Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 242: Raise the stock price

"Mr. Su has become very famous in the domestic stock investment circle recently!"

After getting to know each other, Wu Jinghao sat next to Qin Qiuyue with a smile, looked at Su Yu carefully, and continued: "Three months, ten times the performance, and in less than half a year after the company was established, it went from zero to tens of billions With regard to the scale of asset management, no matter who it is... I'm afraid they all have to express their admiration for Mr. Su."

"Mr. Wu, don't put a high hat on me." Su Yu said, "Let's open the skylight and speak frankly!"

He has little friendship with the other party.

The more polite the other party is, the more he feels that what the other party wants is not simple.

"Haha..." Wu Jinghao laughed loudly and said, "Ms. Su is always cheerful. In this case, I will tell you directly. In the past year and a half, our Oriental Group's valuation in the secondary market has been It’s far from ideal, and even compared to listed companies in the same industry, it seems too undervalued.”

"So, I would like to ask Mr. Su to raise a hand on our group's stock price and point out a clear path."

"With the influence of your seat on Fortune Road, as long as other investors in the market know that you have opened a position in our group's stocks, I believe that our company's stock price will perform very well."

When Su Yu heard this, he completely understood.

The romantic partner wants to use his seat influence to hype the stock price and achieve the purpose of cashing out at a high level.

Of course, he didn't say that he wanted to cash out at a high price at this moment, but he contacted Mr. Yu who had mentioned before that the group had invested too much in a certain investment project and the capital chain was tight, so he concluded that the other party's purpose of speculating the stock price was to cash out at a high price. The harvest from the secondary market was used to make up for the group's losses.

"Of course, I also understand that there is no free lunch in this world."

"As long as Mr. Su is willing to cooperate with us and do this small favor, we can give Mr. Su a reward of 10 million yuan."

"Ten million!" Su Yu smiled softly and said, "It's not a small amount. Mr. Wu is really generous."


Su Yu paused for a while and continued: "I think based on the amount that Mr. Wu needs to cash out, the market premium and liquidity brought by my small seat on 'Fortune Road' are probably far from enough, right? "

"That's why I say we need Mr. Su to point out a clear path for us." Wu Jinghao said with a smile, "Everyone knows that Mr. Su is a genius at promoting market concepts and emotions. If you are asked to operate our Oriental Group, you will definitely There's a way to take our company's stock price to a whole new level."

Su Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Wu praised me. I am not a genius who speculates on concepts and emotions. The domestic investment market is full of talents and masters. I just got lucky for a while."

"Furthermore, whether it is market concept hype or emotional hype..."

“It all depends on the right time and place.”

"To be honest, as a long-established listed company, Oriental Group has a large market value and a huge circulation. It is actually very difficult to speculate."

"I think I don't have the ability."

Whether it is himself or "Yuhang Investment Company", they have actually established a foundation and reached the position of tens of billions of private equity.

There is no need to take desperate risks to earn ten million.

The other party's purpose is to increase the stock price and reduce holdings, and harvest retail investors in the secondary market.

If he participates, uses his seat influence, and uses other conceptual hot spots to help other parties speculate stock prices and harvest retail investors, he will not only be suspected of insider trading and easily fall into the trap, but also... it will also destroy his 'Fortune Road' seat Word of mouth reduces the market sentiment premium for this seat.

You know, the emotional premium value of a top follower seat alone is far more than 10 million.

"Mr. Su is being humble." Seeing Su Yu's refusal, Wu Jinghao's expression became less friendly, "The entire Yuhang, whether in the private equity or hot money world, can surpass Mr. Su in terms of short-term concept hype and emotional hype. , probably not, so... I firmly believe that Mr. Su has this ability."

"Of course, if Mr. Su is willing to cooperate."

"During all the processes of your position building and speculation, we at Oriental Group will fully cooperate. The negative and positive factors will be released in a timely manner as your position progresses. At the same time... Anzhao Fund, headed by Mr. Qin, will also assist. , only act on Mr. Su’s trading instructions.”

"I think this is not only for Mr. Su, but also for you, Yuhang Investment."

"It's all a matter of win-win cooperation."

"Of course we need to increase the stock price and issue a shareholding reduction announcement at a high level, but Mr. Su and you, 'Yuhang Investment', can also successfully harvest the market and reap huge profits while participating in the hype."

"Of course, all this information is limited to the few of us present."

"So, Mr. Su doesn't have to worry about insider trading and stock price manipulation being suspected."

