Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 162 Continuing to reach new heights, the strong will always be strong!

"As expected, we withdrew!"

On the trading platform and the stock discussion area of ​​Shanghai Steel Union, retail investors with positions breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew that those 10,000 orders must be scary, and I didn't dare to really sell at all. Today, the collective bidding sentiment in the entire market is very good. As the sentiment vane and core concept leader of the two cities, the Shanghai Steel Federation has the chips. It’s quite scarce, so I’m not afraid of selling it at all.”

"I'm not saying... Now that the Shanghai Steel Federation has become a big monster, if you really dare to place 10,000 orders, the market will quickly eat them up."

"Indeed, in the current market, no stock is as popular as Shanghai Steel Union."

"Every time a bull market starts, the trend leader will increase by at least ten times. Now the GEM has entered a technical bull market. As the absolute core leader of the GEM, Shanghai Steel Union has a current market value of only more than 7 billion. There are definitely more At least several times the increase.”

"Not to mention that there will be multiple times later, anyway, it is not difficult to break through the 50 yuan mark."

"Since the time entered 9:20, the collective bidding trend of Shanghai Steel Federation has been rising, and the signs of fund raising are very obvious."

"Yes, the price is already 47.35 yuan, an increase of more than 8%."

"And on the market, the growth rate of the main selling orders is obviously slowing down. This should mean that there is not much pressure on Shanghai Steel Union's stock price to continue to rise, right?"

"It seems that today the Shanghai Steel Federation will continue to seal the board. There is no suspense at all."

"Not only is there no suspense about continuing to close the market, but also...according to this collective bidding situation, Shanghai Steel Federation is very likely to open the market for seconds."

"Wow! That's an 8.5% increase. If the market doesn't open, just open at the daily limit, right?"

"There is a lot of money to raise. I didn't mention it... I also followed 10 lots. In this market, it is easiest to make money by following the leader."

"Haha... It's so exciting. I finally got to eat the meat of the Shanghai Steel Union's continuous daily limit. As expected, 'those who climb high are poor people'! Fortunately, I caught up when I was on the floor the day before yesterday, otherwise I would be more hesitant. , the less money you can make.”

"This trend, unsaid... must accompany Fortune Road to lock up the position to ten times the height."

"There are still two minutes left for the call auction to end. It seems...Shanghai Steel Union is indeed going to open the second market. Alas...I don't know if I can still buy it if I place an order at this time. I bought less yesterday!"

Retail investors were unanimously optimistic about China... The time quickly reached 9:24.

Su Yu stared at the upward trend of the Shanghai Steel Union, which had almost exceeded 9 points. He knew that the 10,000 lots he had placed to pressure the market not only failed to suppress the market sentiment of the Shanghai Steel Union, but after withdrawing the order, Su Yu This intensified the willingness of retail investors and hot money to follow suit.

"It seems that it can't be suppressed without real money and silver."

Su Yu secretly thought to himself, and at around 9:24:30, he placed a sell order of 2,500 lots at the market price.

And with his actions...

Affected by the sudden increase of 2,500 market price sell orders, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell again. In an instant, it fell from around 9 points to around 47 yuan, an increase of 7.35%.

Finally, 9:25 arrived.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell slightly, fixed at 46.98 yuan, losing the 47 yuan mark, an increase of 7.33%. During the entire collective bidding stage, more than 8,900 lots were traded, and the transaction volume was more than 41 million. It can be regarded as releasing capacity and reaching Su Yu's ideal The desired purpose and opening expectations.

Faced with such opening results...

In the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform, the mood of the retail investors who had been so excited just now dropped slightly.

As the main fund holding positions on the market, in the VIP trading room of the Hongqiao Road Sales Department of Huayuan Securities in the Shanghai Stock Exchange at this moment, Xu Qiao thought about the sudden increase of 2,500 lots of selling orders just now, and the 10,000 lots of pending orders. The financial intention of the market is also prepared to sell half of the chips after the market opens.

