Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 234: Three consecutive positives!

Zhou Guohua smiled and continued: "The explosion of 'mobile Internet' and the full-scale explosion of the 'mobile game' industry are derived from '4G network' and 'intelligent terminal equipment'."

"Now, the basic construction of the 4G network has been completed, and the three major operators have initially launched 4G packages."

"Expectations in this field cannot grow. After all, 5G is still too far away."

"But the field of 'intelligent terminal equipment' is currently, especially in our country... it is still in the first half of a full-scale outbreak. The replacement wave of smartphones is spreading from the middle and high-end classes to the middle and low-end bottom classes, and the middle and low-end , the low-end and bottom groups are the real majority.”

"Coupled with Apple, we have blazed a new path for smart terminal devices."

"Domestic companies in the same industry that are jealous of its profits and its market can be said to be very ambitious."

"In this way, in the domestic market of vast consumer groups, I think the real explosion of smartphone sales has not yet fully arrived."

"So, in my opinion, the current market is in the field of 'intelligent terminal equipment'."

“Especially the ‘Apple industry chain’ line has great potential for explosive performance and a very bright future.”

After listening to Zhou Guohua's words, Xie Wanting thought about it for a while, and she agreed with it in her heart. She said with a smile: "The teacher means that we avoid the hot spot of 'mobile games' and avoid the areas along Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road." Grab food from the same place, and make a large-scale intrusion into the stocks related to the 'Apple industry chain' to take the initiative in this line?"

"Yes!" Zhou Guohua nodded, "Anjie Technology, OFILM Technology, Goertek Acoustics, Xinwei Communications, Changying Precision, Fenda Technology, Crystal Optoelectronics... this series of companies in the intelligent terminal equipment manufacturing industry chain, In my opinion, they are all good quality stocks!”

"It's just that the chips are not cheap." Xie Wanting said, "Compared to other manufacturing stocks, the valuation is significantly more than double, and it is generally at a PE of 50 or 60 times."

"But based on the explosive demand in the industry, the performance growth rate of these companies is very likely to be much higher than 50 or 60 percent." Zhou Guohua said with a smile, "In an industry with extremely prosperous future prospects, the level of valuation will not matter. It’s not the most important thing. If you only care about valuation, you will always lose many important opportunities.”

"Just like now..."

“Many institutions claim that they cannot understand the continued hype of ‘mobile games’ and cannot understand why the valuations of most GEM constituent stocks are above 100 times PE.”

“Everyone thinks it’s hot money speculating and disrupting the normal order of the market.”

"If we don't carefully analyze the industry and carefully study the company's possible future performance, and only judge the pros and cons based on PE, then we are putting the cart before the horse."

"Yes!" Xie Wanting nodded, "Then just follow what the teacher said!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the time reached 9:30, and after a brief pause in trading, the two cities had already ushered in the moment of formal bidding transactions.

I saw...

A lot of funds are still attacking sectors related to "restructuring backdoor" and "mobile Internet" in the direction of GEM.

At 9:32, two minutes after the official opening, the three major indexes turned red from opening slightly lower. The market trading is still extremely active, and the willingness of funds to chase higher and follow the trend is also quite strong.

At 9:42, after a wave of rapidly raised funds was fully consumed, some of the profit-taking orders accumulated on the market began to decisively stop profits. In the past few days, stocks that had risen too much and were not in the core popular concept field, Under the surging selling pressure from profit taking, the stock price showed a rapid rise and fall.

At 9:47, the three major indexes turned from red to green again and fell underwater.

At 9:51, the market opened strongly. Far East Shares and Rongshun Shares, which had three straight boards, opened. The entire 'reorganization and backdoor' concept sector, as well as the related ST sector, and nearly 100 concept stocks, experienced obvious selling pressure. , the market acceptance was blocked, the stock prices fell one after another, the mood declined, and the market divergence was very obvious.

At 9:57, just half an hour after the market opened, this obvious profit-taking selling pressure spread to the entire market. Almost the vast majority of stocks that had risen sharply in the past two trading days had fallen sharply. There is a trend of rising and falling, which means that the upward trend has been exhausted and the trend has changed.