"Actually, this kind of thing is very common in the current A-share market. In order to increase the investment enthusiasm in the market, regulators usually turn a blind eye and close one eye. The so-called people do not take action and officials do not investigate."

"Sorry, Mr. Wu, I'm really not good at this." Su Yu refused without hesitation, "When you have a master like Mr. Qin by your side, there is no need to sacrifice what is close and what is far away."

"How can I compare with Mr. Su in market transactions?" Qin Qiuyue couldn't help but said, "The financial trading market is a real gold trial pool. Once or twice, it can be said to be luck, but one after another, from From Tianyu Information to Huaqingbao, then to Shanghai Steel Union, and then to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone's main line of stock speculation in Shanghai Materials Trading, Waigaoqiao and other stocks, Mr. Su's journey along the way, is it just luck? Can it be described?”

"Mr. Wu said that Mr. Su has many concerns..."

"Then we might as well have all the operations done by our Anzhao Fund. Mr. Su only needs to give suggestions or issue instructions at critical moments. How about that?"

Qin Qiuyue could see that Su Yu's attitude was relatively firm, and there would be no results if he continued to talk.

So, with an idea, he couldn't help but think of a compromise plan.

They actually have no shortage of funds for speculation. The most important thing to speculate on a stock, how to make the stock 'Zhezhou Oriental' ride on the wind, ride on the hot concepts, and get out of the wave of turmoil. A profitable upward trend is followed by reducing holdings at a high level and cashing out, reaping the rewards of retail investors who follow the market.

And this is the most crucial point...

Both Qin Qiuyue and Wu Jinghao believed that only Su Yu could do it.

After all, Su Yu's previous market performance is obvious, and as an emerging force in the domestic hot money circle and private equity circle, he has a weak foundation and limited background, so he is someone they can safely and boldly use and win over.

Su Yu heard Qin Qiuyue's words and knew that the other party was giving in.

As for the other party, as one of the forces in the Yuhang capital world, it would be hard for him to just break up and make such an enemy.

So, after thinking about it, he said: "Mr. Qin is too presumptuous. The investment strategies of each institution are actually different. Everyone who participates in market transactions will also have different operations and investment styles. To put it bluntly, Our 'Yuhang Investment' company's recent investment strategy is just in line with the development of the market. It does not mean that my investment ability and market operation judgment are much higher than Mr. Qin's."

"Of course, if I have any suggestions..."

"Since the three of you have said so much, I can briefly talk about my views based on my logical understanding and investment thinking, but there is no guarantee that the next market will develop like this, nor can I guarantee that my Opinions are of practical significance.”

"Mr. Su, please speak!" When Wu Jinghao heard Su Yu's words, his frown finally relaxed.

As Qin Qiuyue said, he actually did not insist on Su Yu investing money and personally manipulating the market speculation of the stock 'Zhezhou Oriental', so that he could reduce his holdings at a high level and cash out.

As long as Su Yu can give him some pointers and tell him how to speculate on the stock price to achieve his ultimate goal.

it is also fine.

Under the other party's attention, Su Yu pondered for a while and said: "The hottest hype in the current market is undoubtedly the 'mobile Internet' and the 'smartphone industry chain'. The core of Eastern Group's business is mainly traditional insurance, Trust, asset management, and venture capital businesses are incompatible with the two major concepts of "smartphone industry chain" and "mobile Internet", and they do not belong to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stock. In addition, the two concepts of Oriental Group The performance for the year was basically stagnant, without any growth, which resulted in the company’s stock price being sluggish, with no funds for speculation, and no institutions willing to enter the market.”

"To make the stock price active, we need to make a large number of active funds and active investors in the market pay attention to this stock."

"Then it is necessary to have a focus that interests active funds and active investors in the market, and to change the market's general expectations for this stock."

“It’s about increasing attention and changing expectations.”

"The main points are three points. First, expand the business scope horizontally and tap into hot market concepts, thereby opening up the future imagination space of active funds and active investors in the market for this stock; second point, that is to release performance and through The short-term burst of performance will enhance the company's valuation and the market's performance growth expectations for this stock; the third point is to directly stimulate emotions and enhance everyone's expectations for the stock through short-term positive stimulation such as high transfers, acquisitions and acquisitions, and shareholding increases. The hype surrounding this check quickly drives up the stock price.”

"Based on the actual situation of the Eastern Bloc..."

"While ensuring true disclosure, methods such as improving performance, increasing stock holdings, giving high bonuses, and acquiring and acquiring companies are basically impossible to implement."

"Then, the only thing left is the first one."

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