Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 164: Shareholders reduce their holdings and the bidding collapses!

"I'll just take it as a compliment!" Yang Hao smiled, "By the way, how is your sister... Yu Ling doing now? I went to the hospital the day before yesterday and found out that she had been discharged."

"Except for the need to slowly recover and recuperate, there is nothing else." Su Yu replied, "Why do you suddenly care about her?"

In Su Yu's impression...

The two met several times, but on the surface they were not harmonious.

Yang Hao said: "After all, the root of this the final analysis, it is still related to me. I still feel a little regretful that she has been implicated."

"You don't have to worry about Yu Ling." Su Yu said, "I will take care of it."

"Okay!" Yang Hao nodded, paused for a while, and continued, "I will try the strategies you suggested. Thank you very much for today."

After that, the two discussed some other topics until about nine o'clock in the evening before they dispersed.

Then, Su Yu returned home...

He thought Li Meng had fallen asleep, but he saw that the other party was still holding his laptop and studying the market.

"Our company is not a sweatshop, so we don't have to work so hard, right?" Su Yu saw her concentration and smiled, "I don't advocate overtime culture."

Li Meng looked up at him and said, "I'm bored, so why not take a look at the market information and clarify my thoughts."

"Isn't a certain new drama that came out recently very good?" Su Yu asked.

"I don't think so." Li Meng replied, paused, and continued, "Fenta Technology has issued an announcement on the reduction of holdings by its major shareholders. I estimate that tomorrow's trend will not be optimistic."

"Oh, how much is the reduction?" Su Yu asked.

"We plan to reduce our holdings by 2 million to 5 million shares." Li Meng replied, "With the current stock price of Fenda Technology, it exceeds 100 million."

Su Yu made a rough calculation and said, "It's less than 4% of the shares at most, so it won't have much impact."

"The key is the impact on the confidence in holding shares on the market!" Li Meng said, "Major shareholders are reducing their holdings here, which means they admit that the stock price is obviously overvalued at this stage."

"And, I guess... it's going to affect other high-priced stocks in the same category."

"As long as the expectations are still there and the performance growth rate is still rising, there won't be a big problem." Su Yu continued, "I remember that after Apple's wearable devices were launched, the sales data of major terminals and online malls were quite high. The popularity is far higher than what the market previously expected, which proves that Fenda Technology’s future performance expectations are still increasing. There are many reasons for the reduction of major shareholders’ holdings, but it does not affect the changes in the company’s fundamentals.”

"Hopefully!" Li Meng nodded slightly, but there was still a trace of worry lingering between his eyebrows.

"There is only one fundamental reason for the rise in stock prices, and that is expectations." Seeing the faint concern on her face, Su Yu continued, "The reduction of holdings by major shareholders is an aspect that affects expectations and confidence, but it is not a decisive factor. , as long as its fundamentals improve and expectations of further explosive growth are still there, then it is not a bad thing for major shareholders to reduce their holdings."

"'s actually a good thing."

"A good thing?" Li Meng was a little confused when he heard Su Yu's words.

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded, "The long-term expectations remain unchanged and short-term emotional fluctuations affect it, so it is naturally a better point to add positions."

"In the short term, there is a short-term position logic."

"In the long term, there is a long-term position logic."

"Fenda Technology is not the Shanghai Steel Federation. This check is currently crowded with institutions. The short-term emotional impact on it is very short-lived. Even if some panic chips that are not optimistic about the opening tomorrow hit the limit, the follow-up will be supported by long-term logic. , and will soon regain lost ground.”

"So, what's there to worry about?"

“In a long-term investment strategy, as long as the underlying expected logic remains unchanged, you don’t need to care too much about any other fluctuations.”

"When opening a position, you have to look at the long and short sides. But when you hold a position, you have to look at the long and short sides. You must not be afraid of fluctuations. You must be patient and able to maintain prosperity."

"I know……"

"You generally understand what I'm talking about."

"It's just that you become a fund manager and personally manage hundreds of millions of funds. A retracement at every turn means a retracement of millions, tens of millions, or even tens of millions of profits. It makes you feel a little anxious. ”

"Actually, it's not necessary. Just keep your normal attitude."

"Whether it's your own money or your customers' money, treat it as a number, and treat transactions as a pure numbers game. The psychological pressure will not be so great."

"Naturally, we will not care so much about the short-term fluctuations in the market, but will be controlled by emotions and ignore the basic logic."

"Only when you feel that millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions are just a series of changing numbers, can you control money in transactions."

"In a word, just treat the fund account as a simulated market."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded under Su Yu's persuasion, then sighed softly and said, "It seems... I still have a bad mentality."

Su Yu smiled and said: "You are already very strong. At least you can fully execute your strategy when trading alone."

