Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 185: Fifty million profit in one day!

"Teacher...I guessed it right!"

Xie Wanting said with a smile on her face and some excitement: "After midday, the main contract of the CSI 300 Index futures showed a large discount and heavy volume. It was obvious that Guangda Securities chose to conduct hedging transactions in this direction, and they were short-selling. Regardless of the underlying stocks or futures, the cost and quantity are not taken into account at all, which shows that... they are very panicked. It should be because of their internal capital stock. There is such a huge problem, so they have to frantically withdraw funds from the market to survive the crisis, right?"

"Haha...that's awesome!" Zhou Guohua praised with a smile and continued, "I heard that the general manager of the Investment and Trading Strategy Department of Guangda Securities also has a PhD in finance from the University of Manchester in the UK. It seems that you two... I really want to work together on crisis management."

If not for Xie Wanting's reminder, he actually did not expect that Guangda Securities would start from index futures.

Looking now, his nominal female apprentice has indeed lived up to his expectations and guidance.

"Really?" Xie Wanting said curiously, "Then next time I have a chance, I have to meet this senior brother."

"You may not be able to see it anymore." Zhou Guohua said, "Such a big thing happened to the investment and trading strategy department that Mr. Yang is responsible for. If the losses cannot be recovered, he should not be able to stay at Guangda Securities, and... …Such a hedging strategy actually carries certain risks from the perspective of the transaction itself.”

"Risk?" Xie Wanting was a little confused. "The current market sentiment is not good. They make up for the losses in stocks by arbitraging stocks, suppressing the index, and short-selling stock index futures. This should be a perfect hedging transaction, right? Can't you see? What are the risks involved, and by doing so, they should be able to make up for most of their losses in stocks."

Zhou Guohua smiled and said: "The risk does not come from the transaction itself, but from the regulatory level. China is a market with strong supervision and strong intervention. In short, it is a policy market. Short-selling hedging like Guangda Securities Trading when market information is unclear is suspected of market manipulation and insider trading."

"Of course, Guangda Securities' background is different from ours."

"Perhaps the regulators will turn a blind eye or close one eye, maybe."

"Oh, by the way, you have to pay attention to this aspect in the future when it comes to transactions and operations, especially when you lead a team and independently manage funds."

"Yes!" Xie Wanting responded, her eyes returning to the computer screen again.

At this time, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment, in the trading room, Su Yu stared at the panic-stricken market, which had begun to fall across the board, and still did not move at all on the CSI 300 Index futures position in his hand.

And at this time, the funds in his holding account had swelled to 85 million.

Excluding the principal of 33 million, the single-day profit has reached 52 million, a profit of 157%, which can be said to be extremely profitable.

"Futures, coupled with important extreme market conditions, are really huge profits!" Su Yu glanced at the extremely expanded funds in his account and sighed secretly, "But operations like this can only be a taste of it."

The random flowers are gradually charming the eyes.

For futures trading with extremely high leverage, once attracted by the huge profits, you will be trapped.

So, no matter how large the principal is, it will return to zero if a heavy position is made.

In terms of investing in the entire financial market, Su Yu still prefers stocks, futures, foreign exchange, even options, bonds... without a clear winning rate and certain events, he will not make a move.

Of course, once a definite opportunity comes, he will not hesitate or hesitate.

"Su Yu, what do you think of today's game? It's too evil!"

While Su Yu was deep in thought, Zhao Qiang sent an angrily message on his chat software: "The Shanghai Index and its huge antenna really shocked me, and the performance of the entire market in the afternoon... I just can't understand it. , how could there be so many huge selling orders at the level of 10,000 lots, it really made me dizzy.”

"Which of your stocks was smashed?" Su Yu asked with a smile.

"Shanghai Materials Trading and Pudong Bank, the two companies with heavy positions, were all smashed today." Zhao Qiang said, "It's simply...Shanghai Materials Trading's market is not big, and hot money from all walks of life is gathered. It's not surprising that they were hit in a bad mood. But I didn’t expect that a stock like Pudong Bank with such a huge circulation could go from the daily limit to deep water.”

Su Yu thought about these days. Lin Antu once said that Guangda Securities was also trying its best to build positions in the core stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's not surprising. If you observe the market carefully, If we collect market information within these two hours, we should know what’s going on.”

"What's going on?" Zhao Qiang said confused.

"You don't know?" Su Yu was a little surprised, "Guangda Securities Hong Kong stock market crashed, didn't you notice?"

"Oh, you are talking about this..." Zhao Qiang replied, "The Shanghai stock index has something to do with the huge antenna and Guangda Securities? The huge buying orders in the morning were at least tens of billions of funds. Guangda Securities has Do you have this ability? As far as I know, even if you use Guangda Bank, it might be difficult to come up with such a huge amount of liquidity to open a position, right?"