And at this point in time, active funds in the market actually show signs of returning to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

Like the Shanghai Stock Exchange, from a drop of around 8 points at the opening, it rebounded continuously in almost half an hour and almost turned red.

Then, when the time entered 10 o'clock.

The signs of differentiation and decline between the two cities have become increasingly obvious.

And the signs of recovery in concept stocks related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" are becoming more and more obvious.

At 10:11, after being hit by three or four consecutive lower limits, the Shanghai Stock Exchange finally turned red in the market and emerged from a relatively strong state. Other stocks such as Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust also opened from the lows at the opening. status, it has returned to the 3-point increase range.

At 10:22, Hilong Software opened higher and fell back to a drop of 3.5%, which further undermined the sentiment of the "restructuring and backdoor" concept sector, causing more and more stocks in this concept sector to fall back.

At 10:35, 'mobile games', as the core concept sector of the GEM, also fell significantly. The two 'mobile game' concept stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, the most popular stocks in the market, showed huge gains. The market fluctuated, and the market divergence was obvious.

At 10:43, the GEM index and the small and medium-sized index expanded to 0.75%, while the Shanghai stock index remained near flat.

At 10:55, Huayi Brothers, the core stock of "Film and Television Media", which had experienced a 30% increase in three trading days with the benefits of the acquisition, had its daily limit broken by profit-taking funds, causing a crash.

At 11:04, the GEM Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index fell by 1%. Many popular concept sectors that broke out yesterday saw significant capital outflows.

At 11:21, LeTV fell more than 5%, sharply retracing its previous gains.

11:30, when the market closes at noon...

The GEM index fell by 1.2%; the small and medium-sized index fell more than the GEM index, reaching 1.63%; the Shanghai stock index fell by 0.48%. The market reversed again today after two days of weakness in Shanghai and strength in Shenzhen.

Performance of concept sectors and individual stocks.

Concepts related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have rebounded, and seem to have hit the bottom in the short term; concepts related to 'reorganization and backdoor' have dropped significantly, and even caused a wave of bombings near midday; GEM's 'mobile Internet' related concepts There has also been a significant decline in the market, and the market divergence has increased significantly.

Among the popular stocks, Shanghai Materials Trading bottomed out and rose by 1.13%; Xinwei Group continued to shrink by the daily limit; Rongshun shares exploded at the last minute of midday, with an increase of 8.89%; Huaqingbao was The rise turned into a fall, with a drop of 2.11%; Huayi Brothers exploded, with a rise of 7.89%...

Overall, the entire market continued its downward trend late yesterday.

It strangled a group of hot money and retail investors who were pursuing the concept of "reorganization and backdoor" and the popular concept stocks of GEM.

At the same time, the entire market has also developed a more obvious sense of hierarchy, with a few concept leaders remaining strong and most concept stocks falling into adjustment.

And when the time comes in the afternoon...

The market's performance was completely opposite to that in the morning.

At 1:11, among the weak adjustments in the market prices of the two cities, Anjie Technology, OFILM Technology, Goertek, Xinwei Communications, Changying Precision, Fenda Technology, Crystal Optoelectronics... and other "Apple industry chain" stocks , encountered a strong financial attack, and the stock price rose linearly.

Subsequently, at 1:12, Fenda Technology once again hit the daily limit, with the stock price reaching 44.58 yuan, just one step away from the historical high hit earlier, and the market value broke through the 7 billion mark without any hindrance, bringing the declining market to a halt. Investment sentiment has been restored again.

Driven by Fenda Technology...

At 1:14, the entire "Apple Industry Chain" concept sector made further changes, and its sector's growth suddenly became the first leading sector in the two cities.

At 1:18, with the market confirming that Fenda Technology has completely sealed its daily limit, and with the expectation that it will continue to hit historical highs and open up new stock price heights, many of the core high-priced hot stocks on the GEM that have been adjusted before have also received a fortune. Another major capital attack.

Then, at 1:23, Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology jumped out of the water and turned red in lightning.