He has ten years of reborn trading experience and ten years of historical memory of the market outlook that support his trading, support him in winning every battle in the market, and can see through all fundamental problems at a glance.

Without these two major advantages...

With less than two years of market experience, it would be impossible for him to reach this level of Li Meng.

Because, in real actual trading, for inexperienced traders, it does not mean that if you understand the truth, you will be able to overcome your inner emotions and human weaknesses of greed and fear and execute the trading strategy perfectly in the real-time market fluctuations.

Of course, this is also the reason why he joined the group and decided to train him.

After all, in the future history that he knew, facts had proven that Li Meng was determined and talented in trading, could become an excellent fund manager, and the amount of funds he could manage was in line with the upper limit. his future expectations.

"But it turns out that many of the trading strategies and ideas I proposed at the time were wrong in hindsight." Li Meng felt a little comforted by Su Yu's praise, "If you hadn't corrected it in time, I'm afraid the fund would have The current net worth is even more than a 50% discount."

Su Yu chuckled and said: "Even if the current net value of the fund is discounted by 50%, it is still among the best. On the current private equity ranking list in China, among the thousands or tens of thousands of private equity funds still in operation, the annual performance exceeds 50%. , there are less than 50, so... don’t belittle yourself.”

"Maybe... you are too strong!" Li Meng paused and said, "Su Yu, I have never seen you make a mistake in judgment. How did you do it?"

When Su Yu faced this problem, he coughed dryly and said, "Maybe I'm lucky!"

"It can be luck in the short term, but definitely not in the long term." Li Meng said, "Maybe... this is the so-called talent. I feel that you were born for market trading."

She thought about her experience working with Su Yu during this period of time.

From the time the fund was established and officially entered closed operation, every trading order issued by Su Yu and every investment strategy mentioned were extremely accurate, amazing, and sincerely admired.

Of course, what's even more shocking...

If we separate out the part of the fund funds operated by Su Yu and look at it separately, we can find that after more than a month of operations by Su Yu, the original 80 million funds in the account have reached the current scale of 200 million, an increase of 1.5 times. , far exceeding the growth rate of the fund’s overall net worth.

"I'm not as powerful as you say."

Su Yu smiled and said, "Okay, go to bed early and think about tomorrow's matters tomorrow."

After saying that, he washed up and went away.

And when he finished washing and returned to the living room, Li Meng had already entered his room, but the lights in the other room were still on.

Su Yu knows...

After seeing that through my own efforts, I can change my life and my life can be significantly changed.

Li Meng couldn't wait to use up all his efforts and strength to make some achievements as soon as possible and change the current situation of himself and his family.

In a sense... Li Meng and him are the same kind of people.

Su Yu smiled secretly and said nothing. He entered the room alone, turned on his mobile phone and read the messages on the chat software, then browsed the online stock forum for a while, and then fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already eight o'clock the next day.

When he finished breakfast, came to the company, finished the morning meeting, and entered the trading room, everyone had already made preparations for the market and was waiting quietly for the arrival of 9:15.

Su Yu walked to his computer and sat down.

He casually took the tea poured by the assistant, took a sip, and then his eyes fell on the market prices of the two cities and the Shanghai Steel Union market, which had begun collective bidding transactions.

Thanks to the good trend of the external market last night and the hot profit-making effect of the GEM index hitting new highs one after another.

Most stocks in the two cities opened slightly higher.

Among them, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union changed directly from yesterday's closing price of 48.21 yuan to 51.58 yuan at 9:15, an increase of 7.02%, and the initial call auction was 375 lots.

"Fenda Technology...has dropped to the limit!"

At the same time, Li Meng's voice came from Su Yu's side: "At the beginning of the call auction, there were more than 50,000 sell orders, which were placed directly on the lower limit. It shouldn't be like a false order closure. It seems that the number of orders has reached today. Technology is very likely to fall by the limit, and sure enough... no matter what the future expectations are, when the stock price is at a trend high, once negative news occurs, the panic on the market will be instantly amplified."

With Li Meng's voice...

Su Yu took a look at Fenda Technology's call auction board and saw that at this moment, the limit-down orders were already over 60,000 lots.

"It doesn't matter, just follow the strategy I told you and execute it." Su Yu said, "As long as the underlying logic remains unchanged, short-term adjustments will not change the long-term upward trend."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded and stopped talking.

Su Yu turned his attention back to the Shanghai Steel Union's trading market and saw that in this minute, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union had dropped from 7% to 5%. It has also increased from the initial few hundred lots to more than 2,000 lots.

"It seems... affected by the reduction of holdings by Fenda Technology's major shareholders, the core concept stocks at the high level of the GEM today will be under huge selling pressure." Su Yu thought to himself, "In this way, the pull of the core concept stocks will be lost. , the trend of the market and core popular sectors today should not look good.”

