Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 195 The ‘Return of the King’ of GEM!

"Hey...Teacher, on the GEM, many popular high-priced stocks that have been fully adjusted in the early stage, such as Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and Internet Speed ​​Technology, seem to have continuous follow-up funds, and there are some changes!"

After Su Yu issued new position adjustment instructions to traders, and large sums of money began to be injected into the core popular stocks on the GEM, Xie Wanting, who had been observing changes in market conditions within Yanjing and Anlan Funds, immediately noticed Coming to this phenomenon: "Could it be that the main funds in the market, when they feel that the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line has fallen into a huge divergence and is bound to enter a short-term adjustment stage, will they choose the direction of the GEM to make a breakthrough?"

"Huh?" Zhou Guohua heard Xie Wanting's exclamation, and turned his eyes to the popular sectors and individual stocks in the early stage of GEM. He thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible. After more than half a month, these concept stocks have adjusted quite a lot. It is sufficient, and according to many votes, its performance expectations for the third quarter, and even the expectations of the entire industry in the coming period, are very good, and the stock price still has the potential to continue to explode."

"Judging from today's market, the first point of divergence on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has already appeared."

"The funds that are ambushed in advance and exited at a profit must find a place to go, and these core concept stocks of the GEM are exactly the place with the strongest main line expectations after the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' at this time. The stock price is also at a short-term bottom position, which is very suitable for funds to switch between high and low.”

"Yes, yes... it should be in this direction!"

"That's right, if I were the one doing the speculation, and the line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' could not continue to go up for the time being, and there was no good buying point, I would definitely choose to switch between high and low to attract some funds to start a business. The board index will first make a short-term rebound, and then turn to the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

The more Zhou Guohua talks, the more determined he is about the opportunity in this direction...

So, after a brief hesitation, he asked his team of traders to invest in the six stocks of 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Internet Speed ​​Technology, Tianyu Information, and Huake Financial' that had already seen obvious changes in funds. The funds invested in the tens of millions each began to chase the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and several other "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks, and divided them into "Internet Finance", "Mobile Games", " Wearable devices' on these three core popular sectors.

And with his aggressive position building, Su Yu also noticed the funds that followed him instantly.

"When did the consensus among big funds in the market become so strong and so fast?" Seeing that there were funds rushing to raise funds for these stocks such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology...', Su Yu felt in his heart There was a trace of surprise, "Which fund is it? Isn't this reaction a little too quick?"

"Mr. Su... the opponent has appeared."

Following Su Yu's emotion, Li Meng also instantly discovered this phenomenon.

Su Yu chuckled and said: "We have quite generous bottom positions in these stocks, but we don't have to be too anxious. Don't follow the orders. If the funds want to be pulled, let them be pulled. The market is in the Shanghai Stock Exchange." The core concept of the first echelon of the trade zone. When the stock market has not completely ended, it should be impossible to form too strong consistency expectations in this direction. That is to say, at this point in time, these core components of the GEM It is impossible for stocks to have a continuous large-scale violent rebound. After all, active funds in the market cannot support the explosive market movements of the two main lines at the same time."

"Okay!" The traders responded and continued trading in silence.

And just as Su Yu guessed, after they gave up continuing to follow up and grab funds, the other party saw that the buying orders that had been active and good just now suddenly became sluggish, and they also slowed down the pace of buying, and did not take the initiative to push up the stock price. .

In this market situation where there are obvious differences in main line concepts, new hot spots, and yet to be fully formed...

Throughout the morning, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index have been in a stagflation trend due to heavy volume, and the shock pattern is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that they are likely to choose a downward direction.

However, trading resumed in both cities in the afternoon.

When the two core stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" that had just launched, Lujiazui and Pudong Jinqiao, became more volatile and downward; when the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, after absorbing nearly 3 billion in funds, still could not turn the divergent sentiments into consensus; when In the early trading, Jinjiang Investment once again saw a huge amount of selling orders, and when the daily limit was opened again...

The major indexes, which were oscillating near the opening points in the morning, finally experienced a violent plunge.

Moreover, amid the continuous surge in the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", the latent funds that had made huge profits in the early stage were also diving in the index, accelerating their departure from the market, and selling to take profits.

"Is this the end?"

Seeing the index plunge, many of the popular stocks in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' that have been repeatedly speculated by funds over the past week have rapidly fallen in volume. Many retail investors who followed the trend suddenly became nervous: "It doesn't make sense, right? It's so big." The advantage is just this little height space?”