Today's Shanghai Steel Union, and even the collective bidding sentiment of the core popular stocks on the GEM.

It's all too consistent.

Coupled with the change in the overall market's investment trend towards GEM, this gave him a smell of approaching risks.

At the same time... Shanghai Steel Union has reached this point, and the stock price has fully reflected future expectations. The fundamental reason why it is still rising is the blessing of emotions. However, changes in intraday emotions are always elusive.

In addition, he is not the core player on the Shanghai Steel Union stock market.

In other words, he does not have the power to dominate the market and take the initiative at all. Therefore, on the premise that he has already made a daily limit profit and gained several million profits, especially when the other party has shown a tendency to stop the market during the call auction. When there is a tendency to make a profit, there is no need for him to continue to lock up all his positions.

at this time……

Selling half of the chips significantly reduces the cost of holding a position.

The correct way to operate is to avoid turning profits into losses, and then wait and see the market and let profits run.

Moreover, for him, if this transaction is profitable, it is already a successful transaction. In the future, whether it is halving the position to reduce the cost of holding the position, or clearing the entire position and taking profit, it is not wrong.

After deciding on his next operation strategy, Xu Qiao looked at the time, couldn't help but click on the chat software, and looked at other people's opinions on the Shanghai Steel Federation's discussion in the internal group.

I saw that most people were still very optimistic about this check.

He couldn't help but smile.

In his heart, he became more convinced that "the sentiment is too consistent, and Shanghai Steel Union has reached the stage of shrinking to catch up to the top", which strengthened his idea of ​​reducing his position.

Then, at 9:30, the two cities officially started bidding transactions.

As the stock with the highest popularity in the two cities and the most timely attention from investors, Shanghai Steel Union ushered in a huge financial attack and numerous follow-up orders as soon as it opened, and its trading volume was only a dozen or so. Within seconds, it quickly increased by more than 10 million, reaching the 50 million level, ranking at the top of the real-time transaction volume list of the two cities.

“Coherence weakens and disagreement increases.”

Su Yu looked at the rapid explosion of Shanghai Steel Union, the stock price fluctuating around 47 yuan, and the extremely intense trading. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Keep the position at around 7 points and change hands. , don’t rush to get on the market, then you can continue the market.”

"Mr. Su... Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Lujiazui and other stocks that we are lurking in seem to have funds coming in today." While Su Yu was looking at the market of Shanghai Steel Union, Li Meng stared at Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Lujiazui and other stocks, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes, he tilted his head and reported to Su Yu, "Especially on the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's market, in just one and a half minutes, I have already I saw three consecutive main buying orders of 3,000 lots appear."

"Very good!" Su Yu replied, "Continue to observe and see if there is a sustained flow of funds."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded, paused, and continued, "Looking at the macro capital flows in the two cities at the beginning of the market, the main funds in the entire market are still moving towards 'Internet Finance', 'Mobile Games', and 'Can "Pan-Mobile Internet" concept sectors such as "wearable devices" and "mobile payment" are flowing, and core concept stocks, such as Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, and Oriental Fortune, which we hold positions in, are still attracting attention. With the attack and rush for funds, it seems that... the GEM index will not stop today, and the overall market investment sentiment is still developing to a more intense stage. Do we... really want to reduce our positions in a big way at this time? "

"Reduce!" Su Yu said, "Since we have formulated an investment strategy, we must implement it."

"Oh, right……"

When Li Meng nodded and ordered the traders to implement the plan to reduce their positions, Su Yu paused and said: "Pay attention to the market conditions of each stock. When reducing your positions, don't put yourself on the dragon and tiger list. Our fund's Seats have too much influence. At this time...except for Shanghai Steel Union, a stock that needs to be constantly driven by emotions, I don't want to be on the sell list of the Dragon and Tiger List to expose our motivation for reducing our positions in advance."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded.

