Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 187: The Training of Traders

"Yeah!" Su Yu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, light on the index and heavy on individual stocks. This is a clearer policy, whether it is the 'Oolong Market' incident of Guangda Securities or the so-called "Oolong Market" incident in the market. Various other negative news, given that the current overall market valuation and index points have bottomed out, and investors’ expectations for the market outlook are already low, the negative impact is limited.”

"Therefore, the room for the market index to fall is not large no matter what aspect it is analyzed from."

"In this way, the main difference lies in the changes in local market conditions and individual stocks."

Everyone continued to discuss, and when the time reached 5:30 pm, the market list of dragons and tigers was announced. Only popular stocks, such as Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Steel Union, etc., had a lot of hot money withdrawn, basically every day. For all the popular stocks on the list, funds are showing an outflow.

Data on the Dragon and Tiger List for each stock.

Regarding the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" news that is still vague and half-hidden.

Everyone's discussion is still going on, but its enthusiasm is completely covered up by the discussion topic of 'Guangda Securities Oolong Market', making it less eye-catching.

In the evening, as the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s investigation team updated its investigation results on Guangda Securities.

As rumors spread in the market, Guangda Securities was short-selling, short-selling, and placing false orders to manipulate market conditions even though it did not have that much capital.

Market public opinion was in an uproar, and the discussion about his incident exploded in a straight line.

Reaching unprecedented intensity.

Even in the discussion about this incident, many people have shouted out the call to rebuild market rules and start over, directly comparing this 'Oolong Market' incident to the '325 Treasury Bond Futures' incident in 1995. Call it a dark page in domestic financial history.

In order to calm the influence of public opinion on the market, and the harm that this incident has caused to market investors.

The next day, as public opinion about the incident continued to ferment.

Regulatory agencies, as well as the top management of Guangda Group, after unanimous meetings and opinions, removed the positions of the executive president of Guangda Securities Company, the general manager of the investment and trading strategy department, and their relevant persons in charge. The trading system has also issued documents for internal self-examination.

Moreover, in its internal decisions...

In order to save the real crisis of Guangda Securities, through the personal matchmaking of the chairman of Guangda Group, a large domestic bank provided a short-term loan of 3.5 billion to help Guangda Securities realize the actual settlement of funds in the transaction and complete the closed loop of the transaction. chain to avoid direct credit bankruptcy.

On the third day, ‘Mingchuang Software Development Company’, a Guangda Securities trading software development company, was launched to take responsibility.

At this point, the "Oolong Market" incident caused by Guangda Securities began to be officially characterized as "internal trading software buy order failure", that is, an extreme market market event caused by a trading system failure, rather than human factors.

Of course, apart from the essential factors that caused the incident...

Regarding Guangda Securities, after the internal trading system failure occurred, it did not promptly disclose relevant important information in accordance with the corresponding rules and conditions. Instead, it chose to delay and conceal it, and took advantage of its information advantage to sell stocks on a large scale, including on the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures. The China Securities Regulatory Commission still follows formal procedures and plans to initiate an investigation against Guangda Securities for a series of violations and illegal behaviors in the short-term main contract list, and hold it responsible for insider trading and market manipulation.

And when things develop to this point...

The truth about this incident gradually became clear to everyone, and the public opinion about the incident finally began to slowly decrease.

"It's a pity that General Manager Xu of Guangda Securities is quite a figure. He has a good sense of crisis management. At least in the hedging transaction that afternoon, his performance was excellent." After seeing the new release of Guangda Securities After the announcement, Su Yu said with emotion, "With a doctorate in finance from the University of Manchester in the UK and five years of experience, it is quite impressive to be able to reach the position of general manager of the Proprietary Investment and Trading Strategy Department of Guangda Securities."

"Since you think he's awesome, then dig him over!"

Li Meng put a cup of ice-cold coffee in front of him and said with a smile: "After this person is pushed out to take the blame, other large brokerage companies should not dare to ask for it."

"It's not just that..." Su Yu said, "In the next investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission against Guangda Securities, he will have to shoulder the two major responsibilities of insider trading and market manipulation. Even if he doesn't go in, I'm afraid he will be banned forever. The penalties for entering the domestic financial market have been decided.”

"That's really a pity." Li Meng sighed softly when he heard Su Yu's words.

"Forget it..." Su Yu picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip, and said, "There are many talents in this world. One less is not a lot, and one more is not a lot."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded and continued, "Among the traders in our company, who do you think has the most potential? I'm thinking that after the fund's net value is settled at the end of the year, our company should expand its asset management capacity. The market is still at the bottom, so one or two more funds should be established.”

"When the time comes, it won't be possible for just the two of us to take the lead."

“It’s too busy just to build a position and keep an eye on the market, let alone continue to bring in new people.”