"It shouldn't be the end. It's just that stocks related to the concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have experienced excessive short-term gains and extremely large profits have been accumulated on the market. It is necessary to allow part of this profit-taking to exit and complete the exchange of part of the chips. Only then can the market continue to rise!"

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange is still a straight-line board, and Waigaoqiao has not resumed trading. It does feel a bit premature to say it is over at this time. Today, there are indeed huge divergent trends on the market of related concept stocks, but overall The undertaking is not weak, and the huge amount of funds is still undertaken in this field. I think...if we adjust, there will definitely be a bigger market in the future."

"There may be market trends in the future, but today's adjustment should be unavoidable, right?"

"Well, it should be inevitable."

"I just don't know if I will take the index with me!"

"After the positive news about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' was announced, the index as a whole did not rise much. Logically speaking... it shouldn't be able to carry it down, right? Moreover, the position of the index really feels like the bottom area, so how can it still fall?"

"But... look at the diving situation, it's not good!"

Amidst the hesitation and nervousness of the vast retail investors who are following the market trend, when several major indexes are diving one after another and are about to collapse...

The time goes to 2pm.

Su Yu stared at the weak market performance and the many large funds that had flowed out of the core stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" and disappeared, and asked the traders: "How about building a position in each stock?"

"The position target of 100 million has been completed." Li Meng replied.

Originally, the fund had a bottom position of RMB 60-70 million in these popular stocks on the GEM, and it was not too difficult to increase the position to RMB 100 million without strong competitors competing for funds. .

"I have completed a position of 85 million here..."

"I have completed a position of 86 million here..."

"I have completed a position of 91 million here..."

The traders reported one after another. Su Yu nodded slightly and took a look at the overall position status and remaining available funds in the fund's general account. He saw that the remaining funds were almost 450 million.

In the afternoon, Jinjiang Investment continued to reduce its position, with an additional 130 million withdrawn funds.

In total, the cost of adjusting positions is about 280 million, that is, the average purchase amount of 9 GEM stocks is about 30 million.

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded, "In this case, the position adjustment goal is basically completed, so let's pull it up. In the current market, in the direction of GEM, the most popular and concerned companies are Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, and Netcom. The three checks of Su Technology directly hit the market with tens of thousands of large orders, attracting funds that exited the popular stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and came here to switch between high and low."

"Yes!" Everyone responded hurriedly.

Subsequently, a total of more than 100 million yuan of funds were all bombarded on the boards of Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, and Wangsu Technology in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the stock prices of the three stocks rose linearly in an instant.

Its increase jumped directly to more than 5%, and it ranked at the top of the real-time increase list of the two cities, quickly attracting the attention of investors across the market.

"Damn it, the GEM has changed!"

"Two popular stocks with the concept of 'mobile games' have skyrocketed simultaneously. Is this the market for 'mobile games' coming back?"

"The main funds are so strong, are they... going straight to the daily limit?"

"The GEM index is also rising straight up. Is this the return of the king?"

"Oh my God, a lot of follow-up funds are pouring in. Is this the market changing? That's awesome... Changqu Technology and Huaqingbao are really going straight to the limit price!"

"The early popular stocks on the GEM are changing more and more."

“Money is switching high and low, switching high and low.”

Retail investors were excited, and investors in the entire market turned their attention from the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept sector, which was undergoing adjustments and declines, to the "pan-mobile Internet" related sectors that were popular in the early stage, and the core stocks of the sectors that changed. …

Inside Yanjing and Anlan Fund, Zhou Guohua exhaled a long breath and said with a smile: "Sure enough, it is indeed in this direction. This fund is really smart."

Of course, he was filled with emotion.

I also sighed that there were no more buying chips in this direction. At the critical moment, I still hesitated.

At the same time, among the major hot money groups in the entire market, the active hot money bosses saw that someone was igniting this direction, and understood that at this moment, the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line has indeed entered the deep water zone, except for Except for the core leading stocks, there is not much room for gaming in other concept stocks. It is easier to temporarily switch the market between high and low and speculate on hot spots that have been fully adjusted in the early stage.

So, one after another started to follow up...

As various funds followed suit, after 2 o'clock, the originally weak market was able to turn around, especially the ChiNext Index, which had been in the doldrums for many days and underperformed the Shanghai Stock Index for more than half a month. The king returned and continued to rise. , rising all the way from underwater to a 1.65% increase at the close, and leading the entire market to achieve a major reversal.

Finally, at the close, the entire market.

In addition to the huge differences, after the official announcement of the positive news, the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'-related concept sectors and individual stocks showed an overall downward trend for the first time. 80% of other low-level sectors and stocks in the city rose, completely out of a full-scale contact. Bottom rebound trend.

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