"It's just because Guangda Securities doesn't have this ability that the market trends in the two markets occurred in the afternoon." Su Yu smiled and replied, "Otherwise... the chips bought in large quantities were locked in the market, so what kind of market would be used? ?Isn’t that going to be difficult for yourself?”

"You mean..."

Zhao Qiang finally understood at this moment and cursed angrily: "It's his grandma's fault. It turns out that this guy is causing trouble and made me chase the position at a high position. Today, I lost 7 million."

"Oh, by the way, Su Yu, your market intelligence gathering skills are getting better and better day by day!"

"You actually know it so clearly."

Su Yu replied with a smile: "Originally I was just guessing, but when Guangda Securities suspended trading at the critical moment, and after the market opened in the afternoon, Guangda Securities Hong Kong stocks quickly crashed, coupled with the extreme explosion in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures Based on the various rumors in the market and the public financial statements of Guangda Securities, it is easy to guess the truth. It is already past 2 p.m. and I still haven’t reacted. Then I’m afraid the customers who invested in my fund People don’t dare to entrust their funds to my management with confidence and boldness.”

"Awesome!" Zhao Qiang praised, "I feel that the two of us are really not on the same level in terms of market awareness and reaction."

"It's no wonder you can win every battle in the market."

"Hey... Having said that such a big bad news has appeared, and the market sentiment seems to be at a turning point, do you think we should be conservative or aggressive at this time?"

"Short-term negatives do not change the long-term logic." Su Yu said, "Haven't the expectations of some stocks not yet been fulfilled? There are objective reasons for such an extreme reaction in the market today. In addition, the Shanghai Stock Index is already at a low level. This negative is just It’s just a short-term bad thing. If you tolerate it, it will pass in an instant. I think... you don’t need to worry too much.”

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang thought for a moment and replied, "It's up to you!"

Su Yu replied with the word 'hmm' and was about to end the chat when he saw Zhao Qiang saying again: "You guessed that something happened to Guangda Securities when the market opened in the afternoon, and you also guessed that there was a sudden pull before the midday trading. It's just an 'Oolong market', and no arbitrage measures have been taken?"

"I saw someone in the group showing off that they made a fucking 5 million in 10 minutes by arbitraging the CSI 300 Index futures."

"I'm thinking...if you see the opportunity coming, you will definitely not remain indifferent."

"It's a pity that I was slow to react and came to my senses... The CSI 300 Index futures point has returned to its original position, and it is at a significant discount to the spot index, so I dare not enter the market."

"Uh..." Su Yu replied calmly when he heard him mention this, "I built a small position and did some simple speculation. I probably made a little profit."

"How much did you earn? 5 million, 10 million?" Zhao Qiang asked curiously.

"Probably more than 50 million!" Su Yu responded with a smile.

"Holy shit!" Zhao Qiang was so shocked that he almost jumped up from the computer, "Are you... still a human being? How many positions do you hold?"

"About 500 lots." Su Yu said, "I don't dare to build too many positions."

"How can you make so much profit from about 500 lots?" Zhao Qiang was completely shocked, "Su Yu, you guy... why don't you go to heaven? You really made all the money in the entire market. By the way... I worship you. As a teacher, can you teach me this speculative technique?"

"I will never accept male disciples in my life!" Su Yu smiled.

"Is it still too late to have sex reassignment surgery?" Zhao Qiang said jokingly, his jaw dropped in shock at Su Yu's terrifying profitability.

And as the two of them talked...

In the entire market, after 2 o'clock, panic spread and deepened further.

At 2:16, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 1.5%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index fell by more than 2%. All industry sectors in the two cities were not in the red.

Among them, the popular concept sectors and industry sectors in the early stage all fell sharply.

Before midday, the major financial sectors of banking, securities, and insurance, which were close to their daily limit, were now fully flooded, with declines of more than 1%.

At 2:36, the Shanghai Stock Index fell by 2%, and the ChiNext Index fell by more than 2.5%.

At 2:44, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index began to bottom out after hitting the lowest drop of 2.3%. Concept stocks related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" and the entire "Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks" sector fell sharply across the board. A large amount of funds were ushered in to buy the bottom, and the decline was quickly retracted.

At this moment, the overall selling pressure in the two cities also began to weaken.

"about there!"

Su Yu looked at the bottoming out index and the CSI 300 Index futures index, which had risen from the lowest level of 2286 points and was once again approaching 2300 points, and began to continuously close short positions in his hands and take profits out of the market.

2:55, just before closing.

He held 550 short positions. After ten minutes of continuous closing, he finally exited the market with a profit. He reaped a total profit of more than 55 million yuan, and his total personal funds reached more than 88 million yuan.

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