Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 218 The ‘Shanghai Materials Trading’ was nucleard!

"No!" Li Meng shook his head, "You are better than me."

"Is the deal going?" Su Yu smiled and continued to look out the window, looking at the billboards and high-rise buildings in the distance. "Recalling the experience of the past six months, it really feels a bit dreamlike. I used to only think about making money. With a little money, I can take root in a big city and make my parents and sister live a better life, that's all, but now... I suddenly realize that I can go further, and I feel a little bit uneasy and confused."

"Well, it is indeed quite dreamy." Li Meng nodded and said with a genuine smile, "I never thought that the company would develop so fast, let alone that you would change so much in just half a year. Think about it... …About the beginning of the year, we had a fight over the issue of competing for a customer.”

Su Yu recalled that there was such a vague thing in his memory, and he laughed and said: "Now I realize that I seemed to be quite naive at the time, working hard for a small commission."

"That's not called childishness." Li Meng said, "It should be called survival."

"Well!" Su Yu nodded, "Maybe in the future... I will still miss those days, but no matter what, when I decided to resign, I inadvertently opened another window of life, and my life was completely different. Now, facing the future, we should be more confident."

"That's right!" Li Meng chuckled, "Now, everyone thinks you are the god of investment in the market."

Su Yu smiled and said: "There is no god in this world. It's just that in the financial market, during this period of time, I happened to hit some investment directions through some basic logical judgments, but when we master The amount of funds is getting bigger and bigger, and the net value growth brought by these short-term logic and thinking to our fund will have a diminishing marginal effect. Even I don’t know where we can go in the future.”

"Oh, right……"

When talking about this, Su Yu thought of some of his investment ideas and judgments last night, and couldn't help but said: "Huachuang Xinte resumed trading on Monday, and the reorganization with Xinwei Group was successful, and Ancai Paper, also known as ST Ancai, announced a suspension of trading. According to market news, there should be a reorganization with Kumho Group... I feel that next week, when the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line is fully ebbing, the concept of backdoor reorganization should have a strong wind. I think Let’s try the layout on this.”

"Well, I also saw the news that Huachuang Information Testing will resume trading on Monday." Li Meng said, "I really didn't expect that Minghui Capital's big gamble actually succeeded."

"Xinwei Group's backdoor listing of Huachuang Information Testing can be regarded as the largest restructuring and backdoor listing event this year."

"Coupled with Xinwei Group's influence in the current domestic communications industry and the market's huge attention to this company, with the backdoor listing of Xinwei Group, there is indeed a lot to do."

"Furthermore, the concept of restructuring and backdoor has always been a theme that the market likes to speculate on. There is a lot of room for imagination, and there are opportunities and probabilities of huge profits."

"Coupled with the restructuring of stocks related to the backdoor concept, in the current market, basically all are at a lower position."

"If we start a wave of speculation, active funds in the market should follow."

When Su Yu heard Li Meng's opinion, he nodded with a smile and said: "Since we both agree, we will implement this strategy next week. Our current overall fund holdings should be less than half of the positions, right? We have ample cash flow. It is absolutely possible to lead such a main line of hype concepts."

Now, the capital scale of the company's funds has reached 3.2 billion.

Calculated based on half of the positions, the cash they can currently use is about 1.6 billion.

Such a amount of funds, spread on many restructuring concept stocks with relatively small circulation and liquidity, is enough to set off a huge wave.

As for whether this wave can form a big trend, attract market funds, and continue to follow the trend and speculate.

It depends on the specific reaction of the market and some variables in practice.

"Yes, I agree!" Li Meng smiled and nodded.

In terms of market transactions and fund investment strategies, her acumen and decisiveness in seizing the opportunity are far inferior to Su Yu, so... in fact, in the face of some judgments and investment strategies proposed by Su Yu, she has no choice but to obey share.

"What are you going to eat tonight?" After discussing with her for a while Su Yu felt a little hungry and couldn't help but ask, "What new dishes are you trying this afternoon?"

Li Meng did not answer directly, but chuckled: "You will know later."

With that said, she stood up from the carpet, put on her sandals, turned around and went to prepare dinner.

Su Yu turned his head and glanced at her back, but his eyes couldn't stop moving down. He was attracted by her crystal jade feet and long white legs, and muttered: "I never thought she was so beautiful before. Why am I a little unsteady today? It’s really strange..."

"Huh?" Li Meng heard his vague muttering and couldn't help but turn around and said blankly, "What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing!" Su Yu heard the voice and hurriedly came to his senses. He coughed lightly and said, "Hurry up and cook. I'm really hungry."

"Okay!" Li Meng said, "You are the uncle now, and we all have to support you."

"It's not a gift." Su Yu chuckled and corrected, "It's about common prosperity, what the country advocates, isn't that what it is? I call it keeping up with the theme of the times."

