Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 189: Chasing positions at high positions, two dragons gather together!

In the current market, funds from all walks of life are hyping up the concept of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. Basically, it has become clearer. The industry sectors of ports, logistics, commercial real estate, finance, trade, and investment have become absolute speculation. Among them, the seven stocks "Waigaoqiao, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Lujiazui, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Pudong Jinqiao, and Jinjiang Investment" have the highest recognition of capital speculation.

Among them, the direct benefits are the most obvious and the positive stimulation is the greatest.

In particular, the four checks from Waigaoqiao, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank are the most popular.

And these four checks have indeed been the targets of the most intense financial attacks and speculation since various vague rumors about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" began to spread in the market.

Now, as the most core 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone's only designated real estate commercial development subject listed company' Waigaoqiao is suspended, the market's active hot money, the only priority target chosen is The check from Shanghai Stock Exchange is gone.

After all, as the core of the four checks.

Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank are both large-cap stocks with very large market capitalization and circulation. Shanghai-Hong Kong Group has a circulating market capitalization of nearly 40 billion, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has a circulating market capitalization of more than 100 billion. With the size of these two stocks, currently Even if the active hot money in the entire market is gathered together, it may not be able to move the market.

And this also means that these two checks can only be the main battlefield for large institutions.

Hot money is the only one that can move the market. In the main line of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", the first echelon with the strongest priority for speculating stocks is really only Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Therefore, Su Yu's choice was on this stock.

Of course, corporate funds already have considerable positions in this stock.

Just because the fund opened the position first, and his personal account bought it later, the two have a long sequence in time. According to the rules, the fund account opens the position first, and the personal account opens the position later. This does not constitute Internal related transactions have nothing to do with 'rat warehouse'.

As he set the goal of building a warehouse relay, he focused on the Shanghai stock market.

This check, during his short period of reflection, had quickly increased by nearly 8 points, and the transaction volume exceeded 180 million.

"It's 11.15 yuan..."

Seeing that there was no obstacle, Su Yu quickly broke through the 8% increase in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Without any hesitation, he quickly placed a buy order at a high level and sold against the market to grab the chips.

The top-level economic design of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.

At this time, although the market has already spread the news about it, the real news has not yet been officially announced and made public in official national documents.

Therefore, even though the attacks from various funds in the market are strong at the moment, differences still exist.

This is especially true for high-level concept core stocks such as Shanghai Stock Exchange, which have already risen four daily limits in advance, overdrawing certain positive potential.

As a result, the hot moneymen attacked fiercely.

But when the turnover rate is still seriously insufficient, no one dares to block the board rashly.

After all, no one is sure yet when the top-level design document of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" will actually appear in front of the public.

At this time, once the expectations are too full, the market will accelerate.

Then, if the news is not announced in time and differences increase, it will be difficult for the market to continue. And the risk of position losses for funds chasing after high-level closures will naturally increase rapidly.

all in all……

At this time, everyone wanted to grab funds, but they were worried and did not dare to pursue positions on a large scale at too high a position before the news was announced.

Of course, this concern does not exist for Su Yu.

Because he has experienced it, he knows that the official documents of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" have been released in the past few trading days.

5,000 lots, 7,000 lots, 10,000 lots...

As time went by, Su Yu didn't care about the cost of opening a position. As long as he saw enough sell orders on the market, he would quickly buy in chips at the market price. He would try his best to buy in chips in front of the funds that were unwilling to chase higher continuously. .

At 9:52, on the Shanghai stock market, the transaction volume reached the 400 million mark, and the turnover rate exceeded 12%.

Su Yu looked at his personal capital account and saw that in these ten minutes, he had bought almost 40,000 lots and more than 40 million yuan in funds.

I know it’s time to seal the deal and grab some money...

As a result, four consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots were placed at the price limit in an instant, which straightened up the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

When a series of large orders of 10,000 lots appeared on the market, all selling orders in front of the Shanghai Stock Exchange were cleared in an instant, and the stock price reached the upper limit.

At 9:53, just 15 seconds after Su Yu made a full move.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange closed the daily limit, and the stock price was fixed at 11.36 yuan, with a market value of 5.681 billion, a circulating market value of 3.409 billion, a turnover of 478 million, and a turnover rate of about 14%.

With the Shanghai stock market trading reaching its daily limit again, there is indeed a trend of counter-packaging and rebounding to new highs.

The intensity of funding for stocks related to the concept of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has once again increased, with nearly twenty stocks following the trend and rising.

Among them, the more core stocks are stocks that can be mobilized by hot money.

Stocks such as Jinjiang Investment, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinshan Development, Oriental Ventures, Huamao Logistics, Jielong Industrial, Longtou Shares, Haibo Shares and other stocks have signs of tens of thousands of large orders competing for funds on the market.

At 9:58, Huamao Logistics, which belongs to the same sector as Shanghai Materials Trading, hit the daily limit.

At 10:06, Jinjiang Investment hit its daily limit.

At 10:17, Pudong Jinqiao and Jinshan Development hit their daily limit.

At 10:23, two large-cap heavyweight concept stocks, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, rose by more than 5% at one time. The turnover exceeded 1 billion, and the capital inflow exceeded 100 million.

At 10:36, after rising high and falling back, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which had been fluctuating between 2 and 3 points, suddenly faced the attack of thousands of consecutive large orders. Within one minute, the straight line hit the daily limit and was sealed, and the stock price also rebounded again. When it reached above 50 yuan, a sharp dragon turned back trend emerged.