Later, Su Yu's instructions were conveyed to the entire trading team.

After giving the trading order, Su Yu turned his head and looked at the Shanghai Steel Union's trading market again.

At this time, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has climbed tenaciously to more than 47.35 yuan, an increase of more than 8%, and the transaction volume has exploded to 140 million, and there is a strong trend of going directly to the stock market.

Su Yu looked at the time and saw that it was only 9:37.

Moreover, the ChiNext Index pulled too fast after the market opened. Many core popular stocks did not have a good chip structure. The board seemed to be strong, but in fact it did not increase the volume. At the high level, it did not achieve the trend of both volume and price rising. We can't help but speculate that after the ChiNext index pulled up sharply at the beginning of the market, when the funds eager to chase the rise are exhausted, the index will most likely plunge back down.


The moment came at 9:38.

Quickly, when Shanghai Steel Union's stock price hit 47.50 yuan, it once again placed 2,500 market price sell orders, knocking its stock price straight down.

After he resolutely sold the market.

Shanghai Steel Union stock fell from the highest position of 47.48 yuan, quickly penetrated the price of 47.40 yuan, and fell back to around 47.35 yuan again.

Then, at 9:40.

When Shanghai Steel Union's stock price stabilized at 47.30 yuan, it was ready to attack again toward 47.50 yuan or even higher.

At the beginning of the market, the GEM index, which had risen close to 1%, suddenly began to turn downwards. High stocks with huge short-term gains such as Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Fenda Technology, etc., at this moment, There has even been a situation where funds have been cut off and a large number of profit orders have been poured out.

"No way, harvesting started so soon?"

Seeing the U-turn and rapid diving trend of the GEM index, the market comment area of ​​the trading platform, and the retail investors who had just caught up with the core concept stocks of the GEM, some people suddenly felt a chill: "This market really has a grudge against me, right?" ? What you buy will go down, what you sell will go up, it’s just..."

"Damn it, I'm chasing you again!"

"What the hell...the organization is just pointing back. Singing too much has never been effective."

"In 2 minutes, Hua Qingbao dived 4 points. Is this... a signal that high-priced stocks have peaked? Are you so ruthless? I only bought after the high price 3 minutes ago."

"Hey, I feel like I'm starting to lose track of my energy."

"I'm speechless. Every time I realized it was an afterthought. Every time I made up my mind to pursue it. Damn it, both the market and individual stocks started to fall."

"Hey, I know it's not that easy to make money. When everyone swarms in, it will definitely be a high point."

"I finally saw it clearly. Those institutions that were bullish were the ones who asked us to enter the GEM to take over the market. I said... a tree cannot grow to the sky."

"Fortunately, I didn't move just now..."

“Yesterday we were hyping up the GEM as the main line of the future market, and today we are going crazy to harvest it. Isn’t it too shameless?”

"I have long said that the words of these institutions cannot be trusted."

"Don't panic, it should be normal for the violent fluctuations here. After all, the activity of the GEM Index is much higher than that of the Shanghai Index, and the logic of many core concept stocks of the GEM is still there."

"If you don't sell, how can you buy? Chips must be constantly exchanged so that the stock price can rise healthily. I think there is no problem with the investment logic of core concepts such as 'mobile games', 'wearable devices' and 'Internet finance'. If you get scared at the slightest shock, you may not be able to hold on to your bargaining chips, and you may not be able to enjoy profits.”

"No matter how you look at it, the profit-making effect of the GEM index is still stronger than that of the main board."

"Looking at the previous trend, every time the ChiNext index falls sharply during a correction, it will soon recover and continue to hit new highs. I think since the trend has been formed, there is no need to be afraid at all."

“I don’t know whether the institution has deceived people, but during this period of time, funds have indeed continued to flow into the GEM.”

"I think it's normal for it to have risen several times and then have a correction of 10% or 20%? Besides... even if the GEM dives now, it's still in the red. I don't know how much better it is than the Shanghai Stock Index, which remains unchanged. times."