"I know what you mean." Su Yu responded and asked, "Who do you think has the most potential?"

"Zhu Tianyang!" Li Meng said, "At least there are no problems in thinking and operation. His analysis of market changes and intraday operations are also remarkable."

Su Yu nodded slightly: "In terms of thinking and operation, there is nothing wrong with it, but in terms of temperament, he seems a little impatient. Basically, every time he makes a move, it is on the left side of the real change of the market. His approach is based on his correct judgment." Judgment, huge profits will be reaped, but if a 'black swan' event occurs in the market, using him... the company will suffer extreme losses. As the core of the trading team, this person will have no problem, but in charge of the fund, especially the big trader The amount of funds is not suitable.”

"Relatively speaking……"

"Liu Yuan is not as accurate as him in looking at problems, but she is more stable and patient."

"I look at her operations. There are very few people entering the market on the left side. And when the market turns to the right side and the certainty of opportunities increases, this girl is willing to make heavy moves. This proves that she has a lot of inner courage. Keep cultivating her." , should be able to handle large-scale capital operations in the future and be able to act independently.”

"Well!" Li Meng thought carefully, "Liu Yuan is indeed good."

"Where is Wang Can?" Li Meng paused and asked.

Su Yu thought for a while and replied: "Growing up a little slowly, his talent is limited, but his bad habits in trading have been improved a lot after this period of actual combat. Let's see... I know him, and he himself has I keep him in the trading department. Firstly, I want to teach him something, and secondly, I want him to be the backbone of the trading department in the future, able to keep an eye on the trading department without causing problems when you and I are not present."

After Li Meng heard his motive for using 'Wang Can', he was silent for a while and did not mention the topic again. He paused and said, "The subsequent recruitment of people in the trading department will still follow the rules you specified before?"

"Yes!" Su Yu said, "You can feel more at ease when you use the people you train yourself."

Every trader who currently enters the company was recruited by him personally and Qin Haowen did a background check. In a sense, although 'Yuhang Investment' is currently just a small company with little reputation in the industry, It is a private equity company, but its strict conditions for recruiting traders are comparable to those of large brokerage institutions.

The so-called "it's better to be deficient than to overdo it", this is what Su Yu's employment requirements are.

Of course, every trader who comes in will also receive personal guidance from him. Speaking of it, from a purely professional development perspective, it is really like one-on-one guidance from the top experts in the market.

Therefore, among the few people in the industry who know that behind the company 'Yuhang Investment' is Su Yu, a master of Fortune Road, this job, which seems to have a low threshold, is actually quite competitive.

"Oh, right……"

Li Meng paused and then said: "The account opening sales department of our fund, General Manager Qu of Huashang Securities Wealth Road, would like to treat you to a meal. I heard what he meant. There should be something he wants to ask you to come over. .”

"General Manager Qu." Su Yu whispered and said, "We have set the financial position behind Fortune Road. His current status in the entire Huashang Securities Company should be prosperous and stable. What else does he want to ask for? Aren’t you satisfied yet?”

"It's probably about the sales department's self-operated business!" Li Meng guessed, "We set the capital seat behind Fortune Road. The customer resources and commission income of the sales department have increased, but the performance of the self-operated business is still the same. Damn it, General Manager Qu probably has some thoughts on you, right?"

"Haha..." Su Yu chuckled, "If that's really the case, then it's really unreasonable."

"Then do you think... you've seen it or not?" Li Meng asked.

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "At present, people are asking for something from us. In other words, we are the stronger party. It doesn't matter if we meet each other. But if the other party wants to get any benefits from me, then they really want to too much."

Currently, his reputation and performance have improved, and the company has no shortage of customers and funds.

And for the brokerage companies that still focus on brokerage business in the current market, this is really hot food, and everyone wants it.

Therefore, he is really worthy of the other party.

While the two were talking, the market's discussion on the "Oolong situation of Guangda Securities" continued.

In the evening, Su Yu and Li Meng were invited together to meet with General Manager Qu of the Fortune Road Sales Department of Huashang Securities. As expected, the other party expressed the hope that the two parties could cooperate so that Su Yu could provide appropriate guidance and operations. Strategies to improve the sales department’s self-operated performance requirements.

And Su Yu naturally refused without mercy in person, without giving the other party much face at all.

Of course, during this period, in order to retain ‘Yuhang Investment’, a private equity institution that had a huge impact on the brokerage business of the sales department, General Manager Qu could only laugh along the whole process.

After dinner, I went home and rested for the night.

The next day, Su Yu woke up and found that the investment sentiment in the entire market had recovered somewhat compared to yesterday. The impact of the "Guangda Securities Oolong Market" incident was reducing, and the market rumors related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" had once again Gain the upper hand in online topic discussions.

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