After understanding this, Su Yu knew that it would be difficult for the Shanghai Steel Federation to connect today.

And he believes that if the entire market wants to continue to move upward, it must eliminate everyone's worries about major shareholders reducing their holdings at high levels. That is to say... only by facing the negative news and performing beyond expectations can the market be brought about by Scoreda Technology. The sentiment has reversed again, alleviating financial selling pressure due to fear of heights.

Before that, the market will mostly be adjusted.

"Today is not a good time to attack!" Su Yu lamented and said to himself, "But fortunately, when the semi-annual report was released, the major shareholders of Shanghai Steel Federation stated that they had no plans to reduce their holdings in the short term, which dispelled worries in this regard. may be difficult for Shanghai Steel Union’s stock price to stabilize today.”

The main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has not yet emerged, and the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has fully reflected future expectations.

The current stock price trend of Shanghai Steel Union is fundamentally supported by an extreme sentiment of relaying money. Once this sentiment weakens, it will be difficult to maintain the stock price.

This is why Su Yu dominates this stock and needs to constantly rely on the overall market investment sentiment.

Because at this time, if you don’t link up with the market sentiment, don’t step on the pulse of the entire market sentiment, and force the pull up, when you have insufficient confidence and emotions, you will easily be collectively smashed by the funds, and once you pull up, you will not be able to pull up. , the ultimate money-making effect is gone, then what follows... is bound to be a vicious cycle. Selling orders further increase sharply, buying orders further decrease, the trend reverses, and the stock price crashes.

As Su Yu pondered...

At 9:18, Shanghai Steel Union's stock price fell again, falling below the 5-point increase and reaching around 50.10 yuan, an increase of 3.98%.

Of course, in the past two months, the entire GEM constituent stocks have been subject to high-level hot stocks that have been subject to capital speculation.

The collective bidding trend of Shanghai Steel Union is still the strongest.

Other high-end hot tickets such as Wangsu Technology, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Oriental Fortune, Tianyu Information... were affected by Fenda Technology's one-word limit drop, and their collective bidding increases have completely dropped to the bottom of the water. Hua Qingbao has even fallen by more than 4%, showing huge selling pressure on the market.

At 9:19, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell back to 50 yuan, an increase of 3.86%, and the collective bidding orders for the transaction surged to more than 6,800 lots.

Then, for a full minute.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has been fluctuating around the price range of 49.95 yuan to 50.05 yuan. Occasionally, selling orders suppressed buying orders, and occasionally buying orders suppressed selling orders. However, during this period, although the stock price did not change much, there was a gathering of transactions. Bidding orders have indeed continued to increase sharply, from the initial number of more than 6,800 lots at 9:19 to more than 8,100 lots at 9:20, with basically no order cancellations.

Finally, the real collective bidding time arrived at 9:20.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was initially fixed at 49.96 yuan. After the orders were canceled in the last ten seconds, the number of orders on the market dropped from a maximum of more than 8,100 lots to more than 6,800 lots. However, the trading volume of this call auction could not be exceeded. It far exceeded yesterday’s and the day before yesterday’s initial call auction performance.

"The price of 50 yuan seems to be supported by a certain consensus and sentiment."

Su Yu stared at the collective bidding trend of Shanghai Steel Union and said secretly: "With this price as the center of the shock, it should be able to support the high-fearing fund selling caused by Fenda Technology and complete another transformation of the chip structure on the market."

"Just a follow-up..."

"Before the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' comes out, if we want to move forward, we may need the cooperation of Fenda Technology to reverse the trend."

As he thought, the time entered 9:21.

The collective bidding trend of high-priced popular stocks such as Wangsu Technology, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Oriental Fortune, Tianyu Information, etc. continues to decline. Fenda Technology still blocks the lower limit, and the lower limit has exceeded 10 Wan Shou, it seems, doesn't have the funds to pry the board, and it can't be done at all.

In the entire market, the call auction sentiment in the two cities was good in the first five minutes.

At this moment, it has been completely reversed.

Among the GEM constituent stocks, 70% of the stocks have turned green in call auctions. The main board is slightly better, but more than half of the stocks have turned green in call auctions.


At this time, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was still fluctuating between 49.95 yuan and 50.05 yuan, and the call auction on the market to match the transaction orders was approaching 10,000 lots.

9:22, 9:23...

The reversed call auction sentiment in the two cities further declined.

Finally, at 9:25, when the call auction ended, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened lower by 0.42%, the ChiNext Index opened lower by 0.91%, and 73% of the stocks in the two cities opened lower.

Among them, the sector aspect.