"I finally realized that people who are afraid of heights are miserable, and those who are afraid of losses are even more miserable..."

"Yes, even if it is a correction, the strong will always be strong. The correction and rebound of core concept leading stocks are always much faster. Anyway, I was frightened by the continuous decline of the big blue chips on the main board for one or two years. , even if I die on the concept leader, I will never buy core blue-chip stocks."

"Indeed, core blue-chip stocks seem to be falling less every day and resisting the decline, but damn... they are falling every day!"

"A dull knife cuts flesh, but a sharp knife cuts flesh, which makes people even more desperate. I understand now that when doing stocks... you have to move closer to the positions and sectors with the strongest profit-making effect. Chasing highs or something, it doesn't matter, the big deal is that it will fall quickly." After the price, just stop the loss. Anyway, if you lose it on the blue chip, there will be no future."

In the discussion, as the GEM index fell rapidly, emotional differences emerged again.

As the sentiment shifts from consensus to divergence, the market trading of core popular concept stocks dominated by hot money and a large amount of short-term funds, such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial, Shanghai Steel Union... The situation became more intense, and the transaction volume further expanded rapidly.

Especially Shanghai Steel Union, the core leading stock in the two cities.

Million-level capital transactions can be said to change every second, and the changes in buying and selling orders are even more rapid. The competition for each price is particularly fierce, and there are huge differences.

In this trading situation...

At 9:53, the transaction volume of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded 350 million, achieving full change of hands.

Of course, with this huge difference and full change of hands, especially when the GEM index has fallen back to a flat position, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has also shrunk to around 46.60 yuan, an increase of 6.46%.

Su Yu stared at the market of Shanghai Steel Union. At this time, he no longer sold.

Instead, from time to time, a purchase order is placed at a key position. In a divergent state, the buying order can still slightly suppress the selling order, allowing the Shanghai Steel Union's market to remain strong even if it pulls back. An increase of more than 5 points has the possibility of hitting the board again at any time.

And there are only investors who make the entire market pay attention to this stock.

Only by having expectations and expectations for the Shanghai Steel Federation to rise again at any time can a steady stream of off-site funds enter the market and change hands to take over the market.


Once the Shanghai Steel Union directly breaks through the 5% increase dividing line and enters the weak shock zone, then when the positive stock price expectations have completed and the stock price trend is driven solely by emotions, a large number of retail investors will be willing to follow the trend and buy. will weaken, and the hope of closing the daily limit will also weaken, and... when this strong expectation is no longer there, and the market is pulled upwards, the funds willing to lock up will be greatly reduced, causing the pressure to rise doubled.

all in all……

When the stock price has already reflected the positive expectations and there is no new major positive stimulus for the time being, if you want to keep the stock price going up, you can only play an emotional game and take advantage of the changes in everyone's psychological expectations in the market sentiment. Continuously adjust the chip structure to complete.

Of course, the disk guidance at this stage.

For a trader, it is also the most difficult.

Because of the formation of market synergy, the continuous advancement of emotions, and the influence of all aspects cannot be ignored.

"In terms of quantity and energy, it's almost the same." Su Yu saw that the trading volume of Shanghai Steel Union had begun to decline, and he knew that the exchange of chips on the market had reached a critical value, and the chips that should be taken out to take profit had also been It was almost done, and I couldn't help but secretly thought, "On the time point, the degree of coordination with the market is still a little short of..."

At the current time point, although the GEM index has pulled back to near the flat market, it has not fully digested the rush to take profits. In other words, the overall sentiment of the market has not yet reached the turning point.

in this way……

At this time, if the sealing board is raised, the market's follow-up effect will be greatly reduced.

This will also directly affect the final sealing results and quality of Shanghai Steel Union.

As the emotional bellwether and absolute leader of the two cities, Su Yu felt that since he had control of this stock, he should make full use of it to leverage market sentiment and make this stock reach a higher level in the minds of investors as much as possible. The market is at a premium and the trend can continue longer and further.

