Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 179: The Market of ‘Shadows and Souls’

"This daily limit is so clean!"

Xu Xiang stared at the market of Shanghai Stock Exchange, which had completely closed the daily limit, and said with emotion: "Although the market was closed just before the market close, in terms of the strength and intensity of funds on the market, it is still the 'Shanghai local stock' that has changed in the entire market." It is the strongest among the sectors, and as relevant news continues to ferment, there is a high probability that it will become stronger and stronger."

He was still wondering which stock the market would choose as the breakthrough point for the entire sector?'s basically clear.

From the perspective of pure speculation, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's check, its circulation and overall market value are quite appropriate, but conceptually... He previously thought that market funds were in the hype of the 'Shanghai Local Stocks' sector. , the direction that I most agree with should be the financial field, so I ignored this stock, but now I don’t think that is the case.

"It seems that the main positive direction should be in a wide range of areas, not just in the financial field." After pondering for a moment, Xu Xiang secretly said, "And judging from the market's reaction... there are many people who have vaguely gotten the news. "

In today's market, the entire "Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks" sector has seen much more capital inflow than he expected.

Moreover, the intensity of the fund-raising efforts from all walks of life was beyond his expectation.

This proves that the hidden benefits of the news he heard are by no means simple, and here... there is a high probability that a sustained mainline market will occur.

"How? How many chips did you buy?"

Seeing that the time had reached the last trading session at 2:57, Xu Xiang turned around and asked Zhou Kan.

Zhou Kan replied: "A total of 530 million chips have been purchased. Judging from the speed of building a position, it will probably take at least a week for us to invest all 2 billion in funds."


Zhou Kan paused and then said: "If the subsequent market news continues to ferment and the funds on the market to raise follow-up funds further increase, I am afraid that the time for establishing a position will be extended."

"About a week?" Xu Xiang frowned when he heard this.

Judging from today's market movements, he estimates that it won't be too long before the good news is officially announced, which means that they will most likely not have more than a week to open a position.

"The speed of building a position must be accelerated." After thinking for a moment, Xu Xiang said, "Now that the main line of investment has been determined, there is no need to think too much about the cost of building a position. As long as there is selling on the market, then buy decisively. There are market expectations, and at this time... no matter what the cost is, you should be able to make a profit."

"Okay." Zhou Kan responded and wrote these words down.

While the two were talking, the time had already frozen at 3 p.m., and the two markets were closing.

After a day of market trading, in the end, due to the comprehensive ebb of the core popular concept sectors of the GEM Index and its related popular stocks, the GEM Index closed down 2.13%, fixed at 1219.36 points, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed down 0.78%. The two cities as a whole Investment sentiment fell further than the previous trading day.

Amid the overall decline in the index...

The hot spots in the two cities were extremely scattered. Only the "Shanghai local stocks" sector performed slightly, creating a certain concentrated profit-making effect throughout the day.

Others either surged higher and fell back, or opened lower and moved lower, all in one fell swoop.

Among them, the 'big financial' sector, which was strong in the early trading, fell across the board in the afternoon. Many core-weighted stocks left a long upper shadow line. Only Shanghai Pudong Development Bank emerged from a relatively independent market, rising by about 6%. It led the rise in the entire 'big financial' sector and saw a significant increase in volume, with a turnover of nearly 2 billion.

"The ChiNext fell sharply again, and the Shanghai Steel Union dropped its limit for the second time. Has the index peaked?"

Seeing such closing patterns of the two cities, many retail investors in the market were massacred again, and many people raised questions.

"Hey, it's like this every time. You get caught as soon as you catch up. In three trading days, the ChiNext fell nearly 100 points. Is this what the major analysts of the institution call the 'new trend in the market'?"

"Haha...institutional analysts? We all know these people. They are typical counter-arguments."

“Last week many institutions shouted ‘the bull market is back’, but the market then began to plummet and turn bearish. This slap in the face was really loud.”

"Is it really a scam to take over? Damn it...these institutional analysts are so heartless."

"I knew that the 'bull market', 'new economy', 'new trend' and so on were definitely lies. Fortunately... I held back this time and did not increase my position."

"Hey, my hands, why can't I hold back today?"

"The GEM fell below the 20-day line today. I feel that the upward trend has really stopped. If this wave continues... I don't know where the bottom is. The key is that I am so short-handed. I also took over the Shanghai Steel Union today. "

"Judging from the early trading, I thought it would rise today, but I didn't know..."

“It’s all due to the market’s main funds that blindly pulled the ‘big financial’ sector, which caused a siphon effect of funds across the entire market and directly brought down the GEM.”

"Yes, I just don't understand. Why are funds attacking these big guys?"

"If we directly push the Shanghai Steel Federation to the daily limit and give us a counter-insurance expectation, will today's trend be so bleak? The popularity must have disappeared long ago."