At 11:02, 87% of the more than 160 stocks in the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Local" sector turned red, and more than 5 stocks reached their daily limit.

And thanks to the continuous attacks on this sector by funds from all walks of life in the market.

It also benefited from the drive of these more than 100 stocks.

The Shanghai Composite Index turned red near midday, eliminating the negative impact of yesterday's major negative impact on the market. Even the "Guangda Securities" check received a wave of tens of millions of funds before the midday close.

At noon, we faced the mighty market that bottomed out.

Faced with what can be considered a full-scale outbreak of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ hype.

Retail investors, hot money, institutions, and all investor groups in the market began to gradually change their mood from worry to optimism.

This change in sentiment is due to the rebound in the market's money-making effect.

In the afternoon, when the two cities resumed trading, various financial attacks in the entire market became more active, and the intensity and scope of their financial attacks became wider.

At 1:32, on the main line of speculation in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", 8 stocks have reached their daily limit.

When the funds in this sector begin to spill out.

There is a major force of funds that rushes fiercely towards the core concept leading stocks that are seriously oversold in the short term on the GEM, bringing Hua Qingbao directly to the daily limit.

Subsequently, due to Hua Qingbao's oversold rebound.

Among all GEM constituent stocks, the oversold leading concept stocks in the early stage, such as Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial, LeTV, etc., all received a large number of follow-up funds to pursue them, and they all pulled straight. The rebound created a very strong money-making effect in the second half of the market.

Finally, at the close of trading at 3 o'clock...

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index all turned red, and the three major indexes all rose by more than 1.5%, ushering in a rare general rise in the two cities, sweeping away yesterday's market gloom.

Among them, the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" related concept plate and the GEM's early "pan-mobile Internet" related concept plate jointly performed and became the dual driving forces of the market conditions.

After the close, market discussions were intense.

Few people thought that the entire market, after last Friday's huge negative event, could come out of such a beautiful reversal pattern today.

Of course, among them, there are many people who cut the meat at the bottom of the morning session.

"Today's market trend is completely beyond expectations." During the market discussion, someone said with emotion, "It is not weak when it should be weak, which proves that the market will continue to strengthen in the future."

“Today’s market reversal was entirely driven by the ‘Shanghai local stocks’ sector.”

"I'm going to say it's the driving effect of Shanghai's logistics trade."

"Yes, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened sharply higher. Even if it exceeded expectations, I knew then that today's market conditions would not be too bad."

"Shanghai Materials Trading Co., Ltd. has five sales in six days and is the leading figure. Is it considered confirmed?"

"Yes, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's increase today is quite beautiful, and the turnover rate is good. Next... it should be doubling."

"It's a pity that I hesitated. I drove it until it increased significantly near the 8% increase. I didn't have time to buy it because I didn't close it. Alas... I know what I do but don't know what I do. It's a pity!"

"Shanghai Steel Union today's adjusted first board is also very beautiful. It can be regarded as a contributor to the GEM."

"Well, I just don't know what the continuity will be, but the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation should have the Dragon and Tiger List today. We will take a look at the Dragon and Tiger List data later. It would be great if the Fortune Road comes back."

“With the market conditions fermenting like this today, I feel like Fortune Road must be taking action, right?”

"The index has held up today, which means that the bad news has passed. Coupled with the wave of market conditions driven by the Shanghai stock market, there will definitely be no worries in the short term. I also think the road to wealth should be back."

"There is a lot of trade volume in Shanghai today. I wonder if Jiefang South Road is still there?"

"Hey, there are a lot of market rumors, but there is no definite news. Can this line driven by the Shanghai Stock Exchange trade really last for a long time?"

"The market capital has been so hyped. The exact news should be coming soon, right?"

"The list is released, the list is released..."

"Holy shit, look at the data from the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Dragon and Tiger List. Wealth has not returned, but recovery has come. And as soon as it was sold, the buying volume was still 78 million."

"Oh my God! Jiefang South Road is not out, the warehouse is locked."

"It's the gathering of two dragons again. The situation of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road joining forces on the Shanghai Steel Union has reappeared!"

"Buying heavy positions at a high level on the road to recovery, how optimistic are you about the check of Shanghai Stock Exchange?"

"It's really a reversal of status. The last time the Shanghai Steel Union was in the market, Jiefang South Road was heavily positioned at a high position. This time... it actually changed to the rising road."

"Why don't you, boss, buy from the seat on Fortune Road?"

“The Dragon and Tiger List of Shanghai Stock Exchange is so awesome!”

"I'm back, I'm finally back. I've been waiting too hard, haha... I didn't say anything, I'll just go for the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock tomorrow."

"Go ahead, let's work on the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange."

“This year’s monster stocks and leading stocks really need to all come from the ‘Shanghai local stocks’!”

"The purchase volume of 78 million is simply invincible. The main funds of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are becoming more and more generous and profitable."

"Haha, I just bought the Shanghai Stock Exchange today. I really didn't expect to see the road to recovery."

"What I didn't say... When Fu Sheng Lu appears, he must win the End of the World."

"The next Shanghai Steel Union, Shanghai Materials Trading is definitely the next Shanghai Steel Union. I will buy it tomorrow and then double it in one go."

However, just after the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced, the majority of short-term investors in the entire market were extremely excited.

In the market, another big piece of good news fell, causing all the institutions, hot money, and retail investors who bought today or were still in the market to fall into ecstasy in an instant.

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