While Su Yu waited patiently... the time passed 10 o'clock sharp.

The ChiNext Index fell to a minimum of 0.43%, and then showed a significant intraday bottoming out trend. At this time, stocks such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV... also surged to the final level. The profit-making chips, eager to exit the market, began to rebound rapidly.

"The emotional turning point has appeared."

Su Yu held the mouse and saw that many core popular concept stocks had the same rapid rebound trend at this moment. A bright color finally appeared in his eyes. He directly clicked the buy button and sold all the stocks that were sold at high prices in the early trading. More than 5,000 hands of chips, nearly 23 million of the funds withdrawn, were all bought at the upper limit price in one go, and poured onto the market of Shanghai Steel Union.


When Su Yu's buying orders of more than 5,000 lots appeared at the upper limit price, they swept through the selling positions in front of the Shanghai Steel Union.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union soared from around 46.60 in an instant. Within one second, it jumped over the 47 yuan mark, and then directly hit 47.78 yuan, a 9% increase.


The entire market, all investors paying attention to this stock.

In particular, countless short-term investors who were playing the leading role suddenly saw this leading stock closing the market straight up, and saw the appearance of a super large order with a capital amount of tens of millions. In an instant, they placed orders to follow up.

With countless short-term investors quickly following suit...

When the entire market sentiment turns inflection point, all the core popular stocks are rebounding after digesting profits.

At 10:07, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union reached the daily limit of 48.21 yuan without any hindrance, and the volume increased rapidly in an instant. The market came together, and within one second, tens of thousands of hands were rushing to raise funds, which was blocked. The daily limit was reached, completely sealing the market.

And to this moment...

Su Yu finally looked back and breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, thanks to the Shanghai Steel Union's re-closure and record high again, the ChiNext index also turned red again from underwater within a few minutes.

at the same time.

As a follow-up stock of Shanghai Steel Union, Huake Financial also surged straight up.

But after all, its attention and funds to follow the trend are still not as good as that of Shanghai Steel Union, the core leader in the two cities that has created many miracles of closing the board. It has been connected to the board, and since the announcement of the good news, the short-term increase has been more than 50%. , failed to continue to close the daily limit.

Around a 7-point gain.

That is, it encountered strong resistance and fell into violent shock again.

Then, in the following time...

Many funds that had hesitated before, after confirming that the GEM index was indeed significantly stronger than the main board and that the upward trend continued to rise, followed the trend and flowed into the core popular stocks of the GEM again, seizing the so-called 'core high-quality chips' and seizing the core of the future. The commanding heights of the main line.

Due to the re-inflow of these funds.

After the early adjustment, the ChiNext gradually recovered its early correction losses and set a new annual high again during the afternoon trading hours.

at the same time……

Among the GEM constituent stocks, core popular concept stocks that suffered heavy selling in early trading and once fell underwater, such as Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Great Wisdom, Tianyu Information, Hengsheng Electronics...these are also Before closing at 3 o'clock, it recovered the early losses and continued to close the physical positive line with a lower shadow line. It is self-evident that it is in a strong state.

Seeing that the ChiNext Index and these core concept stocks are not afraid of adjustments or any selling, the intensity of capital acceptance is extremely strong, which completely verifies the market's concept of 'the strong will always be strong'.

All of a sudden...

Retail investors who are following the trend, as well as many large institutions who are adjusting their positions, have once again become more confident and more convinced of their own judgments.

And the opposite of these people.

Still embracing the blue-chip stocks on the main board, still hesitant to chase the GEM concept stocks, and still feeling that the core concept stocks at the high level of the GEM are bubble speculation, a large number of retail investors and institutional groups see the GEM index once again hitting a new yearly high, and at this moment, my heart He becomes more depressed and anxious.

PS: More than 6,000 words, which counts as two chapters!

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