"Who knows? The institution should be able to save itself!"

"It doesn't look like it. Look at Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. There is too much inflow of capital today. This shouldn't be the way for the institution to save itself, right?"

"Whether it is or not, these big guys are a cancer to the illiquid market at this moment."

"Yes, with the current market liquidity, it simply cannot support the continuous surge in the prices of 'big finance'. In fact... today's market trend also proves this."

"When a whale rises, everything falls!"

"The current 'big finance' cannot drive the market sentiment at all. After all, no one should still have extravagant hopes for a comprehensive bull market, right?"

In the discussion where everyone was questioning and complaining...

Major institutions from all parties and hot money groups in the market obviously have different views on today's market trend.

"Today's market trend has shown that the internal chip structure of the ChiNext Index has completely loosened. There will be no adjustments in the next one or two months. It is impossible to slow down, right?"

"I also think that in the future... the market will most likely not focus on the previously popular 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', 'wearable devices', 'online video' and a series of 'pan-mobile Internet' fields. The sector is getting hyped, and there will definitely be new directions coming out.”

“New direction, ‘big finance’?”

"Today's 'big finance' has indeed moved, and a lot of money has entered. Several of the oversold small-cap financial concept stocks have even reached their daily limit, but I think there is a problem with this direction. After all, the market is currently lacking in liquidity. , simply cannot support the market trend of such a large sector.”

"The current market liquidity cannot support the riots in the entire financial sector, but I think... if there is indeed a major positive stimulus from the regulatory authorities and even from the top, even if it cannot leverage the entire financial sector, In the financial sector, there should still be local market trends, or speculation in related concept stocks."

"To be honest, the market trend of the entire 'big financial' sector today is a trap trend of rising and falling. Although it has changed, it cannot be said to be strong. It is the port shipping, logistics trade and real estate sectors that came from behind in the afternoon. Some of them The performance of individual stocks is relatively unremarkable, such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Stock Exchange... They are doing very well today. I feel that I have funds and I am deliberately attacking these stocks..."

"Hey, if you say that, it's true!"

"Everyone, haven't you noticed? Although the hot spots in the entire market today are very scattered, giving people the impression that the attack directions of various funds are chaotic and directionless, but in fact... careful observation shows that today's performance is relatively strong, significantly outperforming the index, and funds Stocks with large inflows basically have one common characteristic!"

"What characteristics?"

"Today's stocks that have changed a lot, such as Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui, Dongfang Venture, Jielong Industrial, Waigaoqiao... these all have a common attribute, that is, 'Shanghai local stocks' 'ah!"

"Damn it, I didn't pay attention to it before, but now after you reminded me, I realized that it's true!"

"There must be some benefit to this, right?"

"To sum up today's market trend in one sentence, it is 'the body has dispersed but the spirit has not dispersed'. On the surface, funds from all walks of life are indeed attacking everywhere, with no purpose and no sustainable hot spot, but in essence, today's market The overall flow of funds is in one direction, and that is the concept of 'Shanghai local stocks'."

"The concept of local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange? What the hell is this?"

"Are the market rumors true? Are there any major economic preferential policies or tax policies for the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"

"I don't know, but in the current market, many institutions are indeed spreading the news."

"We don't know the exact information, so everyone started to scramble for funds and speculate indiscriminately?"

"As long as you have expectations, it doesn't matter what the benefits are."

"Yes, the current market is short of hot spots. As long as the good expectations are there, there is no fear that no one will take over the market. And looking at today's market performance, many institutions should be involved, right? This proves that the country will continue to focus on the Shanghai stock market. , there is a high probability that it will not only be a good thing, but also a big good thing.”

"It is expected, but it is not easy to speculate based on the attribute of 'Shanghai local'. After all, according to the geographical division of listed companies, the companies registered and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange are the most in the entire market, accounting for almost 200 stocks, this requires 200 stocks to be traded, and the pressure to pull it is simply greater than pulling 'Big Finance'."

"There are almost 200 stocks, and it's definitely impossible to speculate on them all."

"Look at the stocks with the highest capital activity, the strongest trends, and the strongest market capital synergy. After all, our A-share market is a policy market and news market. If there is really any big news to be announced next, some core stocks, It will definitely move continuously and continue to strengthen.”

"Well, that makes sense..."

"If you look at it from this direction, today's Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Stock Exchange's checks should be the most beautiful. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank's trend is also very beautiful, but the market is already a super big one with hundreds of billions. It's nothing. Flexibility is only suitable for large financial institutions that value liquidity.”

"The Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's portfolio is not small, it's over 30 billion."

"I think the one with the best performance today is probably the Shanghai Stock Exchange. This check... If it can ride on the wind, I'm afraid the space will not be small."

"Indeed, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's daily limit today is so clean and tidy."