At 1:25, the GEM index quickly turned red as the "Apple Industry Chain" sector expanded its gains and the concept of "mobile games" was once again popular among major funds rushing to raise funds.

At 1:36, Huayi Brothers bought another large order worth over 100 million, closed the daily limit, and the transaction volume continued to increase year-on-year.

At 1:47, stocks related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept once again surged higher and fell back, forming an obvious seesaw effect with the GEM's rebound.

At 1:53, the growth of the 'Apple Industry Chain' concept sector expanded to 3%, and the net inflow of the sector's main funds exceeded 300 million. In addition to Fenda Technology, OFILM Technology also hit the daily limit, and the transaction volume was higher than that of the same time period yesterday. , enlarged almost 2 times.

2:01, when the time enters the last hour of late trading.

The ChiNext Index has fully recovered from its plunge in the morning. The index has reached a new intraday high and has the momentum to continue its upward impact. The increase is gradually approaching the 1% position.

At the same time, the 'Apple Industry Chain' concept sector, the 'mobile game' concept sector, the 'film and television media' concept sector, and even a number of GEM core concept sectors such as 'Internet Finance' rebounded across the board, among which the core popular stocks were Contrary to the divergent and weak situation in the morning, it showed a trend of rising volume and price.

At 2:11, the GEM index rose by 1%, and the index point returned to 1180.

At 2:23, active funds in the two cities further converged towards the GEM, such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Anjie Technology, Xinwei Communications, Wangsu Technology, Huake Financial, and Flush A series of early popular heavyweight stocks such as , Oriental Fortune, etc. have been scrambled by many large orders worth tens of millions, and their stock prices have been rising.

Of course, at this stage, the popular concepts related to GEM were as strong as before, and they also encountered the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' that saw huge profits in the morning, as well as the stocks of related concepts, but they did not show a strong rebound trend.

Except for a few four or five core concept stocks, the GEM rebounded and recovered the losses from the morning dive.

The rest all appeared to be relatively weak. They only recovered half of the decline in the morning dive, and then they lost momentum, continued to fluctuate, and could not go up at all.

At 2:37, this phenomenon became more and more obvious, and the market evolved and further converged on popular leading concept stocks and core constituent stocks of the GEM.

Finally, at the close of trading at 3 o'clock, the ChiNext Index closed at the highest point of the day at 1187.26 points, up 1.53%, achieving three consecutive positives. In the K-line shape, it showed a large bald real positive line with a lower shadow line, and continued to rebound. The trend is likely to hit 1200 points and return to the momentum of early subversion.

In addition to the GEM Index, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose only 0.72% in the end, still lagging significantly behind the GEM Index.

The growth rate of the small and medium-sized board index was fixed at 0.98%, which was also significantly behind the GEM index.

Concept sectors and individual stocks.

The concepts related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" and its stocks have rebounded slightly compared to yesterday. Among them, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's material trade fell slightly by 1.35% and finally stabilized.

Concepts related to 'reorganization and backdoor' and their stocks have fallen significantly compared to yesterday. Except for a few conceptual leaders such as Far East Holdings, Xinwei Group, and Rongshun Holdings, they still remain strong and have survived. Others... basically underperformed. index.

The related concepts and stocks of 'pan-mobile Internet' have exploded with even greater intensity compared to yesterday. In particular, the 'Apple industry chain' has emerged, attracting huge amounts of funds to enter the market, leading the GEM, and its The rebound of popular core stocks related to GEM continues to open up space for speculation.

After the close...

The majority of investors are both surprised and happy about the market's performance today.

After all, before the market trend in the afternoon, few people could have guessed that the index would go higher today, and it was even more difficult to foresee that the market would actually concentrate further in the direction of the GEM.

Of course, among countless people who were surprised, everyone was also extremely curious about the huge main force of funds that rushed to attack the "Apple industry chain" in the afternoon.

After all, if it hadn't been for the guidance of that wave of funds, the market might have plummeted in the afternoon.

Among these extremely curious people, Su Yu sat in the company's trading room. After a brief review, he was equally curious about this wave of funds attacking the 'Apple industry chain'.

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