it intentionally, then...he would never sell this photo to just you."

"I understand!" Lin Antu suddenly realized.

Su Yu accepted the photo and continued: "Let's make this matter more clear. The waters of Kumho Group are getting muddier. I'll go out for a while."

After saying that, Su Yu gently patted Lin Antu's shoulder, then walked out of the office and left the company.

Half an hour later, he made an appointment with Yang Hao to meet at the remote tavern where the two of them had stayed at that time.

"Why did you invite me to meet here today?" After Yang Hao arrived, he sat down opposite Su Yu and looked around the familiar and old tavern environment, "This place... should be demolished soon."

Su Yu looked at Yang Hao's expression and said with a smile: "Thinking about this place, it should be able to give you some psychological comfort."

"You don't know what happened to me here." Yang Hao chuckled and said, "How do you know this place can give me psychological comfort?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Guess!"

"Brother Su... I have to say that you should be one of the few people in this world who really understand me." Yang Hao praised and said, "Just tell me, what's the matter?"

"How much do you know about your father?" Su Yu asked after being silent for a while.

Yang Hao didn't know why he asked this, so he thought for a moment and said: "I have been close to my mother since I was a child, and my father...he rarely expresses his thoughts, but no matter what he does, he can do it well. Like I told you before, quiet and thunderous, this is his style."

"Actually speaking..."

"After my mother left, Kumho Group would not have reached its current scale if my father had not been in charge."

"It's just that he is crazy now, and..."

"Forget it, let's not mention him..." Yang Hao said, then sighed softly and asked, "Su Yu, what exactly do you want to say?"

Su Yu said nothing, hesitated for a while, took out the photo and handed it to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao took the photo and took a look, his expression unchanged: "I already knew about this from my aunt, but I didn't expect... the news would reach you so quickly. They say family scandals should not be publicized. Look now...our Kumho Group has finally become a laughing stock in the Yuhang business community."

Su Yu looked at Yang Hao holding the photo, numb and dumbfounded.

Suddenly, he felt that the person in front of him was obviously different from the Yang Hao he knew before.

"Do you know who the woman in this photo is?" Yang Hao smiled mockingly, "It's the sister of the Chen brothers, Chen Huizhu, whom I told you last time!"

"Speaking of which..."

"When I was young, she had a good relationship with my mother."

"I don't know since when...everything has changed."

"No wonder you were so determined to terminate the agreement with your father as co-actors." Su Yu understood, "You have guessed it, right?"

Yang Hao lowered his head to pick up a glass of rice wine on the table, drank it, and said, "I'm not sure. I don't know what my dad thinks, and I don't know if he has anything to do with my mom's death. Some things… the deeper I go into it, the less I feel like it’s what I want to see.”

"Originally, I just wanted to seek justice for my mother. I wanted to know how my mother died."

"I just want my aunt and others to return to the core of the group, eliminate many of the Chen family's forces and personnel in the group, and bring Kumho Group back on track."

"I didn't expect..."

"The development of things is getting more and more out of control."

"What are you going to do now?" Su Yu asked, seeing the pain in Yang Hao's eyes.

Yang Hao was silent for a while and then said: "Once Pandora's box is opened, it is difficult to close it again. It is impossible for me to retreat. I must find out about my mother's car accident that year. As for my father's matter, ... I have never cared much about the inheritance rights of Kumho Group, but now... I am no longer alone."

"Understood!" Su Yu nodded slightly, "Since you already know it, just pretend that I didn't say anything about it."

"I still have to thank you." Yang Hao said, "At least you came to me as soon as you got this photo and really regarded me as a friend."

Su Yu replied: "I don't want to see you being deceived like a fool from beginning to end."

"No more." Yang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Do you have a chance of winning the shareholders' meeting on August 1st?" Su Yu asked after a pause.

Yang Hao shook his head and replied: "I don't know. I thought I could catch my dad off guard with the help of Liu Yaqiang, but now I see... it's hard!"

"If there is no chance of winning, you might as well lie dormant and wait for the situation to change." Su Yu reminded, "Ivana's car accident has become clear now, but although the police have bitten the Thor Security Company, they may not be able to find anything. And this little crime can’t get to the bottom of Chen Qingnian’s head, the truth you want… is still too far away before Ivana wakes up.”

In his opinion, Yang Hao and Su Yuying turned against each other too early and could not kill their opponents.

The shareholders' meeting on August 1 came to an end...

Su Yu estimated that Yang Jincheng's position as chairman was still unshakable, and since Yang Hao jumped out early, the risk would have increased.

after all……

Now many people know that Yang Jincheng is more than just his son.

For the Chen family, which Yang Hao was staring at, if something happened to Yang Hao, the Chen family would be the biggest winner.

"You want me to give up and not go against my dad?" Yang Hao said in shock.

Su Yu sighed softly and said: "No, I just want to say... You may have become the biggest obstacle to interests in the eyes of some people. If you push too hard, in the end... there is a high probability that you will Repeating the same mistakes.”

Su Yu couldn't remember what Yang Hao's ending was in the original development trajectory of the world before his rebirth.

But he knew that Yang Hao would definitely not have the last laugh in the game of interests of Kumho Group, so he didn't have much impression.

"You mean..."

Yang Hao's eyes showed a sharp light: "The Chen family will jump over the wall in a hurry and deal with me too?"

"It's not impossible." Su Yu said, "You used to be able to say that the mud can't support the wall. Everyone knows that there is no hope for Kumho Group when it is handed over to you, so naturally some people who know the inside story understand that your father will not put the future at risk. The important responsibility of Kumho Group is entrusted to you, so I will turn a blind eye to you and not care too much. But what you... are doing now is completely different from what some people hoped in the past. Same."

"Get rid of you..."

"The Kumho Group shares in your hands will return to your father's hands."

"And ten years from now, twenty years from now, who will have the final control of Kumho Group?"

"Currently Kumho Group is about to go public. If the listing is successful, the value of the shares in your hands and the current valuation of your Kumho Group in the capital market, plus the premium on the secondary market, will be close to 10 billion. It’s worth 10 billion...and the entire Kumho Group will receive 50 billion or even 100 billion in benefits in the future. Who can not be tempted? Who can easily resist this temptation?"

"If your guess is right."

"The Chen family was able to plan your mother's car accident back then, so it will definitely happen to you again."


"They can do this to a marginalized character like Ivana, why can't they do it to you? I even doubted it for a while... It's a miracle that you have been safe and sound in Yuhang all these years."

To be honest, Su Yu still didn't understand why the other party could hold back from attacking Yang Hao and thereby directly locking in the future heir of Kumho Group.

After all, in his opinion...

Directly dealing with Yang Hao is the most effective way to integrate the internal interests and forces of Kumho Group.

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