"Today's check has not changed hands enough, and it is only the first daily limit. There is no data from the Dragon and Tiger List to support it, so I don't know which stock the funds are entering."

"Let's look at tomorrow. If the market has expectations for this check, the opening tomorrow should not be bad."

"Hopefully, I hope I can get a check and quickly bring the market rhythm up, otherwise... if it continues to fall like this, the mood that has finally warmed up since June 25 will be wasted again."

"Yes, the Shanghai Steel Union collapsed, the market failed to switch between high and low, and there were no popular sectors to take over the sentiment. In the past three trading days, the money-losing effect has been stacked. Next... if we don't bring the concept of continuous profit-making to the market, Come out, the newly entered funds in the past two months should really run away again. By then, the liquidity of the entire market will dry up again, and I am afraid that the market will be even more difficult to operate than it is now. Alas... the money earned in one month will be lost in three days. It’s so hard to take the loss back to me!”

Online and offline, countless hot money, and internal group discussions of major major institutions...

At this moment, many people are still frantically mobilizing their money and connections, and are inquiring about various news about the "good Shanghai stock market economic policy" in market rumors from various information channels, and want to know more accurately about the possible benefits. The specific direction of the news, and which stocks will be specifically positive.

And in this...

As the director of the intelligence department within 'Yuhang Investment', Lin Antu also got some information.

"You said that the country is most likely planning to launch a new special economic zone pilot in Shanghai?" Su Yu stared at Lin Antu with a smile, although he already knew in his heart that at this time, relevant news about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' must have begun to pass through the news Well-informed people have spread the news, but they still can't help but be surprised by Lin Antu's news channel, "Where did you hear about it? The special economic zone pilot project is not a trivial matter, and there are examples in the Shenzhen market. It seems that there is no need to do it again." Get one?"

"Yes... it was said by a friend of mine at Guangda Securities." Lin Antu replied, "And he also heard from their general manager that the news seemed to be coming from Yanjing. There should be no mistake. He It is said that their investment strategy trading department is already making full arrangements for this matter."


Lin Antu paused and said with a smile: "It cost a lot for this news."

"Guangda Securities..." Su Yu murmured.

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind, and I remembered a major operation of this securities company in the A-share market in August this year, that is, this month. I smiled and said: "The investment strategy and trading department is already considered a securities company." In the company, the self-operated investment department is the core department, so this statement... is somewhat credible."

"I think so too." Lin Antu nodded, "Although it is second-hand news, usually the superiors will inform the subordinates in advance of this kind of news, so the credibility is definitely there, and he said that their department is planning this. This can mutually confirm the credibility of this news. After all, the positions of public funds are basically disclosed in a timely manner and are easy to verify."

"Okay!" Su Yu responded, "Continue to pay attention to the news in this area and report any new information."

Lin Antu continued to nod, and when he exited the office, he hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Su Yu was calm and calm, as if he had expected it, he couldn't help but ask, "Has Mr. Su heard about this a long time ago?"

Su Yu smiled and replied: "I can't say that I have heard about this before. I just made a guess based on the fund movements in the market."

"No wonder!" Lin Antu suddenly realized.

"Don't think too much." Su Yu saw that he looked slightly depressed, and knew that he was probably blaming himself for not digging up the information in time and wasting the company's money. He couldn't help but comfort him, "This news of yours is still important to me. It is very useful, and establishing the information line of the internal investment strategy and trading department of Guangda Securities will be very useful to us in the future..."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for the compliment." Lin Antu expressed gratitude and then exited the office.

Su Yu looked at the other party's leaving figure, thought about the past of Guangda Securities, a domestic second-rate securities company, and its profound state-owned assets background, and already had another idea in mind.

What he just said to Lin Antu, 'This information is still very useful to me', did not refer to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. After all, this matter... The overall progress of the fund's position building has been completed. There was not much he could do except wait.

Rather, it refers to a major operation that Guangda Securities will make in the A-share market in August.

This manipulation...

According to the memory in Su Yu’s mind and the subsequent records of the entire domestic securities and financial history, it was called the ‘Guangda Oolong Finger’ incident by the majority of investors in the market.

This incident can basically be said to be a dark history in the history of A-share trading.

Although its impact on the domestic financial market is far less than the famous "315 National Debt" incident, its bloody and nonsensical level is simply worse.

Of course, standing at the time point when the event is about to happen.

Su Yu was not interested in the reasons for this incident, or even the causes and consequences. He was only concerned about one point. In this incident, for small and medium-sized funds, there was a huge opportunity for speculative profits.

The fund's positions are already full, and at this time, he will not adjust positions easily.

However, due to the need to maintain completely staggered investment in his personal capital trading account and the fund account, after withdrawing from Huake Financial, in the past few trading days, he has not built any positions, and the total funds of more than 33 million are still quiet. Lying quietly in the account eating ashes.

But now, the opportunity has come.

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