"Forget it, I can't beat you." Li Meng replied lightly, and then went to work.

Next, the two had dinner together, and then Su Yu called Shi Yuling and asked her about her first day at school.

And then……

Li Meng started to watch the drama, and Su Yu was happy to relax and played two games with Wang Can.

The next day, Li Meng asked He Qian to go shopping, while Su Yu accepted Qian Zongzhong's invitation and had lunch with him, and met some new people in the Yuhang business community.

In the evening, at He Qian's suggestion, everyone went to KTV to sing and relax for a while before leaving.

Then, investors and retail investors in the entire market are still discussing the topic related to Wealth Road enthusiastically. September 17th has arrived, and the market has ushered in a new trading day.

At 9 a.m., Su Yu came to the company and had a brief meeting.

Afterwards, he came to the trading room, turned on the computer, and stared at the market that was about to open.

At 9:15, the market, which had been stagnant for two days, began to change amidst the fermentation of weekend information and emotions, and I saw...

The Shanghai Stock Exchange's one-line trading board fell to the limit, with more than 100,000 orders closed; Waigaoqiao opened 8 percentage points lower, and the initial matching volume of orders could reach 56,000 lots; Shanghai-Hong Kong Group opened 3 points lower, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank opened lower 2.8%; Essence Trust opened 6% lower, and the initial volume of matching orders exceeded 10,000 lots...

Generally speaking, at the moment the call auction begins in the two cities.

All the popular "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks have encountered strong selling pressure. More than 90% of nearly 200 concept stocks have opened lower.

"A one-word soul-cutting knife appeared in the Shanghai Stock Exchange." Seeing such an initial collective bidding situation, Li Meng said in astonishment, "The more than 2 billion funds that entered on Friday were all buried in an instant. All the funds in the market were buried. , they are all rushing to appear, it is really extremely tragic."

"And this core stock has been nuclear..."

“The entire market’s sentiment regarding the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’, the main line of speculation, is completely ruined.”

"The entire main line of sentiment has collapsed, and today's market index will probably be quite ugly."

"It is expected that the Shanghai Stock Exchange's opening of trading was reviewed." Su Yu said, "Waigaoqiao is so weak, so this check is naturally not expected at all."

"The main force buried in this check yesterday..."

"For example, the funds of the 'Giant Whale Gang' in the Demon City cannot be withdrawn without a 30% to 40% loss."

"Today, the Shanghai stock market has dropped by the limit. There is a lack of liquidity. In addition, the overall market sentiment is very poor. It is estimated that no active funds will dare to pry the market. After all, more than 2 billion peak chips are locked up. If you want to pry, you can't. so easy."

And as Su Yu said...

In the market, all kinds of hot money that originally thought about buying the bottom and hoping for a rebound within a few days gave up in an instant after seeing the tragic opening scene of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Of course, at the same time, the batch of funds of "Guotai Junan Securities Shanghai Xinzha Road, Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, Orient Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, Orient Securities Wuxi Xinsheng Road" saw the opening scene of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. , my heart felt cold, and I felt like I was holding a breath in my chest, and my lungs were about to explode.

"Damn it, it's really down to the limit, it's going to be a beheading!"

Lao Chang from Guotai Junan Securities' Shanghai Xinzha Road clenched his fists: "Wealth Road and Jiefang South Road, these two idiots, are really nothing."

"One-word soul-cutting knife." Lao Chen from Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road sighed helplessly, "Damn it, I can't stop the loss even if I want to."

"Depending on the situation, Waigaoqiao may have to fall to its limit today."

Xiao Hu from Orient Securities Wuxi Xinsheng Road also frowned deeply: "The Waigaoqiao opened so low and the selling price was so heavy. It is estimated that the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be affected by it and it will be difficult to open today. Alas... I really want to You can’t buy it when you want to buy it, and you can’t sell it when you want to sell it.”

"One-word soul-cutting knife, we can only accrue losses." Lao Wu from Yincheng Middle Road, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Orient Securities, still seemed a little calm at the moment: "With this kind of decapitation trend, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will open up even if it drops to the limit in the future. , there will be no market, everyone... just admit defeat! We can only pray for a comeback in the future."

"If we can't open the lower limit today, there will be at least another lower limit tomorrow." Lao Chang said, "In the case of heavy positions, a wave of losses of about 40% is really... I haven't suffered such losses in many years. Jiefang South Road and Fortune Road, I remember them in my heart.”

Several people were extremely depressed and jumped out of anger.

At this moment in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment Company, in the trading room.

Xu Xiang looked at this opening situation and frowned tightly: "The Shanghai Stock Exchange has dropped to the limit, completely losing liquidity. Alas...this wave has really hit the road to wealth." It’s useless, my overall mood is plummeting, and there’s not even a little room for relaxation.”

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