The concept sectors of 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', 'wearable devices' and 'Apple industry chain', which were hyped as the core main lines of the market in the early stage, were at the forefront of the decline, with the overall opening decline all exceeding 1%.

In terms of individual stocks.

Popular stocks with high-level core concepts such as Wangsu Technology, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Oriental Fortune, Tianyu Information, etc. have lower opening ranges of more than 2%, and the overall call auction trading volume has also shown an amplification. The situation shows the relative panic of funds on the market.

In addition to these stocks, Shanghai Steel Union is the core concern of the two cities.

At the end of the call auction, the stock price was finally fixed at 49.71 yuan, falling below the previously fluctuating price range of 49.95 yuan to 50.05 yuan, with an increase of 3.12%. During the entire call auction period, a total of more than 14,000 orders were traded, with a turnover of nearly 70 million. , setting a new high in the Shanghai Steel Union’s transaction volume during the collective bidding stage.

At the same time, this also proves that this stock is at the current price and the emotional node of the two cities.

The differences are getting worse.

Faced with such opening results, investors in the two cities, especially the large number of investors who followed the trend in the past two days to pursue the core popular stocks of the GEM, were very surprised and unexpected.

"It's strange. The external trend was very good yesterday. The overall market sentiment before the opening was also very enthusiastic. Why did the GEM index suddenly open so much lower?"

"Especially Hua Qingbao, there is no negative news, and it opened nearly 5 points lower. It's simply..."

"Hey, I was so happy yesterday, but I didn't expect that today... the market hasn't officially opened yet, so I just killed it. I really don't understand. Hong Kong stocks and the outside world are both very good. What's going on?"

"Depressed, his face suddenly changed!"

"Yesterday's profit was completely wiped out in a call auction. It seems... I have to stand guard again today. Who said before that the GEM is far better than the main board?"

"I just cut the meat on the main board yesterday. I am chasing the GEM core ticket Internet Speed ​​Technology. It won't just peak like this, right?"

"I was really slapped in the face back and forth, so I gave in!"

"Hey, I was chasing after Fenda Technology yesterday. I didn't make a penny. Today, it just hit the limit every word and killed me. I'm so angry!"

"The first five minutes of the call auction were fine. I don't know why after the time entered 9:20, the call auctions of all stocks all went down. I feel that the market sentiment is not so bad? It is really being cut back and forth. After the cut, On the main board, start cutting the GEM immediately.”

In the discussion among retail investors, at this moment, the main hot money groups are in the discussion.

Many hot money markets that are active in the market are somewhat surprised when faced with such an opening situation.

"Hey, my good mood was shattered by this check from Fenda Technology!"

"It was not the check from Fenda Technology that caused the collapse, but the announcement of Fenda Technology's shareholding reduction last night. At this stage, everyone is afraid of high-priced stocks, and suddenly a major shareholder like this will reduce their holdings. Announcement, there is no way to escape, so we can only see Fenda Technology falling to the limit, and they all cut their profits and run away."

"To be honest, the face of Fenda Technology, the major shareholder, is really ugly."

"Funda Technology has tripled its value since the bottom. It would be foolish not to reduce the number of major shareholders at this time."

"The market should have thought that Fenda Technology would not drop the limit in a straight line, and would at least give funds a chance to escape. Unexpectedly... I think because Fenda Technology dropped the limit in a straight line, the market lost liquidity and fell beyond expectations. That’s why funds have been fleeing from stocks that have been hotly speculated at high prices.”

"That's right. Once this kind of hidden concern arises, it may be difficult to relay high-priced stocks with the risk of reducing their holdings."

"Anyway, we should avoid the high relay today."

"I wonder what Shanghai Steel Union will do today? In addition to the market fear of high prices caused by the reduction of Fenda Technology's major shareholders, this check... is also a weather vane of market sentiment! If its trend goes bad, it is estimated that market sentiment will In the short term, I’m afraid it will be difficult to recover.”

"I remember that the major shareholder of Shanghai Steel Union said when the semi-annual report was announced that it would not reduce its holdings, right?"

"That's what happened."

"Then there shouldn't be much panic. As long as the road to wealth is not broken, it should be able to hold on, right?"

"Looking at the opening results of Shanghai Steel Union and the volume of call auction transactions, we are not optimistic. At such a high level, if the opening increase is less than 5%, it is weak. The profit orders accumulated in the market will be taken out on a large scale. of……"

As the big guys share their thoughts and judgments...

The brief five-minute suspension ended, and at 9:30, the two cities officially entered the bidding transaction stage.

Almost instantly, 5,000 market price sell orders worth more than 20 million appeared on the market of Shanghai Steel Union.

And with the completion of this huge order.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union did not stop for even a second, it suddenly crashed and fell underwater!

PS: Two-in-one!

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